WoodWorks Sizer USA – Change History


This document provides descriptions of all new features, bug fixes, and other changes made to the USA version of the WoodWorks Sizer program since its inception in 1993. The most recent major version of Sizer is Version 13, released in December 2022. The latest service update for Sizer is  Version 13.2, released in November 2024, which contains important updates to design codes and standards.


This file last updated with changes December 9, 2024.


Click on the links below to go to the changes for the corresponding release.


      Sizer 13.21

      Sizer 11.2

      Sizer 13.2

     Sizer 11.1

      Sizer 13.1

      Sizer 11

      Sizer 2023 (13.0)

     Sizer 10.42

      Sizer 2019, Update 4

      Sizer 10.41  

      Sizer 2019, Update 3

     Sizer 10.4

     Sizer 2019, Update 2

     Sizer 10.2

     Sizer 2019, Update 1

     Sizer 10.1

     Sizer 2019

     Sizer 10.0 – WW 10


      Older versions



Sizer 13.2.1 – November 18, 2024

Version 13.2.1 is a correction issued to the Sizer 13.2 version because the new ASCE 7 snow load combination factor for ASD load combination 9,  D + 0.525E + 0.75L+ 0.1S, was mistakenly implemented as 0.525 rather than 0.1 (see Sizer 13.2, ASD Snow Load Factors)).


Sizer 13.2 – November 15, 2024

This Change History record provided on Dec 8, 2024.


Use the Table of Contents to navigate to descriptions of changes below it by Ctrl + Click:


A. Design Codes and Standards. 1

1. Editions Implemented. 1

2. Choice of Design Codes and Standards. 1

3. Adoption of Codes and Standards. 1

4. References to the Design Standard Editions. 1

5. References to the Design Provisions. 1

B. Update to ASCE 7-22 from ASCE 7-16. 1

1. Design Snow Loads. 1

2. Snow Load Factors. 1

3. Tornado Loads. 1

C. Update to NDS 2024 from NDS 2018. 1

1. Notch Design. 1

2. Shear Stress vs. Shear Force for Unnotched Design. 1

3. Fire Design Criteria. 1

4. Built-Up Column Connection. 1

5. Beam and Stringer Flat Use Factor 1

D. Other Changes. 1

1. Shutdown When Opening Concept Files from Previous Version (Bug 3820) 1

2. Rounding of Clear Span and Beam Length in Design Check Output (Bug 3844) 1


A. Design Codes and Standards

Version 13.2 of Sizer updates several design codes and standards used in the program, while also allowing you to use the previous edition of the code or standard. The details of the associated changes to the program appear elsewhere in this list of changes; this section just identifies the design standards changed.

1. Editions Implemented

a) ICC International Building Code (IBC 2024)

Version 13.2 implements IBC 2024 while allowing you to continue to reference the 2021 edition. There were no changes to the limited number of provisions in Sizer taken directly from the IBC, other than those implied by changes to the referenced standards (ASCE 7 and NDS).

b) ANSI/AWC National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS 2024)

Version 13.2 implements the NDS 2024 while allowing you to continue to use 2018 edition. There were some minor changes affecting notch design that were implemented. Some other changes have been deferred to a future update. Both sets of NDS changes are described below.  

c) ASCE/SEI 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-22)

Version 13.2 implements the 2022 ASCE 7 while allowing you to continue to use 2016 edition. There was a significant change to the factors applied to snow loads in both ASD and LRFD load combinations, described in B.2 Snow Load Factors, below.

d) ANSI/AWC Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS 2021)

Both the IBC 2024 and IBC 2021 refer to the 2021 SDPWS, so the 2021 SDPWS is the only option in the program. The only provision from SDPWS implemented by Sizer, SDPWS – Repetitive Member Factor for Wind Loads has remained unchanged since 2015.

2. Choice of Design Codes and Standards

An input has been added to the Design Settings allowing you to choose between the following Design Code options:

IBC 2024 (NDS 2024, ASCE 7 2022)

IBC 2021 (NDS 2018, ASCE 7 2016)

The program designs the member according to the selected option. The differences in program operation represented by the selection are described below in the changes to the ASCE 7 and to the NBC.  There are no substantial changes directly related to the IBC.  

a) Default Selection

The default selection for new files is IBC 2024 (NDS 2024, ASCE 7 2022). The default selection for existing files made with previous versions is IBC 2021 (NDS 2018, ASCE 7 2016). This is because the snow loads will have been calculated using the ground snow load specified in ASCE 7-16, and load combinations from ASCE 7-22 would not be appropriate.    

3. Adoption of Codes and Standards

Although only the state of Wyoming has adopted IBC 2024, and only Mississippi and Illinois are scheduled to follow on January 1, 2025, some jurisdictions were requiring ASCE-22 design snow loads and snow load combinations before they are mandated by the adoption of IBC 2024.

If you work in such a jurisdiction, it is permissible to use the 2024 NDS even though it is not yet referenced by IBC 2021, and there are no substantive changes to the IBC 2024 compared with IBC 2021 affecting Sizer, so the IBC 2024 (NDS 2024, ASCE 7 2022) choice meets your requirements.

4. References to the Design Standard Editions

The references to design codes and standards have been updated in the following places:

a) Welcome Box

All the design code editions currently implemented by Sizer are listed in the Welcome to Sizer dialog box that appears on program start-up, and can be invoked later via the Help menu.

b) Building Codes Box

The editions currently selected for use are shown in the Building Codes dialog box invoked from the Welcome to Sizer box.

c) About Sizer

The editions currently selected for use are shown in the About Shearwalls box accessed from the Help menu

d) Design Results

A design note in the Design Check and Design Summary output reports gives the editions of the NDS and the IBC used for design.

e) Analysis Results

The Analysis Results shows a reference to the ASCE 7 edition in use for load combination generation.

f) On-line Help

The On-line Help documentation has been or will soon be updated to refer to the current design code editions.

5. References to the Design Provisions

Where necessary, references to design code/standard provision numbers in program messages, notes, results output, etc., have been updated as follows.

a) NDS

References to the design code provisions relating to the limitations on notch design were updated. Other changes in NDS numbering have not been changed in Sizer; in particular Chapter 16 on Fire Design was extensively reorganized. The references will be reviewed and changed if necessary in a future update to Sizer.

b) ASCE 7

There were no changes to the numbering of references in the ASCE 7 affecting Sizer. 

c) IBC

There were no changes to the numbering of references in the IBC affecting Sizer. 

B. Update to ASCE 7-22 from ASCE 7-16

1. Design Snow Loads

The input of correct design snow loads is the responsibility of the designer. The use of the snow new load combination factors for ASCE 7-22 described in item 2 below is predicated on design snow loads calculated using Chapter 7 of ASCE 7-22, which has changed considerably from ASCE 7-16 as described herein. We would like to emphasize that these provisions are not implemented in Sizer; they are shown here to indicate what changes are needed in the calculation of the input snow load.

a) Ground Snow Load

Ground snow loads given in 7.2  now  “reliability targeted” loads rather than loads with a 50-year mean recurrence interval. The values come from the Geodatabase at https://asce7hazardtool.online/ rather than from a map in the ASCE 7-16, although maps are is included in ASCE 22-156 giving the approximate contours of the required load for each risk category. .

No longer are there large areas without data or with elevation limits where site-specific studies are required, nor several Western states where the data are provided in tables. The ASCE 7-16  map gives snow loads in 5 psf increments, over which a large area has the same required snow load, whereas the Geodatabase gives precise values for each location.

For example, in ASCE-7 16, Davenport, Iowa sits roughly at the boundary of the region with 20 psf and the one with 25 psf , whereas Dubuque, a little more than 100 km north, sits on the boundary between 25 and 30. The LRFD-factored loads corresponding to 20, 25, and 30 are 32, 40, and 48.

For ASCE 7-22, Davenport’s ground snow load is 44 psf, and Dubuque’s is 49 psf. These are now also the LRFD-factored loads. The town of Makoqueta, which is roughly halfway in between, has a snow load of 51 psf, so Makoqueta’s factored load has increased from 40 to 51, but conservatively placing Dubuque in the upper ASCE 7-16 range, it has remained roughly the same 48 vs. 49.

b) Exception for Low Snow Load

An exception has been added to 7.2 to eliminate snow load requirements when snow loads are less than 10 psf unless there is a long roof (100 ft), or 5% unless there is a very long roof (300 ft).

c) Importance Factor

The importance Factor IS is no longer included in the calculation of design snow loads; instead it is incorporated into the ground snow load by selecting a Risk Category in the Geodatabase or referring to the ASCE map for the Risk Category.

d) Thermal Factor

A table has been added to the section 7.3.1 on thermal factor Ct providing values for heated structures with unventilated roofs.

e) Minimum Snow Loads for Low-Slope Roofs

The threshold for minimum snow loads for low-slope roofs in 7.3.3 has been changed to depend on the importance factor instead of just pg = 20 plf. The minimum snow loads themselves have increased for all Risk Categories, e.g. from 20 psf to 30 psf for Risk category II, most structures. However, the factored LRFD load will have decreased from 32 psf to 30 psf and the factored LRFD load increased from 20 psf to 21 psf.   

f) Slope Factor

The sections 7.4.1. and 7.4.2 on warm and cold slope factor which explaining the graphs in Figure 7.4.1 have been removed, and it says they are “outlined in Table 7.4.1, but no Table 7.4.1 exists in the on-line version of the ASCE 7. Minor changes have been made to the graphs themselves.

g) Lower Roof of the Structure

Changes have been made to Section 7.7.1 on the lower roof of a structure.

2.  Snow Load Factors

In conjunction with the changes to design snow loads, all load combination factors for the snow load type (S) have changed from ASCE 7-16 to ASCE 7-22, and these changes have been implemented in the load combination generator in the Sizer analysis engine. The changed load combinations appear in the Load Combinations section of the Additional Data of the Design Check results, and in the list of load combinations in the Analysis results.

In the load combinations listed below, rain loads, tornado loads, the distinction between Ev and Eh, and seismic overstrength loads have all been removed for brevity as they are not included in Sizer.

a) LRFD Snow Load Factors

The changes to LRFD load combination factors for snow loads from ASCE 7 2.3.1 and 2.3.6 or from Commentary Table C2.3-1 are shown the table below


Comb. #

Load Combination

Snow Load Factor



ASCE 7-16

ASCE 7-22





1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S)

1.2D+1.6L + (0.5Lr or 0.3S)





1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S) +L or 0.5W

1.2D + (1.6Lr or 1.0S) +L or 0.5W





1.2D + 1.0W + L + 0.5(Lr or S)

1.2D + 1.0W + L + (0.5Lr or 0.3S)





1.2D + E + L+ 0.2S

1.2D + E + L+ 0.15S




b) ASD Snow Load Factors

The changes to ASD load combination factors for snow loads from ASCE 7 2.4.1 and 2.4.5 or from Commentary Table C2.3-1 shown in the table below.


Comb. #

Load Combination

Snow Load Factor



ASCE 7-16

ASCE 7-22





D + (Lr or S)

D + (Lr or 0.7S)





D + 0.75L + 0.75(Lr or S)

D + 0.75L + 0.75(Lr or 0.7S)





D + 0.75L + 0.75(0.6W) +  0.75(Lr or S)

D + 0.75L + 0.75(0.6W) +  0.75(Lr or 0.7S)





D + 0.525E + 0.75L+ 0.75S

D + 0.525E + 0.75L+ 0.1S




3. Tornado Loads

A chapter 32 has been added for tornado loads, and the Tornado load type WT has been added to all load combinations by replacing “W” with “W or WT”. Sizer has yet not implemented the WT load type. In most cases tornado loads can be checked by using the W load type in Sizer for the tornado loads if they are greater than the wind load, however there is a note that says that for tornado loads, snow loads are permitted to be neglected LRFD load combination 4a and ASD load combination 6a, which combine wind or tornado loads with live and snow loads. This would create conservative loads for combined-axial-and-bending design of a column or wall supporting snow loads and subject to lateral tornado loads.

C. Update to NDS 2024 from NDS 2018

For reasons described in A.3 above, there was some urgency to release this version to provide users with the option of using  ASCE 7-22 snow load combinations. Some minor implications of changes to the NDS for the 2024 were thus deferred to a future update of Sizer. Conversely, some changes to the NDS had already been implemented by the program in previous versions using other sources of information. Both sets of items appear at the bottom of this list of changes, starting with item C.1.e).

1. Notch Design

a) SCL and Sawn Lumber Taper Cut Depth Limitation

NDS for sawn lumber and and for SCL  now refer to taper cuts as well as notches before giving the depth limitations and provide Figures 4B and 8A showing this depth measured at the inside edge of the support. Sizer now limits the depth of a compression edge taper cut at the inner edge of the support to one-quarter the beam depth d for sawn lumber and 2/5 d for compression edge SCL. Previously Sizer did not apply any depth limit to compression edge taper cuts except to ensure that they did not exceed the beam depth.

Warnings have been added when the taper depth limitation is exceeded as described in below.

The tension edge taper cut  limit of  ¼ d for sawn lumber and 1/10 d for SCL was already implemented via the limitations on bottom notch length for sloped members, and it was measured at the inner edge of the support as that is the point of deepest cut for tension edge notches.

b) Span Length used in Notch Length Restrictions

Glulam Figure 5F shows the “span” used for to determine the restriction in that notches should not extend into the middle third of the span as extending from the centers of minimum required bearing. Sizer was using the clear span for this restriction, i.e. using the inner edge of the support; it has been adjusted to use the center of bearing.

Since no guidance is given in the NDS for taper cuts or for SCL or sawn lumber in this regard, we have made the same adjustment to the existing 1/3 span length rule in the following places:

-         in the glulam Exception in for taper cuts,

-        shown in Figure 4B for sawn lumber notches and taper cuts

-         given in and shown in Figure 8A for SCL notches and taper cuts.  

Note that Sizer always applied this rule to sawn lumber even before Figure 4B was added, based on the restriction in that interior notches cannot extend into the middle third of the span.

c) Glulam Notch and Taper Cut Length Limitations

i. Limitation Based on Member Depth

A new limitation was added to and depicted in the new Figure 5F that that glulam compression face notches cannot extend more than 3dn from the member end, where dn is the remaining depth of the member. This has been implemented in Sizer, along with a warning message that appears when it is exceeded, as described in d)ii below.

Note that this limitation applies only to notches; for taper cuts the existing limitation of 3 x member depth d is still applied.

ii. Limitation Based on Span Length

The new Figure 5F showed that the distance from the end of the member to the end of a compression edge notch should be less than 1/3 the span length. Sizer was taking the distance from the inner edge of the support to the end of the notch and comparing it to 1/3 clear span length to ensure the notch did not “extend into the middle third of the span”. We changed it compare the total notch length to 1/3 design span length to conform with Figure 5F.

The change was made for both notches and taper cuts; Figure 5F does not show the taper cut limitation because it is not a strict limitation, and you can use design with 5.4.4 for longer cuts. Sizer imposes the restriction because we do not implement 5.4.4.

We were later informed by AWC that it was an error in Figure 5F to show the distance as going to the end of the member, and it should stop at the bearing point. This will be corrected for the next Sizer release.

Note that these length limitations rarely come up practice, because for taper cuts they require members only 9 times as long as they are deep and for notches even less than that. For a taper cut a 12” deep glulam member would have to be less than 9 feet long for the span limitation to govern. For a maximum depth notch on a 12” member, the beam would have to be only 5.4 feet long. Such a span does not ordinarily require such a deep member.

d) Warning Messages

The warning messages that appear when a notch violates one of the limitations have been changed as follows:

i. Notch or Taper Cut Length Based on Span

For compression edge notches or taper cuts extending more than 1/3 span length::

-        The messages now include references to the NDS provisions, and and Figures  4B, 5F, and 8A for sawn lumber, glulam, and SCL respectively.

-        The part of the message about tension edge notches being restricted to the bearing length has been removed, because the user interface ensures that is the case and does not issue a warning.

-        Separate messages have been made for notches and taper cuts

-        The message for glulam  taper cuts now indicates that longer taper cuts require design using 5.4.4.  

ii. Glulam Notch or Taper Cut Length Based on Depth

For the length limitation of glulam  taper cuts based on 1/3 depth:  

-        glulam tapered notch” has been changed to “taper cut”

-        A reference to Figure 5F has been added

For the new compression edge notch length restriction, the message says

NDS and Figure 5F: Compression face notch length exceeds three times the remaining depth of the member dn

iii. Notch Depth Restrictions

For notch restrictions on the maximum notch depth

-        Messages for SCL and sawn lumber mistakenly referred to 5.4.5, the NDS general provision for glulam. They now refer to for sawn lumber, for tension face SCL and for compression face SCL. For glulam, it now refers to for tension face and for compression face rather than just 5.4.5.

-        For compression-face notches, references have been added to Figures 4B for sawn lumber, 5F for glulam, and 8A for SCL

-        For SCL and glulam, the message now indicates whether it is a tension face or compression face restriction. For sawn lumber, the same limitation applies to both.  

-        For glulam, the message that appeared when the 3’ restriction governed over 1/10 d referred to both 3” and 1/0 d. it now refers just to 3”.

-        Where the message said  “d”  it now says “member depth d.”

iv. Taper Cut Depth Restrictions

For the newly added  SCL and sawn lumber taper cut restrictions, the messages

-        include references to the NDS and Figure 4B and and Figures  4B, 5F, and 8A for sawn lumber

-        indicate that the depth is measured at the inside edge of the support

For the existing glulam taper cut restrictions,

-        “Tapered notch” has been replaced by “taper cut”  

-        The message now indicates that the depth is measured at the member end

A reference to Figure 5F has been added.

e) Taper Cuts on Tension Face was added to allow for taper cuts on the tension face (i.e., the bottom face), which are to be treated as if they were end notches and designed with the same equations as for tension face notches, e.g. for rectangular members. This is in conjunction with changes to the permissible notches in 4.4.3 (sawn), 5.4.5 (glulam), ,and 8.4.1 (SCL) which all now indicate for the first time that taper cuts are allowed on the tension end.

Taper cuts on the tension face are only practically applicable to sloped members. (A taper cut on a level member at a support, where tension face notches must be, would not allow for full bearing at the support.) As Sizer currently allows for bottom  notches on sloped members using the tension edge equation in we already implement tapered tension face notches.

One possible future improvement is to activate the “tapered” input for al bottom notches on sloped beams at supports that are not the upper end of the member, and if it is checked, extend the taper cut in the drawing to the beam edge. This would convert the notch to a true taper cut, however if it was not checked the member would be notched to fit snugly when positioning and securing the member

f) Interior Notch Shear Equation has been added to NDS 2024 to allow for notches or taper cuts on the compression face away from the end of the member, accompanied by an equation for Vr’ to design this situation. This equation just a specific case of the general requirement for Net Section Area given in NDS Interior notches are only allowed for sawn lumber members under very restricted circumstances, where they are allowed on both the tension and compression faces. It seems legitimate to use the equation based on net section to the tension face interior as well as compression face.

This will be implemented in a future version of Sizer when the planned feature of holes in beams is implemented.  

2. Shear Stress vs. Shear Force for Unnotched Design

NDS 2024 for unnotched shear design now compares the shear force V to the adjusted design shear Vr’ to determine whether the member passes the shear design criterion. In previous editions a comparison between shear stress fv and adjusted allowable shear stress  Fv’ was used.

The use of force instead of stress brings unnotched design into line with the equations for notched shear design in 3.4.3, which were converted from using stress fv to using force V in previous editions of the NDS.

When the notch equations were converted, Sizer continued to present the notch results in terms of fv and Fv’ for consistency with the unnotched shear equation and because the design equations for V are just an algebraic reorganization of the ones for fv. Now that all the equations are given in terms of V and Vr’, they should be reorganized and presented as such in the Sizer Design Check output.

This will be done in a future update to the program.

3. Fire Design Criteria

The following design criteria have been added to the list of criteria in 16.3.2 required for Fire Design, and to Table 16.3.3 (formerly 16.2.2) giving the Adjustment Factors for fire design. The Table provides Design Strength to Member Strength values of 2.75 for shear and 1.67 for bearing.  

a)  Bearing Strength

Sizer does not include support bearing strength Fc┴ among the fire design criteria.  This will be added in a future update.

b) Shear Strength

The program already implemented the shear strength criterion for fire design, using the 2.75 Design Strength to Member Strength factor from AWC Technical Report 10, Table 1.4.2. No change is necessary.

4. Built-Up Column Connection

A change in indicates that built-up columns are “permitted” to be designed for partial composite action using 15.3, rather than that they “shall” be designed that way. Sizer offers only the choice of using nailed or bolted connections that conform to the requirements in 15.3.1 for partial composite action, and always applies design using 15.3.  

In a future update, we will provide the option to design each lamination separately with a “Not adequately connected” fastener choice.  For now, it is necessary to model just one lamination and apply its share of the load.

5. Beam and Stringer Flat Use Factor

The application of the flat-use factor Cfu to beam Beams and Stringers that was always specified in NDS and NDS Supplement Table 4D has been added to the adjustment factors shown in Table 4.3.1 for the E and Emin values and a note appears below the Table. The note gives the same information as in with the addition of the phrases “causing flatwise bending or buckling.” And  “otherwise the flat use factor is 1.0”.

The first of these  indicates that a member loaded with an eccentric axial load is subject to these flat use factors, i.e., it doesn’t just have to be loaded in the flat  direction. This has always been Sizer’s interpretation, so no change is necessary.

The second of these means the factor shown when in the Factors table when the member is not loaded in this manner should be 1.00 rather than a dash (-). We will make this adjustment in a future update.

D. Other Changes

1. Shutdown When Opening Concept Files from Previous Version (Bug 3820)

Some Concept Mode files made with version 13.0 of the program did not open in 13.1, instead giving a message which says "Exiting WoodWorks Sizer".

This has been corrected for 13.2 but any files that had been opened with 13.1 will not be usable. You can send those files to WoodWorks tech support, and we will repair them.

2. Rounding of Clear Span and Beam Length in Design Check Output (Bug 3844)

In the section of the Design Check that specifies member dimensions, when decimal feet is selected as the Imperial unit formatting, the clear span and beam length were mistakenly rounded to the nearest 1/16 of a foot. As a result, the values displayed differed from the input spans by as much as 3/8". The spans shown in the beam diagram were the correct, unrounded ones.

The problem did not occur if the decimal inches or fractional inches formatting options were selected, and has been corrected.

Previous Versions:

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are those which were added to the version history record after the list of changes for that version first appeared.  

Sizer 13.1 – March 8, 2024

This Change History record provided on Dec 8, 2024.


Use the Table of Contents to navigate to descriptions of changes below it by Ctrl + Click:


A. Engineering Design. 1

1. Weak-axis SCL Deflection Using True E. 1

2. Length Used in CLT Apparent Stiffness for Wall Panel Stability (Bug 3746) 1

3. CLT Form Factor κ for Buckling Stiffness EImin-app. (Bug 3748) 1

4. Incising Factor for Buckling Modulus E'min (Bug 3841) 1

5. Duplicate Shear Deflection due to Points of Interest or Axial Loads (Bug 3771) 1

6. Concept Mode Individual Member Results when Designed by Group (Bug 3782) 1

7. Slenderness Ratio Limit for Fire Design (Change 221) 1

B. Loads Analysis. 1

1. Self-weight of Failed, Fully-specified Members in Concept Mode (Bug 3778) 1

2. Self-weight of Columns and Walls in Concept Mode (Bug 3779) 1

C. Materials and Database. 1

1. Element5 CLT. 1

2. Update of USA Simpson Hanger Database (Change 231) 1

D. Input and Program Operation. 1

1. Blank Column Mode with 4K Monitors (Bug 3365) 1

2. Default File Open File Type (Bug 3373) 1

3. Setting for Location of Output Files (Change 200) 1

4. Maximum Number of Levels (Change 215) 1

5. Oblique Angle for I-Joists (Change 223) 1

6. Load Options. 1

7. Double Outermost Layers for Element 5 CLT Input (Change 216) 1

E. Output 1

1. Load Combination Output 1

2. Additional Data Section of Design Check for CLT (Bug 3744) 1

3. Point of Interest Output in Loads Table (Bug 3770) 1

4. Output of Positive and Negative Moments (Change 229) 1

5. EIapp’ in Design Check for CLT Wall Panels (Change 225) 1

6. Effective Length Symbol in Design Check (Change 222) 1

F. Graphics. 1

1. Oblique Angle Multi-Ply Beam Deflections In Analysis Diagram (Bug 3754) 1

2. Ply Lines in Analysis Diagrams (Change 214) 1


A. Engineering Design

1. Weak-axis SCL Deflection Using True E

The problems listed below affecting the deflection of SCL members (LVL, LSL, and PSL) loaded on the d face (y-axis) when True E was selected the Design Settings were corrected.

True E was introduced for rigorous shear deflection introduced with version 12.2 of the program. The problems did not occur when Apparent E was selected; however True E is the default.

They did not affect oblique angle beams rotated less than 90 degrees because rigorous shear deflection calculations are not done for those beams regardless of the design setting.

The incorrect deflections were reported in both the Analysis vs Design table in the Design Check output and in the Analysis diagrams.

a) Multi-ply SCL Weak-axis Stiffness EI for Deflection (Bug 3751)

For deflection of multi-ply SCL columns loaded on the d-face or beams rotated 90 degrees the calculation of moment of inertia I in stiffness EI was using the full member depth, or the ply width b x the number of plies n, when it should be using b then multiplying the result by n. This resulted in deflections that are too small by a factor of n2.

b) Deflection of 90-Degree Rotated SCL Beam when Using True EI (Bug 3772)  

The deflection calculated for 90-degree rotated (oblique) SCL beam was that of an unrotated beam.

c) True E for Weak Axis SCL Design (Bug 3752)

For columns loaded on the d- face or beams rotated 90 degrees, the E value used in calculating stiffness EI was the same for as for strong axis, even when there are different apparent  Ex and Ey values for the material .

Now, the Etrue value is reduced for y direction loading by the ratio of Eapp,x to Eapp,y. This is because most cases Eapp is related to Etrue by a factor like 1.035, and the same factor occurs in the x and y directions

None of the proprietary SCL products currently in the software have differing Ex and Ey values, so this change applies only to a customized product with differing Ex and Ey.

Note that the factor converting E to Emin assumes apparent E has been used, so buckling calculations are unaffected by this problem.

2. Length Used in CLT Apparent Stiffness for Wall Panel Stability (Bug 3746)  

The length L in the calculation of apparent CLT apparent stiffness EIapp-min used to calculate the wall panel buckling resistance PcE was the full wall height when it should be the unsupported length l. This buckling resistance is used to calculate the column stability factor CP and the combined axial and bending formula.

This is a non-conservative bug in that the larger L value creates a higher EIapp relative to EIeff, which in turn creates a higher-than-expected buckling resistance, therefore a higher Cp and lower combined axial and bending ratio.

For an example of a 16' CLT panel with a single support in the middle, the program calculates a CP factor of 0.569 using the full height as L in the EIapp-min calculation, but it is 0.512 when the 8' unsupported length l is used.

a) Background and Derivation

The value of  l. is used even though NDS equation 10.4-1 for EIapp-min it says that the length L in the equation

EIapp = EIeff / (1 + Ks EIeff / (Ga,eff L2))

is the span length, and that 10.4.1 gives Ks factors for column buckling in the same table as those for bending, indicating this equation applies to Eapp-min as well as EIapp. ( Note that EImin is related to EI via an equation given in Appendix D.4.)

The reasoning behind the use of l. rather than L is complex, and requires tracing some derivations given in the Online Help: 

-        The CLT topics NDS C15.4 - Combined Axial and Bending and NDS C3.7.1 - CLT Stability Factor CP, both give the expression

PcE = π2 EIapp-min' / Ke l,

where l  is the unsupported length.

-        Both then refer to the topic on NDS 10.4.1 for the calculation of EIapp-min. In that topic, there is a derivation of the value of the factor Ks that starts with the relation

PcE,app = PcEeff / (1 + κ PcE,eff /Ga,eff )

Where κ is the shear deflection form factor. This formula can be found in the literature on elastic stability, e.g. Timoshenko, Theory of Elastic Stability, 2.17, eqn. 2-57.

-        The procedure is then to substitute the expression for PcE from C3.7.1 and C15.4 into the three places PcE appears in the the above equation (using the unsupported length l).

-        After algebraic manipulation, you arrive at an equation for EIapp-min with the exact same form as the equation for EIapp in 10.4.1.

-        From this  you can determine that Ks = κ (π Ke)2. Using κ = 1.2 for rectangular sections and the Ke for the support conditions from Appendix G1, you arrive at the exact same Ks factors listed in Table for those support conditions.

The only possible conclusion is that the unsupported length l is intended to be used as the length L in Equation 10.4.1 when analysing column buckling.

3. CLT Form Factor κ for Buckling Stiffness EImin-app. (Bug 3748)  

The CLT form factor κ = 1.2 used to determine Emin-app’  from NDS Eqn. 10.4.1-1 for column buckling calculations was inconsistent with the factor κ  = 1.0  used for shear deflection calculations. The program now uses κ  = 1.0 for both calculations.

This leads to a discrepancy between the Emin-app’ value calculated using Ks in NDS Table and the one calculated by the program. However, NDS 10.4.1 says that the shear deformation  component must determined in accordance with principles of engineering mechanics and Equation  10.4.1-1 is “one method”. It has been shown that for CLT, there is no need to adjust the shear stiffness GA with a form factor.

4. Incising Factor for Buckling Modulus E'min (Bug 3841)  

For sawn lumber members, the Incising factor Ci input for strengths Fb, Fv, etc. was used instead of the one for moduli of elasticity when factoring Emin' used in the calculation of the beam stability factor CL from NDS, the column stability factor CP ( and the combined axial and bending formula (3.9.2).

Ordinarily, the default incising factor from NDS 4.3.8 is used, so that a value of 0.80 is used in these equations instead of 0.95, resulting in higher-than-expected CL, CP or combined ratio, leading to a higher likelihood of member failure.

5. Duplicate Shear Deflection due to Points of Interest or Axial Loads (Bug 3771)

For each “point of interest” (POI) or column axial load entered, the program duplicates the shear deflection caused by the load on the member that had been entered immediately before the point of interest or axial load.

For example, if you enter a dead load, then a live load, then 3 POI’s, and the live load causes 2 mm of shear deflection, the program will report 6 mm of deflection more than it should, 2 mm for each POI. If you enter a full uniform wind load on a column, then an axial dead load and axial live load, and the wind load causes 4 mm of shear deflection, the program will report 8 mm of deflection more than it should.

The shear deflection referred to here is the "fixed-end" component of shear deflection (refer to the Online Help) however this is ordinarily much larger than the shear deflection due to the rotation at the supports.

The additional deflection appears both in the Design Check output and the Analysis diagrams.

The additional deflection did not occur if all points of interest are entered before loads are entered, or if axial loads on columns are entered before lateral loads.

6. Concept Mode Individual Member Results when Designed by Group (Bug 3782)

Since version 9 of the program, when the Concept mode Preference settings Generate design results for each section" was selected, but Design members individually was not selected, and there are unknown parameters, the program designs using the first (smallest) section size and number of plies for the group rather than those that had been designed for the group.  This yields Design-by-member results showing wildly under-designed members, when the design-by-group results show passing sections.

Note that Design members individually is the default selection, so this problem did not occur by default. It has been corrected. 

7. Slenderness Ratio Limit for Fire Design (Change 221)  

The limit on slenderness ratio of columns of (le/d < 50) from NDS is no longer applied for fire design of columns using NDS Chapter 16. According to the American Wood Council, this limit is not within the intent of the NDS. Refer to https://awc.org/resourcehub/faqs/#when-performing-fire-design-in-accordance-with-nds-chapter-16-should-the-slenderness-ratio-limits-specified-in-nds-chapter-3-be-applied-to-columns-and-bending-members .

B. Loads Analysis

1. Self-weight of Failed, Fully-specified Members in Concept Mode (Bug 3778)

Under a specific set of conditions, the self-weight of all members in Concept mode is was not included in loads distributed to members below for certain calculations

The conditions are

-        Design by member” is activated

-        Self-weight automatically included is activated

-        The member fails at least one design criterion

-        The member has to be fully specified (no unknowns)

The calculations are:

-        Reporting of reactions at base of column

-        Distribution to levels below the failed member for when doing individual member design in Concept mode.

This problem Is most noticeable for CLT floor and roof panels, which have a high-self weight. (The self-weight of joist areas in concept mode includes only the weight of the joist.) Beams and columns are also affected.

The self-weight of the member was being considered for the following:

-        Design of the member itself

-        Distribution to levels below for design-by-group

-        When exporting the member or any member below it to beam or column mode

2. Self-weight of Columns and Walls in Concept Mode (Bug 3779)

The self-weight of columns and walls in concept mode was not being passed down to the supporting members. This was particularly problematic for CLT wall panels.

Note that the self-weight of framed walls includes only the weight of the studs.

C. Materials and Database

1. Element5 CLT

The following changes relate to the Element5 CLT material:

a) Element5 Database Grades (Change 217)

The new grades E1M10, E1M10.2, E1M12, E1M12.2, V2M7 and V2M7.2 have been added to the Element5 material database files, and grades E1 and V2 removed.

The properties for these grades come from Tables 1 and 2 of the APA Product Report L339, April 10, 2023.

b) Design Notes for Evaluation Report Reference (Change 197)

A design note has been added referencing the  APA PR-L339 Product Report that approves the Element5 CLT material.

2. Update of USA Simpson Hanger Database (Change 231)  

The Simpson beam and joist hangers used in Sizer now come from  v2024.1.3 of the Simpson Connector Selector database, released in January 2024.

D. Input and Program Operation

1. Blank Column Mode with 4K Monitors (Bug 3365)

When using some 4K monitors, the column mode input view sometimes appeared completely blank. It was possible to grab the splitter window and pull it over to make it function properly, but there was no way to know that, and an annoyance to do so every time you run the program. This problem has been corrected

2. Default File Open File Type (Bug 3373)

The default file type that appeared in the File Open box was always Concept mode. It is now what was last selected in the Start-up mode Preferences setting.

3. Setting for Location of Output Files (Change 200)

A Preferences setting has been added to allow you to direct files that Sizer generates while designing either to the same folder as the project file, or to the Program Data folder on your computer. If sent to Program Data, the filenames are encoded and not recognizable but can be opened as a text file by a Design menu item in Sizer.

The files affected are the text and graphics output files listed in the File Extensions topic in the Online Help.

The files were previously sent to Program Data because virtual drives such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Sharepoint, etc., sometimes reject the files generated by Sizer. However, s some users need to use the project file folders because their system does not give them permission to write to Program Data. 

The choice also allows you to decide whether you want to store the files in Program Data to reduce clutter, or to have them readily available in your project file folder to open without running Sizer.

4. Maximum Number of Levels (Change 215)

The maximum number of storeys has been increased by 6 to 8 to allow you to model below-ground elements and roof-top structures such as machine rooms and small penthouses while staying within the 6-storey limit imposed by fire regulations

Concept mode currently allows you to make 6 levels, but the uppermost is called “Roof”. If it is a flat roof, you can make this become another occupancy level with a flat roof as its ceiling. However, for a sloped roof you can only have 5 storeys and a roof. The new limit is 8 levels including the roof, as rooftop structures would only exist on flat roofs. Such rooftop structures are at the “Roof” level.

5. Oblique Angle for I-Joists (Change 223)

When I-Joist selected as the Material in Beam View, the input for oblique angle remained active and accepted data, however the I-Joist database file does not contain y-direction resistance values and no I-joist y-axis design routines are in the program.

Upon design, the program assigned zero to the y-axis moment resistance in the Analysis vs Design table and repeated the x-axis shear resistance in the row for y-axis design.

The label Oblique angle was grayed out, as it should be. The input is now also disabled.

6. Load Options

The items below pertain to the section of Beam and Column mode Load Input view that allows you to enter options pertaining to load input and analysis rather than the properties of individual loads.

a) Colum Mode C&C Load Factor (Change 208)  

The checkbox in the IBC deflection factors (Table 1604.3)  that says 0.42W for C&C wind loads in Beam Load input view said 0.7W  for Column mode. This was from the wording of an older edition of the IBC which specified a 0.7 factor that was be multiplied by the usual 0.6 wind factor. It has now been updated to 0.42.

b) Resetting Original LRFD Combinations Load Option (Change 219)  

After pressing Reset original options in Load Input view, the Use 0.5L in LRFD combinations 3 and 4 setting became disabled until you exited the view and re-entered. This has been corrected.

c) Message about Applying Concept Mode Load Options (Change 220)  

The message that appears when the Apply to Concept mode which listed the options that are applied was updated to remove an obsolete one and add the Use 0.5L in LRFD combinations 3 and 4  option.

7. Double Outermost Layers for Element 5 CLT Input (Change 216)

When double parallel outermost layers are specified in the database for an Element5 CLT section in the Layers input, the letters XL appear after the number of plies, e.g. 9 XL.

E. Output

1. Load Combination Output

The following items pertain to the output of load types, load combinations and related information in Sizer output reports.

a) Reference to IBC Load Combinations for LRFD (Change 227c)  

When LRFD is selected for design, the reference to IBC 1605.2 was still shown above the list of load combinations in the Analysis results, however that had been removed for ASD design

b) References to ASCE 7 Load Combinations (Change 226c)  

The lines in the Design check giving the reference for load combinations and the line saying hat they are listed in the Analysis report have been combined as follows:

For ASD:

Load combinations: ASD Basic from ASCE 7-16 2.4; all LC’s are listed in the Analysis report.


Load combinations from ASCE 7-16; code references and all LC’s are listed in the Analysis report.

c) Message for Pattern Load Symbols for Single Span Members (Change 226b) 

The line in both the Design Check report and the  Analysis results explaining pattern load symbols no longer appears for single-span members, which cannot be patterned.

d) Load Type Definitions (Change 226b) 

In both the Design Check report and the  Analysis results, the words Load types have been placed in front of the list of load type symbol definitions D=dead, L=live, etc.

e) IBC C&C Load Factor

The items below pertain to output when the checkbox in the IBC deflection factors (Table 1604.3) group of Beam Load input view that says 0.42W for C&C wind loads is selected 

i. LRFD Deflection Load Combination in Analysis Results (Change 208c,d,e)  

For LRFD design, the factor 0.6 was showing in the second list of load combinations in the Analysis results that are for deflection using ASD load combinations. This has been changed to show 0.42.

When the ASD design method is selected, the single list of load combinations still shows 0.6, because these combinations pertain to both design and deflection. A note below the table indicates 0.42 is used for deflection.  This note has been reworded and repositioned for clarity.

ii. Load Combination shown in Design Check (Change 208a)  

The Critical Load Combinations section of the Design Check output was showing 0.6W as the load combination factor. Previously it showed 0.42W; this functionality has been restored.  

2. Additional Data Section of Design Check for CLT (Bug 3744)  

The following changes have been made to the Additional Data section of the Design Check output for CLT wall, floor and roof panels.

a) Location of EIeff and EIapp

The output of EIeff and EIapp' has been moved from the CALCULATIONS section to the Factors table, and modification factors affecting them are now shown.

b) Design Shear Force V

For CLT floor and roof panels, the design shear force V was unnecessarily being shown twice. The line

Vmax = [value] , Vdesign = [value] (NDS

has therefore been changed to

V = V design (NDS, Vmax = [value]

c) Output of PcE

For CP calculations and/or combined axial and bending design, unless the member is fully laterally supported, the value of PcE is now shown, for consistency with FcE for non-CLT members.

3. Point of Interest Output in Loads Table (Bug 3770)

Starting with version 12.2, in the Loads table that appears in the Design Check, Design Summar and Analysis results, the program was outputting Points of Interest as if they were loads, along with the loads themselves.

The points of interest were both those entered by users and those generated by the program, as for at the end of notches. They have been removed from the Loads table. 

4. Output of Positive and Negative Moments (Change 229)  

For beams with positive and negative moments the line in the Calculations section of the Design Check report showing shear force and moment values was too long to fit in the width of the page with default font size and caused a warning message to appear when the file was printed. For multi-span beams or those with applied moments, separate lines are now output for shear and moment values

5. EIapp’ in Design Check for CLT Wall Panels (Change 225)  

For CLT walls that are loaded only axially, the value of EIapp-min’  for buckling design was shown in a line starting with EIapp in the Factors table of the Design Check report. For columns, the same the same value was shown in the Calculations section after (EI)app-min’. In the Factors table,  EIapphas now been replaced with EIappmin, and for columns and the additional EIapp-min’ output has been removed from the Calculations section.

6. Effective Length Symbol in Design Check (Change 222)  

The symbol for effective length in the output of column slenderness ratio in the Calculations section of the Design Check has changed from “l” to “le” , to conform with the nomenclature in NDS 3.7.1.

F. Graphics

1. Oblique Angle Multi-Ply Beam Deflections In Analysis Diagram (Bug 3754)

For oblique angle (rotated), multi-ply beams, the deflections shown in the analysis diagram were larger than they should be by a factor of n2, where n is the number of plies. The critical deflection shown in text at the side of the analysis diagram was correct, as was the deflection used for design and shown in the Design Check output.

This issue did not occur for 90 degree-rotated SCL members using True E, however there are other problems with those listed in B.1 above, Weak-axis SCL Deflection Using True E.

2. Ply Lines in Analysis Diagrams (Change 214)  

The lines delineating separate plies for rotated beams that were added for  version 13.0 also appeared incongruously beneath the Analysis graphs of reactions, bending, shear, and deflection. They have been removed.


Sizer 2023 (Version 13.0) – December 28, 2022

This Change History record provided on August 31, 2023


Use the Table of Contents to navigate to descriptions of changes below it:


A. Design Codes and Standards. 1

1. IBC 2021 (Change  212) 1

2. SDPWS 2021 (Change 212) 1

B. Engineering Design. 1

1. Single-ply Width b in Lateral Stability Calculations for Weak-Axis Loading (Bug 3732) 1

2. LRFD Design for Simpson Hangers (Bug 3694) 1

3. Effective Length for CLT Column Stability Factor CP (Bug 3733) 1

4. Fire Retardant Treatment Factor for Fire Design (Bug 3678) 1

5. SDPWS Repetitive Member Factor for Deflection from Wind Loads on Wall Studs (Bug 3741) 1

C. Loads Analysis. 1

1. Line loads, Concentrated Loads, and Applied Moments on CLT Panels  (Bug 3704) 1

2. Imperial Self-weight of CLT Panels Transferred to Supports in Concept Mode (Bug 3721) 1

3. Dead and Total Reactions for Net Uplift on Support with Auto Self-Weight (Bug 3731) 1

4. Fire Load Combination Factors for Live + Snow + Dead (Bug 3684) 1

5. Numerous LRFD Load Combinations from Pattern Loading or Concentrated Loads (Bug 3685) 1

D. Materials and Database. 1

1. APA PRI-405  Commercial I-joists (Change 198b) 1

2. 4”x 14” and 16” Lumber Beams (Change 169) 1

3. Concept Mode Crash due to Long Filename  (Bug 3717) 1

E. Input and Program Operation. 1

1. Saving Deflection Settings as Default for New Files (Bug 3681) 1

2. New Version Notification for Version 12.3 (Bug 3673) 1

3. Pattern Loads Default Operation (Change 202) 1

4. Startup Program Window Location (Change 203) 1

5. I-joist Inputs. 1

6. Wording of Lateral Support Design Settings (Change 194d) 1

F. Output 1

1. Design Summary Print Failure Due to Overly Wide Design Note (Bug 3722) 1

2. Simpson Hanger Selector Version Number (Change 196) 1

3. Additional Data Section of Design Check  for CLT (Bugs 3683 and 3744) 1

4. Output of Deflection for Critical Live vs. Total Load Combination or Location (Bug 3678) 1

5. Output of Stiffness EI (Change 211) 1

6. Output of Column Design Data. 1

7. NDS Reference for Shear at a Distance d (Bug 3744) 1

8. Load Distribution and Units in Loads Table for CLT Self-weight (Change 195) 1

9. Fire Retardant Treatment Factor Note for Fire Design (Bug 3678) 1

G. Graphics. 1

1. Drawing of Built-up Column Plies (Bug 3561) 1

2. Drawing of Rotated Members (Change 152) 1

3. Update of Analysis Diagram Load Combinations for Newly-entered Load Types (Bug 3675) 1

4. Load Factor for ASCE Exception Combination in Analysis Diagram Dropdown (Bug 3693) 1



A. Design Codes and Standards

1. IBC 2021 (Change 212)

The program now conforms to the International Building Code (IBC) 2021; previously it conformed to IBC 2018.

a) Program References

The updated edition year is indicated in the About Sizer box, the Welcome box, the Building Codes box, and a design note in the Design Check and Design Summary output.

b) Load Combinations

IBC 2021 no longer lists load combinations in 1605.1; it now just refers to ASCE 2.3 (Strength) and 2.4 (LRFD). The references to IBC 1605.1 have been removed from the output of load combinations in the Design Check and Analysis Results output reports. The explanation of the source of load combinations in the Building Codes box has been rephrased accordingly.

2. SDPWS 2021 (Change 212)

There is one provision ( – Repetitive Member Factor for Wind Loads) implemented from the Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS). The reference to the SDPWS in the Building Codes box has been updated to SDWPS 2021 from SDPWS 2015.

A change was made to the application of (see B.5 below), but it did not arise from a change in the SDPWS.

B. Engineering Design

1. Single-ply Width b in Lateral Stability Calculations for Weak-Axis Loading (Bug 3732)

For multi-ply members loaded on the weak axis (columns loaded on the d-face and rotated beams), if the Built-up member width b for lateral stability calculations was set to Single ply, the program divided the depth d dimension by the number of plies for use in lateral stability calculations. However. the depth is unrelated to the number of plies for weak-axis loading, and the full member depth should be used.

This wrong member dimension is used for

-       the expression for slenderness ratio RB = (le  b / d2 )0.5 from NDS This caused a larger RB than expected, reducing the lateral stability factor CL from NDS and often causing the member to fail because RB was greater than 50 (

-       The determination of whether d <= b so that CL = 1.0 (from,

-       The value of lu/d used to select the effective length le in Table 3.3.3,

-       The d used in the calculation for those cases with lu/d > 7.

This problem entered the program with version 11 when the single-ply vs full width setting was added, and has been corrected.

2. LRFD Design for Simpson Hangers (Bug 3694)

The program no longer allows you to select Simpson Hangers as a bearing support type when LRFD is selected as the design procedure, and if you change the Design setting to LRFD when a Simpson hanger is use, the program changes it to a generic, non-designed hanger and issues a warning.

Previously, when LRFD was selected the program designed Simpson hangers using LRFD, or "strength-level", load combinations, but the ASD capacities from the Simpson hanger database.

As Simpson does not provide LRFD capacities in their literature the hangers are no longer available for LRFD.

3. Effective Length for CLT Column Stability Factor CP (Bug 3733)

When calculating the column stability factor CP for CLT wall panels using NDS C3.7.1-1 to C3.7.1-4 , the program used the height of the panel rather than the effective length le = Ke ld, where ld is the distance between lateral supports. The lateral support input therefore has no effect on the calculation of CP, even if continuous is selected and CP should be 1.0.

As a consequence, the CP and thus the axial resistance for a fully supported wall panel were less than it should be for panels with intermediate supports.  For a typical 16-foot wall panel supported by a floor at the midpoint, the CP factor was roughly half what it should be. This has been corrected.

Note that the calculation of the slenderness ratio, which also uses the effective length le, was unaffected. The limit of 50 on the slenderness ratio from NDS us applied correctly.

4. Fire Retardant Treatment Factor for Fire Design (Bug 3678)

The program did not apply the reduction in design strengths for fire retardant treatment required by  NDS 2.3.4  when performing fire design. AWC confirmed that this factor does apply to fire design. 

In the Factors table of the Design Check output, the user-input reduction factor was shown in the Cfrt  column for compressive axial resistance Fc and shear resistance Fv, however this factor was not used in determining the design strengths. For bending resistance Fb, a dash was shown instead of a factor.

The program now shows all these factors in the table and uses them in determining the resistances for fire design.

5. SDPWS Repetitive Member Factor for Deflection from Wind Loads on Wall Studs (Bug 3741)

Sizer now implements SDPWS, which applies special repetitive member factors Cr for only the case of wind loads on wall studs, to stiffness EI used for deflection design. Previously it was applied to bending moment design only.  

As for bending design, it is applied to sawn lumber wall studs when the checkbox in Column Input view regarding adequate sheathing is checked, and to design for W-only or D + W load combinations.  Note that the Cr factor is not ordinarily applied to E for deflection in NDS Table 4.3.1, so it is only this case that has a Cr for deflection.

The modified EI value appears in the Calculations section of the Design Check output when the D + W combination governs for total deflection. 

Note that Cr is not applied to to the E'min value or the stiffness EImin used for buckling calculations.

C. Loads Analysis

1. Line loads, Concentrated Loads, and Applied Moments on CLT Panels (Bug 3704)

When line loads, concentrated live loads, or applied moments were applied to CLT panels, the same load intensity was applied to both the 1-ft and 1-m design width so that the design response ratio is greater when designing with imperial units than with metric. Changing the unit system should not influence design in this manner.

a) Line Loads

i. Previous Behaviour

The program assumed the load magnitude in kN/m or lbs/ft as entered in the input is distributed evenly over the 1-meter or 1-foot design width of the panel. When switching unit systems, the load was converted between lbs/ft and kN /m, so the same physical load is applied to a different width of resisting material.

ii. New Approach

Some users use line loads on CLT members to implement trapezoidal and triangular area snow loads on the roof, because trapezoidal and triangular loads are not available for area load input.

To continue to accommodate this use of line loads, and to make design invariant with respect to the unit system selected, we now assume that the load is evenly distributed over the design width.

The units shown for these loads are now kN/m/m or lb/ft/ft, rather than just kN/m and lb/ft.

Note that with this approach, the width of influence of the line load on the panel changes when changing unit systems. If you have a different assumption about the width of panel over which the load acts, adjust the load intensity accordingly.

iii.  Units in Input and Output

The units shown in the Load View input and in the Loads table output for line loads are now kN/m/m or lb/ft/ft.

iv. Shear and Bending Capacity in Factors Table (Custom Bug 235)

Due to a unit conversion error, for metric units, the unfactored shear and bending moment capacity shown in the Factors Table of the Design check output was too small by a factor of 3.3. This was a display issue only; the capacities that were used for design are the correct ones.

v. Wall Panel Deflections for Metric Units (Custom Bug 235b)

For CLT wall panels with line load input and when using metric units, the EI and GA values used for loads analysis were those calculated using the 1-foot panel width rather than the 1-meter width. This resulted in deflections that were too large by a factor of 3.28.

b) Concentrated Loads

i. Previous Behaviour

You enter a concentrated load P and the length Lc of the square area it covers. Internally, the program converts all area loads to line loads for analysis, and in this case the line load was P / Lc, so the area load was P / (b Lc) where b is the design width, and the intensity of the area load would change as the unit system changed. Equivalently, the intensity of the internal line load would not change, but the resisting width would change from 1 m to 1 ft and back again. 

ii. New Approach

For concentrated loads, we now assume that the area load intensity of the concentrated load is applied to the design width of the member, so the area load is now P / Lc2 and the internal line load is Pb / Lc2. The internal load thus changes along with the resisting design width and design responses do not change. .

This is equivalent to using a panel design width that is the same width as the concentrated load width, so it assumes that the panel outside of that width contributes nothing to the resistance to the load.

If you have different assumptions about the zone of influence of the concentrated load, then adjust the magnitude P accordingly. 

c) Applied Moments

i. Previous Behaviour

Applied moments were assumed to be concentrated at a point, as from a connection to a member, with a width of influence equal to the design width. The magnitudes were converted between kN-m and lb-ft without regard to the resisting width, so that changing unit systems changed the moment applied per unit width and thus the design response.

ii. New Approach

Applied moments are now assumed to be line moments perpendicular to the design width, as from a parapet wall in that direction. The length of the load changes when the unit system changes to reflect the wider design width, so that the moment per width remains the same and design response is unaffected. This is similar to our existing treatment of point loads (see below).

If you wish to model a point moment instead, please change the moment magnitude to reflect your assumptions about the width of influence of the moment.

iii. Units in Input and Output

The units shown in the Load View input and in the Loads table output for applied moments are now kN/m/m or lb/ft/ft.

d) Point Loads

Point loads are entered as lb/ft or kN/m and are assumed to extend the width of the design area, as from a wall perpendicular to the design width.

When converting between unit systems, the length of load changes along with the design width so design results are unaffected by the change in unit system. No change has been made to our treatment of point loads.

2. Imperial Self-weight of CLT Panels Transferred to Supports in Concept Mode (Bug 3721)

When using Imperial units, the dead reactions due to automatic self-weight from a CLT panel to a supporting member in Concept Mode were too large by a factor of 3.28, the ratio of a foot to a metre.

The incorrect reactions affected the design of the supporting members and anything supporting them, but not the supported CLT panel. When transferred to beam mode, the panel shows correct reactions, but the beam below did not showed the incorrect line load from those reactions. 

This problem could be circumvented by entering self-weight manually or switching to metric units, but has now been corrected.

3. Dead and Total Reactions for Net Uplift on Support with Auto Self-Weight (Bug 3731)

When a member is subject to dead loads that create net uplift on a support, and self-weight is automatically applied, the unfactored dead load reaction shown in the Reactions and Bearing table is due to the downwards dead load from self-weight only, when it should be the negative upwards load from uplift + self-weight. Furthermore, self-weight from dead load only is shown as the total factored reaction, which is meant to show reactions to net downward force on the support. The total reaction to net uplift forces is correctly shown in the Uplift column.

These problems have been corrected and the program now shows the net uplift reaction due to dead loads in the Unfactored – Dead column and a blank space in the Factored – Total column.

4. Fire Load Combination Factors for Live + Snow + Dead (Bug 3684)

For fire design, when live, snow and dead loads are all on the member, the program now uses the D + 0.75 (L + S) ASD combination from ASCE 2.4. Previously it was using D + L + S in accordance with the AWC Fire Design Standard (FDS),, which says to use “wD + wL” and defines wL as including snow and live. According to the AWC, the intention of FDS is to use the ASD 0.75 factors with the L and S loads.

5. Numerous LRFD Load Combinations from Pattern Loading or Concentrated Loads (Bug 3685)

For the LRFD design procedure, when the program generated load combinations due to patterning or multi-positioned concentrated loads, if the total number of load combinations exceeded the maximum possible without patterning or concentrated loads, design of the member malfunctioned in unpredictable ways.

For one example, when concentrated live loads, wind loads, and snow loads were all present on a beam, the bearing design was reporting "******" for the factored bearing reactions and nonsensically large required bearing lengths.

In another example, a 5-span member with full uniform live, dead, and snow loads, when either or both of the live and snow loads are patterned, the program did not include live or snow loads in the analysis of the member for any load combination.

These problems have been corrected.

D. Materials and Database

1. APA PRI-405 Commercial I-joists (Change 198b)

Commercial I-joists from APA PRI-405 have been added as a “Species” to the I-joist  material selection and database file. Previously only the APA PRI-400 I-joists were included. Properties are from the PRI-405 Performance Standard for Commercial I-Joists. Oct 2021.

2. 4”x 14” and 16” Lumber Beams (Change 169)

4 x 14” and 4 x 16” sections were added to the Lumber database file for beams, which previously had 12” maximum depth.  The NDS Supplement Table 4A lists a size factor CF for “14” and wider” sections, and the users have reported that these beams are available and in use.  

3. Concept Mode Crash due to Long Filename (Bug 3717)

The following database filenames were more than the 15-character limit, so that in Concept mode, the program crashed when a design using any of these materials was run:  

-        uElement5 CLT.cws (Element 5 CLT)

-        uvlcolumnbup.cwc (Versa Lam built-up columns)

-        uversalambup.cwb (Versa Lam built-up beams)

-        unorlamcolbu.cwc (Nordic built-up columns)

The filenames have been shortened and these materials can now be used in Concept mode without problems.

E. Input and Program Operation

1. Saving Deflection Settings as Default for New Files (Bug 3681)

If a new file was opened when another file was already open, the Design Settings Report interior and cantilever deflections separately and Report dead load deflection were taken from the previously open document rather than from the last time you applied Save as default for new files for that setting. This has been corrected.

2. New Version Notification for Version 12.3 (Bug 3673)

When Sizer version 12.3 was available, the new version notification message that should have appeared upon opening version 12.2 or clicking Update Sizer from the Help menu did not appear. It appears correctly when running versions 12.1 and earlier.

The notification message when running version 12.2 works correctly to notify you that version 13.0 is available.

3. Pattern Loads Default Operation (Change 202)

If you input and place loads on a single-span beam, then add another span to the beam, the pattern loading for snow and live loads is now retroactively changed from unchecked to checked, which is the default if the loads had been entered on a multi-span beam to begin with.

4. Startup Program Window Location (Change 203)

When opening, the program now opens in full screen or window mode according to what it was when last closed, and if in window mode, the window is placed where it was when it was last closed. Previously the program always opened in full screen mode.      

5. I-joist Inputs

The following Beam View inputs were enabled when I-joists were selected, but do not apply to I-joist design.

a) Fire Retardant Treatment (Bug 3689)

The Fire retardant checkbox under Treatment and its associated numeric input was available, however NDS 2.3.4 says the fire retardant treatment factor is applicable only to sawn lumber and glulam. This input is now disabled when I-joists are selected.

When selected, the input value appeared in the Cfrt column of the Factors table of the Design Check output, but it was not applied to any of the design resistances.  A dash now appears there for I-joists.

b) Lateral Support (Change 194b)

Sizer does not do lateral stability calculations for I-joists, but the Lateral support inputs were available. They now disappear when I-joists are selected, similar to the behaviour for CLT floor and roof panels.

6. Wording of Lateral Support Design Settings (Change 194d)

The Design settings data group previously called Lateral stability factor CL has changed to Lateral stability (NDS, and the NDS reference removed from the checkbox within that group, as it applies to both items in the group.

7. Total Deflection Note in Design Check (Custom QA Change 1b)

In the Long term defection data group of the Load Input view, the word dead in  Total = [creep factor]  X dead + live (all others) has been changed to permanent because there are now Live storage loads in the program to which the creep factor applies. .     

F. Output

1. Design Summary Print Failure Due to Overly Wide Design Note (Bug 3722)

In the Design Summary output report that lists passing sections for unknown design, and in the 'non-enhanced" (ASCII text) Design Check report, a Design Note regarding built-up members did not wrap properly and extended past the right margin of the page.

This caused a warning message to appear when printing, and if you chose to print anyway, a few centimeters of text were cut off at the left of the page, rendering the report unusable.

This did not occur for the enhanced Design Check that is usually output, or for the same note in the Concept Mode output.

2. Simpson Hanger Selector Version Number (Change 196)

The program now outputs the Simpson Hanger Selector database version number in the Design Note that appears in the Design Check report when the hangers are used, and in the Building Codes box that is accessed from the Welcome box. The current version is 2020.4.22.

3. Additional Data Section of Design Check for CLT (Bugs 3683 and 3744)

The following changes have been made to the Additional Data section of the Design Check output for CLT wall, floor and roof panels.  

a) Removal of EIapp

EIapp has been removed from the Factors table and from the Calculations section because it has no direct design consequences. EIeff is used for deflection with rigorous shear deflection calculations, and EIapp-min is used for buckling calculations.

Since rigorous shear deflection was implemented, the value shown as EIapp was in fact EIeff. EIeff’ was also shown in the Calculations, and continues to be.   

b) Addition of EIapp-min

For wall panels, EIapp-min’ used for buckling calculations is now shown in the Calculations section.

c) Vs and M’ vs Fs and Fb

In the Factors table, the allowable rolling shear force Vs' is now shown instead of allowable rolling shear Fs, and allowable moment M'  is shown instead of allowable bending stress Fb. Vs has been removed from the Calculations section and Fb and Fs have been added.

For CLT, Fs, and Fb have only an indirect effect on the member resistance, and the factors shown in the table are applied to M and V, not Fb and Fs.

d) Unit Conversion of EIeff  (Custom Bug 135b)

When changing units, the conversion factor between metric and imperial units was mistakenly applied twice to the EI(eff),0 value shown in the Calculations section. This was a display issue only; it did not affect design.

e) Alignment of Factors Table

The alignment of the Factors table headers with the rows below has been improved.

4. Output of Deflection for Critical Live vs. Total Load Combination or Location (Bug 3678)

In the Analysis vs Design table of the Design Check output, the program very occasionally showed live or total deflection corresponding to the load combination or beam location that was critical for the other deflection criterion of live and total. This occurred for the less critical of the live and total deflection criteria, i.e. the one that had the lower maximum design response ratio, and only occurred when the critical load combination or location for that criterion comes before the critical load combination or location for the more critical of the two deflection criteria.

For example, if load combination 3 was critical for live deflection, and load combination 5 was critical for total deflection, and total deflection had a higher response ratio than live deflection, the live deflection shown was the lower value for load combination 5 rather than the critical value for load combination 3.

Similarly, if the point 3 feet was critical for total deflection, and 5 feet for live deflection, and live deflection had a higher response ratio than the total, then the total deflection shown was at 5 feet rather than 3 feet.

The output also showed the design response ratio corresponding to the incorrect deflection, which is less than the actual design ratio, i.e., non-conservative. However, the problem could not cause a failing member to show a passing design, because it affects the less critical of the two design criteria. For example, it could show a passing live deflection ratio when both live and total fail, however the failure message would correctly include both live and total among the failing criteria.

This problem also had no effect the deflection used in determining whether the member passed or failed when cycling through the possibilities for unknown parameters.

This problem rarely occurred because later load combinations have more load types and are more likely to be critical, and because it is unusual for critical live and total deflections to be at different points on the beam. It has been corrected nonetheless.  

5. Output of Stiffness EI (Change 211)

The following problems with the output of the bending stiffness EI in the Calculations section of the Design Check output were corrected.

a) Weak Axis Symbol Always Shown (Change 211a)

The symbol EIy for weak-axis is design was shown regardless of whether the loading is strong-axis or weak axis, however the EI value shown was correct. For rotated beams, both EI values shown were given as EIy.

Strong-axis values are now shown as just EI.

b) Exponentiation (Change 211b)

The exponentiation symbol e06 was not appearing after the EIy value.

6. Output of Column Design Data

The following changes have been made to the output of column design data in the Design Check report.

a) Output of Slenderness Ratio for Columns (Change 144)

The slenderness ratios le/b and le/d for column axial compression design from NDS 3.7.1 are now output in the Calculations section of the Design Check report. For built-up columns, ratios for full column width and for single-ply width are shown.

b) NDS Reference in Warnings for Built-up Slenderness Ratio Limit (Change 154)

Both the screen warning message and the line in the Analysis vs Design table indicating that built-up columns cannot be designed for axial compression because they have a slenderness ratio greater than 50 referred to the NDS clause for solid columns for rather than for built-up columns. This has been corrected.

c) Output of Emin’ Factors for Columns Loaded on Wide d-Face (Change 177)

When columns are loaded on the d-face when it is the wider face or on a square section, the row for the buckling modulus Emin’ was not being output in the Factors table of the Design Check. It appeared for b-face loading, for narrow d-face loading, and for d-face loading on wall studs.  It now appears for narrow d-face loading on columns.

d) Combined Axial and Bending Data (Change 204)

Previously, in the design data for combined axial and bending appeared in the Critical load Combinations section of the Design Check report as follows,

Combined: LC #2  = D + L  fb= 232, Fb’ = 725

          FcE= 564  Pxe/S=fc(6xe/d)= 72

fb is the bending stress due only to lateral loading; Fb’ is the factored bending resistance; the expression Pxe/S=fc(6xe/d) gives the bending stress due to eccentric loads, and FcE is a parameter used in buckling calculations from NDS 3.9.2.

The following changes have been made:

i. Location of Data (Change 204d) 

These data have been moved to the Calculations section of the report where other similar data have been shown.

ii. Format of Eccentric fb Expression Change 204b)

The expression Pxe/S=fc(6xe/d) has been changed to

 fbe = (P x e)/S = fc(6e/d)

 to make it apparent that the expression represents bending stress due to eccentric loading and that fb does not include eccentric bending.

iii. Eccentric fb for Weak Axis Loads (change 204a)

In the expression (P x e)/S = fc(6e/d)for columns loaded on the d-face, the program now output the symbol “b” rather than “d”, as it is the dimension in the direction of the load that is used in the calculation. This is especially beneficial for multi-ply design, as it indicates that the distance used is just the single ply b and not the full member width.

iv. fb for Eccentric-only Loading (Change 204c)

The program now shows fb = 0 when there are no lateral loads. Previously it was not shown.

v. Organization of Data (Change 204d) 

The data have been reorganized to fit on one line as follows:

Combined: Fb’ = 200; fb = 100; fbe = (P x e)/S = fc(6e/d) = 72; FcE = 564

7.  NDS Reference for Shear at a Distance d (Bug 3744)

For beams and joists, a reference to NDS has been placed after V design in the Calculations section of the Design Check output. This provision gives the calculation of design shear by neglecting loads within a distance d of the support. This reference already appeared for CLT panels.

8. Load Distribution and Units in Loads Table for CLT Self-weight (Change 195)

In the Loads table of the Analysis, Design Check, and Design Summary output reports, for CLT floor and roof panels, self-weight was shown as a Full UDL with units plf or kN. It is now shown as an area load Area load with units psf or kN/m2.

9. Fire Retardant Treatment Factor Note for Fire Design (Bug 3678)

When fire design is active, the note appearing under the Factors table of the Design Check output was shown twice. This has been corrected.

10. Total Deflection Note in Design Check (Custom QA Change 1b)

In the note Total = [creep factor]  X Dead + “live”  that appears in the Calculations section of the Design Check, the word dead has been changed to permanent because there are now Live storage loads in the program to which the creep factor applies. In the note that explans the meaning of “live” deflection, the word non-dead has been changed to non-permanent for the same reason, .     

G. Graphics 

1. Drawing of Built-up Column Plies (Bug 3561)

In the drawing beside the material input of the depth (d) face of a built-up column, and in the load view when loading on depth face is selected, the program now shows the individual plies. Previously it showed the undivided width of the column as if it was a solid member.

2. Drawing of Rotated Members (Change 152)

When an oblique angle is entered, the Beam drawing in Beam and Loads views now shows both the top face and the side face of the rotated member, delineated by a line. 

For 90-degree rotated members, i.e. planks, the drawing now shows the b-dimension of the member. Previously the d-dimension was shown as if it was not rotated. For multi-ply members, the individual plies are shown.   

3. Analysis Diagram Load Combination List

The following items pertain to the Load combinations dropdown list above the Analysis diagrams that allows you to select the load combination for which the diagrams display loads analysis information. 

a) Update of List  for Newly Entered Load Types (Bug 3675)

After adding loads of a new type to a previously designed member and then re-running the design, unless Critical forces was selected, the list did not show the additional load combinations made necessary by the new load type. This has been corrected.

b) Concentrated Live Load Combinations (Custom QA Change 1a)

The list now contains all the load combinations generated for concentrated live loads. These “load combinations” include the location of the moving concentrated load, so there are a large number of combinations in the list.

c) Load Factor for ASCE Exception Combination (Bug 3693)

For ASCE 7 2.3.1, Exception 1, where the load factor for the live load L in LRFD load combinations 3 and 4 is permitted to be reduced from 1.0 to 0.5, the 0.5 factor was not displayed in the load combinations dropdown box in the Analysis Diagrams view, instead just “L” is shown, i.e.  “1.2D + 1.0W + L”. The correct combination, “1.2D + 1.0W + 0.5L”, is now shown, as it appears in the Analysis Result report.

4. Total Deflection Note in Analysis Diagram (Custom QA Change 1b)

In the note Total = [creep factor]  X Dead + Live (all others)  that appears in the Deflection diagram, the word Dead has been changed to Permanent because there are now Live storage loads in the program to which the creep factor applies. Quotation marks now appear around the word “Live”, as they do in a similar note in the Design check.     


Sizer 2019, Update 4 (Version 12.4) – October 28, 2021

A. Engineering Design

1. LRFD Factors for Bearing Design (Bug 3669)  

For LRFD bearing capacity calculations, the program was not applying the Format Conversion factor KF = 1.67 or the Resistance factor ϕ = 0.9, leading to a capacity 1.5 times less than it should be, or minimum required bearing length 1.5 times greater than it should be.
The Factors table of the Design Check results showed these factors, but they were not being applied to the design. This has been corrected. 

2. Format Conversion Factor for LRFD Rolling Shear Fs (Bug 3670)  

For CLT rolling shear resistance, the program applied a LRFD format conversion factor KF of 2.88 when it should be 2.0 according to NDS Table 10.3.1. This has been corrected.

3. LRFD Time Effect Factor λ for Storage-only Live Loads (Bug 3664)  

For members subjected to live storage loads and no occupancy live loads, the program was applying a time-effect factor λ of 0.8 to the LRFD load combination 2, 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S), however according to NDS N.3.3, Table N3 a factor of 0.7 should be applied to this combination when L is due to storage.

The incorrect time-effect factor was applied to bending, shear, tension and compression strengths, which were therefore too high by 14% when 2 is the governing load combination. Note that when both live L and storage live loads Ls are present the program correctly applied the 0.8 factor to the D + L + Ls combination and the 0.7 factor to the D + Ls combination. The program now applies 0.7 to D + Ls when there are no live loads, as well. 

4. Creep Factor for Storage Live Loads (Bug 3668)  

Storage live loads Ls are now considered long-term loads when applying the creep factor Kcr from NDS 3.5.2 for total deflection. Previously they were treated as other live loads and the Kcr factor was not applied to these loads.

Storage live loads were introduced for LRFD design in Update 2, but this change also applies to these loads when using ASD.  Application of the creep factor is the only consequence of differentiating Ls loads from L loads when using ASD.

5. Impact Load Duration and Time Effect Factors for Treated Members

The program now applies the NDS provisions limiting the load duration factor CD and the time effect factor  l for members with preservative or fire-retardant treatment. If you have input a factor in Beam or Column View Treatment data group for either Fire-retardant or Incising, then:

a) ASD Design (QA 14)

A load duration factor of 1.6 is applied to ASD load combinations containing impact loads I, rather than the default factor of 2.0 recommended by NDS Table 2.3.2, as per Note 2 under that table. The 1.6 factor is also applied in place of custom load duration factors greater than 1.6.

b) LRFD Design (QA 14a)

The time effect factor l for LRFD load combination 2 with impact loads, i.e., D + 1.6(L + I) + 0.5(Lr or S), is set to 1.0 rather than the 1.25 given in NDS N.3.3, Table N3, as per Note 1 under that table.

Note that for LRFD, impact loads are not included in any other load combination, and it is not possible to enter custom time effect factors.

6. Calculation of Emin for SCL Members (Bug 3682)  

When calculating Emin for SCL products using NDS Equation D-4, the program now uses True E rather than Apparent E, and does not include the 1.03 factor that is intended to convert Apparent E to True E.

This change was made because the value 1.03 is appropriate only for sawn lumber and varies for different SCL products; it is 1.05 for the recently added Versa Lam product.

Aside from Versa Lam, this affects only custom database files you create with Database Editor.

a) When Using Apparent E

Some manufacturers publish a note in their product literature giving the factor to be used in place of 1.03 in NDS D-4, on the assumption Apparent E is being used for design. Our method is equivalent to applying those notes when you select Apparent E in the design settings.  

b) When Using True E

When True E is selected in the Design Settings, Apparent E no longer has any function in the program, so it is now possible to create a database with meaningful values only for True E. Some manufacturers only publish True E. 

c) Old Database Files

For custom database files from previous versions that only have one E value, we assume it is E Apparent and the program continues to use the old method of calculating Emin via D-4 with the 1.03 factor.

It is possible to update these files using the current Database Editor to add True E values.

B. Loads Analysis

1. Companion Live Load Factor for LRFD Load Combinations (Bug 3676)     

The program now implements ASCE 7 2.3.1, Exception 1 where the load factor for the live load L in LRFD load combinations 3 and 4 is permitted to be reduced from 1.0 to 0.5 for those occupancies where the minimum uniform live load, Lo, in Table 4.3-1 is less than 100 psf (with the exceptions of garages or public assembly occupancy).

a) Load Combinations Affected

The combinations generated by Sizer that this affects are 

1.2D + 1.6 Lr + L

1.2D + 1.6 S + L

1.2D + 1.0W + 0.5 Lr + L

1.2D + 1.0W + 0.5 S + L

1.2D + 1.0W + L

b) User Interface

A check box has been added to the Load types and combinations data group of the Load Input view, to allow you to direct the program to use 0.5 L in place of L in the above combinations if the member meets the ASCE 7 criteria. 

This option is unchecked by default, but you can check it and save it as a default for new files along with the other Load View options.

c) Applied Limit

On the assumption that the user-input loads correspond to the minimum required for the occupancy, the program does not allow the use of the 0.5 factor when the uniform live load on the member is greater than 100 psf. This is determined from the sum of the magnitudes of full area live and storage live loads. For joists, line loads converted to area loads with the tributary width are also included, and the lower magnitude of the two ends of a full trapezoidal load is considered a uniform load for this purpose.

This limitation has been added to avoid non-conservative designs for those users who are unaware of this option. Note that it does not consider point loads, partial loads, trapezoidal area loads, the higher portion of trapezoidal line loads, etc., so that your judgement in setting the option in Load View is still required.

2. Deflection Combinations when LRFD Selected (QA 8)  

For deflection calculations when LRFD is selected as the design procedure, the program sometimes calculated deflections using LRFD load combinations intended for strength design, instead of the ASD combinations that should be used for deflection for both design methodologies.

This occurred when there were more LRFD combinations than ASD combinations; the additional LRFD combinations would be evaluated for deflection. Additional LRFD combinations are created if there are any Snow, Roof Live, or Storage Live loads on the member.

This only had an effect when deflections from one of the extra LRFD load combinations governed over all of those calculated using the ASD combinations, so it was a conservative error, which has been corrected. 

3. Storage Live Load Type for Concentrated Live Load (QA 6)  

You can now choose between Live and Live storage loads when creating a concentrated live load. This allows you to design for the weight of heavy stored items such as books, safes, etc. positioned anywhere in a room.

When Live storage is selected:

-       the time-effect factor for the LRFD load combinations with principal live load is 0.7 rather than 0.8

-       live loads are considered as long-term loads to which the creep factor Kcr from NDS 3.5.2 is applied for total deflection.  

4. Time-effect Factor for Concentrated Load (QA 12)  

For LRFD load combinations 2 and 3 where L is a concentrated load, a time effect factor λ of 1.0 was applied instead of the 0.8 required by NDS Table N3. This affects the following combinations

1.2D + 1.6 L

1.2D + 1.6 L+ S

1.2D + 1.6 L+ Lr

1.2D + 1.6 Lr + L

1.2D + 1.6 S + L

Due to Change QA 6, above, the time effect factor is now also applied to those combinations where L is replaced by Ls or L + Ls. For those combinations containing 1.6 Ls with no L, 0.7 is used as the time effect factor. 

5. Pattern Load Combinations for Storage-only Live Loads (QA 11)

Pattern load combinations were not being created for Storage Live loads Ls unless a Live load L was also present. The program now creates pattern combinations with only Ls in the pattern if there are no live loads L on the member.

6. Storage Live Loads in Fire Load Combinations (Bug 3666)  

When the LRFD design procedure is selected, the program was not including storage live loads Ls in the load combinations for fire design, so that live storage loads were not included in fire analysis, and if only live storage loads were applied, no fire design would be done.

Live storage loads are now included in fire load combinations, and fire design is independent of the design procedure selected, as it should be.

7. Self-weight Contribution to Counteracting Dead Loads (Change 113)

For load combinations for dead loads counteracting wind and seismic loads, e.g, 0.6D + 0.6W, the dead load due to self-weight of the member was being factored by 1.0 rather than 0.6. This has been corrected.

C. Materials and Database 

1. Boise Versa-Lam Materials (Change 193)

Database files for made for Boise Versa-Lam beams, columns, built-up beams and columns, wall studs, and built-up joists have been added to the program. Design values for these materials are from the ICC ESR-1040 and APA PR-L266 Evaluation Reports and from the Versa Lam LVL Specifier Guide.

The database has been organized into two “species” corresponding to Southern pine (density = 41.5 lb/cu.ft.) and Douglas fir (37 lb.cu. ft) with the grades marked “SP” in one and those marked “DF” in the other.  

Notes in the Evaluation Reports and Specifier Guide that say to use 1.05 in NDS Equation D-4 for Emin  have been implemented by using True E rather than Apparent E and removing the 1.03 factor from the equation. See bug 3682 Calculation of Emin for SCL Members for more details.

Design notes have been added that for Versa-Lam designs that refer to the Evaluation Reports, Specifier Guide, to side load connection design, and design assumptions regarding service conditions, treatment and notches. 

The description of the Versa-Lam materials has been abbreviated from what would appear by echoing the inputs to avoid redundancy, and appear as, e.g.

Versa-Lam® LVL Built-Up, 1.8E 2650 DF.

Versa-Lam® LVL, 1.8E 2650 DF.

2. Glulam and LVL Sill Plates (190a)

The sample LVL material that comes with the program installation, and the Glulam Balanced and Glulam Unbalanced materials  have been added to the choices for sill plates acting as supporting members. The weak axis fcpy property is used as the compressive strength perpendicular to the grain, on the assumption that the members are laid on the flat.

3. Glulam Joist Materials (190b)

For the Glulam Balanced and Glulam Unbalanced joist materials, the thicknesses more than 3.5” (4” nominal) have been disabled by default, as such sizes are not practical for use as joists. The Glulam Uniform joist material has been removed, as this material is ordinarily used for columns. 

D. Input and Program Operation

1. Load View Tab Order (Change 181a)

The order in which the program sets the input focus on the inputs in Load view when using the Tab key was inconvenient for many users as it started with the Magnitude fields and proceeded through to the Location fields, then back to the Name field at the start of the form, then to Add, then to the Type and Distribution inputs, then to Modify, Delete, etc.

It is believed that this order had been inadvertently set while testing the program.

The tab order has been reset to run through the inputs in roughly the order they appear in the form:

Name -> Type -> Distribution -> Magnitude (2) -> Location (2) -> Pattern Load -> Add -> Modify -> Delete -> Delete All –> Repeating Point Load -> Save as Default Loads -> Apply Auto Eccentricity -> Load list -> All the options and settings in the order that they appear

Also, the program now changes the focus to the Name input upon on certain operations, such as adding, modifying, or deleting loads. Previously it was going to the Magnitude field after these events.  

2. IBC Load Combination for Wet Service Conditions (Change 159)

The checkbox for in Load Input view allowing you to apply IBC Table 1604.3, Note d was disabled when you had wet service conditions selected, so that you were not able to apply the 1.0 load factor to dead load deflections allowed by this note for wet service conditions. This has been corrected, and the setting is enabled for wet service conditions, and when checked, the 1.0 factor is applied.

3. LRFD in Building Codes Box (Change 182)

The Building Codes informational dialog box that is invoked from the Welcome box now mentions that either LRFD or ASD design can be used, and that load combinations for deflection are always ASD. It previously said all load combinations were ASD.

LRFD design was introduced in version 2019, Update 2.

4. Temperature Input Editability (Change 145)

The Temperature drop list in Beam Input view has been changed such that you can only select from the three temperature range options. Previously it was possible to type a value in, which would have no effect. 

5. Notes in Design and Default Settings

The following corrections were made to the informational notes that appear at the bottom of the Design and Default Settings input forms.

a) Asterisked Items in Design Settings (Change 186)

A note in the Design Settings said that all items marked with an asterisk are saved to the project file; however only two items had an asterisk even though all but three are saved to the project file. The note has been changed to say that all items except those with an asterisk are saved to the project file.

Asterisks have been removed from the Ignore cantilever deflections… and Unsupported length Lu… settings, which are saved, and added to the Report interior and cantilever deflections separately, Report dead load deflection, and Fire resistance rating settings, which are not saved.       

b) References to Beam and Column Mode Inputs (Change 188)

In notes in both the Design and Default Settings about items from Beam or Column input mode that are also saved as settings, the references to these items are now capitalized, e.g. Temperature instead of temperature and Span Type instead of span type.

The reference to Column mode input was also removed from the Default settings as the items referred to are only in Beam mode.

E. Text Output

1. Design Notes and Warnings

The following problems with Design Notes and warning messages that appear in the output reports have been corrected

a) Warning Message for Deep Custom Lumber Sections (Bug 3615)

For dimension lumber sections that are deeper than the deepest in the beam or column database file, a warning message appeared in the Design Check output that is intended for members that are too thick for the lumber grade properties from NDS Table 4A/B, even though the sections are less than 4” thick and should not show the message.

b) Fire Rating Design Note in Concept Mode (Bug 3586)    

A design note saying "Joists, wall studs, and multi-ply members are not rated for fire endurance" appeared in the Concept Mode Design Summary, even when fire design was not performed for any member. This note has been removed as it was intended for a structure-wide fire design setting, but fire design is now activated on a group-by-group basis. The reference to multi-ply members was also obsolete, as it was based on the IBC empirical procedure that has been removed from the program.

c) Reversed Nail Spacings in SDPWS Design Note (Change 189)

The design note that appears when the option for repetitive member factors for wall studs from SDPWS is selected in Column Input view had the nail spacings 6” and 12” reversed in the following: “Wall must be covered with blocked and fastened with a minimum of 8d nails spaced at most at 12” at the edge and 6” interior”.  It now says 6” at the edge and 12” interior.

2. Factors Table of Design Check

In the Factors table of the Additional Data section of the Design Check report, the following problems were corrected. Note that the correct values were used for design; these were just display issues.

a) LRFD Factors for Tension Design (QA 9)  

The LRFD resistance factor f and format conversion factor KF for tension strength Ft. were showing the values for compression strength, that is, ϕ was shown as 0.9 instead of 0.8, and KF 2.4 instead of 2.7.    

b) Temperature Factor for CLT Wall Stiffness (QA 13)  

For CLT wall panels, in the Factors table of the Design Check output, a dash was shown instead of the temperature factor Ct for the EIapp design criterion.

3. Units Shown in Design Strength Output

The following problems with the units shown In the Analysis vs. Allowable Stress table of the Design Check output were corrected.

a) Unit for Tensile Axial Stress (Change 114)

The unit for the tensile stress due to uplift loading for columns and walls was shown as a force value, lbs or kN. It is now shown as a stress; i.e. psi or N/mm2  

b) Weak Axis Bending Moment Unit (Change 156)

The unit for bending stress in the y-axis direction for rotated beams was shown as a moment value, lb-ft or kN-m. It is now shown as a stress; i.e. psi or N/mm2 

4. Unit Conversion in Output of I-joist Shear Constant K (Bug 3582)    

When metric units were in use, the value of the I-joist shear constant K in pounds rather than newtons was shown in the Calculations section of the Design Check output, followed by the metric symbol N. For example, K = 4.94 e06 N when it should be K = 21.97 e06 N.

This was a display issue only; the correct K was used for shear deflection calculations.   

5. Output of Additional Notch Information (Changes 186,191)

The information that appeared in the Additional Data section of the Design Check report about the factors and adjustments applied to shear design for notched members was outdated and somewhat confusing. The presentation of this information was modified for the recently added LRFD design output with Update 2, and this format has now been adapted for ASD design. Corrections to the LRFD changes were also made. The details are as follows: 

a)  ASD Factors Table (Change 191b)  

There was a column in the Factors table that said Cn for glulam and Notch for sawn lumber. Cn was our terminology for the adjustment to shear resistance Vr due to notches from NDS 3.4.3, and this nomenclature doesn’t exist in the NDS. For glulam, Notch showed the value of Cvr * Cn, where Cvr is the shear reduction factor from 5.3.10 which is 0.72 when there is a notch. This column has been removed for sawn lumber and renamed to Cvr for glulam, and now shows the value of Cvr only.

b)  Note under Factors Table (Changes 186, 191b)

The note under the factors table explaining the meaning of the Cn /  Notch column has been removed, as the remaining Cvr heading is straightforward.

For glulam, this note started with Cn = even though the table heading for glulam was Notch, and referred to notes in the NDS Supplement tables referencing Cvr rather than the main reference to Cvr in 5.3.10.

c) Calculations Section (Change 191b)

In the Calculations section, we now provide an algebraic expression, NDS reference, and value of the notch adjustment from NDS applicable to the member, without giving it a name or symbol. The expression is derived from Eqn. 3.4-3 for tension face notches and 3.4-5 for compression face notches. It was previously presented following “Cn =”.  

d) Cvr Factor for LRFD Design (Change 191a)

When LRFD design was selected, the Cvr column in the Factors table showed 1.0 instead of 0.72 when there was a notch. The value of the adjustment for NDS 3.4.3 shown in the Calculations section was that adjustment erroneously multiplied by Cvr. These two errors cancelled when multiplying Cvr by the adjustment to arrive at the factored shear resistance Fv’.

e) Expression for Tension Face Notches (Change 191c)

In the Calculations section, the expression for the adjustment for tension face notches from NDS, Eqn. 3.4-3 was given as dn^3/d^2 when it should be (dn/d)^3. This has been corrected for both ASD and LRFD design.

The derivation of this adjustment from the unnotched shear resistance

Vr’ = 2/3 Fv’ b d.

is as follows, where Vr’,n is the notched shear resistance: 

Vr’,n = 2/3 Fv’ b dn (dn / d)2    

     = 2/3 Fv’ b d (dn / d) (dn / d)2

     = 2/3 Fv’ b d (dn / d)3    

     = Vr’ (dn / d)3    

6. Load Combination Table in Analysis Results

For Update 2, the Load Combinations table of the Analysis results was changed to accommodate LRFD design by showing LRFD combinations, adding a list of ASD deflection combinations and adding columns for the load combination numbers as listed in the ASCE 7.     

Corrections and adjustments to these changes are listed below. Note that they are just display issues and the analysis and design of the member was not affected.

a) Patterned Deflection Load Combination for LRFD (QA 10)  

When LRFD was selected for design, patterned load combinations did not appear in the list of combinations for deflection design; instead, a load combination number appeared followed by a dash. The pattern load combinations are now shown.

b) ASCE 7 ASD Load Combination Numbers for Deflection (Change 183)

When designing for LRFD, in the list of deflection load combinations, the ASCE# column was empty. It now shows the numbers as listed in the ASCE 7 for the ASD load combinations corresponding to the load combination shown in the table.

c) Formatting Changes (Change 183 a)

Changes were made to better line up table headings with data below, show blank lines, show blank lines as delimiters, change ASCE # and LC # to ASCE# and LC#, etc.

d) ASCE 7 ASD Load Combination Numbers (Change 183b)

The number shown in the ASCE# column for the ASD load combinations D + 0.75(S + 0.6W) and D + 0.75(Lr + 0.6W) was 3 when it should have been 6.

7. Time Effect Factor in Analysis Results

In the table in the Analysis results showing LRFD time effect factors:

a) Table Heading (QA 4)

The table heading has changed to TIME EFFECT FACTORS from Lambda FACTORS.

b) Factor Column Heading (QA 5)

The headings of the table column or columns showing these values referred to CD, which is the factor for is the factor for ASD design. It now says Lambda.

8. Design Code References for Load Combinations

The following errors in the references to load combinations in design codes and standards have been corrected:

a) ASD vs. LRFD in Design Summary (QA 1a)

The Design Summary output referred to the ASCE 7 and IBC clauses for ASD combinations when LRFD was selected for design.  

b) IBC ASD Reference (QA 1b)

In the Design Summary and Analysis Results, the reference to the IBC ASD load combinations was 1605.3.2, for Alternative Basic load combinations, but it should be 1605.3.1, for Basic Load combinations. 

c) IBC LRFD Reference in Design Check (QA 2a)

In the Design Check under Critical Load Combinations, when LRFD was selected, the reference was to IBC 1605.3.1, which is for ASD combinations. It has been changed to 1605.2. 

d) ASD Reference in Design Check (QA 2b)

In the Design Check under Critical Load Combinations, when ASD was selected, a blank space appeared after the words Load combinations:  It now shows the ASD references.


Sizer 2019, Update 3 (Version 12.3) – July 13, 2021 

1. Non-Dead-only Load Combinations for Columns from Version 12.1 Projects (Bugs 3660 and 3661)

When Column mode files with version 12.1 were run in version 12.2, the program created only the “Dead-only” load combination when analysing the member, although the original live, snow and wind loads appear in the load lists of the output reports. The reactions, shear forces, moments and deflections shown in the analysis and design results were those derived from dead loads only without the contribution of the other load types.

This problem also affected columns and walls created in Concept mode, they did not include non-dead loads in design nor pass them to supporting members.

This issue could be resolved if the setting is reset in the Loads Input View by pressing the Reset Original Settings then re-designing. For Concept mode, you must also press Apply Options to Concept Mode.

The problem has been corrected and version 12.1 files can be run in Version 12.3.

2. Tab Order for Load Input View (Change 181)   

The tab order for Loads Input view in beam mode was not the same for the docked view as for the pop-up view, nor was it the same as the Column mode order. For the pop-up view, it was necessary to tab through all the numerous settings and options before you got to the key fields starting with Magnitude that define the load, which was an inconvenience to those users who like to use the keyboard to enter loads rapidly.  

For the docked view, the tab order started with Name, then proceeded through Type and Distribution to get to the Magnitude fields. However, in previous versions of the program, the tab order started with Magnitude because Name is not a required field.

The tab order once again starts with the Magnitude fields, then proceeds through Location, Name, Add, Type, Distribution, the buttons for modifying the loads below the list, then all through all the options and settings, ending with the Load Duration factors that are rarely changed.


Sizer 2019, Update 2 (Version 12.2) – July 17, 2021

This version contains the major new features Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and Shear Deflection (Feature 203) as well as other small improvements and bug fixes.    

A. Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) (Feature 94)

It is now possible to design using the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method in the NDS. Previously the program allowed only Allowable Stress Design (ASD).

LRFD applies to all materials in Sizer (sawn, glulam, SCL, I-joists, and CLT), for all member types, and in Beam, Column and Concept mode.

1. LRFD vs ASD

LRFD is a design methodology that incorporates the variability in both loading and material resistance into design values and into separate safety factors for each, whereas ASD incorporates a factor of safety accounting for all sources of uncertainty, from both loads and resistance, into the allowable design stresses determined from the strength properties derived from the average of test samples.

a) Load Factors

LRFD loads are factored to consider the variability of each load type and to provide a margin of safety, so that for example dead loads have a factor of 1.2 and live and snow loads have a factor of 1.6 when they are the principal load in the combination.

ASD loads are essentially unfactored, except for wind loads, earthquake loads, and dead loads counteracting the effect of transient loads. Dead, live and snow loads have a factor of 1.0.

b) Load Combinations

Using LRFD, to account for the probability of loads being encountered simultaneously, separate load combinations are made with live, wind and snow as the principal load, with a high load factor, and for each of these combinations the other loads are included with a lower factor. As a result, more than one load combination is examined containing the same set of load types.  

For ASD, the probability of two load types occurring simultaneously is accounted for by a 0.75 factor applied to live, snow and wind when they occur together, and by also examining the combinations created with each load type separately with a 1.0 factor. Only one load combination is examined for each unique set of loads.

c) Resistance Factors

For LRFD, a safety factor is incorporated into the design strengths via the statistical analysis of the test samples. In addition, a factor φ accounting for size variations, workmanship, and other sources of uncertainty is included (see Resistance Factor f and Format Conversion Factor KF, below.) This factor is different for each design strength, reflecting different level of uncertainty in different applications.

Using the ASD method, all safety factors are incorporated into the reference design strengths listed in the NDS supplement and in manufacturers’ literature.

d) Design Strengths

LRFD design strengths are determined via a statistical analysis of material performance using the procedures outlined in ASTM D5457. In the absence of such an analysis, format conversion factors are used to convert ASD strengths listed in the NDS Supplement to those that correspond to the LRFD methodology. Refer to Reference Design Values, below.

Sizer uses only the format conversion method. Note that this method does not account for the variability in material properties as the LRFD statistical procedure would, it reflects the average values used to determine ASD strengths.

e) Design Results

For simple loading situations, it is easy to compare the design response of LRFD designs to those for ASD by the ratio of the factors that are applied when using the methods. For typical 15 psf dead and 40 psf live floor loads, for bending moment design of joists and supporting beams, LRFD is advantageous by 16%, i.e., a member loaded to capacity for ASD could be loaded 1.16 times this much before failing for LRFD.

LRFD is found to be advantageous for situations with more than one transient load type e.g., wind, snow, and live load in combination, by as much as 30%.

An exception to this is combined axial and bending design for columns subject to wind and snow loads, where LRFD can be conservative with respect to ASD by as much as 50%.

Refer to  https://www.awc.org/pdf/codes-standards/publications/archives/lrfd/AWC-ASAE984006-LRFDvsASD-9807.pdf for more details and comparisons.

2. NDS Provisions 

The following NDS provisions specific to LRFD have been implemented. Note that all other NDS provisions also apply to LRFD unless indicated as ASD-only.   

-        1.4: LRFD is given as a permitted procedure

-        1.4.4: Load combination factors are to come from the governing design code, and load combinations and time effect factors λ are from Appendix N.

- Mandates use of LRFD adjustment factors.

-        2.3.5 and Table 2.3.5; N.3.1 and Table N1:  Specifies format conversion factor KF

-        2.3.6 and Table 2.3.6; N.3.2 and Table N2:  Specifies resistance factor φ

-        2.3.7: Mandates time effect factor λ specified in N.3.3

-        4.3.3, 5.3.2, 7.3.2, 8.3.2, 10.3.2:  Load duration factor CD indicated as ASD-only

-        4.3.14, 5.3.14, 7.3.8, 8.3.11, 10.3.10: Mandate format conversion factor KF for design criteria listed in Tables (see below)

-        4.3.15, 5.3.15, 7.3.9, 8.3.12, 10.3.11:  Mandate resistance conversion factor φ for design criteria listed in Tables (see below)

-        4.3.16, 5.3.16, 7.3.10, 8.3.13, 10.3.12: Mandate time effect factor λ specified in N.3.3 for design criteria listed in Tables (see below)

-        Tables 4.3, 5.3, 7.3, 8.3 and 10.3 – List design criteria applicable to format conversion factor KF, time effect factor λ, and resistance conversion factor φ

-        Appendix N.1.2: Loads and load combinations from applicable building code or ASCE 7

-        Appendix N.2.1: Indicates that adjusted design values are from ASTM D5457 or from NDS using N 2.2

-        N.2.2: Indicates NDS design values are to be adjusted as per Tables (see above). 

-        N.3.3 and Table N3:  Specifies time effect factor.

3. Choice of Design Procedures

An input has been added to the Design Settings allowing you to choose between Allowable Stress Design (ASD) and Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD).

4. Storage Live Load

Because there are different time-effect factors λ based on whether live loads are due to storage or occupancy (see item 6 below), a new load type for live loads due to storage has been added to the program.

a) Input

The load type Live storage has been added to the Type drop list in Load Input view and appears in the load lists in the output report as such. It is available regardless of whether LRFD or ASD design is chosen in the Design Settings.

b) Symbol

The load type has the symbol Ls in load combination descriptors that appear in the Design Analysis and Design Check output reports and the input list of load combinations for the Analysis diagrams. Live storage loads appear next to live loads in these descriptors, e.g. 1.4D + 1.6 L + 1.6Ls.

c) Load Combination Factor

For LRFD design, the load combination factor is the same as the factor for other live loads in the same load combination. Refer to the section on Load combinations below for more details.  

For ASD design, the load combination factor is 1.0, the same as other live loads.

d) Time Effect Factor

For LRFD load combination 2 which has principal live loads, the time-effect factor for combinations generated with live storage loads but without other live loads is 0.8, otherwise, in the absence of impact loads, it is 0.7, if there are impact loads, it is 1.25.   

For the load combinations 3,4, and 5, where live loads are secondary, the time-effect factor is unaffected by the presence of live storage loads and the factor corresponding to the principal load is used.    

Refer to the section on Time Effect Factor below for more details.

e) Load Duration Factor

The ASD load duration factor CD is unaffected by the presence of Live Storage loads, they are treated as any other live load in the determination of CD.

f) Long-term Deflection

Live storage loads are included in the long-term loads to which the creep factor KCF is applied in determining total deflection using NDS 3.5.2.

This is the only effect of live storage loads that occurs when using ASD design. It is also applied to LRFD design.  

5. Load Combinations

a) LRFD or “Strength” Load Combinations.

Load combinations to be used for LRFD or strength design are listed in table NDS Table N3 giving the time effect factor for each combination. These load combinations are derived from the numbered load combinations in IBC 1605.2 and ASCE 7 2.3. IBC designates as these being for “strength design or load and resistance factor design”, whereas ASCE 7 refers only to “strength design”. These load combinations are:


1.    1.4D

2.    1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)

3.    1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S or R) + (L or 0.5W)

4.    1.2D + 1.0W + L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)

5.    1.2D + 1.0E + L + 0.2S

6.    0.9D + 1.0W

7.    0.9D + 1.0E


The IBC combinations also refer to hydrostatic loads H, fluid loads F, live load factors for public assembly and parking garages, and snow load factors for sawtooth roofs. The ASCE 7 separates earthquake loads into vertical and horizontal components. The load combinations listed in the NDS do not include these special situations, and they are not implemented in Sizer. 

b) Sizer Load Combinations

Sizer creates separate load types for Live Storage (Ls) and Impact (I) loads in order to apply the time-effect factors for combinations containing these loads. Live storage loads were added for LRFD. Impact loads already existed for ASD design.

To avoid unnecessarily complicating the list of load combinations with rarely used loads that are unlikely to govern, impact loads are incorporated only into load combination 2, where they have a different time-effect factor than other loads.

Live storage loads, however, are incorporated into all load combinations that have live loads, although the special time-effect factor is applied only to load combination 2.  

The load combinations implemented by Sizer are therefore


1.    1.4D

2.    1.2D + 1.6(L + Ls + I)  + 0.5(Lr or S or R)

3.    1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S or R) + (L + Ls or 0.5W)

4.    1.2D + 1.0W + L + Ls + 0.5(Lr or S or R)

5.    1.2D + 1.0E + L + Ls + 0.2S

6.    0.9D + 1.0W

7.    0.9D + 1.0E

c) Subsets of Load Combinations

As is the case with ASD load combinations, Sizer examines subsets of these load combinations if they could possibly govern for design relative to the full combination. Note they whether they can govern for design is also affected by the time-effect factor, described in CREF below. The following is a list of all subsets of the load combinations generated by Sizer for LRFD design.



Load Type



No. in Sizer








Load combinations if all the loads in the combination listed exist on the member


Load Combination 1 (Dead only)













Load Combination 2 (L principal)

1.2D + 1.6 L + 0.5 (Lr or S )










1.2D + 1.6(L + Ls)










1.2D + 1.6 Ls










1.2D + 1.6(L + Ls) + 0.5Lr










1.2D + 1.6 Ls + 0.5Lr










1.2D + 1.6(L + Ls) + 0.5S










1.2D + 1.6 Ls + 0.5S










1.2D + 1.6(L + Ls + I) + 0.5S










1.2D + 1.6 (L + Ls + I) + 0.5Lr



Load Combination 3 (Lr or S principal)

1.2D + 1.6 (Lr or S ) + ( L or 0.5W)










1.2D + 1.6Lr + 1.0(L + Ls)










1.2D + 1.6Lr










1.2D + 1.6 S + 1.0(L + Ls)










1.2D + 1.6S










1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5W










1.2D + 1.6S + 0.5W



Load Combination 4 (W principal)











1.2D + 1.0W + L + Ls + 0.5Lr










1.2D + 1.0W + L + Ls










1.2D + 1.0W + L + Ls + 0.5S










1.2D + 1.0W + 0.5Lr










1.2D + 1.0W










1.2D + 1.0W + 0.5S

Load Combination 5 (E principal)

1.2D + 1.0E +  L +  0.5 (Lr or S)










1.2D + 1.0E + L + Ls + 0.2S










1.2D + 1.0E + 0.2S










1.2D + 1.0E + L + Ls










1.2D + 1.0E 

Load Combination 6 (Counteracting W)

0.9D + 1.0W










0.9D + 1.0W

Load Combination 7 (Counteracting E)

0.9D + 1.0E










0.9D + 1.0E



d) Load Combinations for Deflection

Since LRFD combinations are intended for strength design and there is no guidance in the NDS, ASCE or IBC as to the combinations to be used for serviceability design, i.e. deflections, ASD load combinations are used to calculate deflections even if LRFD is chosen as the design procedure in the Design Settings. 

6. Time Effect Factor

The time effect factor λ is analogous to the load duration factor CD for ASD design. CD is not applied to LRFD design.

The time-effect factors are given in NDS Table N3 as



Load Combination






1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S)

0.7 (when L is from storage)


1.2D + 1.6L+ 0.5(Lr or S)

0.8 (when L is from occupancy)


1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S)

1.25 (when L is from impact)


1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S) + (L or 0.5W)



1.2D + 1.0W + L + 0.5(Lr or S)



1.2D + 1.0E + L + 0.2S



0.9D + 1.0W



a) CD vs. λ

The main difference between CD and λ is that CD is based on the presence of load types in a combination, so that a different CD factor is applied to load combinations generated from a subset of loads than would be applied if all loads existed in the combination. λ is applied based on the combination and is the same for subsets of combinations containing fewer of the ASCE-defined types than in the full combination.

However, this is not true for load types I and Ls defined by Sizer for convenience, see below.

b) Impact and Live Storage Loads

It is possible that more than one of live occupancy, live storage, and live impact loads can be on the member. In that case, for load combination 2, the program generates the full combination and subsets of the combination not containing I, L, and/or Ls. The time effect factor is the largest for any of the loads in the combination.

For example, of live and live storage are on the member, then the combination with both has a time effect factor λ = 0.8. A combination is also generated only with live storage loads, without occupancy live loads, with a λ = 0.7.

This is analogous to the procedure used to determine the CD factor for combinations containing more than one load duration category.

c) Time Effect Factor for Sizer Load Combinations

The time effect factor for all the subsets of ASCE/NDS load combinations generated by Sizer, designating impact and live storage loads as separate load types, is shown below.



No. Sizer

Sizer Load Combinations. 


1:  Dead only - 1.4D





2: 2D + 1.6 L + 0.5 (Lr or S)



1.2D + 1.6(L + Ls)




1.2D + 1.6 Ls




1.2D + 1.6(L + Ls) + 0.5Lr




1.2D + 1.6 Ls + 0.5Lr




1.2D + 1.6(L + Ls) + 0.5S




1.2D + 1.6 Ls + 0.5S




1.2D + 1.6(L + Ls + I) + 0.5S +




1.2D + 1.6 (L + Ls + I) + 0.5Lr


3:  1.2D + 1.6 (Lr or S) + (L or 0.5W)



1.2D + 1.6Lr + 1.0(L + Ls)




1.2D + 1.6Lr




1.2D + 1.6 S + 1.0(L + Ls)




1.2D + 1.6S




1.2D + 1.6Lr + 0.5W




1.2D + 1.6S + 0.5W


4:  1.2D + 1.0W + L + 0.5 (Lr or S)



1.2D + 1.0W + L + Ls + 0.5Lr




1.2D + 1.0W + L + Ls




1.2D + 1.0W + L + Ls + 0.5S




1.2D + 1.0W + 0.5Lr




1.2D + 1.0W




1.2D + 1.0W + 0.5S


5:  1.2D + 1.0E + L + 0.5 (Lr or S)



1.2D + 1.0E + L + Ls + 0.2S




1.2D + 1.0E + 0.2S




1.2D + 1.0E + L + Ls




1.2D + 1.0E 


6: 0.9D + 1.0W



0.9D + 1.0W


7:  0.9D + 1.0E



0.9D + 1.0E



d) Applicable Design Criteria

The design criteria that the time effect factor λ applies to for each material is indicated by a λ in the table below: 



Sawn Glulam SCL



Sawn, Glulam, SCL
























Rolling shear







Axial compression







Compression perp. to grain














Buckling stiffness







Shear stiffness














λ* - Indicates that the criterion is not implemented in generic Sizer


e) Input of CD Factors

The inputs for CD factors for each load type in Loads View are disabled when LRFD is selected in the Design Settings.

7. Resistance Factor f and Format Conversion Factor KF

The resistance factor f from and the format conversion factor KF are applied based on the design criterion.

a) Resistance Factor f

The resistance factor is a safety factor analogous to the factor f in CSA O86. It is listed in NDS Table 2.3.5 and N2. It comes from fs in ASTM D5457 4.1.1 Table 1.

b) Format Conversion Factor KF

The format conversion factor converts from values to be used for ASD design to those to be used for LRFD design. It is listed in NDS Tables 2.3.6 and N3.  It comes from of ASTM D5457 4.1.1 Table 2.   

c) Values and Applicable Design Criteria

The values of  f and KF for each design criteria, and whether it applies for each material, are given in the table below: 



Sawn Glulam SCL





Sawn, Glulam,










KF, f

KF, f

KF**, f







KF, f

KF, f








KF, f

KF*, f*

KF**, f

Rolling shear







KF, f


Axial compression






KF, f

KF, f


Compression perp. to grain






KF, f

KF, f


Bearing resistance








KF*, f*










Buckling stiffness






KF, f

KF, f


Shear stiffness


















KF*, f* - Indicates that the criterion is not implemented in generic Sizer but may be in custom versions. 

KF** - Indicates that the value of KF is not the one listed here but must come from the manufacturer.

d) KF values for I-joists

The program uses the same KF values for I-joists that it does for other materials. According to Nordic Engineered Wood, these values are appropriate for their I-joists. It is left to a future version of the program to allow for input of proprietary KF values into the database.

8.  Reference Design Values

As per NDS N2.2 and ASTM D5457 4.1.1, the program uses the ASD design strengths and resistances published in the NDS Supplement and applies the format conversion factor KF to convert to LRFD values.

ASTM D5457 also includes a statistical analysis procedure in Section 4.2 for manufacturers and suppliers to determine the LRFD strengths empirically, without using ASD strengths or applying the KF factor. It is not currently possible in Sizer to design for material strengths determined with this method.   

Note that the using the NDS format conversion method used by Sizer does not account for variation in the strengths of materials as the statistical procedure would.

9. Deflection Design

As LRFD load combinations are intended for strength design, the program uses ASD load combinations when calculating the deflection of the member, even when the LRFD method is chosen in the Design Settings.

The LRFD KF, f, and λ factors are not applicable to the modulus of elasticity E or stiffness EI used for deflection, nor is the CD factor that is used for ASD only, so there is no other effect of the ASD vs. LRFD choice affecting deflection calculations. Deflections should be identical for ASD and LRFD.

10. Fire Design

Although there is no guidance in the NDS regarding fire design, and Table 16.2.2 for strength adjustment factors refers to ASD only, we have been informed that a future version of the NDS will indicate that these factors are applicable to LRFD as well, so LRFD is used for design of fire-reduced sections when selected in the Design Settings.      

11. Output

a) Design Notes

The design note referencing the NDS in the Design Check or Design Summary now indicates whether ASD or LFRD was used.

b) Analysis vs. Design Table

The title of the Analysis vs. Design table refers to Load and Resistance Factor Design when LRFD is selected.

c) Factors Table

In the Factors table of the Design Check output report, columns headed by KF, f, and λ appear, and the column for ASD load duration factor CD is not shown.

d) Load Combinations in Design Results

In the Design Data section of the Design Summary and in the Critical Load Combinations section of the Design Check, the existing line saying only that ASCE / IBC load combinations are used, now indicates whether they are ASD or LRFD and provides design code reference numbers.  

e) Load Combinations in Analysis Report

In the Analysis output report, separate tables are shown for the LRFD load combinations for strength design and ASD combinations for deflection.

Titles above each table give the design code/standard reference for the tables from both ASCE and IBC. This title has been added for ASD design as well.

A column has been added giving the load combination number from the ASCE for each combination, for both LRFD and ASD combinations. 

f) Time Effect Factor in Analysis Report

When LRFD is selected, the table that shows CD factors for each combination for ASD instead shows the time effect factor λ for LRFD.

B. Shear Deflection (Feature 203)

For CLT, SCL, and I-joist materials, the program now implements rigorous shear deflection calculations based on Timoshenko beam theory, which has been incorporated in our matrix stiffness loads analysis engine.

(Sawn lumber and glulam materials do not require rigorous shear deflection analysis because the effect of shear deflection is incorporated in published modulus of elasticity E values.)

A full technical exposition of this procedure will be provided in the Online Help. The following describes the changes in program operation for this feature.

1. Previous Implementation

Previously, for CLT and I-joists, the program used an approximate method which applied an adjustment to stiffness EI based on the shear deflection of a uniformly loaded, simple span beam.

For SCL, it used an “apparent” EI that you entered in your database files as provided by the manufacturer. This EI could also be inaccurate or overly conservative compared to the True EI that manufacturers also publish.

2. Design Setting

For SCL, a setting has been added to allow you to choose between using the manufacturers published Apparent E value, and not calculate shear deflection, or use True E and calculate shear deflection. True E values have been added to all SCL database files, and Apparent E retained.

3. Design for Unknown Parameters

When searching for a passing design for unknowns, the program uses the approximate method for CLT and I-joists, and Apparent E for SCL. Then when verifying the section in the Design Check, it uses the known GA value and calculates shear deflection.

This is because in the absence of shear deflection, the program designs for unknown section size using an arbitrary stiffness EI and relies on linearity to adjust the resulting deflections once the section was known and EI can be calculated.

This is not possible with the inclusion of shear deflection, which requires the section size for shear stiffness GA for SCL or CLT, and for I-joists, for the shear constant K of the section.

It is possible, therefore, that a member which just barely passed the deflection check when searching for a design fails the Design Check, or that a section that would just barely pass the Design Check is passed over when searching for a passing section.

4. Concept Mode

In Concept Mode, if the section size of a design group is specified ahead of time, and True E is selected in the Design Settings, the program calculates the shear deflection of the member. Otherwise, it is approximated using Apparent E for SCL, and by using adjustment to EI for I-joists and SCL.

5. Output

a) Deflections

The deflections that include the effect of shear deflection can be seen in the Deflection Analysis Diagram, and in the critical deflection value shown in the Analysis vs. Design table of the Design Check results, and in the critical deflection design ratio in the Design Summary and in the Concept Mode Results by Member.

b) Calculations

The value of shear stiffness GA is output in the Calculations section of the Design Check next to bending stiffness EI. 

c) Design Notes

Design notes in the Design Check, Design Summary, and Concept Mode Design Results have been changed as follows:

A note saying that shear deflection is approximate for I-joists and CLT have been removed.

For SCL, a note has been added saying whether True E or Apparent E has been used and mentions that mentions the shear modulus G = E /16, where E is the modulus of elasticity. For Concept mode, the note indicates that calculations with True E and G = E /16 are used when the section size for a design group has been specified, and that approximation with Apparent E is used when searching for unknown sections.

C. Other Engineering Design

1. Load Duration Factor CD for CLT Rolling Shear Resistance (Bug 3631)

The program was applying a load duration factor CD to CLT rolling shear resistance Vs’ although NDS 10.3.2 and Table 10.3.1 did not include CD among the factors applicable to Fs (Ib/Q)eff  (which Sizer and APA PRG 320 call “Vs”).

The program showed a “-“ for CD in the Factors table of the Design Check as if the factor was correctly not being applied. The incorrect factor did show up in the CD Factors table of the Analysis Results.

This resulted in a resistance Vs’, as shown in the Analysis vs. Design table, that was greater than it should be for all load combinations other than those that contain only dead and live loads. For one example it was 3795 lbs instead of 3300 lbs for the D + S combination with a CD factor of 1.15.

2. CLT Rolling Shear for Transverse Layers (Bug 3649)

The CLT database contained only one rolling shear value Fs that was applied to both the transverse and longitudinal layers, but there are circumstances in which they can be different, so a value for transverse layers has been added to the database, to the Database Editor input, and to the calculation procedure for rolling shear adapted from CSA O86

Vs’ = 2/3 Aeff Fs CD Ct

The Fs values shown in O86 Table 8.2.4 and the Vr values in PRG 320 Table A2 are the same for transverse and perpendicular layers for all stress grades listed, but this is not necessarily the case. MSR shear strength fv from NDS Supplement Table 4C can be different than those from Tables 4A and 4B for visually graded lumber, even for the same species.  Some layups are composed of MSR layers and visual layers, so the transverse layers would not have the same fs (which is roughly 1/3 fv) as longitudinal layers

3. Bending Moment Factor for Transverse Axis CLT Design (Bug 3605)

For fire design of CLT floor and roof panels, the program applied a factor of 0.85 to the transverse axis bending resistance, when it should be 1.0 as per PRG 320-2019. 0.85 is the factor for the longitudinal axis design. 

The correct 1.0 factor was being shown in the FACTORS table in the Design Check output, however internally the 0.85 factor was being used in the calculation.

This has been corrected.

4. Combined Axial and Bending Check for CLT (Bug 3632)

For CLT wall panels, in the combined axial and bending interaction formula from NDS Commentary Equation C15.4-5, the program was using lb-inches for values of maximum moment M, but lb-ft for M’, resulting in the ratio of modified moment values to be roughly 12 times higher than it should be, and the combined Analysis/Design  value much higher than it should be, often causing the member to fail when it shouldn’t. This value is shown in the Analysis vs. Design table of the Design Check output.

The interaction formula is


(P / Pc’)2 + (M + P D (1 + 0.234 P / PcE)) / M’ (1 – P / PcE)  £  1.0 


where the P is axial force Pc’ axial resistance, PcE and D is deflection. For CLT, M’ = Fb/Seff, as shown in the version of this equation in the FPInnovations CLT Handbook.

For example, for a 4-1/8” CLT wall panel, E1 grade, with 7500 plf dead and 15000 plf live axial loads, and 41.67 psf lateral wind area load, in the program was using a M value of 2812 lb-in (235 lb-ft), and M’ of 7249 lb-ft. The Analysis/Design ratio for combined axial plus bending was 1.21 but should have been 0.41.

Consistent units are now used in this equation, resulting in correct design ratios.

5. Shear Deflection Issues

The following problems with the approximate shear deflection formula for CLT and I-joists were corrected by implementing the new matrix-analysis-based shear deflection calculations (see Section B above, Shear Deflection (Feature 203).)

The approximate formula, given for CLT in NDS 10.4.1 as the expression for apparent shear stiffness EIapp, adjusted deflections for all span and loading conditions based on the shear deflection for a simple span beam with uniform loading. These corrections apply to the continued use of this formula when evaluating members with unknown section sizes. 

a) Application of I-joist Shear Deflection (Bug 3572)

Starting with version 12.1, the shear deflection using the approximate formula was no longer being added to I-joist bending deflection, resulting in deflections that were typically 10% less than they should be.

b) CLT Shear Stiffness Adjustment for Creep (Bug 3580)

The program was incorrectly reducing the CLT shear stiffness GAeff by 75% when calculating total deflection and 50% for live deflection.

These reductions were from a provision from the FPInnovations CLT Handbook implemented before CLT design was included in the NDS. It is now superseded by the creep factor of 2.0 in NDS 3.5.2.   

GAeff  is used in both the approximate formula and the new method.

c) Apparent EI for CLT Shear Deflection (Bug 3579)

The calculation of EIapp for CLT was subject to random and unpredictable errors such that it was 1% - 5% greater than the EIeff value, when it should be less. 

6. Incising Factor Ci for Compression Strength Fcp (Bug 3629)

When a sawn lumber member was incised for treatment, the program applied the input incising factor Ci for bending and shear strength, usually 0.8 from NDS Table 4.3.8 to the bearing compression strength Fcp’, whereas it should be 1.0 for that purpose.

This resulted in a bearing capacity 20% less than what should be, and a minimum required bearing length 25% more than it should be. These values are shown in the Bearing and Reactions table of the Design Check output. The Ci factor shown in the Factors table for Fcp was 1.0, despite 0.8 having been used.

The Beam View input for Ci for Strengths does not include bearing strength Fcp because it is listed as 1.0 in the NDS and assumed to always be 1.0.

A longer than expected minimum required bearing length can cause the shear and bending stresses to be slightly less than they should be due to the shortened design span. 

For example, for a 8.75’, 6 x 12” Timber beam, with Ci = 0.8, the  minimum required bearing length should be1.35” but was 1.69” and the bearing capacity should be 4383 lbs but was 3506 lbs.

7. Shifting of Loads and Maximum Moment (Custom QA Bugs 17-21 and 17-22)*

For beams with Design span as the Span Type, if the minimum required bearing length was greater than the input bearing length, when performing loads analysis, the program shifted the loads on the member to the right by one-half the difference between these bearing lengths. As a result, both the value and location of the maximum moment could be slightly incorrect, for example for a 5-meter, uniformly loaded beam, the maximum moment was 43.7 rather than 44.7, located at 2.6 m rather than 2.5. This has been corrected.

D. Materials and Database

1. Element5 CLT Material (Change 162)

A proprietary CLT material called Element5 CLT has been added to the program for wall panels, floor panels and roof panels. This material includes only stress grade V2.

E. Program Operation

1. Disappearance of Load Name Input (Bug 3569)

In the Loads Input View, the load name disappeared any time you changed the load distribution. If you then entered a name again, it persisted unless the distribution was changed again. 

This has been corrected.

2. Section Depth Change for a Single Glulam Column Section (Bug 3578)

Starting with version 12.1, for only the Glulam-Balanced column, Western species, 16F-1.3E WS stress class with an 89 mm x 229 mm cross-section, when the Save or Design button in Beam View is clicked, the width changed to 79 mm from 89 mm, and the program would design with the reduced width.  This only occurred when metric units were selected and has been corrected.  

3. Column Input View Rearrangement (Bug 3643)

The following changes have been made to the layout of the inputs in Column View:   

a) CLT Wall Panel Layers

The CLT layup data group that appeared in the upper right corner when wall panels were selected has been removed as it contained only the Layers input, which has been moved to be at the bottom of the material and section size inputs.  

b) Modification Factors

In the Modification Factors group box:

-        The Repetitive member checkbox which had been placed awkwardly in the upper right corner has been moved down and to the left, lining up under other inputs.

-        The Treatment data group surrounding the Incising and Fire retardant inputs has been removed, and these inputs rearranged.

-        More spacing has been placed between the Modification Factors box and neighboring data groups. 

F. Output and Drawings

1. Horizontally Projected Sloped Beam Dimension Lines (Change 158)

a) Dimension Lines

The program shows each clear span, and the full span of the whole beam, joist or panel, in dimension lines above the member. These distances are measured along the slope of the member.

A Preferences setting has been added to also be able to show these as the horizontally projected values, i.e. the clear span is the actual distance between the inner edges of the supports, and the full span is the distance between the outer edges of the ends supports or cantilever end.

b) Design Check Output

In the Design Check output of the member specification underneath the drawing, the program now gives the horizontal projection, i.e., the distance between the inner edges of the supports. Previously it was showing the sloped distance between supports. The text Clear span now says Clear span (horz).

2. Sloped Beam Dimension Output (Bug 3568)

When calculating the length of a sloped beam or joist, the program was considering the total length of material needed to cut a solid member and adding a small triangular portion to each end of the member to square the ends. 

a) Dimension Lines

This distance including the extra portion was being shown on the dimension line for the full beam span even though the extension lines delineated the shorter distance between the ends cut vertically at the outer edge of each support. The correct distance is now shown on the dimension line, which is the sloped distance between the intersection of the bottom of the beam and the outer edges of the supports.

b) Design Check Output

In the Design Check output of the member specification underneath the drawing, for I-joists, the program still reports the full length of material needed, including the triangular portions.  

3. Failure Warning Note for Fire Design Shear Results (Bug 3556)

The red failure warning message In the Design Check output for the design criterion Shear(fire) that appeared whenever fire design was performed for notched members has been removed, as it could have been misconstrued as the program designing for fire but failing.

A message now appears explaining that fire design is not allowed for notched members, in the place where messages pertaining to other special circumstances are shown.

4. Unfactored Reactions for Concentric Axial Loads on Non-wood Support (Bug 3621)

In Column mode when only axial concentric loads were applied to a member resting on a non-wood or no support, the Reactions table did not appear, so that the unfactored axial reactions for each load type which ordinarily appear in this table were not shown.

5. Load Combination for Maximum Bearing Reaction in Analysis Diagram (Bug 3627)

In the Beam Analysis diagrams, for Critical Results, the load combination number for the maximum bearing reaction was from a load combination for the largest reaction on the last support rather than the one that corresponds to the largest reaction from all supports. This has been corrected.

6. Concept Mode Design Note (Change 168)

An obsolete statement about the dead load being no greater than half the live load has been removed from a Design Note in Concept mode.



Sizer 2019, Update 1 (Version 12.1) – May 25, 2020  

1. Slenderness Ratio in Built-up Column Axial Compression Design (Bug 3514)

The following problems regarding lateral stability calculations for built-up columns for axial compression design from NDS were introduced with version 12.0 and have been corrected.

a) Column Width used for Slenderness Ratio Limit

The program was using the single ply width in calculating the slenderness ratio le/b  when checking against the allowable limit of 50 from NDS, although full member width should be used .

As a result, for a 10-foot column with 3-2x6 plies, the slenderness ratio was calculated as  80, causing the column to fail, when it should have been 26.7 and pass.       

When the member incorrectly failed  for this reason, a screen warning message appears, a red failure warning appears in the design check giving “Axial due to slenderness as the reason, and the axial compression line and combined axial and bending lines indicate the reason for failure. These messages refer to the identical requirement for solid columns from NDS

Note that single-ply width is still checked to determine whether it the strength Fc’ is greater than for single ply than from multi-ply, as per and this cannot be taken advantage of if the slenderness ratio using single-ply width is over 50. The problem was that it was indicating a design failure rather than merely not applying the advantage if it exists.

b) Slenderness Ratio for Lateral Stability Factor CP

In the calculation of the Column Stability factor CP, if the slenderness ratio was greater in the width b direction than the depth d direction, the program used the slenderness ratio calculated for the d direction, and multiplied the result by the Kf factor ordinarily applied to the b direction, instead of using the slenderness factor calculated for the b direction. This typically caused the CP factor to be greater than it should be and overestimated the strength of the column.

In the example from the previous sub-item, the Column Stability Factor CP is shown 0.351 when it should have been 0.261.

If the slenderness ratio in the d direction was greater than that in the b direction, the program behaved as expected.

2. Shutdown When Using Glulam-uniform Southern Pine Materials (Bug 3531)

The letters “SP “have been removed from all the grade combination names for Glulam-Uniform Southern Pine columns and beams, because roughly half of the names were longer than permissible in Sizer. For example, 48 1:10 (N2D10) replaces 48 1:10 (SP N2D10).

Selection of one of these combinations in any program mode would cause arcane warning messages to appear  and eventually the program would crash when running design or performing other input operations.

3. Right Cantilever and Fix-Free Column Deflections Due to Applied Moments (Bug 3545)

In the analysis of user-applied moments to right cantilever beam spans and columns with a fixed base and free top, the program was subtracting rather than adding the “fixed-end” deflection to the deflection due to rotation at supports.

As a result, downward deflections at the cantilever can be significantly lower than they should be, so that the maximum deflection that is compared to the deflection limit in the design of the member is too low. For beams that experience uplift at the cantilever, this created  larger-than-expected deflections.

For columns, this caused the deflection due to the moment to be applied on the opposite side of the column than it should, creating inaccuracies when combined with deflections from other sources.

As an example, for a beam with a 6-meter middle span and a 2-meter cantilevers on each side and 10 kN-m applied moment at each end of the beam, the cantilever deflections were 3.6 mm on the right end and 10.9 mm on the left end, although these should be the same.

The incorrect deflections could be seen in the Analysis diagrams and in the maximum deflection shown in the Design Check report,and have now been corrected.

Deflections due to applied moments on a left-end cantilever, or other column fixity conditions, were correct.

4. Simpson Hanger Database Update (Change 155)

The program includes the April 2020 update of the Simpson hanger database (version 2020.4.16). Previously the July 2019 version was in use.

5. Load Combination Descriptors

Changes described below have been made to load combination descriptors such as D+.75(L+S) that appear in the following places

-        the main list and the table of CD factors in the Analysis Results output

-        the Critical Load Combinations section of the Design Check output

-        Analysis diagram selection controls and drawings.

a) Symbol Spacing and Formatting of Factors (Change 147)

The compressed format of the descriptors has been expanded to make them the same as they appear in the ASCE 7 and IBC design codes, by adding spaces between symbols and adding a leading zero before factors that are less than 1.0. What was formerly D+.75(L+S) now appears as D + 0.75(L + S)

The compressed descriptor still appears if it is necessary to reduce the length of a long, patterned combination in the Analysis output report, however this rarely occurs. 

b) Snow-Only Pattern Combinations (Change 146)

When a patterned snow load is the only load in a load combination, the combination was represented by the single lower-case letter “s” instead of the usual upper-case “S”. It is now S, but the lower-case s is still used in the pattern description for the half-loaded spans, so that what was previously s (pattern: sS) is now S (pattern: sS).

c)  IBC and ASCE 7 References in Load Combination List Headers (Change 148)

The program now shows the clause reference numbers 2.4 for ASCE 7 and 1604.3.2 of IBC in the headers to the lists of load combinations in the Analysis results and the Design Check. It also indicates that the ASCE combinations are “Basic” (as opposed to “Strength”).

6. Display of Data in Additional Data Section of Design Check

The following problems regarding the display of data in the Additional Data section of the Design Check output were corrected.

a) Emin when Slenderness Ratio Fails (Bug 3514)

In cases where the slenderness ratio for the calculation of the combined axial and bending check is not calculated because the slenderness ratio fails, in the Emin’ row of the Factors table , the unfactored buckling modulus Emin was was shown as 0.00 million instead of the value corresponding to the material for the member. This has been corrected.

b) Exponentiation Symbol in Weak-axis Bending Stiffness EIy (Change 149)

For members with an oblique angle, the symbol e06 representing 106 was not shown in the after the weak axis bending stiffness EIy. The major axis bending stiffness EI was shown as expected.



Sizer 2019 (Version 12.0) – December 16, 2019

WoodWorks released a Version 11.2 at the same time as version Sizer 2019 order that important corrections and other changes were  included in a version that implements the previous design codes and standards.

Most bug fixes and small changes appearing for the first time in Sizer 2019 are listed under the Version 11.2, below. Please consider both lists as the record of changes for Sizer 2019.

A. Design Codes and Standards

1. Update to NDS 2018 (Feature 230)

The program has been updated to conform the 2018 National Design Specification for Wood Construction, from the 2015 NDS.

a) Custom Incising Factor

NDS 4.3.8 now allows for a custom incising factor Ci based on specific incising patterns. To implement this, the Beam view data group called Modification factors has been split into two boxes, one for Service conditions containing Moisture and Temperature inputs, and one for Treatment containing Incising checkbox, and two inputs for custom MoE and Strengths. These inputs default to the values for incisions limited as in 4.3.8 but can then be changed. The default modulus of elasticity incision is 0.95 and the default for Fb, Fv, Fc and Ft is 0.80.      

b) Fire Design Char Rate vs. Char Depth

NDS 2015 Equation 16.2-1 for char rate βeff was based on a nominal one-hour char rate and exposure time and then one would multiply the char rate by the exposure time to get the char depth achar. Now, these two steps have been combined into one equation 16.2-2. Accordingly, the char rate βeff has been removed from the Calculations section of the Design Check results table.

c) SCL Tension Volume Factor

The volume factor CV stored in the database section properties is now applied to tension strength Ft for SCL members, as per NDS 2018

d) Flat Use Factor for Beam and Stringer E and Emin

The flat use factor Cfu for beams and stringers that was previously only in Supplement table 4D are referenced from NDS  The program had not been applying the 0.90 factor for No.1 grade members to the moduli of elasticity E and Emin This has been corrected.

e) Redwood Grades

The redwood grades that are not “open grain” have been removed from Table 4D and have been removed from the database by removing the Redwood species and renaming Redwood (o.g) to Redwood.

f) Volume Factor CV for Fb* used for Lateral Stability  

NBC 2018 includes a provision in 3.3-6 that the volume factor Cv is to be applied to the value of Fb* for lateral stability factor CL calculations if greater than 1.0 This was already implemented in Sizer 7 in 2006 as per an AWC directive.       

g) NDS Link

The link in the Help menu to the .pdf of the on-line NDS on the website has been updated to retrieve NDS 2018.

h) NDS References

The references to the edition of the NDS in the Welcome box, Building Codes box, About Sizer box, and in the Design Check output have been updated to 2018.

2. Update to IBC 2018 (Feature 230)

The program has been updated to conform to the 2018 International Building Code from the 2015 IBC.

a) IBC 1604.3 Note d

As Live roof (Lr) has been added to the load combination given in 1604.3 note d, the 0.5 factor is now applied to make the 0.5 D + Lr, and 0.5 D + 0.75 (L + Lr) combinations. Previously only the 0.5 D + Lr combination was constructed.

Note that for CLT, the dead load factor is now 1.0 rather than 0.5, so that when CLT materials are selected, the checkbox activating this item in load input view reads L + D rather than L + 0.5D and the 1.0 dead factor is applied to the above combinations rather than 0.5.

b) IBC References

The references to the edition of the IBC in the Welcome box, Building Codes box, About Sizer box, and in the Design Check output have been updated to 2018.  

3. Update to ASCE 7-16

The program has been updated to conform to the 2016 ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures from the 2010 ASCE 7. This standard is used for Sizer only for load combinations, which are also published in the IBC, and have not changed for this edition of the ASCE 7.  The reference to the ASCE 7 in the Building Codes box has been updated to ASCE 7-16.

4. Design Standard Editions in Glulam Design Note (Change 203)

In the Design Note indicating technical references for glulam materials, the edition of ANSI 117 has been updated from 2010 to 2015 and the edition of ANSI A190.1 from 2007 to 2012.

B. Beam and Joist Hanger Database and Design (Feature 226)

The program now includes a database of Simpson Strong-tie joist and beam hangers, allows you to select these hangers as the bearing support member, and automatically selects a hanger if you select Unknown.

1. Hanger Database

The hangers are selected from a database program provided by Simpson, which is incorporated into the Sizer installation.

2. Database Editor and Materials Database

The Species Dialog of database editor and/or the materials database files have been modified to account for the different resistance values for Simpson Hangers based on the material species of both the supporting member (header) and the supported one (the main member being designed by Sizer.)

a) Sawn Lumber and Glulam

For sawn lumber and glulam, the Simpson Hanger resistances are based on the specific gravity of the material. Specific gravity between .42 and .49 is considered S.P.F and above .49 it is Doug-Fir.

A disabled input called Species Group has been added, which shows one of D.Fir-L, Spruce-Pine-Fir or Northern depending on the specific gravity entered. Northern represents specific gravity less than 0.42.

No changes were necessary to the materials database for these materials.

b) Structural Composite Lumber

For structure composite lumber (SCL), the input is enabled and called SCL Type, and offers the choices LVL - DF/SP, LVL – SPF, PSL, and LSL. The existing default LVL database file has been modified to be LVL - DF/SP.  

c) I-Joists

For structure composite lumber (SCL), the input is enabled and called Flange Species with choices D.Fir-L and Spruce-Pine-Fir.  The existing default I-Joist database file has been modified to be D.Fir-L.

2. Input

All inputs for this have been added to the Supports for Bearing Design data group.

a) Type

Simpson hanger has been added to the support Type input list. The existing Hanger choice is renamed Other hanger.

Simpson hangers are not available for oblique members but are available for sloped members.

b) Applies to…

The selection of Simpson hanger applies to end supports only, and selection and design will be done only for end supports only. If All supports or any other selection that includes interior supports is selected, then then ordinary Hangers are used for the interior supports.

c) Header

The Material changes to Header when Simpson hangers are selected, shows materials from both beams and joists. Steel members are not included in the list.

d) Species

This shows the species for selected Material, as it currently does.

e) Size

The Grade field is re-tasked to show the section sizes for the selected species, in a b x d format.

f) Bearing at Support End

Bearing at support end is invisible.

g) Ledger

A checkbox indicates that the header is a ledger, which is a member assumed to be affixed to a hard material such as concrete so that nails in the face flange cannot penetrate more than the member thickness. It is active for lumber and SCL materials only.

h) Nailer

A checkbox indicates that the header is a nailer, which is a member assumed to be affixed to the top of a member of another material such as a steel I-beam, so that they lie on the flat rather than upright like other members.

i) Bearing Length

Bearing length is disabled and shows Unknown when the hanger selection is Unknown, and the hanger bearing length from the Simpson database otherwise.

j) Bearing Width

Bearing width is disabled and shows Same as beam or Same as joist.

k) Point Load Length and Width

These inputs are unaffected by the hanger selection.

l) Hanger Options

The For unknown bearing length… data group is renamed Hanger options when Simpson Hangers are selected. All existing inputs are invisible, and the inputs described below are included instead.

m) Hanger Style

An unlabelled input box has the selections All, Face mount, Top flange, used to filter the hanger list returned by the Simpson database program.

n) Model

The model input lists the available hanger models given the selections for main member and header, ordered by the cost index value supplied by Simpson.

It is headed by the choice Unknown. Only Unknown will appear if any data needed to select the hangers are not available, such as main member size or no. of plies. 

For sloped members, the program lists appropriate angled hangers, showing Simpson’s special information code like SLU5, meaning 5-degree upwards slope.

o) Fasteners

The fasteners list box used to distinguish those hanger models that have different capacities for different fasteners used on one or more of the flanges of the hanger. It is only when a hanger is selected that has this situation, to allow you to differentiate the repeated hanger model.

The fasteners are designated as Face, Side, or Top, according to which of which of these flanges have differing fastener specifications. If two or more of the flanges have different fastener selections, then the following precedence is used ­Top, Face, Side.

p) Cost Index and Resistance

The hanger resistance assuming duration factor CD = 1 and the cost index of the selected hanger are shown in text fields labelled Resistance and Cost index, respectively.

3. Design

a) Bearing Design

For each load combination, the program queries the database for the resistance corresponding to the load duration of that load combination and uses that for bearing capacity of both the main member and the supporting member. It is then compared to the factored reaction at that support.  

The Simpson database resistance includes the bearing factor CB, so Sizer does not calculate or apply a CB factor.

b) Uplift Design

For those load combinations that have an uplift reaction on one or more of the Simpson hanger supports, the program compares the uplift resistance to the factored uplift reaction. Note that it is only Simpson hangers that have uplift design; it is not otherwise incorporated in Sizer.

For load combinations including wind, earthquake, or live loads without snow loads, the program selects a resistance according to the load duration. For dead-only combinations (CD = 0.9), snow load combinations (CD = 1.25), or roof live/construction combinations (CD = 1.25), the resistance for live loads (CD = 1.0) is used then multiplied by the load duration factor. Note that except for dead-only loads, this could lead to non-conservative design; however, these load combinations rarely result in uplift loading.

c) Non-S-P-F or Doug-Fir Materials

For materials species with a specific gravity less than 0.42, the lower limit for Spruce-Pine-Fir, the resistance is multiplied by the ratio of the specific gravity to 0.42. This procedure was authorized by Simpson Strong-tie.

d) Design for Unknowns

When Unknown is selected, the program cycles through all possible fasteners in order from lowest to highest cost index, until it finds one that passes both the uplift and the bearing design criteria.

e) Min Required Bearing Length

To determine the minimum required bearing length used in determining the limits of the design span; the member is considered to be supported by a generic hanger or a “non-wood” member; i.e. as if it were supported by a steel plate, and the compressive strength of the main member is used to calculate the min. required length.

f) Effect on Beam Design

After a hanger is selected, the bearing length determined by the flange length B of the hanger and the calculated minimum required bearing are used to determine a new design span, and the beam re-analysed and designed

4. Output

a) Materials Specification

Under the beam material specification, for each support with a distinct Simpson hanger, a string of information is output giving the model number, a special information code giving for example the angle of the hanger used for sloped members, the fasteners for each flange, and, if necessary, whether backer blocks or web stiffeners are required.

b) Reactions and Bearing Table

In the Reactions and Bearing table, the fields for Cb, Cb support, and Fcp sup are irrelevant and disabled. The support resistance shows the factored resistance of the selected hanger. The Length shows the length B of the bottom flange of the hanger.

If any of the supports with a Simpson Hanger experience uplift, then rows are added for Uplift resistance and the KD factor used for the critical uplift load combination.

c) Failure Warning Message

If the program fails for uplift design, a new design criterion is added to the red failure warning message in the Design check output called Uplift restraint.

C. Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Design (Feature 214)

The program now implements Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) design as per NDS 2018 Chapter 10 and APA PRG 320-19. Additional sources for specific design procedures are described below. 

CLT wall, roof and floor panels are implemented in Sizer in Beam/Column modes and in Concept Mode. These panels are composed of alternating layers of softwood lumber laminations, with the laminations in one layer at a right angle to those in the adjacent layers.

1. CLT Layer Orientation and Design Axes

In what follows, the “longitudinal layers” refers to those CLT layers oriented the same way as the outermost layers, and “the transverse layers” to the other layers internal to the panel. For floor panels, roof panels, and wall panels loaded laterally, loading in the “longitudinal direction” means that support is perpendicular to the longitudinal layers.  This is also referred to as loading along the major strength axis. Loading in the “transverse direction” means support is perpendicular to the transverse layers and loading is along the minor strength axis.

Some CLT properties therefore have four values relating to the material used in the longitudinal and transverse layers, and the value of the property when loaded in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

For wall panels loaded axially, layers in the “longitudinal direction” means layers oriented vertically, and the “transverse direction” means those layers oriented horizontally. For lateral loading on wall panels, major axis design occurs when the outermost layers are vertical.    

2. Material Database

A CLT database file, uclt.cws has been created and added to the installation. This database file can be edited with Database Editor.

a) Species

The Species corresponding to those described as composing standard layups given in PRG 320 Annex A


S-P-F – Spruce-pine-fir

D.Fir-L – Douglas fir-Larch

Northern – Eastern Softwoods, Northern Species, or Western Woods

S. Pine – Southern Pine


Note that all these species correspond to layups with both the transverse and longitudinal layers the same. When making a custom CLT database file with layers of different species, you could create a new species called e.g. S-P-F/Northern.

b) Grades

These are the designations E1, E2, E3, E4, V1, V2, V3, listed as Layups in PRG 320 Annex A, Tables A1 and A2, but are technically CLT grades and appear as such in the CLT grading stamp. They specify the species and grade of lumber used in the alternating transverse and longitudinal CLT layers. Strictly speaking, a layup also specifies the thicknesses of the layers. 

c) Sections

All sections are assumed to be 12” wide, corresponding to the arbitrary design width. The depths include are from the following sources:

i. PRG 320

The sections in PRG 320 Annex A Table A2:

-        4-1/8”, 6-7/8”, and 9-5/8” (105, 175, and 245 mm) depths composed of 1-3/8“ layers throughout.

ii. Manufacturers Sizes

The following sizes produced by major CLT manufacturers are also included to provide a larger array of default choices:  

-         3-7/16”, 5-1/2”, 7-9/16”, and 9-5/8” ( 87, 139, 191, and 243 mm)  composed of  1-3/8“ longitudinal layers and 0.67” transverse layers.

-        12-3/8” (315 mm) composed of 1-3/8“ layers throughout.

Please note that the strength properties for these sizes do not correspond to those from any manufacturer; they are the strength properties for the PRG 320 grades

d) Species Properties

The only species property is weight, used for self-weight of the member, in lb/ft3.

e) Grade Properties

The following properties in are defined in psi. for each CLT grade for the materials used in the longitudinal layers and the transverse layers. They can be entered in the Grade dialog of Database Editor:

-        Bending strength Fb

-        Strength in axial compression Fc

-        Strength in axial tension Ft

-        Rolling shear strength Fs

-        Modulus of Elasticity E

These properties correspond to those in Table A1 of PRG 320. Sizer uses the Shear Analogy Model to convert them to the design capacities and (FbS)eff, (EI)eff , and Vs shown in Table A2.

Compressive strength perpendicular to the grain Fcp is also defined as a grade property for use in bearing design and is the Fcp from the lumber used in the longitudinal layers.

f) Section Properties

Section properties include:

-        actual and nominal panel depth in inches.  For the standard CLT database, these sizes are the same, although the nominal depth is expressed in fractional format and the actual depth in decimal. 

-        number of layers and thickness of transverse and longitudinal layers. Note that neither Database Editor nor Sizer verifies that the thicknesses of the layers sum to the panel thickness; it is your responsibility to ensure the data entered are consistent.

-        An option to have 2 parallel layers consecutively as the outermost layers at each side of the panel for extra strength in longitudinal loading. 

3. User Input – Panel Specification

Unless otherwise indicated, the following changes have been made to the input of materials and panel configuration in the Beam Input form, Column Input form, and Concept Mode Design Groups

a) Member Types

i. Beam and Column Modes

In Beam Mode, the member types Floor panel and Roof panel are added. For Column Mode, Wall panel has been added.

ii. Concept Mode

In Concept Mode, the Group Type box in the Joist Design Groups dialog which previously contained buttons for Roof joists and Floor joists now has four choices – Roof, Floor, Joist, Panel, of which you select two.

The Group Type box has been added to the Wall Design Groups and contains Wall panel and Wall joist.

Initial default groups have been created called Wall-Panel1, Roof_Panel1, and Floor_Panel1, and subsequent additions increment the number at the end.

b) Species and Grade

The species and grade come from the database choices described above.

c) Width

Width input is disabled and set to 1000 mm for metric and 12” for imperial. CLT design assumes a fixed strip of that width.

d) Depths

Depths are from the sections in the database. It is not possible to enter a custom depth; if you wish to have a CLT panel of a different depth than listed, it is necessary to construct a layup in Database editor.

e) Layers

In Beam and Column modes, the Plies input is renamed Layers, is disabled, and shows the number of CLT layers in the layup corresponding to the depth. 

f) Panel Orientation

A new input Panel orientation includes the choices Longitudinal and Transverse. Longitudinal means that the outermost layers are parallel to the member span; Transverse that they are perpendicular. Design using the major strength axis is performed for Longitudinal, and the minor axis for Transverse.

g) Fire-exposed Sides

Only 1 exposed side for fire design is available.

h) Fire Protection

1- or 2-ply 12.7- or 15.9-mm gypsum wallboard fire protection is available.

i) Non-structural Element Vibration Span Increase

A checkbox in Beam Input view allows you to apply the 20% vibration span increase for non-structural elements from CSA O86 A.8.5.3. It is available only for multiple spans.

j) Supporting Member Design

The following pertains to the Supports for bearing design input in Beam and Column Mode,

i. Floor and Roof Panels

CLT roof and floor panels can be supported by hangers, sill plates, beams, walls, and CLT wall panels. The bearing width input is disabled and shows the one-meter or one-foot design width. When supported by a wall panel, the list of panel depths is given as the bearing length choices. 

ii. Wall Panels

CLT wall panels can be supported by sill plates and CLT floor panels. When supported by a sill plate, the bearing length is assumed to be the panel width, i.e. continuous. When supported by a floor panel, the wall panel width or depth an be used as the bearing length. The panel width indicates continuous support.  

k) Lateral Support

The following applies to Beam and Column modes. For Concept mode, lateral support checkbox selections have no effect if not relevant to the member type. 

i. Floor and Roof Panels

Lateral support input is disabled for CLT roof and floor panels, as the panel is self-supporting laterally and there is no CP factor calculation for CLT.  

ii. Columns

For wall panels, lateral support spacing on the Width b face, i.e. the length of the wall panel, is disabled, along with the associated Ke input, as the panel is self-supporting laterally in that direction. The spacing on the d face remains enabled for calculation of the column stability factor CL.

l) Oblique angle

In Beam mode, the input for oblique angle has been disabled, so that only CLT roof panels supported by beams or walls running parallel to the roof ridge can be modelled directly by Sizer, by using the slope angle.

If the support runs from the roof to the ridge, the one-foot design width is rotated relative to the load, and Sizer’s oblique angle analysis for beams does not apply to planar panels.

If you have such a support condition, is necessary to model the roof panel as a horizontal panel and modify the input loads accordingly. In such a situation, snow loads that are assumed to be oriented vertically over the projected area of the panel should be multiplied by the cosine of the slope squared, and dead loads by the cosine of slope angle. Wind pressures that are assumed to act perpendicular to the surface need not be modified.  

m) Repetitive Member

The checkbox to indicate that the member is a repetitive member is disabled, as it does not apply to CLT.

n) Notches

In Beam View, all inputs related to Notches are disabled, as there is no design guidance for CLT notches.

o) Moisture Conditions

The Beam and Column modes, the input for Moisture Conditions is set to Dry and disabled. Refer to Modification Factors, below. In Concept mode, the Dry service checkbox selection has no effect.

p) Treatment

In Beam and Column modes, the Inputs for Incising and Fire-retardant treatment are disabled. Refer to Modification Factors, below.

4. User Input – Loads

a) Width

The Width field, when shown, is disabled and shows one foot or one meter, the arbitrary design width of the member.  

b) Area and Line Loads

Area loads are equivalent to line loads, as the line load is assumed to be distributed over the one-foot or one-meter width of the member.  The input magnitude can be equally interpreted as a plf line load along the 1-unit width, or a psf area load.

c) Point Loads

Point loads are assumed to be distributed over the one-foot or one-meter width of the member. You can show the point load as a plf line load using the existing Enter point load as UDL setting.

d) Beam Support for Area Loads

As for floor joists, the Beam Supports area load setting is disabled.

e) Column Load Face

The Load Face input is disabled and set to Width b, as the assumption is the one-meter  or one-foot design width is loaded, and there is no in-plane wall loading.

f) Default Creep Factor

The default creep factor for long-term deflection is set to 2.0 for CLT design. rather than the usual 1.5, as per NDS 3.5.2.

5. Design

Bending moment and shear design for standard CLT panels listed in PRG-320 is in accordance with PRG-320 Table A2. For custom panel lay-ups and for reduced sections for fire design, the program uses the Shear Analogy Method given in the following sources

-         FPInnovations CLT Handbook, 2013 Edition (referred to as CLT Handbook), Chapter 3, Structural and Chapter 8, Fire

-        CSA O86-14 Engineering design in wood (the Canadian design standard, referred to as O86), Chapter 8 and Appendix A8

This Shear Analogy Method also yields the results for standard sections that are shown in Table PRG 320 Table A2.  

Axial and combined axial and bending design of wall panels, bearing design, and fire design are in accordance with the NDS. Application of axial design procedures from the NDS to fire design is described in the CLT Handbook.    

a) Modification Factors

The modification factors applied to CLT design are given in NDS Table 10.3.1 – The Load Duration Factor CD, Temperature Factor Ct, Bearing Area Factor Cb, and Column Stability Factor CP 

Table 10.3.1 also includes the following factors which have no effect on CLT floor, roof, or wall panel design in Sizer:

i. Moisture Factor CM

NDS 10.3.3 says that information on moisture factors is supplied by manufacturers, and as most manufacturers do not recommend wet service, the program assumes dry moisture conditions and a CM = 1.0. 

ii. Beam Stability Factor CL

CLT floor and roof panels are continuously laterally supported on both edges, as the one-foot design width is supported by the rest of the panel. CLT wall panels are also continuously supported. Lateral support spacing is considered on the Depth d face for wall panels for the CP factor for axial compression, but this is not the direction for lateral support for out-of-plane bending design. The one-foot design width on the b face is continuously supported. 

b) Effective Stiffness

Effective stiffness (EI)eff is used bending moment resistance, calculation of panel deflection and vibration. It is calculated using the Shear Analogy Method, given in O86 and in the CLT Handbook 3.3.1, Equation 24.


          EIeff  = b  ( ∑ Ei ti3/12   +  ∑ Ei ti zi2 ),



-        the summation i is over all the layers for the major strength axis (longitudinal loading), and over all but the outermost layers for the minor strength axis (transverse loading).

-        ti is the thickness of the layer

-        For layers parallel to loading, Ei is the modulus of elasticity E as listed in PRG 320 Table A1

-        For layers transverse to loading, Ei  = E /30   (PRG 320, Table A1, Note d)

-        zi is the distance from the center of the layer to the neutral axis. For symmetric CLT panels, the neutral axis is the mid-point of the panel depth.


i. Fire-reduced sections

For fire-reduced sections, transverse layers that are the final partially charred layer and are thus the outermost layer on the charred side of the panel are not included in the summation.

The calculation of the neutral axis ỹ is given in Equation 8 of Chapter 8 of the CLT Handbook as follows


                      ỹ =   yi Ei ti / ∑ Ei ti


where yi is the distance from the unexposed side to the centre of the layer. 

As Ei in the transverse layers is effectively zero when compared to the longitudinal Ei , this reduces to Equation 9


ỹ =   yi ti / ∑i ti


where the summation is over longitudinal layers only.

ii. Double Outermost Layers

Double outermost layers are treated as a single layer in this calculation, on the assumption that the lamination between these layers is at least as strong in bending as the wood itself, and the two layers act as a unit.  

c) Bending Moment Resistance

The factored bending moment resistance for the major axis strength direction is 

M’ = 0.85 CD Ct (FbS)eff,f,0

and for the minor axis direction is  

M’ = CD Ct (FbS)eff,f,90,

where the values of (FbS)eff are those listed in table A-2 of the PRG 320. For custom CLT materials, and for fire design, (FbS) eff is calculated using O86

                 (FbS) eff = α Fb Seff


     Seff = 2 (EI)eff / E h


-        h is the panel depth for major axis loading, and the panel depth minus the thickness of the outermost layers for the minor axis.

-        α is 0.85 for major axis loading and 1.0 for minor axis.   

-          Fb, (EI)eff, and E are evaluated for the longitudinal layers when loading is along the major strength axis, and for the transverse layers when loading is along the minor axis. Fb and E are found in PRG 320 Table A1.

-          (EI)eff is given in the section on Deflection, below.

Note that the CLT Handbook Chapter 3, Section 2.1, Equations 1 and 2 for transverse loading uses the full panel loading depth rather then the reduced depth, and the Fb of the outermost layer rather than the transverse layers. The CSA method was used because that is the approach used to generate (FbS)eff in the current PRG 320.

i. Fire-reduced sections

(a)  Final charred layer

The depth used in the calculation of effective section modulus Seff does not include the final partially charred layer on the exposed side if is transverse to the axis of loading.

(b)  Calculation of Seff 

The calculation of Seff considers the change in the location of the neutral axis as follows, from CLT Handbook, chapter 8, section, equation 13:

Seff = (EI)eff /  E ( hf – ỹ)


-        hf is the fire-reduced effective panel section depth

-        ỹ is the location of the neutral axis of the fire-reduced section, as described in the section on Effective Stiffness, above,

-        EIeff is also modified for fire design as described in Effective Stiffness

(c)  Adjustment Factor

The fire adjustment factor of 2.85 from Table 1.2.2 is applied.

d) Shear Resistance

The rolling shear resistance Vs is checked:

Vs’ = CD Ct Vs

where the values of Vs are those listed in table A-2 of the PRG. For custom CLT layups, and for fire design, Vs is adapted from O86

 Vs = 2/3 A Fs


-        A is the gross cross-sectional area for loading on the major axis, and for the minor axis it is the cross-sectional area minus the area of the outermost layers.

-        Fs is the rolling shear resistance, which is assumed to be the same for longitudinal and transverse laminations. If you have a custom CLT material with differing Fs for transverse vs. longitudinal layers, it is recommended to use the lower Fs as the material rolling shear resistance.

This method conservatively assumes that the maximum shear in the member cross section occurs in a transverse layer, where rolling shear governs, as rolling shear strength Fs is typically much lower than shear strength Fv. For custom CLT materials with higher Fs than Fv, it is recommended to enter the Fv value in the database as Fs.

i. Fire Design

The program applies an adjustment factor of 2.75 to the rolling shear strength Fs, from AWC Technical Report 10, Table 1.4.2, as it is not listed in NDS Table 16.2.2.

The calculation of the gross cross-sectional area does not include final partially charred layer if is transverse to the axis of loading.

ii. Double Outermost Layers

For the unusual case of design in the transverse direction with double outermost layers, both layers at the top and the bottom of the panel are omitted from the calculation of A.

e) Axial Design

Axial design for CLT wall panels uses considers only the layers in the longitudinal direction. Note that these layers may be the “transverse layers” in terms of defining the panel layup, if the outermost layers are horizontal.  Therefore, in what follows,

-        Aeff is the cross-sectional area of the layers oriented longitudinally (axially)

-        Ieff is the moment of inertia of the layers oriented longitudinally

-        Fc and Ft are the compressive strengths of the layers oriented longitudinally.

-        Double outermost layers are neglected for transversely oriented panels, and both are included for longitudinally oriented panels.

i. Tension

Axial design for CLT wall panels uses NDS 3.8.1 with the net section area for calculation of tensile stress ft being the cross-sectional area of the layers in the longitudinal direction multiplied by the one-foot design width.

(a)  Combined Axial and Bending

NDS Eqns. 3.9-1 and 3.9-2 are used for CLT combined axial tension and bending design, with the Fb used in determining Fb* and Fb** being for the laminations in the longitudinal (axial) direction. The 0.85 factor for conservatism that was applied to the value of (FbS)eff in PRG 320 Table A2 is also applied to Fb* and Fb** for major axis design (wall panels with outer vertical longitudinal layers).

Note that for CLT, Fb* = Fb** = Fb, as the Cv and CL factors are not applicable to CLT design in Sizer.

ii. Compression

Axial compression is design is as per NDS 3.6 with net section area for calculation of compressive stress ft being the cross-sectional area of the layers in the longitudinal (axial) direction multiplied by the one-foot design width.

(a)  Slenderness Ratio

The slenderness ratio is calculated  as per NDS Appendix H., which says r √12 can be substituted for the depth d, where r is the radius of gyration = √ (I/A), so the slenderness ratio is as given in in  CLT Handbook, Chapter 8, Section, Equation 16:


Note that this slenderness ratio is used only to determine whether the panel is under the limit of 50 in NDS, for CLT it is not used in the calculations for the column or beam stability factors.

(b)  Buckling resistance PcE

The column buckling resistance PcE is required for the alternative formulations from the NDS Commentary for the column stability factor CP and for combined axial and bending design.

PcE = π2 (EI)app-min/  le2

le  is the effective length between lateral supports, which is usually KeL for wall panels, L being the panel height, and (EI) app-min is discussed in the next section.

(i)    Stiffness Used for Buckling Calculations (EI) app-min

(EI) app-min’ is the factored effective stiffness modified for shear deflection. Although the E for pure bending is used to derive Emin for other materials, NDS Commentary C10.3.7 refers to “significant shear deformation that can occur between the parallel and perpendicular CLT laminations”. 

EIapp is determined from EIeff using NDS Equation 10.4-1, then the formula from NDS Appendix Eqn. D-4 and Commentary Eqn. C4.2.4-1, is applied to get (EI) app-min. Finally the adjustment factors from NDS Table 10.3.1 (or Table 16.2.2. for fire design) are applied to get EIapp-min. 

Note that Eqn. D-4 that is ordinarily applied to E to determine Emin includes a 1.03 factor to convert to pure bending, that is, to factor out the decrease in the published E from the true E to account for shear deflection. This factor has been included in (EI)app-min even though it is intended to include shear deflection.

Examples in the CLT Handbook and the AWC Technical Report 10 for fire design include the 1.03 factor, so it is retained in Sizer as well even though it is contrary to the intention of C10.3.7.  Note that the lamination E values used to create EIeff include the 1/1.03 factor for shear deflection, so this just serves to eliminate this redundancy for buckling design.     

(ii)   Ks Factor for Column Buckling

The Ks factor in Table used to determine EIapp for column buckling is derived using the following expression


and then substituting the expression for PcE given earlier; i.e. PcE-app = π2 (EI)app / (KeL) 2   and PcE-eff  = π2 (EI)eff. / (KeL) 2 .  κ is a standard factor for section shape, which equals 1.2. for rectangles.  

If you then isolate EIapp on the left-hand side, and compare with NDS Equation 10.4-1, which is


you find that  


Ks =  κ ( π / Ke )2


The values 11.8 and 23.7 for Ks in Table are derived  using the “recommended design” row  from NDS Table G1 for Ke , for pinned-pinned and fixed-fixed columns, respectively.

Sizer allows pinned-fixed, pinned-pinned, and fixed-free columns, and allows you to enter your own Ke value, so Ks is calculated with the above formula and the Ke values that you input.  The default values Ke of  0.8, 1.0, and 2.1, respectively, yield Ks values of 18.50, 11.84, and 2.68.


(c)  Column Stability Factor CP

For CLT wall panels, the alternative formulation Eqn.  C3.7.1-1 from NDS Commentary C3.7.1, is used instead of Equation 3.7-1.  This equation is also given in the CLT Handbook, Chapter 8, Section, Equation 16.



-        Pc*  = Fc* Aeff  = axial compressive resistance

-        Fc * = Fc factored with all adjustment factors except CP   

-        c = 0.9 for CLT

-        PcE is given in subsection (b) above.   

(d)  Combined Axial and Bending

For combined axial and bending design, the program uses the formula from NDS Commentary C15.4-5, rather than equations 15.4-1 to 15.4-4 that is used for other materials.  This equation is also given in CLT Handbook, Chapter 8, Section, Equation 18:




-        P is the axial load in lbs

-        P’ is the axial resistance =  Fc Aeff

-        M is the maximum moment

-        Δ is the maximum out-of-plane deflection, including load eccentricity

-        PcE is the buckling resistance given in a subsection (b) above

iii. Axial Fire Design

(a)  Adjustment Factors

From NDS Table 16.2.2, the fire strength adjustment factors of 2.58 for fc and 2.85 for ft are applied. for

(b)  Effective Area

The effective area used to determine design stresses fc and ft , the slenderness ratio, and axial compressive resistance Pc* is that of the fire-reduced cross section.

(c)  Effective Stiffness

The effective stiffness EIeff used in determining the buckling resistance PcE is calculated using the fire-reduced section as described in Effective Stiffness, above.

(d)   Effective Moment of Inertia

The effective moment of inertia Ieff used for the slenderness factor is calculated using the reduced section. 

(e)  Out-of-Plane Deflection

The value of the out-of-plane deflection used for combined axial and bending includes the load eccentricity, that is, the distance from the location of the axial load to the centroid of the fire-reduced section. For this reason, combined-axial-and-bending compression design is always calculated for fire design, even when there was initially no load eccentricity or lateral loads. 

f) Bearing Design

Bearing design is identical to that for beams or for columns, using the input bearing lengths and widths. The bearing length factor Cb is applied to CLT bearing design as per Table NDS 10.3.1.

i. Floor and Roof Panels

For floor and roof panels, this implies a bearing length that is the width of whatever is supporting the member, and the corresponding Cb factor.

For the supporting member it means a bearing length that is the one-meter or one-foot design width, which means Cb = 1.0, as it should be for continuous support. .

ii. Wall Panels

For wall panels supported by sill plates, the sill plate bearing length is the one-meter or one-foot design width, so Cb = 1.0.

For wall panels supported by floor panels, you can choose to use the one meter design width for cases that the floor is continuously supported beneath the wall, or you can choose to use the wall depth, for cases that the beam supports the wall without a continuous support below. In this case, a Cb factor is calculated.

g) Fire Design

Fire design is in accordance with NDS 16.2. Refer to previous sections for changes to specific design procedures for fire design.

i. Char Rate and Depth

The char depth is calculated using Eqn. 16.2-3. then multiplied by 1.2 as per 16.2-4 to get the effective char depth used to reduce the section depth for design.

Equation 16.2-3 calculates the number of layers that will fully burn during the exposure time, using an increased char rate for the fully burned layers to account for the effect of lamination, then adds the char depth of the final partially charred layer using the usual char rate.

ii. Inclusion of Final Charred Layer

For fire-reduced sections, transverse layers that are the final partially charred layer and are thus the outermost layer on the exposed side of the panel are not included in the following calculations

-        Effective section modulus Seff, for bending moment design

-        Effective stiffness EIeff, for bending moment and axial compression design

-        Gross cross-sectional area for A for shear design

iii. Modified Calculations

As described in the previous sections, the following values are calculated differently for fire design to account for the modified geometry of the section due to charring:

-        Effective section modulus Seff, for bending moment design

-        Effective stiffness EIeff for bending moment, axial compression design, and combined axial and bending design

-        Effective cross-sectional area for Aeff for axial tension and compression design and the slenderness ratio check

-        Effective moment of inertia Ieff for the slenderness ratio check

-        Column axial load eccentricity used in combined-axial-and-bending design

Refer to the specific procedure, above, for more details.

iv. Adjustment Factors.

The “design stress to member strength” factor given in NDS Table 16.2.2. is applied to fire design of CLT panels. The only other applicable factor from this table is the column stability factor CP.

Refer to the specific design criterion, above, for more details.

v. Double Outermost Layers

Double outermost layers are treated as separate layers in the calculation of char rate using Eqn. 16.2-3 but are considered as a single layer of double thickness for bending moment design. The double layer is considered when determining whether the final outermost exposed charred layer is a transverse layer, and in determining cross sectional areas for shear and axial design. 


6. Deflection

a) True Stiffness

True panel stiffness for deflection calculations is the effective stiffness (EI)eff described in 4.b) above. (EI)eff is used in NDS Equation 10.4-1 for apparent stiffness EIapp that includes an approximation of the effect of shear deflection.

b) Apparent Stiffness for Shear Deflection

Shear deflection is implemented by applying the uniform loading simple-span equation for apparent stiffness EIapp in NDS 10.4-1 to all loading and span configurations. Research has shown that this can be very inaccurate for unbalanced loading or spans, and we are developing an improved procedure to be implemented in a future version.

i. Shear Modulus

In this equation effective shear modulus GAeff is calculated using the Shear Analogy Method, given in O86 and. CLT Handbook 3.3.1, Equation 25.


GAeff  =   a2  /   b  ∑ α i t i  / Gi 



-        the summation i is over all the layers

-        a is the distance between the midpoints of the outermost layers,

-        b is the one-foot arbitrary design width.

-        α i = ½ for the outermost layers and 1 for the inner layers

-        t i is the thickness of the layer

-        for layers parallel to loading, Gi = G = Ei/16  (PRG 320, Table A1, Note d)

-        for layers transverse to loading, Gi  =  G /10  (PRG 320, Table A1, Note d)

ii. Double Outermost Layers

Double outermost layers are treated as a single layer in this calculation.

c) Modification Factors

According to NDS Table 10.3-1, only the moisture factor CM and temperature factor Ct are to be applied to the stiffness EIapp to get EIapp’ that is used as the panel stiffness calculations. Sizer assumes dry moisture conditions, so only the Ct factor is applied.

d) Long-term Deflection

The default creep factor for long-term deflection is 2.0 from NDS 3.5.2.

7. Vibration

Allowable span lengths for vibration has been implemented using the procedure in CSA O86-14 A.8.5.3. 

a) Settings

A data group in the Design Settings has been added called CLT Vibration allowing you to specify whether vibration design using CSA O86 A.8.5.3 is performed, and to allow you to enter a percentage span adjustment increase for manufacturers performance expectations as allowed by A.8.5.3 Note 3.

b) Design

The allowable vibration span is calculated as

                               lv <=  0.11  EIeff0.29 / m0.12   

where EIeff is in N-m2 and m is the mass per square meter of the panel.

Although the equation is derived for simple spans, the allowable span is compared with the longest span on a multi-span member, as is allowed by Note 1.

i. Allowable Span Increases

The allowable span is then increased by the largest of the performance increase (Note 3, see a), above) or the non-structural element increase (see 2.i) above). Both increases are not applied simultaneously.

The non-structural element increase is not applied to spans greater than 8 m (26.25 feet in length) and will increase spans less than 8 m only as far as 8m.

c) Output

i. Allowable vs. Actual Span Length

A Vibration line is added to the Analysis vs Allowable Stress table showing the largest center-to-center span on the member Lmax, the maximum allowable vibration span Lv,  and the ratio between them.  

Inadequate vibration span lengths are indicated by a failure warning message.

ii. Span Increases

A design note appears if the span has been increased either by the performance increase (see a), above) or the non-structural element increase (see c), above).

8. Building Codes Box

In the Building Codes box, the source of all CLT analysis and design procedures is given in detail referring to references in the CSA O86-14, the NDS, the FPInnovations CLT Handbook, and AWC Technical report 10. Equation numbers from CLT Handbook provisions are given.

9. Concept Mode Load Distribution.

CLT panels in Concept mode are treated as if they were joist areas, with the reactions from the one-unit design strip at each end of the panel used to create line loads on the supporting members.

a) Oblique Panel Loading

If the supports for a CLT panel are sloped, such as is the case for rafters or gable end walls, the panel is loaded obliquely and cannot be designed by Sizer (see 2.l) above).

If the program encounters such a panel, it operates the same way as it does for a non-planar floor or roof area, it is able to transfer the reactions to the supporting members but cannot design the member or the group to which the member belongs.

The Design Summary indicates that the group could not be designed, and the Design by Member results indicate that the panel could not be designed.

10. Output

a) Member Specification

The member is specified as e.g.


CLT Floor Panel, Southern Pine, E4, 7 Layers 3-7/16” (12” width)


The Panel orientation, either longitudinal axis or transverse axis, is shown in the information below the member.

Volume is shown as cu. m / m or cu. ft./ ft i.e. indicating the volume of the one-unit design width.

Lateral support information is not shown, except for wall panels. 

b) Analysis vs Allowable Stress Table

In the Analysis vs. Allowable Stress table,

-        The Shear line shows value for shear force V and allowable factored rolling shear Vs’.

-        The Moment line shows values for moment M and allowable moment M’. M’ is the same as (Fb’S)eff.

-        The Deflection lines appear as they do for beams and columns.

-        For wall panels:

-        The Axial, Axial Bearing and Support Bearing lines appear as they do for columns.

-        The Combined line refers to Equation C15.4-5.

c) Factors Table 

In the Factors table of the Additional Data,

-        The shear line shows Fs. The modification factors shown are applied to Vs.

-        The moment line shows Fb. The modification factors shown are applied to (FbS)eff.

-        The deflection line shows EIapp. The unfactored EIapp is shown along with the treatment factor if one exists.

-        For wall panels, Fc’, Fccomb, and Fcp support lines appear as they do for columns.

-        A column called CLT has been added to show the 0.85 (longitudinal) or 1.0 (transverse) for bending moment resistance (see 4.c) above). The column for notch factor CN has been removed.

d) Calculations Section

The Calculations section of the Additional Data shows the following data

-        unfactored rolling shear resistance Vs,

-        effective section modulus Seff,

-        unfactored moment resistance (FbS)eff,

-        effective shear stiffness (GA)eff,

-        effective stiffness (EI)eff,

-        factored apparent stiffness (EI)app’,

-        moduli of elasticity E for longitudinal and transverse layers

-        shear moduli G for longitudinal and transverse layers

A note appears saying that (EI)app’ is based on the Ks = 11.5 for uniform loading on a simple span and is approximate for other loading conditions.

e) Design Note

A design note refers to the sources of the design procedures; NDS Chapters 10, C3, and C5, CSA O86-14 Chapter 8, and the FPInnovations CLT Handbook Chapters 3 and 8.

11. Drawing

a) Wood Grain

CLT panels are depicted showing alternating uniform layers and layers composed of repeated end-grain. Longitudinally oriented panels have uniform layers at top and bottom; transverse layers show end grain at top and bottom.  

b) Double outermost layers

Double outermost layers are shown as two layers at the top and at the bottom which have the same orientation.

c) Wall Panels

For wall panels, the Width b face is shown as the one foot or one-meter design strip. The Depth d face shows the thickness of the panel.

d) Lateral Support

Lateral support is not shown in the drawings, as it does not apply to floor or roof panels or to the Depth d face for wall panels and would be confusing if it appeared on the Width b face, as it is the arbitrary 1-unit wide design strip.

D. Other Changes

Refer also the changes listed under the Version 11.2, below.

1. General Appearance

The program user interface has been changed to have a more up-to-date look and feel. Consequently:

a) Asterisk and Note for Editable Drop-down Boxes

Editable drop-down boxes now have a different appearance than for those you can only select a value, so the asterisks appearing before these boxes and the corresponding notes at the bottom of Beam and Column View have been removed.

b) File Save and File Open Boxes

For Sizer 11, the program reverted to an old-fashioned style of standard Windows File Open and File Save as dialog boxes that had not been in use since Sizer 9.x.  The more modern boxes that were used in Sizer 10 have been restored.


Sizer 11.2 – December 16, 2019

Important:  Sizer 2019 and Version 11.2 were released simultaneously, so please consider both this list and the changes listed under Sizer 2019  as the record of changes for Sizer 2019. Changes listed under Sizer 2019 are not in Version 11.2.

A. Materials and Database

1. Nordic Lam Material Properties

The following changes have been made to Nordic Lam design properties based on Nordic’s APA PR-L294 Product Report 

a) 24F-ES/NPG Column Bending Strength Fb (Change 83)

For 24F-ES/NPG columns, the allowable bending stress in tension Fb has changed to 2400 psi from 1950 psi.

b) 13F-1.7E Joist Properties

The following changes have been made for 13F-1.7E Joists

i. Tension Face Perpendicular Compression Strength Fcp (Change 91)

For 13F-1.7E joists, the allowable compression stress perpendicular to the grain on the tension face Fcp has changed to 450 psi from 600 psi.

ii.  Compression Strength Fc (Change 92)

For 13F-1.7E joists, the axial compression capacity Fc has been changed to to 450 psi, the value of compression perpendicular to the grain, from 1150 psi, a value typical of Nordic column materials. 

This value is used only for the calculation of bearing capacity of sloped joists from NDS 3.10.3, and this change was made in the interests of conservatism. 

iii. Volume Factor Cv (Change 93)

For the volume factor Cv for bending strength Fb of 13F-1.7E joists 1.5” or greater in width, the program uses 12/d1/9 rather than the one from NDS 5.3.6. For custom widths less than 1.5”, the NDS volume factor is still used. The new volume factor is no longer limited to 1.0 as the NDS volume factor is. 

c) Cfu Factor (Change 94)

In the flat-use factor Cfu  = (12/d)1/9, the program now uses a depth d = 3” for all depths less than 3”, as per Note 8 of Table 2, APA PR-L294,. This factor is used to modify the weak-axis bending strength Fby for all Nordic Lam materials.

2. Unavailable Material Project File Crash (Bug 3357)

Sizer would sometimes show two messages and then crash when it could not find the material database file when opening a saved project file. One reason this occurred was a mismatch between the material name listed in the initialization file and the one in the database file.

Now, if a material is not found in the database, the program picks the first available material and species, shows just one message, and does not crash.

B. Engineering Design

1. Exposed Side Options for Fire Design (Custom Feature 41)

The program now allows you to specify the faces of a member that are exposed to fire. Previously, for you could only select from 0, 3 or 4 sides exposed, and the program would assume 3 sides was 2 side faces and top or bottom.

a) Input

The Fire Design data group has checkboxes surrounding a section of the member allowing you to specify which of the 4 faces are exposed.

For timber or glulam designed using CSA O86 Annex B, any or all of the sides can be selected.

For CLT floor and roof panels, you can select the bottom, only.  For wall panels you can select left or right, but not both.

Fire design is deactivated by deselecting all checkboxes, which is the default condition.

b) Exclusion of Invalid Materials

Previously, when an invalid material like built-up lumber members or SCL was selected, the program would allow input of number of exposed sides then revert to 0 when the design button was pressed. Now it disables the input of exposed sides when one of these materials is selected.

c) Fire Design

The program reduces the design section by calculating a char depth for each exposed face.

The choice of left or right beam surfaces does not affect design, or column surfaces perpendicular to applied loading.

For column surfaces parallel to the applied force and CLT wall panels, the choice of left or right surface can have design consequences due to axial load eccentricity.

d) Protection

Input fire protection is assumed to apply to each exposed face.

e) Output

The choice of exposed faces is shown in the materials specification of the Design Check output as follows, as the case may be:

Exposed to fire on [ one [b,d]-face, opposing [b,d]-faces, both [b,d]-faces and one [b,d]-face, all four faces ]

2. Column Stability Factor CP for Fire Design (Bug 3296)

For NDS axial fire design of columns, the program was not applying the Design Stress to Member Strength factor of 2.58 from Table 16.2.2 to the Fc* value in the calculation of the lateral stability factor CP in Eqn. 3.7-1, however 16.2.2 says that it should be applied to the unfactored Fc used in this equation, and Fc* is the only factored Fc in equation 3.7-1. ( Fc* is Fc' without CP).

As Fc* is in the denominator of terms in this equation, this results in a CP that is substantially larger than it should be; for one example it is  0.523 when it should be  0.219, resulting in a correspondingly non-conservative axial resistance F'c.

3. Fire Resistance Modification Factors (Bug 3417)

The program was applying several modification factors for non-fire design to fire design, even though they should not be applicable to fire design according to NDS Table 16.2.2.  The factors for repetitive member Cr, wet service CM, incising Ci and temperature Ct were showing a dash in the Factors table in Design Check output, but the factors were being calculated applied to fire design bending and shear criteria. They no longer are.

4. Wet Service Factor CM for Support Columns (Bug 3321)

For column supporting members, the wet service factor CM for bearing design for sawn lumber used by Sizer was 0.67 for Fc perp from NDS Table 4D, when it should have been 0.91 for Fc parallel. This has been corrected.

3. Points of Interest in Column Mode (Bug 3271)

Starting with version 11.1, a point of interest was added to a wall stud or column in Column Mode, the program crashed when member design was invoked. It did not happen for beams. This has been corrected.

5. Design Failure Tolerance (Change 81)

For design sections having analysis values, e.g. Mf , that are greater than design resistance values e.g. Mr, by an amount that is less than ½ of 1% of the value, the Analysis vs. Design table in the Design Check showed a 1.00 design ratio (when in decimal format) and showed a passing section note instead of failure warning.

Now, the program considers a design to be failed if the ratio is greater than 1.0005, and outputs the ratio with an extra digit of precision, e.g. 1.003. For example, a member with Mf = 20295 lb-ft and Mr with 20205 would show a ratio of 1.00 and pass, but now it shows 1.004 and fails.

When percentage is chosen as the design ratio output in the Preference settings, a greater tolerance in determining design failure is possible. In this case, the program currently considers a design to be failed if the percentage is greater than 100.05% (1.0005). Now the program considers design to be failed with a ratio greater than 1.00005, and outputs the percentage with a digit of precision, e.g. 100.03%. For example, a member with Mf  = 20215 lb-ft and Mr = 20205 will show a ratio of 1.00 and pass when decimal is chosen, but when percentage is chosen, it shows 100.04% and fails.

6. Default Lateral Support at Interior Supports (Change 2)

When a new span is added to create a multi-span beam, the Laterally supported at support checkbox for interior supports is now unchecked by default. Previously it was checked, but in most common situations lateral supports are not provided to interior supports.

7. IBC 722.6.3 Fire Design Method (Change 3a)

The fire design procedure for beams and columns from IBC 2012 722.6.3 has been removed from Sizer, as it is no longer in the IBC as of 2015.  The option in beam and column views to select from this procedure and NBC Chapter 16 has been removed, and the NDS procedure is used exclusively.

8. Shear Ratio in Design Summary Output (Change 23)

In Beam mode, Design Summary for unknown design, for all sections except the first one listed, the program was showing a shear design ratio for a load combination other than the critical one used to select the section.

This was a display issue only and did not affect the determination of the section to be shown. If that section was then selected for a design check, the design ratio in the Design Check output was correct. 

9. Repetitive Member Factor Cr for Glulam Beams (Change 104)

For glulam beams, in Beam mode, the Repetitive member check box is now disabled, as per to NDS Table 5.3.1 and 16.2.2 for fire design. Previously if you checked the box, it would automatically uncheck if a design was run. The factor is now output as a dash rather than a 1.0 in the Factors table of the Design Check output.    

C. Loads and Analysis

1. Precise Load Location Start Point in Input (Change 11)

In Load Input view, Location from left has been modified to be

Location from edge of left support,

Location from left end or

Location from left bearing point

for clear span, full span, and design span respectively. These designate where the load is measured from; support point, end of joist/beam or inner edge of support.

2. Unfactored Axial Reactions in Column Output (Custom Change 16)

The program now includes unfactored axial reactions for each load type in the Reactions table of Column Mode, whereas previously only lateral reactions were shown. The table has been renamed Reactions from Lateral reactions for this reason.

These reactions are helpful when using them as loads to be applied to a supporting member for combination with other loads on that member.

3. Column Reaction in Analysis Diagram

The following problems affected only the display of column reactions shown in the Analysis Diagrams when self-weight was automatically included in bearing design, and have been Corrected The self-weight was correctly handled in the Design Check output.

a) Load Combination Factor for Self-weight (Bugs 3444)

The factored bearing reaction was calculated using a self-weight component that did not include the dead load combination factor.

b) Self-weight Only (Bugs 3445)

Previously When self-weight is the only axial load for a given load combination, no bearing reaction was shown.

4. Moving Concentrated Live Loads Nomenclature (Bug 3268)

The word Moving has been removed from Add moving concentrated live load in load input view and anywhere else it appears in the program. The IBC does not refer to these loads as "moving", only “concentrated”, and the term "moving" loads ordinarily refers to vehicular loads on bridges, trestles etc., not concentrated occupancy loads examined at different locations on a member.

5. Area Load Input Rounding in Output (Change 42)

Due to numerical rounding, sometimes the area load value shown in the Design Check and Design Summary output reports was slightly different than that input, e.g. 199 psf instead of 200 psf. This has been corrected.

D. Program Operation

1. Stud Spacing Input when Typed In (Bug 3313)

When wall stud spacing is typed in rather than entered, or the delete or backspace key is used, the numbers appearing are not those typed in an erratic and unpredictable fashion. This has been corrected.  

2. Beam View Bearing Length

The following problems affecting the operation beam view bearing length input in conjunction with the minimum bearing length design setting have been corrected:

a)  Default Minimum Bearing Length after Change in Unit System (Bug 3343)

The program sometimes opened with the minimum bearing length for both interior and end supports set to an unreasonably high value.

This happened if you had switched unit systems then accessed the Default setting pages when Save as Default was set, which it is by default.

It could also happen when a member was imported from Concept mode with different units than the beam file.

b) Bearing Length Update on Change of Member Type (Change 1, 1b)

For floor or roof panels, when the default minimum bearing length is changed in the Default settings to a value greater than the bearing length in Beam view, the program, updated the minimum bearing length in beam view to 1.5” and 3” for exterior and interior supports, respectively, The warning message saying the input value had changed also displayed the incorrect value. The program now updates the bearing length input and the warning message as per default settings input.

c) Bearing Length Update on Change of Member Type (Change 1a)

Upon changing member type in beam mode, the program modified the bearing length as follows:

If using millimetres, the internal bearing length value would be divided by 1000 as if it were converting to metres.

If using inches, the bearing length would be divided by 12 as if converting to feet.

This only happened when changing the member type to and from beam, joist and panel types not when changing type between floor and roof panels or joists. 

Sizer no longer modifies bearing length in this way when the member type is changed.

3. Update of Deflection Limits (Bug 3126)

In Beam Input view, if live or total deflection limits were changed and then certain other inputs were changed, the deflection limits are reset to their previous values. This happened all the time when the Treatment is changed and sometimes for other inputs like Species.

4. Lateral Stability Built-up Member Width Default Setting (Bug 3263)

The Built-up member width b for lateral stability calculation Design setting was not being saved as a default for new files when you specified to do so, so that the original default value of Single ply width was always applied to new projects unless changed after the file was created. This has been corrected.

5. Addition of b and d Symbols to Width and Depth Input (Change 28)

In Beam and Column views, the symbols b and d have been added to the Width and Depth inputs, so they are now Width (b) and Depth (d).

6. Lateral Support Input

The following changes have been made to the Lateral support spacing input in Beam view.

a) Lateral Support Image and Text in Beam View Input (Changes 2a and 2b)

The program now shows text below the image for lateral support indicating whether the interior supports are restrained, as the input for this is under Supports for Bearing and Notch Design and not immediately evident in this section of Beam view.

b) Lateral Support Image in Beam View Input (Change 2b)

The small image in the Beam view input showing lateral support has been changed. It now shows the lateral supports as pieces of strapping rather than red lines.

7. Display of Wet Service Conditions for SCL Materials (Bug 3322)

If Wet service was selected In Beam or Column views and then an SCL material was selected, the input became disabled but still showed Wet, and wet service appeared in the material specification of the in the Design Summary and Design Check; however wet service conditions are not allowed for SCL materials. This was a display issue only; the wet service factor was not applied to any calculation. It has been corrected.

8. Link to Video Tutorials in Help Menu (Change 12)

The following link has been added to the Help menu so that a user can navigate to a video tutorial from within the program. (http://cwc.ca/woodworks-software/support-and-training/canadian-tutorials/)

9. Persistence of First Custom Design Note in Settings (Bug 3279)

Starting with version 11.1 when the first of the notes in the Design Notes settings page was checked, the checked state was not registered and did not persist when the page is re-opened. As a result, the note did not appear in the Design Check summary, nor could you save it as a default note for new files. This has been corrected.

10. Deflection Limit Title in Default Values (Change 37)

In the Default Settings the column titles for Default deflection limits have been changed, e.g. Live is now Live=L/.

11. Joist Spacing Unit Truncated (Change 28a)

Metric units shown beside the Joist spacing input in Beam view were truncated, i.e. mr appeared instead of mm. This has been corrected.

12. Logo Instructions in Company Settings (Bug 3374)

The instructions regarding entering a logo in the Company settings input now say …enhanced Design Check output instead of …enhanced text output, as “text output” could refer to other output reports.

13. Capitalization of Input Items

The following changes were made to make capitalization of user interface items consistent with all other input.

a) Unknown Bearing Length Input (Change 51)

The Beam view input choices under For unknown bearing length… now capitalize only the first word in each option.  

b) Show Loads View in Pop-up Window Preference Setting (Change 50)

In Settings, under Preferences the checkbox named Show Loads view in a pop-up window now reads Show Loads View in a pop-up window. The change is from the lower-case v to upper case V in View.

E. Graphics

1. Missing Concentrated Live Loads in Load Drawing (Bug 3403)

Starting with version 11.1, concentrated loads no longer appeared in the load diagram. In drawing the other loads, they were adjusted to accommodate the greater magnitude of the concentrated load, however. 

This has been corrected.

2. Critical Shear Diagram for 90-degree Oblique Angle (Bug 3410)

For beams loaded at an oblique angle of 90 degrees, in the Analysis Diagram, for Critical Results, the shear diagram was blank and did not show a shear graph. The 90-degree graphs appear for other load combinations, the critical results appear for all other angles. The critical results now appear for 90 degrees. 

3. Bottom Lateral Supports for Multi-Span Beams. (Change 62)

The first bottom lateral support symbol was not being drawn for interior spans of multi-span members. This symbol now appears.

4. Lateral Support at Supports (Change 2c)

In the Beam view drawing, when there is no lateral support other than at end supports, the program did not show the lateral support symbols at supports, even though lateral support was shown at the support when there was also intermediate support. This has been corrected.  

5. Load Envelope for Joist and Wall Area Loads (Bug 3320)

For joists and wall studs, the magnitudes of area loads shown in the Load Envelope drawing of the Analysis diagrams were incorrectly multiplied by a factor equal to the joist spacing in the unit system chosen, e.g. 400 for metric or 16 for imperial. This has been corrected.

6. Analysis Diagram Improvements (Change 9)

The following improvements were made in Analysis diagrams.

Decimal points were lined up where multiple design values were shown.

Spaces were introduced before reactions +Rmax and -Rmax to match the formatting of other labels

Load combination numbers are now shown for critical reactions.

7. Unit Label in Column Drawing (Change 10)

In the drawing of negatively side-loaded columns, the unit label (kN/m or plf) for applied load was overwritten over the left end of the scale line near 0. Sizer now clearly prints it to the right of the negative scale line.

8. Lateral Supports for Long Beams in Drawing (Change 63)

For beams longer than 30 feet, lateral support symbols were drawn past the end of the beam. This has been corrected.

F. Output

1. Print to Fit on One Page Font Size (Bug 3459)

If Print to fit on one page  in the Format settings is checked the program sometimes print with a font size less than what can fit on a page, e.g. it used a font size 4 although a font size of 5 fits when the checkbox is not selected, and it is only with a font size of 6 that the design report was printed in two pages.

This has been corrected and the program now prints with the optimal font size when printing just one page. 

2. Fire Design Output (Change 30 and 76)

The following changes have been made to the output of fire design information

a) Fire Design Section (Change 30, 76 and 103)

The Fire sub-section under Calculations in the Design Check output report has been reorganized and changed as follows:

-        The residual section has been reformatted as follows, e.g.: Residual section = 0.70x5.70 in is now Residual section = 0.70” x 5.70”

-        Fire Protection (gypsum) is changed to Protection

-        Fire design Adjustment factor is changed to Adjustment factor

-        Required resistance duration has been moved to this section. Previously it was in the materials specification section of the report.

-        Char rate is now Char depth

b) Fire Information in the Materials Specification (Change 103d)

The required fire duration input in Beam view has been moved to the Calculations section from the specification of member materials, as it is not a property of the beam itself. To indicate that this line is about fire design, the word fire has now been incorporated into the number exposed sides and removed from Fire protection.

c) Number of Exposed Sides (Change 87)

The program was displaying nonsensical values in the material specification of the Design Check output for the number of fire-exposed sides when the IBC 722.63 fire design method was selected. This method has been removed from the program.

3. Member Description in Design Check Output (Changes 77, 78 and 103)

a) Formatting and Wording

The member description in the Design Check has been changed as follows

-        Beam and stringer is now Beam or stringer

-        Post and timber is now Post or timber

-        Service: wet is changed to Wet service

-        The line Chemicals: [fire-retardant, preservative] is now after Wet service

-        For glulam, maximum lamination width changed to max lam width and moved from its own line to the end of the line starting with the beam length. 

-        The word volume has been capitalized for consistency

-        Spaces added before Pitch, before mm in max lam width and before the equal sign in top= and bottom=

b) Lateral Support Spacing

The lateral support spacing output higher than that input by about 5-10%, for both metric and imperial formatting.  This has been corrected.

For metric output, the spacing is now shown in whole millimeters rather than 2-digit accuracy.

4. Additional Design Data for Column Supporting Member Design (Change 13a)

For bearing design of column supporting members, in the Design Check under Load Combinations, the reaction R, bearing capacity Cap bearing length Lb and bearing factor Kb have been moved to the Calculations section. R is renamed Reaction and Cap Capacity.  

5. Bearing Table Note for Cantilevered Members (Change 66)

For cantilevered members in beam mode, Sizer was often mistakenly showing a note regarding maximum reactions being from a critical load combination other then the one used for bearing design, and under Critical load combinations in the Additional Data, it was showing a 0 for the load combination number for bearing at some supports, rather than the critical LC number.

The correct load combinations were used for design, so this was a display issue only and has been corrected.

6. Irrelevant Cfu and CV Values in Factors Table (Change 95)

In the Factors table of the additional data, the program now outputs a dash (-) rather than 1.00 for the flat use factor Cfu for strong axis bending Fb and for the volume factor CV for weak axis bending Fby as these factors are not relevant to the design in these directions. Numeric values are output for Cfu for Fby and CV for Fb.

7. Char Rate Units in Output (Change 31)

The char rate for fire design in the Calculations section of the Design Check was output in Imperial units, i.e. in/hr even if Metric units were selected. Now mm/hr is output for metric units.

8. Explanatory Deflection Line in Output (Change 27)

A line regarding deflection in Additional Data has been re-worded. “Live” deflection = Deflection from all non-dead loads (live, wind, snow) now appears as “Live” deflection is due to all non-dead loads (live, wind, snow).

9. Name of Bearing and Reaction Table for I-joists (Change 36)

For I-joists, the table that for other materials was called Maximum Reactions, Bearing Resistances, and Bearing Lengths was called just Maximum Reactions, because previously it contained only reactions. Now, as it also has support bearing design, it is called Maximum Reactions and Support Bearing.

10. Custom Design Notes in Design Summary and ASCII Design Check (Bug 3280)

Custom design notes entered in the Design Notes settings only appeared in the Enhanced (graphical) Design Check, and not in the Design Summary for unknown section nor in the ASCII version of the Design Check. This has been corrected.

11. Small Formatting Changes

a) Blank Space after F/E (Change 32)

A blank space was introduced after F/E(psi) or F/E(MPa) in the Factors Table under Additional Data in the Design Check.

b) Blank Spaces in Critical Load Combinations (Change 29)

Extra blank spaces after V max, V design and M appearing under Critical Load Combinations in the Design Check output have been removed.

c) Column Support Bearing (Change 100)

The Support Bearing line of the Analysis vs. Allowable Stress and Deflection table now says Support Bearin as the g interfered with the column separator line.  


Sizer 11.1 – May 15, 2017 – Design Office 11, Service Release 1

A. Sloped Beam Loads Drawing (Feature 146) *

The program previously did not show the slope of a sloped beam while in Loads view, and drew the loads as if they were applied to a horizontal beam. Now, the drawing of loads faithfully reflects the direction and distribution of each load type on sloped members.

1. Slope

To preserve space to depict the loads, in the screen drawing, the angle that the beam is sloped is limited to 5 degrees, that is, any beam that is sloped more than 5 degrees shall be limited to 5 degrees.

In the printed output, the angle is limited to 30 degrees.

The depiction of notches is also adjusted for the 5- and 30-degree limitations.

2. Beam Depth

For both sloped and non-sloped beams, if the beam depth exceeds 1/12 of the beam depth, the program limits the depiction of the beam to 1/12 of the depth. This ensures sufficient room is left for drawing of loads.

3. Load Depiction

There are three categories of loads based on the direction of load relative to the beam, and the assumed distribution of force – projected or along the slope.

a) Dead-type Loads

The following load types are applied along the sloped member edge with arrows oriented vertically: Dead, Dead soil, Earthquake.

b) Live-type Loads

The following load types are applied along a horizontal projection of the member, with arrows oriented vertically: Live, Sustained Live, Snow

c) Wind Loads

Wind loads are applied along the sloped member with arrows oriented normal to the member.

4. Scales

The scales at the side are shown vertically regardless of the orientation of the member.

5. Negative Loads

To conserve space, and unlike non-sloped members which have negative loads beneath the beam, negative loads are drawn above the beam in the same place as positive loads, but with the arrows reversed.

6. Negative Slope

Loads are drawn for negative slopes, but these do not function as well as for the positive case and loads are sometimes slightly offset or intersect with the member. To rectify these problems, simply show the same positive slope as if you were viewing the beam from the other side.

7. Combining of Load Type

This feature has also been implemented for the option of combining all loads of each type into a single graph for that type.

B. Bug Fixes and Small Improvements

1. Wall Stud Wind Load Repetitive Member Factor in SDPWS 2015 (Bug 3216)

The repetitive member factors for wind loads on wall studs from the 2015 edition of the Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) Table apply to studs that are spaced up to 24” on center, rather than 16” as in previous editions, but Version 11 of Sizer continued to restrict their application to 16” spacing.

Consequently, the bending strength Fb values for studs spaced at 24” were factored by 1.15 when they could have been factored by a value ranging from 1.20 to 1.50 depending on stud width.

The program now activates the checkbox setting in Column view allowing you to specify this increase when the joist spacing is 24” or less.

2. Missing Shear Results for 90-Degree Rotation (Bug 3227)

Starting with version 11, beams rotated 90 degrees using the Oblique angle input were no longer designed for shear.  Shear results were not shown in the Analysis vs Design table, nor was the critical shear point in the shear analysis diagram, and a shear was not considered when evaluating a section for design. This has been corrected, and shear results now appear for members rotated 90 degrees.

3. Dimension Overlap for Short Cantilevers (Bug 3247)

For short cantilever spans, the design span dimension values shown below the beam overlapped, rendering them unreadable. Now, for beams with end spans less than 1/10 the length of the beam, the rightmost dimension is offset downwards to be visible, and for left end spans, the "0" is not shown.

4. Beam Length Alignment in Design Check Drawing (Bug 3223)

In the beam drawing in the Design Check report, the number representing the length of the beam appeared below its dimension line instead of aligned with it and overlapped with the drawing of the beam. This did not occur in the beam view drawing and has been corrected.

5. Persistence of Multi-ply vs Single Ply Lateral Stability Setting (Bug 3284*)

The Design Setting for using multi-ply vs. single-ply lateral stability for built-up beams could not be saved as a default for new files. This has been corrected.

6. Clear spans in Design Check Output (Change 204)

The program now shows the length of each clear span in the Design Check output report next to the total beam length, as this information does not appear in the diagram in this report

7. Span Precision in Beam Drawing (Change 205)

The number of decimal places shown on the beam drawing has been increased from one to two decimal places for inches and from two to three decimal places for feet, so that 1/4' appears as 0.25" rather than 0.3". For feet output, a value like 3.5" will appear as .292 rather than .29.  This change has been applied to the drawings in both Beam view screen and in the Design Check output.

8. Design Ratio Output Alignment (Change 200)

The alignment of the Design Ratio output in the Design Check report for percentages greater than 100% has been improved.

9. Fire-exposed Faces in Design Check Report (Change 206) *

Under the materials specification in the Design Check Output, the program now indicates which faces are exposed to fire, rather than just indicating 3 or 4 faces are exposed.

For beams, it now shows Exposed top or bottom and sides instead of 3 sides, and Exposed all sides instead of 4 sides.

For columns, it shows Exposed on two d-faces and one b-face instead of 3 sides, and Exposed all faces instead of 4 sides,

Note that this is just a temporary measure, and we intend to implement a new feature allowing you to control what surfaces are exposed to fire, and the descriptions will change again at that time.



Sizer 11 – Design Office 11 – November 21, 2016

C. Design Codes and Standards

Version 11 of Sizer updates several design codes and standards used in the program. The details of the associated changes to the program appear elsewhere in this list of changes; this section just identifies the design standards changed.

1. Standards Updated (Feature 220)

The implementation in Sizer of the IBC has been updated from the 2012 edition to 2015, the NDS from 2005 to 2012.

a) ICC International Building Code (IBC 2015)

Version 11 of Sizer implements the 2015 IBC, whereas Version 10 implemented the 2012 version.

b) ANSI/AWC National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS 2015)

Version 11 of Sizer conforms to the NDS 2015, whereas version 10 conformed to NDS 2012.

c) ANSI/AWC Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS 2015)

The SDPWS had been updated from the 2008 version to the 2015 version for Design Office 11, however, the one provision in Sizer from the SDPWS has not changed.   

2. References to the Design Standard Editions

The references to design standards have been updated in the following places:

a) Welcome, About Sizer, and Building Codes Dialog

The new design standards implemented are listed in the Welcome dialog box that appears on program start-up, and can be invoked later via the Help menu, and in the About Shearwalls box from the Help menu. More detailed information is given in the Building Codes dialog box invoked from the Welcome box.

b) On-line Help

The On-line Help documentation has been updated to refer to the current design code editions.

3. References to the Design Standard Clauses

Where necessary, references to design code clause numbers in program messages, notes, results output, etc., have been updated, as follows.

a) NDS

There were no references within the Sizer program to those portions of the NDS that were renumbered.

b) On-line Help

The few design code clause references that may have changed have not yet been updated as within the On-line Help as of the date of the software release. The Help is now accessed over the Web, and will have the updated references, if any, by Feb 2017. 

4. On-line Design Standards

The WoodWorks package no longer installs a .pdf file for the On-line NDS on your computer. The Help menu links and Start menu icons now direct you to websites where viewable versions of the NDS and NDS Supplement are accessed.

Note that the NDS Commentary is no longer included.

5. Building Codes Dialog

In the Building Codes dialog box that is accessed from the Welcome box:

The section detailing substantive changes to the 2012 NDS and 2010 ASCE 7 have been removed.

The note about implementing fire design for Version 10 has been removed.

A small grammar error was corrected.

D. Materials and Database

1. Updated Glulam Section Sizes (Feature 195)

Several I-joist compatible glulam sections have been added to the glulam balanced and glulam unbalanced database files to make the database correspond to the current NDS Supplement. These sizes are: 

Western Species - 3.5 x 9.25, 3.5 x 20, 3.5x 22, 5.5 x 9.25, 5.5 x 20, 5.5 x 22

Southern Pine - 3.5 x 9.25, 3.5x 18, 3.5x 20, 3.5 x 24, 5.5 x 9.25, 5.5 x 18, 5.5x 20, 5.5 x 24.

2. MSR and MEL Materials (Design Office Feature 18)

a) NDS Supplement Update

Extensive changes were made to the MSR and MEL database files to implement changes in the 2015 Supplement Table 4C as compared to the 2012 edition. Note that the changes originally appeared in a 2013 addendum, but are new to the WoodWorks program.

b) Grading Agency

In addition, the program now restricts the materials to those for which there as a least one match between the grading rules agencies listed for the grades in Table 4C and those listed for the species in Table 4C Footnotes. Previously it included all combinations of species and grade, most of which don’t in fact exist.

In a few places, this necessitated the creation of new species designations like Hem-Fir (WCLIB) and S-P-F (S) (0.46) to distinguish between species that have different properties for the same E value when graded by different agencies.

Note that for MEL, this change restricts the database to Southern Pine and those species graded by the Canadian NLGA, which are the only MEL materials in existence.

3. Design Section Sizes for Sawn Timbers (Design Office Feature 17)

For sawn timbers, the NDS 2015 specifies that wet section sizes are to be used for design, whereas the NDS 2015 listed dry sizes. For 5”- and 6”-nominal timbers there is no change in size, for 8” to 14” the sizes have increased ¼”, e.g.  7-1/4” to 7-1/2”, and for 16” to 24” they have increased ½”, e.g. 15 to 15-1/2”

These changes originally appeared in a 2013 addendum to the NDS Supplement. Note that the wet sizes were listed in editions of the NDS prior to 2012, so WoodWorks is reverting the sizes to those that were in the program before version 10.

These changes have been made to the major species, other species, and hardwood database files used in Sizer for beams and columns.

4. Glulam and Timber Joists (Feature 217)

The glulam and timber database files are now included for joist design to allow you to more easily design large timbers that are repetitively spaced and subject to uniform area loads.

No attempt was made to cull the section sizes to realistic ones for floor and roof joists, so these database files are recommended to be used primarily when a section size is known rather than design for unknown section size.

E. Engineering Design

1. Notch Design

Notch design has been expanded and improved significantly, with the addition of interior notches, notches on sloped members, and other smaller improvements.

a) Interior Notches (Feature 14)

The program now allows for notches to be located at interior supports in multi-span and cantilevered members. This allows for common situations such as a birds-mouth notch in a roof rafter, especially in conjunction with improvements made in the treatment of notches for sloped members (see immediately below). . 

i. Restrictions

Interior notches can be notched at the lower surface only; top notches are not allowed. 

According to NDS, the stiffness of a bending member is practically unaffected by notches with depth less than or equal to 1/6 beam depth and length less than or equal to 1/3 beam depth. Accordingly, these limits have been applied to interior notches.

ii. Input

(a)  Data Group

The input fields that were previously in their own data group have been moved to the Supports for bearing design data group, which has been renamed Supports for bearing and notch design.

(b)  Location on Beam

The control for Left end, Right end, or Both has been eliminated. Instead, the mechanism for choosing supports for bearing design is now also used to choose the supports for notch input. That is, the control Applies to is used to specify the support(s) that the notch inputs apply to.

(c)  Unsupported Length e

The program applies the unsupported length e to both sides of an interior notch, except for sloped beams, for which e is applied entirely at the upper side of the support, as is the case with a birdsmouth notch.

(d)  Top and Bottom Notches

The program rejects input of interior top notches and resets the input fields without notifying you. It is possible to apply top notches to both ends by selecting “All” supports; the program simply omits the interior notches.

iii. Shear Design

Shear design is performed using These procedures had already been implemented for end notches. 

iv. Moment Design

For interior notches, the program uses the net area to calculate the section modulus S in the calculation for moment stress using 3.3.2, as required by

Note that this had not previously been done for end notches, because moments at the end are zero. The rare case of applied moment at a notched member end has now also been handled (see Bug 2845, below).

v. Notch Size Limitations

If the input notch exceeds the notch size limitations, upon design the program:

-        Issues a warning on the screen

-        Designs with shear resistance given in the Design Check results as “N/A”

-        Shows a failure warning in the Design Check due to notch restrictions

vi. Output

The notch output in the Materials Specification of the Design Check report is now formatted in a similar manner to supports for bearing design, that is, the supports are numbered sequentially from the left and of the beam and the information for the notch given after the support number if there is a notch for that support.

b) Notches on Sloped Members (Bug 2789)

The program now considers the slope angle of the beam when drawing notches in sloped members.

i. Background

The program did not check whether the input of the unsupported length e was compatible with the input notch length dn for sloped members, and sloped member notches were not accurately drawn on the member. 

ii. Input

(a)  Notch Depth

The input notch depth for sloped notches is the dn value as defined by NDS, that is the distance perpendicular to the member grain.  

Note that this distance must be calculated from the vertical notch depth, which is the depth likely to be specified to installers because they lay out the notch using a square with the marks on the edge of the wood corresponding to the ratio of rise/run of the sloped member.

(b)  Unsupported Length e

This is the horizontal distance from the edge of the support at the upwardly sloping end of the beam to where it interests with the lower edge of the beam. If an unsupported length is entered that is not possible given the input notch depth, the depth is changed to accommodate it, and vice-versa. 

iii. Design

As with unnotched members, the dn and e you input in Beam View is used to compute shear reduction in

iv. Drawing (Bug 2788)

The program now draws notches on sloped so that a member supporting a sloped member fits into a notch entered for that support. Note that for reasons of economy of space on the screen and printed output, the beam angle in the drawing is not always the actual beam angle, so that notches on the drawing often do not penetrate the member as they do the actual beam. 

c) Other Notch Design

i. Notches in Tension or Compression for Zero Reaction (Bug 2090)

When the bearing reaction at a notched support is zero the notch is sometimes considered in tension when it should be in compression and vice versa.  Whether the notch is in tension or compression determines whether (a) or (e) is used for notch design.

Note that it is quite rare for the mechanics of the beam to be such that the reaction of the support is precisely zero, so this bug is very unlikely to have occurred in a practical design.

ii. Missing Notch Error Message (Bug 2798)

When a notch was entered that exceeded the 1/3 span length limit, the program would silently change the notch to 1/3 span length in the design, but not update the notch input field or inform the user. Now it changes the input to 1/3 span length and issues a warning message.

iii. Notched Beams Bending Capacity (Bug 3173)

The bending check for notched beams was using the section modulus Sx reduced for net area of an end notch when calculating the moment capacity in the interior of the span, when it should only have been used at the notched ends of the span. This occurred only if a notch was present of the left-hand side of the span, and has been corrected

iv. Moment Design for End Notches with Applied Moments (Bug 2845)

The program now uses the net section for moment design when an applied moment is entered right at the end of the member that is notched at the end. Note that this condition is quite rare in practice.

v. Fractional Imperial Input of Notch Parameters (Bug 2942)

Notch length and notch depth input fields did allow imperial fractional input, because they updated, imposed limits, and changed related fields every time a character is entered, for example when trying to enter a 13/16 notch it disallowed it when “13” was typed. This has been corrected and fractional input is now supported.

vi. Top Edge Notches Outside of Design Span (Bug 3156, 3174)

If you entered a top-edge notch that is shorter than the distance from the outer edge of the support to the support point based on required bearing, the program could misidentify a compression notch as tension and vice-versa, as it does not have the loads analysis information outside the design span. This problem is restricted to the rare case that a notch on the upper face is loaded in tension, unless zero is entered as the unsupported length for compression notches.

A simple workaround to the most common instance of this problem is to simply not enter a short notch on the compression face, as there are no design implications of such a notch. The problem has been corrected nonetheless.

2. Lateral Stability and CL Factor

The following changes pertain to the Beam Stability Factor CL in NDS 3.3.3 and the treatment of lateral beam support.

a) Interior Supports not Laterally Supported (Feature 212, Bug 2700)

i. Background

Even though the NDS says that beams must be laterally supported at points of bearing, several users have indicated that they would like to design beams that are either not laterally braced at interior points of bearing or that are insufficiently laterally supported in their engineering judgement, and therefore consider the full beam length as the unsupported length Lu for the calculation of the CL factor. 

Noting that mechanics of the buckling equations used to derive the CL factor require only that the beam be fixed against rotation at two points, and that the American Wood Council Technical Report 14 includes a multi-span beam example with unsupported length as the entire length of the beam, Sizer has been modified to allow the choice of whether a beam is or is not laterally supported at interior supports.

ii. User Interface

A checkbox Laterally supported at support has been be added to the Supports for bearing and notch design box. It behaves similarly to the Bearing at support end checkbox in terms of being checked, unchecked, disabled and enabled when multiple supports are selected at once in the Applies to box.

The program ensures that end supports and cantilever supports are always checked, to maintain two points at the end of each beam that are fixed against rotation.

iii. Output

The existing output under the materials specification in the Design Check summary which says “at supports”, has been modified to say “at all supports”, “at end supports”, or e.g.  at supports 1,2, 4”

iv. Design

If the checkbox is not checked, the program does not consider the interior support when determining the unsupported length Lu. If At supports is chosen as the lateral support option, all interior supports are unchecked, the program uses the full beam length as the unsupported length. If a lateral support spacing greater than a span length adjacent to such as support, the lateral support length is used instead of the span length.

If the option Use zero moment points is selected as well is unchecking lateral support as a support, the distance between zero moment points to the left and right of the support is used if it is greater than any span length.

v. Drawing

In the beam drawing, for interior bearing supports that are not laterally supported, there is no longer a lateral support symbol at the bearing support.

b) Built-up Member Width for CL Factor (Feature 209)

The program now offers a choice of whether using the full member width or the width of a single ply for the lateral stability calculations for built-up beams. .

i. Background

Research has recently shown that nailed and bolted beams have at most 30% composite action effect in terms of resisting torsional buckling, and for this reason it is extremely non-conservative to use the full member width as b in the expression for the slenderness ratio RB which is used to calculate the stability factor CL in NDS

ii. Input

In the Design Settings, a data group called Lateral Stability factor CL has been added, a set of selection buttons has been added to allow you to choose whether the full member width or single ply width is used for the CL factor.

The default value for this setting is single ply for new project files and full member width for files from previous versions which did not have the setting. In that case, the program issues a warning when the file is loaded. 

iii. Design

When single ply is chosen, the value b used in the slenderness ratio RB in is the width of a single ply, that is, assuming no composite action effect. This affects both the limit of 50 for the slenderness ratio itself, and the use of value RB in calculating the lateral stability factor CL via FbE.

iv.  Output

For built-up beams, the program appends the choice of single ply or full beam width to the existing line in the CALCULATIONS section of the Additional Data giving the parameters for the lateral stability calculations (Feature 172, below).

c) Lateral Stability Parameters in Output (Feature 172)

In the CALCULATIONS section of the Additional Data in the Design Check output, the program now shows the unsupported length Lu, the effective length Le, and the slenderness ratio RB for the calculations of lateral stability factor CL in NDS 3.3.3, and if applicable, the built-up member width option (Feature 209, above) and/or the zero moment point option (Bug 2695 from version 10.2, below).

d) Column Lateral Stability Details in Additional Data (Change 185)

In the CALCULATIONS section of the Additional Data output, the program was showing identical lateral stability detail lines for positive and negative moment for columns if such moments existed. As we assume both edges of a column are supported the same way, this was unnecessary, and one of the lines has been removed. In the case that there is only a positive moment, the “(+)” symbol has been removed.

e) Drawing of Lateral Supports

The following problems regarding the drawing of lateral support symbols have been corrected:

i. Lateral Support for Sloped Multi-span Beams (Bug 2928)

Sloped multi-span beams with a specified lateral support spacing is drawing the lateral supports with a large gap between the lateral supports and the beam.

ii. Start of Interior Spans (Bug 2697)

The starting point for interior spans is now be the middle of the support, not the right edge.

iii. Final Lateral Support Symbol (Bug 2697)

A lateral support symbol is now placed at the end of the beam.

3. Wood Volume Output (Feature 171)

In order to facilitate approximate cost comparisons of different sizing options, the program now outputs the wood volume of the member.

a) Design Summary

A column has been added to the design summary output of suggested sections giving the wood volume of the member in cu. ft or m3. To make space this column, we have removed columns that do not apply to the type of member, such as the axial tension column for beams. Because bearing lengths are not necessarily known when these sections are examined, the length used by the program is the one input in beam view and could therefore be the length of the design span, clear span, or full span. Only if full span will be chosen will the result be the precise volume of wood in the member, however, in the other cases, the results are adequate to serve as a comparison of the different sections.

b) Design Check

The volume of wood in cu. ft or m3 is given after the total beam length in the materials specification of the Design Check output. In this case, the full length of the beam is used to compute the volume regardless of the chosen span type.

4. Bearing and Supports

The following problems with bearing and supporting members have been corrected.

a) Rounding of Bearing Length Input (Bug 2944)

If you typed in a length like 1.113 in the bearing length input, the program rounded to the nearest 1/8th of an inch when exiting the view then entering it again, or when it was updated for other reasons. This created problems in conjunction with the notch length field, which updates based on the bearing length, but doesn’t' round the same way. The bearing length input field now operates like other inputs.

b) Multi-ply Member Bearing Width in Beam Drawing (Bug 2958)

The program was showing the width of a single ply as the bearing width for multi-ply members. Now in this case it does not show a bearing width, as it is assumed to be the main member width if not showing. 

c) Weak Axis Bearing Design for SCL Materials (Bug 2980)

For SCL materials oriented as planks, the program did not use the weak axis Fcpy value for design, nor output it in the Modification Factors table of the Additional data. Because SCL has not been tested for oblique angles, for any angle between 0 and 90 the weak axis value now applies.

Furthermore, supporting members designated as sill plates now use weak axis Fcpy

d) Drawing of Clear Span with Cantilevered Beams (Bug 2960)

The dimension line for clear span for cantilevered beams wasn’t showing the gap at the support.

e) Load Combinations for Bearing Design (Change 167)

The load combinations for bearing design are now spelled out in full in the Additional Data section, similar to other load combinations for other design criteria.

f) Column Bearing Length Output for Non-wood Support (Change 162)

When the selection for support is Non-wood the program n longer shows the Bearing length = column width phrase in the materials specification of the design check report, because in that case there is no bearing design.

g) Support vs. Supports in Bearing Table (Change 168)

In Reactions and Bearing table, under Resistance, Supports has been changed to Support for consistency with other output.

h) Column Support Wet Service Factor (Bug 3058)

When the member supported is a column, the program showed the incorrect wet service factor CM for the supporting member in the Factors table of the Additional Data section of the Design Check Calculation Sheet. The value shown was the factor for parallel-to-grain compression fc , instead of the one for perpendicular-to-grain compression fc  . These factors are found in the NDS Supplement, Tables 4A-D and 5A-D.

This is just a reporting issue that did not affect design, and has been corrected.

i) Bearing Load Combination Output at the Free End of a Cantilever (Change 184)

In the Critical Load Combinations section of the Additional Data, the program was showing a bearing load combination at the free end of a cantilever. This has been removed.

5. Design Results Output Improvements

a) Design Ratios as a Percentage (Change 154)

A Preference Setting has been added to allow you to show the design ratio in the Force vs. Resistance output as a percentage, e.g. 87.1 %, rather than a ratio, e.g. 0.87.

The default value for the setting is to continue showing the ratios as a decimal value as in previous versions of the program.

Note that there is 10 times greater precision in reporting the design ratio, so that when it is for example 1.002, the report will show a failed design of 100.2% when percentage is chosen, but a passing design of 1.00 when ratio is chosen.

b) Units Column in Force vs. Resistance Table (Feature 198)

Instead of listing the various physical units, like lbs, kN and plf, in the heading to the table of the Design Check output, the program now lists the unit used for each design criterion in a new column in the table, thus associating the unit used with the design criterion.

c) Member Length in Results by Member (Feature 120)

In the Concept mode Results by Member design summary, the program now outputs the length of each member, by appending it to the section size, e.g. 6x6x12’.

d) Post/Stringer Grade in Materials Specification (Feature 67)

The program now indicates in the third line of the materials specification in the Design check output whether the member is defined as a Beam and Stringer or as a Post and Timber in NDS and respectively.  These definitions determine which strength properties NDS Supplement Table 4D are used.

If a custom section is two thin to be in either category, then no category is output and a warning appears in the output. Refer to Bug 2797 to changes made to the warning messages that can appear. 

e) Warnings for Incorrect Lumber Sizes (Bug 2797)

A warning did not appear if you entered a custom size for a lumber database that is in fact a timber size according to the definitions in NDS 4.1.3.  However, a warning does appear when the reverse is true.

For some cases, such as bending, the lumber sizes are stronger, and for some such as shear the timber sizes are stronger, so there is always a non-conservative error if the wrong grade properties are used. A warning is now shown in both cases.

Also for MSR if a section that is too thick for MSR is entered, the warning saying that the member is too thin for the timber database was shown instead of the MSR message. This has been corrected.

f) Lateral Support Output for Columns (Bug 2835)

For columns, lines appeared in the Materials specification of the Design Check output saying full support at "top" and "bottom", regardless of the actual support conditions and the fact that top and bottom do not apply to columns. 'They have been removed

g) Column Design Table Columns Removed for Beams (Change 166)

The columns for Axial and Combined design criteria, which apply only to columns, have been removed from the Design Summary list of suggested sections for beams

6. Slenderness Ratio for Construction Purposes (Feature 218)

When either of the checkboxes All live loads are construction loads or All roof live loads are construction loads is checked, the program applies a limit of 75 rather than 50 on the slenderness ratio when computing the column stability factor CP, as per NDS 

7. Absolute Deflection Limit Default (Feature 167)

We now include the absolute deflection limit in the Default settings so that it can be saved as default for new files. If a value of 0 is entered, then there is no absolute deflection check.  It is possible to enter an imperial value as a decimal or a fraction.

8. IBC Fire Resistance (QA Change 12)

The fire resistance procedures for beams and columns from 722.6.3 have been removed from the IBC. We have decided to keep these procedures in the Sizer program for the time being and add “2012” to “IBC” in the description of the option in Beam View.

9. Bug Fixes and Small Improvements

a) Design for Custom Section Size Same as Nominal Size (Bug 2842)

Starting with version 9 of the program, after typing in a value like 10.001 to indicate you want a real member width or depth, the program designed for the nominal depth corresponding to the rounded off number, in this case 9.25 instead of 10. It also failed to update the unit label for the input value to show "in." rather then "nom. In." These problems have been corrected.

b) Shear Design for Oblique Members (Bug 3194)

For shear design, the program checked biaxial design for oblique members by adding the design ratios for the x and y axis, but this has no physical justification and has been removed from the program. 

Instead, the program checks the shear stress against capacity in the x- and y- axis directions only. The actual critical shear stress occurs in another plane, and not necessarily parallel to the load.

 Due to the complexity of the calculations and the unlikeliness of shear design governing for oblique members, which are rarely notched the program does not attempt to determine the critical shear plane, instead issuing a design note cautioning you that the maximum shear is not one of the shear components shown. 

c) Vmax in Additional Data (Bug 3194)

In the Calculation section of the Additional Data report, the value V is now called Vmax, to indicate how it relates to Vdesign.

d) Negative Fire Endurance for Beams (Change 163)

According to the IBC equations, a negative value can appear for the fire endurance time for beams whose width is greater than depth. If this occurs, then the program now sets the time to zero, and adds any fire protection time to zero rather than the negative value.

e) Export of Multi-Ply Supporting Members (Bug 2915)

When a member which is supported by multiple ply members was exported from Concept mode to Beam or Column mode, the program assumed the supporting member has only one ply when assigning a bearing width. Now, it assigns an unknown bearing width, as plies are not input into concept mode groups and the program assumes plies are unknown.

Note that the program does not export the widths or depths of supporting members as they were designed by Concept Mode - if they were unknown in concept groups, then they are unknown in the exported member.

f) Lateral Stability Units in Output (Bug 3120)

In Column Mode Design Check output the Ke x ld value for lateral stability showed inches as the unit, although the value was in feet. This has been corrected.

g) Canadian Nomenclature in Load Table Note (QA Bug 10)

The note under the Load Table indicating that the maximum reaction shown is from a different load combination than the critical one referred to the Canadian load duration factor, KD. It now says CD.

h) Oblique Angle Design Note (Bug 3195)

The following problems with the Design Note for oblique angles have been corrected:

i. Canadian Size Factor

It mentioned the Canadian size factor Kzcp. This reference has been removed. 

ii. Bearing Width and Length

It was not updated when it became possible to enter a bearing length and width. It says the bearing width used is b, and suggests you modify output bearing length to compensate for the actual bearing width. These comments have been removed.

i) Units in Analysis vs Design Table for Oblique Angles (Bug 3196)

The Analysis vs Design table showed kips for the x-direction shear design when it should be psi, and for kip-ft for both moment outputs when it should be psi. This has been corrected.

j) I-Joist Composite EI Nomenclature (Change 196) *

In the Calculations section of the Additional Data output, the term EIcomp has been changed to EIeff. This confused some users, because although the I-joist composite action is just a 10% approximation, the true calculations using the McCutcheon method use EIeff for the resultant stiffness, and EIcomp is an intermediate calculation.

k) Analysis vs. Design Table Spacing (Change 197)*

In a few places, items in the Analysis vs. Design table which were not indented consistently were adjusted. 

l) Bearing Design Ratio Nomenclature (Change 202)*

The term Anal/Des in the Bearing and Reactions table has been replaced with Des. Ratio 

F. Loads and Loads Analysis

1. Different Eccentricity for Each Load (Feature 18)

It is now possible to enter an eccentricity separately for each load, to model for example the situation where some loads are transferred to the column from a beam resting on the top of the column and others enter via a bracket on the side.

This feature eliminates the need for a message box to appear reminding you that eccentricities apply to all loads, which many users found annoying.

Note that the Auto-eccentricity feature (Feature 17 from Version 10, below) applies to all loads, so that you do not have to set this checkbox for each load on the member. In most cases, when an eccentricity that is a percentage of member width is applied, it is required to be applied to all loads.

2. Zero Moment and Shear Points in Diagram (Change 180)

In the Analysis diagram, the program now shows the points where the moment and shear is zero. This is useful for multi-span beams when zero moment points are allowed to be considered the terminal points of lateral support distances.

3. Bug Fixes and Small Improvements

a) Tributary Width Message Box (Feature 196)

The program no longer reminds you every time you change the joist spacing that the tributary width of area loads supported by the floor has changed. Users found this message more annoying than informative.

b) Trapezoidal and Triangular Load Distribution Input (Change 181)

The word “Line” has been added after “Trapezoidal” and “Triangular” load distributions, in the Load View input, to show that these types of loads are line loads and not area loads.

c) Transfer of Uplift Loads in Concept Mode (Bug 3021)

Concept mode was not transferring uplift point reactions from columns or other beams to supporting beams, so that these reactions did not appear in the supporting beams when transferred to beam mode, or in the reactions at the base of other columns supporting the beam. The reactions were not being accounted for in the design of the beam and supporting members.

d) Column Bearing Loads on Beams Exported from Concept Mode (Bug 3023)

When a column supports a beam, which in turn supports another column at the same location, and the beam is exported from concept mode to beam mode, the upper column load was not being included in the bearing design for the beam. Now the upper reaction is transferred to the beam first, then to the supporting column below.

e) Applied Moments at End of Full Span (Bug 2845)

When Full Span was selected as the span input type, applied moments were not included in the loads analysis and the beam would not be designed for the affects of these moments. This could also happen for other span type input fields, but only if the applied moment was entered after a design was already performed once. This has been corrected, and user applied moments are now always included in loads analysis and design.

f) Wind Uplift Load Factor for Self Weight in Factored Reaction (Bug 3134)

If the critical load combination for uplift loading was not the same as that for downward bearing, the program was using 1.0 as the self-weight component of the uplift load combination rather than the correct 0.6. This has been corrected.

g) Point Loads at Left End of Rightmost Support (Bug 2857)

A point load in the region over the fixed bearing length of the rightmost support, but to the left of the support point, was included in shear and moment analysis over the design span rather than going directly into the support. Because of the proximity to the support point the moment due to these loads is not high, so this caused only an extremely minor difference in the magnitude and location of the maximum moment point. There is no effect on shear design because the effect of these point loads is neglected due to Bearing design was not affected because the effect of these loads was included in the reaction via loads analysis.

This has been corrected and these point loads are now considered for bearing reactions only.

h) Disappearing Point Loads (Bug 2892)

If a point load located close to the end of beam followed a partial uniform line load, partial uniform area load, triangular load, or a trapezoidal load in the sequence of input loads, the point load was deleted when the other beam dimensions like bearing length, span length, span type, etc. were changed. This has been corrected.

i) Location and Scale in Point of Interest View Drawing (Bug 2782)

The location of the dot in the point of interest view and the scale drawn at the bottom did not properly consider the input span methodology, and were shifted relative to the actual values by the ½ the width of the support for full span and clear span inputs. This has been corrected.

j) Concentrated Loads in Load Table

i. Formatting of Concentrated Load Width and Magnitude in ASCII Output (Bug 2831)

In the Load Table for the Analysis results, Design Summary results, and the old-style text output for Design Check results, the program was showing e;g. 9 instead of 9.00 for the load magnitude, and in the Analysis results, showing the wrong number for tributary width. These problems have been corrected.  

ii. Length Units for Area and Concentrated Loads (Bug 2832)

For both area loads and concentrated loads, the program is now showing the units for tributary width in the Load Table itself rather than in the note below indicating that the column is for Tributary width for those loads. Previously, there was inconsistency between concentrated and area loads in that they use different units (m vs mm or ft. vs. in)

iii. Force Units for Concentrated Loads (Change 199) *

In the loads tables, "plf" and "kN/m" were appearing as the units fir concentrated loads rather than "lbs" and kN. This has been corrected. 

k) Canadian Note in Load List (Bug 3078)

Under the Loads Output table, there was a note referring to Table from the Canadian version of the program that mistakenly found its way into USA version. The message appeared when wind load, snow load or earthquake load exists, and has been removed.

l) Point Load Location Unit in Analysis Results (Bug 3086)

If a point load is added after any partial UDL, partial area load, or UDL, in the Load list in the Analysis results the start location of the point load is given in mm or inches rather than meters or feet.

m) Total Deflection Factor in Output and Diagram for IBC Deflection Setting

When the setting to calculate the total deflection based on IBC Table 1604.3 deflection factor Use L+0.5D for deflection (Note d) is specified in Loads View, a factor of 1.0 rather than 0.5 appeared in the CALCULATIONS section in the Design Check page and in the deflection analysis diagram. 

The total deflection was being calculated correctly when the setting is selected, so this was a display issue only, and has been corrected.

n) Load Face Shown on Column Loads View Drawing (Bug 3155)

In column load view, the program displayed b beside the loaded face of the member regardless of whether it is loaded on the b- face or d-face according the Load Face input in column view. This has been corrected and d is shown for d-face loading.

G. Program Operation

1. User Defined Logo (Feature 87)

We now allow you to import an image to be used as your company logo in the Design Check calculations sheet, alongside the WoodWorks logo. This logo replaces the four-line Company Information that appears when there is no logo, so we encourage you to include company contact information in the logo.

a) Supported File Types

The image file types that you are able to enter are a JPEG, GIF, BMP, or PNG files.

b) Input

You input the location on your computer of the logo file in the Company Information settings box. The four line company information input remains in this box as it still appears in all text output files other than the enhanced design check, and in the enhanced design check if a logo is not found. Notes in the box have been added to explain this.

c) Design Check Output

If a logo is found, the program divides the area currently taken by the WoodWorks logo and the Company Information in two, and places the WoodWorks logo in the left portion and your company logo in the right portion. The date that previously appeared in the Company Information box is moved to the Project Information, where the title PROJECT is removed.

If a logo is not found, the output is the same as in Version 10.x of Sizer.

2. Saving Settings as Default and Restoring Original Settings (Feature 42)

Previously, the Sizer program settings were saved as default for new files via the Save as default menu item under the Settings menu. When selected, all the program settings that appear in various tabs of the Settings dialog, and many of the options that appear in Beam View, Column View, and Loads View, would all be saved at once to the initialization file, where they would be used the next time a new file was opened.

Similarly, to restore the settings that are shipped with new installations of Sizer, you selected the Restore ‘factory’ menu item, and all settings and these other options would be reset to their default value.

This system has been overhauled so that it now operates as the Shearwalls program does – a checkbox called Save as default for new files and a button called Reset original settings appears in each of the settings tabs, and in Load Input view for both Beam and Column mode. When the checkbox is checked or the button is pushed, the action applies only to the settings or options that appear on the screen, not to all settings and options.

a) Settings Menu

The sub-items Save as default and Restore ‘factory’ have been removed from the menu. Pushing the Settings menu now goes directly to the settings input dialog. The lengthy messages that used to appear explaining the location of all the items that are restored or saved are no longer necessary and have been removed.

b) Save as Default

 A checkbox called “Save as Default for new files” has been added. It defaults to being disabled and checked if no files are open, as in that case the settings can only be used to create defaults for new files. It defaults to being unchecked if files are open, as in that case you may be adjusting the setting for the current file and not want it to persist for new files that are created later.

c) Reset Original Settings

A button Reset Original Settings has been added to all the settings except for

d) Beam View Options

When the Default settings are saved, or restored, they also save or restore the Span type and For unknown bearing length options that show in Beam View rather than in the Default settings. A note in the default settings indicates this 

e) Load View Options

Buttons called Save as default options and Reset original options have been added to beam and column Load Input view to save and restore the options shown on the right had side of that view. The only options not saved are those shown are the ones which add a moving concentrated load, enter point load as UDL, and combine loads of same type in drawing.  A message box appears when pressing one of these buttons explaining which options are saved or restored.

f) Additional Settings Now Saved as Default

The number of settings and options it is possible to save as default has been expanded to include the following:

-        Beam supports area loads from continuous joists

-        All live loads/roof live loads are construction loads 

3. Default Loads View in Pop-up Window Setting (Change 171)

Because of the growing number of users that experience crashes upon entering loads view when it is docked to the main program window, the option to show loads view as a pop up window is now the default when you get a new version of the program.

We have added a minimize button to the pop-up window that allows you to dock the window without going to the Preference settings. For most users, docking the window will not cause crashing problems.

4. On-line Help

a) Web Help

The On-line Help is no longer accessed from a file installed on your computer; it is now accessed via the Web. The Help will now be updated with corrections and for changes to the program as they occur.

b) Update for Version 11 Changes

The On-line Help has not yet been updated for the changes for version 11 described in this document. The Help will have the updated descriptions by May, 2017.

c) USA-specific Help

The Help is now specific to the USA version of the program. References to Canadian design procedures and program operation have been removed.

5. Upgrade Notification (Feature 20) *

Upon opening the program, you are now notified if a more recent version is available, and provided with a download link to the updated version.

6. Bug Fixes and Small Improvements

a) Invalid Keycode Message (QA Change 1)

The message that appears saying your keycode is invalid now directs you the WoodWorks Sales email address.

b) Product Code in Software ID (Feature 13)

The three-digit code in the software ID that identifies the software version has been expended to 5 digits.

c) Information in About Sizer box

In the About Sizer box accessed from the Help menu:

Misplaced colons and brackets in the design code and standard sections have been removed.

In the sales and tech support sections, email communication has been emphasized over phoning, phone extensions were added, the fax number was removed, and the website is now a link to the site rather than text.

The words WoodWorks Technical Support were mistakenly removed, and have been put back.

d) Network Installation Error (Bug 3151)

Occasionally, when running the software from the network installation the program would fail, giving the following error message: "When running from a server, the initialization files must be in the 'Common Application Data' folder, refer to the documentation for information network installation."

This problem has been corrected.

e) Default Installation Location

The default installation folder has changed to include the country and the major version number (11). This allows you to have multiple editions on your computer by default, without overwriting editions from other countries and major versions. 

f) Start Menu

The start menu folder now includes (USA), so that a Canadian version installed on the same computer will not overwrite the shortcuts to the program components.

g) Groups Dialog for Medium and Large Display Size (Bug 3017)

It was sometimes not possible to view the all the Concept Mode Groups dialog box input fields when medium or large Display Size was selected in Windows. The boxes are now resized to show all of the inputs when these display options are selected.

h) Settings Input for Medium and Large Display Size (Bug 3067)

It was sometimes not possible to view the all the Settings input tabs when medium or large Display Size was selected in Windows. It could happen that you were unable to click the buttons at the bottom that close the boxes.

These boxes have now been reorganized in a shape like that of a typical computer screen, so that the entire box fits in the view regardless of the display option selected.

i) Design Settings Moved to Default Settings Page (Change 155)

The Minimum bearing length settings in the Design settings page have been moved to the Default page to make room for the more design settings.

j) Concept Mode Improvements

i. Warning for Minimum Snap Increment (Bug 2954)

When trying to enter a snap increment below the minimum allowable 1", a message box was being displayed showing an unrelated message. This has been corrected.

ii. Size of Gridpoint Elevation Field (Change 179)

The Gridpoint Elevation field has been widened to accommodate the lengthy text showing the absolute and relative elevation.

iii. Control-C in Concept Mode (Bug 2956)

Control-C in took you to column view when the standard operation is to copy the selected text in an edit control. Ctrl C now copies text and Ctrl-Alt-C is now used to go to column view.

k) Product Code in Software ID (Feature 13)

The three-digit code in the software ID that identifies the software version has been expended to 5 digits.

l) Crash on Opening Files with Discontinued Materials. (Bug 3052)

When opening project files created in older versions of the software which include materials from databases files which are no longer included in the Sizer installation, the program would crash after first issuing warnings. It now allows program operation to proceed with default materials. 

m) Nominal vs. Actual Sizes for Standard Section (Bug 2943)

When you typed in a value for a member that is the actual size of a standard section, e.g. 3.5, the program did not switch the label from in nom to in. This has been corrected.

n) Filename in Title Bar for Design Check (Change 187)

The file name was not appearing in the title bar for the Design Check view as it does for all other views. This has been corrected.

o) Apply Button in Settings Dialog (Change 192)

The “Apply” button has been removed from the Settings dialog because it had no effect.

p) Spelling of e.g. in Format Settings (Change 194) *

In the list of imperial formatting choices in the Format settings, the examples were prefaced by "eg." rather than "e.g.", the correct spelling, which is now used.

q) Text Offset of Column Dimension Lines (Change 195) *

For the lines dimensioning columns, the text was not drawn in the middle of the dimension line, but was spaced away from the line. Now the text is drawn in the middle of the line.



Sizer 10.45 – May 13, 2016 – Hot fix

This hot-fix version was delivered to individual users to correct the bug 3173, Notched Beam Bending capacity. This bug is described in Sizer 11, above, which is the first version for the public with this bug fix.


Sizer 10.44 – May 13, 2016 – Hot fix

This hot-fix version was delivered to an individual user to implement Feature 218, Slenderness Ratio for Construction Purposes. This feature is described in Sizer 11, above, which is the first version for the public with the feature.


Sizer 10.43 – April 12, 2016 – Hot fix

This hot-fix version was delivered to individual users of the network installation, to correct bug 3151. This bug is described in Sizer 11, above, which is the first version for the public with the change.


Sizer 10.42 - October 25, 2015 - Design Office 10, Service Release 4b

Refer also to the changes for below, which was distributed to only a limited number of users.

1. Self-weight of Custom Built-up Beams in Bearing Reaction Diagram (Bug 3098)

The bearing reactions shown in the Analysis diagrams for built-up beams made with custom sections, that is widths or depths not from the standard database, include the self-weight of the entire member multiplied by the number of plies, so that it is too large by the self-weight x ( n-plies -1) .  This problem was a display issue only and did not affect bearing design. It has been corrected.


Sizer 10.41 – October 8, 2015 - Design Office 10, Service Release 4a

This was released to only a limited number of users as the bulk of users were not informed that is was available until service release 4b had already been made.  

1. Column Supporting Member Bearing Design Units (Bug 3090)

The units for supporting member bearing design in the Analysis vs. Design table are showing as kips, but the values are actually in psi. This has been corrected

2. Self-weight of Built-up Columns for Supporting Member Bearing Design (Bug 3089)

For built-up columns, the self-weight used for the supporting member bearing design was the self-weight of one ply multiplied by the number of plies twice, resulting in an axial load that was too large by the self-weight of the member. This has been corrected.


Sizer 10.4 – August 20, 2015 – Design Office 10, Service Release 4

1. Built-up Weak Axis Sy and Iy (Bug 2984)

Starting with version 9, for built up members loaded on the weak axis (d-face), the program used the sum of the thicknesses of the plies as the depth used for determination of section modulus Sy in the expression for bending moment stress fb from NDS 3.3.2 , and for the moment of inertia Iy in the stiffness EI used in deflection calculations. However, this assumes that the plies are rigidly connected, as with glue. As full composite action cannot be achieved by fastening members with bolts or nails, the program once again uses the single ply thickness to calculate S and I for each ply, then sum these values for a composite S and I to determine fb and EI, respectively This results in a greater bending stresses and deflections than the program had been calculating.

3. I-Joist Shear Deflection Constant K (Bug 2985)

The constant K for shear deflection calculations was the value in lbs. multiplied by a factor that converts metric values in Newtons to imperial values in lbs, therefore the constant K was smaller than it should be by a factor 4.43,  and total deflection roughly twice what it should be.

The incorrect K value was also displayed in Database Editor. Both problems have been corrected.

2. Program Version for Saved Files (Change 177)

The program now records the version of the program used to save a project file and shows it in the About Sizer box when the file is opened. This feature is primarily used internally at WoodWorks for diagnostics.

3. Beam View Initial Focus (Change 191)*

Starting with version 10 of the program, the initial focus for beam view was set to the Description rather than the Span input. As many users are used to entering spans first, they typed the span length numbers into the Description field instead. This has been corrected and the initial focus is back on the spans.



In order to maintain version numbers in synch with other Design Office programs, there was no Sizer 10.3.


Sizer 10.2 – Sept 23, 2014 – Design Office 10, Service Release 3

1. Setting for Points of Zero Moment in Calculation of Unsupported Length (Bug 2695)

A setting has been added to allow you to choose whether the points of zero moment (counterflexure) are to be used to delineate the unsupported length for the CL  factor calculations in NDS 3.3.3.  

a) Background

The change we introduced with version 10.1 to no longer allow points of zero moment to be used to delineate the unsupported length for KL factor caused large changes in strength of certain multi-span applications, and was questioned by several users. We believe that the decision to make this change was based on sound research, and this is reflected for example in the change to the calculation example 7.5 in the Canadian Wood Council’s Introduction to Wood Design for the 2011 edition. However, at the end of this example, a note says, In some cases engineering may choose an alternate approach… based on .. the distance between support and zero moment or the distance between zero moments.  It then refers to Example 13.3 which uses this approach.   

For this reason we added an option to allow you to use zero moments.

b) Setting

A Design setting has been added called. Unsupported length Lu ends at points of zero moment (counterflexure).

This setting defaults to unchecked. It is saved with the project file. If a file from a previous version is opened, the setting takes on whatever value is in the Design Settings when the file is opened.

c) Design

If checked, for each span the program determines the lowest of

-        Point of zero moment to support

-        Distance between two points of zero moment

-        User input lateral support spacing

-        Span length

and uses this as the unsupported length. Note that this differs from the implementation before version10.1 which determined this distance only in the vicinity of the critical design moment value. Refer to the discussion in Bug 2708 under version 10.1 below.

4. I-Joist Deflection (Bug 2783)

a) Roof Joist Shear Deflection

For roof I-joists only, the program applied a 10% reduction to stiffness EI to approximate the effect of shear deflection, but also calculated the change needed in EI to implement shear deflection, compounding the effect of shear deflection. This has been corrected by removing the 10% reduction.

b) Floor Joist Composite Action

The program now adds a 10% increase in stiffness for floor I-joists to approximate the effects of composite action with the floor sheathing. Customized versions of WoodWorks Sizer for proprietary I-joist manufacturers such as Nordic Engineered Wood and Web Joist include detailed calculations of composite action.

c) EI in Output

The modified EI for shear deflection and composite action is now shown in the Additional Data of the Design Check report.

5. Design Values in Output for Custom Multi-ply Members (Bug 2859)

In reporting some design values for multi-ply members with a custom section, the program is applying the plies twice, so that values such as section areas, section modulus, S, etc. were mistakenly multiplied by a factor equalling the number of plies. 

This caused the errors listed below in the design forces, design resistances, or other outputs. Note that these errors were only in the reporting of the design values and design ratios; the program would not issue a warning message based on the erroneous output showing a design failure, nor would it neglect to include a passing member in the list of suggested sections for this reason.

Note too that this occurs only in the case that you type in your own section, such as 2.5 x 5 rather than using a standard section like 2 x 6, and are using a multi-ply material such as Lumber n-ply, which is a somewhat unusual combination of circumstances.

The following problems entered the program with Version 9.2 and have been corrected for version 10.2:

a) Design Stress Values

The design stresses for shear, fv, axial compression, fc, axial bearing, fc*, and axial tension ft , weak axis moment  fby shown in the Analysis column of the Analysis vs. Allowable Stress table were divided by the number of plies, so that the force shown was less than the one actually used for design by a factor of 1/plies.  The design ratio shown used the erroneous value for stress, so that a failing design ratio could be shown for a section that actually passed.

b) Self-weight

The magnitude of the self-weight shown in the load list was greater than the actual load list by the number of plies. This only occurred in the load list shown in the Design Check report, not in the Analysis or Design Summary reports.

c) Shear Value V

In the section under Critical Load Combinations, where the design force V is output, it is larger than it should be by a force equalling the number of plies.

d) Stiffness EI

In the CALCULATIONS section, the weak-axis Deflection Eiy is multiplied by the number of plies squared.

6. Deflection Design for Weak Axis, Custom Multi-ply Members (Bug 2859)

For weak axis design with multi-ply sections, the program was using an EI value for deflection that was less than it should be by the number of plies squared. This resulted much larger than expected deflections. This has been corrected.

7. Multi-ply Member Weak Axis Bending Stress (Bug 2860)

For y-axis moment design, the section modulus S was mistakenly divided by the number of plies. As this value is used to convert the bending moment force Mf to the bending stress fb, the stress used for design calculations is higher than it should be by a factor equalling the number of plies.

This problem occurred for beams, laterally loaded columns and for combined axial and bending design of columns, and has been corrected.

8. Design Search for Unknown Lower End of Section Size Range (Bug 2843)

Starting with version 9, when the lower end of the range of widths or the range of depths is unknown, and the upper end is known, but too small to allow for a successful design, the program searches past the upper end and finds a design. This has been the corrected and the program now reports that no design was found.

9. Notches in Tension vs. Compression (Bug 2801)

Notches were designed as though they were in tension for all load combinations if the notch was in tension for the last load combination in the list of load combinations. This has been corrected and the program now chooses the design routine for notches based on the stress conditions for the load combination being examined.

10. Maximum Lamination Width for Wide Members (Bug 2794)

The default maximum lamination width for members greater then 10.75" was the width of the member, rather than the 10.75" given in 5.3.6 for volume factor C.  This value was also used as the lamination width when performing the design search for unknown section size. This has been corrected and 10.75 is used as both the default and when searching through sections greater than 10.75”. 

11. Column Beam and Stringer Grade vs. Post and Timber Grade (Bug 2799)

The database editor program now allows you to view both Post and Timber and Beam and Stringer sets of properties for columns in the same way you previously could only for beams.

Since columns with rectangular profiles are somewhat uncommon they are not part of the standard database, so it was not possible in WoodWorks to design for these materials except via a custom section. Now you can create a custom column database that includes Beam and Stringer sizes.

12. Auto-eccentricity for Custom Sections (Bug 2785)

Occasionally, the eccentricity for custom sections when auto-eccentricity is selected was set to zero rather than the calculated auto-eccentricity. This has been corrected and the program now always uses the specified proportion of member width or depth for auto- eccentricity of custom sections.

13. Auto-eccentricity Application (Change 153)

The "Auto-eccentricity" feature has been changed such that it applies to all loads rather than the currently selected loads, so that you do not have to set this checkbox for each load on the member. In most cases, when an eccentricity that is a percentage of member width is applied, it is required to be applied to all loads.

14. Fire Design in the Additional Data

a) IBC Nomenclature (Change 139)**

The symbols for IBC 722.6.3 fire procedure were from the original AWC technical paper 10, not the IBC. It now shows Z instead of z, and "Moment ratio" instead of r.

b) Fire Resistance Rating Units (Change 151)

The fire resistance rating is now reported as 45 min, 1 h, 1.5 h, and 2 h instead of 45 min, 60 min, 90 min, and 120 min

15. Units for EIy in Additional Data (Change 152)

In the Additional Data section of the program, the units displayed for the EIy value were in imperial when metric units had been selected for display. This has been corrected.

16. Repeating Point Load Crash when using Pop-up Loads View (Bug 2828)

Pressing the "Repeating point load..." button in Loads View would cause Sizer to crash if the Show Loads view in a pop-up window setting is turned on. This has been corrected. Only a small minority of users require this setting to be turned on.

17. Apply to Concept Mode Message (Change 130)**

The message that appears when you press the button Apply options to Concept Mode that appears in the Load Input view, now refers to both Beam view and Column view. Previously it referred only to Beam view even if you pressed the button in Column Loads view. 

18. Removal of PSL (Change 156)

The parallel strand lumber (PSL) material has been removed from the program, as it is a proprietary material of Weyerhaeuser and there is no agreement between CWC and Weyerhaeuser to continue software support for this product.

19. Digital Signature (Feature 12)

A digital signature verifying the reliability of the software publisher has been added to the Sizer stand-alone installation, so that disconcerting messages about the software no longer appear when downloading and installing. 


**Originally reported as changed for version 10 or 10.1, but change did not enter program until 10.2



Sizer 10.1 – January 14, 2013 – Design Office 10, Service Release 2

A. Engineering Design

1. Lateral Support Changes

Previously, Sizer evaluated the beam stability factor CL for a particular span by determining the unsupported lu in the vicinity of the maximum negative and maximum positive moment points for that span. In doing so, it

-        included points of zero moment in mid-span as being equivalent to lateral support points,

-        did not include bearing support points if you had input a value for intermediate lateral supports,

-        considered the small remainder when lateral supports divided unevenly into a span as being the lu for that region of the span.

-        did not reflect this situation in the drawing of the beam

Now, the program uses the smallest of the beam span and the user-input lateral support spacing as the lu in all cases, and the drawing better reflects a typical configuration.

The components of this problem are discussed in more detail below, along with some smaller issues that have been addressed:

a) Point of Zero Moment for Unsupported Length (Bug 2695)

The program had been using the point of zero moment in multi-span beams as if it were a point of lateral support when determining the unsupported length lu for the CL factor in NDS 3.3.3. This is because refers to lateral support of the compressive edge, and the point of zero moment marks the start of the compressive region of the beam edge. For the following reasons, the points along the beam where the moment transitions between positive and negative values are no longer considered start and end points in the calculation of unsupported length:

-       Clause refers only to full lateral support, and the commentary to Clause not to evenly spaced purlins, when referring to the compression edge. This does not address the situation where there is no lateral support between bearing supports.

-       Research into steel design has shown “points of contraflexure for bending about the major axis are not related to lateral-torsional buckling and therefore cannot be considered as points of lateral support” (Schmitke and Kennedy 1985). The reasoning in this paper applies to wood as well as steel.

Because the program was also evaluating lu in the vicinity of the maximum moment (see bug 2708), this frequently resulted in smaller than expected lu values and higher than expected CL.

b) Unsupported Length for Multi-span Members with Intermediate Support. (Bug 2700)

For a multi-span beam, when you entered a value for intermediate lateral support, the program did not include interior supports as points of lateral support. However, NDS 3.3.3 and say that the beam is to be laterally supported at the points of bearing in the cases of full lateral support and of lateral support by spaced purlins, respectively. This has been corrected, and the program always includes bearing support points as points of lateral support.

c) Lateral Support Evaluated at Point of Maximum Moment (Bug 2708)

The program was determining the lateral support interval to be used in calculating the CL factor for NDS as being the one in the vicinity of the point of maximum moment in a span, so that if lateral supports divided unevenly into span length, and the maximum moment lay within the small remainder distance, that distance would be used as the unsupported length lu rather than the full user input span length. As the exact spacing of the lateral support in this situation is arbitrary, and the aforementioned steel design research indicates that the entire span should be considered as a system, the program now uses the user-input lateral support spacing at all times.

Note that the program would rarely if ever use the small remainder distance, which is positioned at the right end of a span, as the lu , because the maximum positive moment usually occurs at mid-span. The maximum negative moment is usually at a support, in which case the full support distance in the span to the right of the support governs.

However, the use of this method was exacerbating the problems created by bug 2695 (above), in that small lateral support distances created by including the points of zero moments were often in the vicinity of maximum negative moment.

d) Drawing of Lateral Support (Bug 2697)

The drawing of the supports was such that the first support was always placed at one half the input lateral support spacing from the end of the beam.. This created a confusing situation when resulting support is the only one drawn, and at other times resulted in more supports than are necessary.  Also the positioning of the support used to calculate the unsupported length lu was based on starting the lateral support spacing at the start of the beam, so was not reflected by what was shown on the screen.

The program now draws the first lateral support at the support point for the top of the beam, to reflect the fact that it is to be laterally restrained at the top. At the bottom, it draws the first support at a distance equal to the lateral support away from the bearing support point. It does so independently for each span.

e) Unit Label for Lateral Support (Bug 2726)

The label indicating whether the input for column lateral support spacing was metric or imperial always showed “in”, meaning inches, even if metric units were selected. This has been corrected.

2. Length of Bearing Factor CB between 6” and 6.375” (Bug 2728)

When a known bearing length is specified that is larger than 6" (150mm) but less than 6.375" the CB factor was being applied when it should not. According to NDS Table 3.10.4, bearing lengths of 150mm (O86) or 6" (NDS) or larger should have a CB factor of 1.0.

3. I-joist Density Used for Self-weight (Bug 2705)

The value stored in the database for I-joist density was converted from the original 13 lb/ cu ft to an extremely high value. This resulted in unrealistically high self weights, which cause extremely high stresses and nonsensical design. It could be avoided by either changing the value using Database Editor back to 13, or by turning off the automatic self-weight and adding the loads manually.

This has been corrected and the original 13 lb/cu ft density has been restored to the database.

4. Auto Eccentricity In Design Search (Bug 2784)*

Sometimes, the program was not resetting the auto-eccentricity to the correct value when examining a new section in the design search. As a result, the program was could fail to show a passing section show include a section that actually fails in the list of passing sections. Furthermore the design ratios shown in the Design Summary sheet did not match those calculated when a section was selected for the detailed design check.

5. Volume Factor Cv for Fire Design (Change 150)*

The calculation of volume factor CV for fire design now uses the reduced cross section as per the note to NDS Table 16.2.2. Previously it was using the full cross section.

B. Program Operation

1. Column Load View Pop-up Window (Bug 2381)

A setting has been added to the Preferences settings to allow you to display column load view in a pop-up window rather than in a permanent view. This was done to circumvent a problem associated with certain touch screen monitors that the program would crash upon entering column load view.

This had been done previously for beam load view (see versions  9.22/9.23, below), but it was found that the problem also occurred, albeit more rarely, with columns.

2. Elimination of Text Output Files (Feature 168)

Some users reported problems when saving Sizer project files to common cloud storage locations like Dropbox, Google Drive, Apple iCloud, and Microsoft SkyDrive. When designing, Sizer outputs design results files to the same folder as the project file, which causes long delays when the cloud storage devices attempt to synchronize these files with the ones already on the system.

For this reason, and because these files cause a certain amount of clutter on users’ hard drives, we have changed the storage location of these output files. .

a) Files Affected

The following files are currently output to the same folder as the project file and will be moved to the new location.

.wd           Concept Mode design summary by group

.wdm        Concept Mode design summary by member

.wml          Concept Mode materials list

.wbd         Beam Mode design summary

.wbc          Beam Mode code check

.wba         Beam Mode analysis output

.wbg         Beam Mode graphics data

.wcd          Column Mode design summary

.wcc          Column Mode code check

.wca          Column Mode analysis output

.wcg          Column Mode graphics data

b) New File Location

These files are now output to the folder




ProgramData  is C:\ProgramData for Windows 7 and 8, and C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data for Windows XP.

FileID is a 32 character length string created by the system uniquely for each project file. The file ID for a particular project file is stored in the project file so it can update these output files at each design run.  

c) Files from Previous versions

Any document created with old version of Sizer will be assigned an a new FileID when it is opened with new version of Sizer. All associated output files will be moved from the old folder to the output file folder. In order to store the new FileID, the opened document will be saved automatically with this file ID.

d) Accessing Files

As these files are more difficult for a typical user to find, a menu item has been added called Edit Output File. When invoked, the program will open Notepad and display the file that is showing in the currently active Sizer window. This file can then be saved to any location on the computer, and can also be converted to other formats such as Word documents or .rtf files.

3. Persistence of Project Setting Information (Bug 2752)

When opening files created with Version 8 or before, the program did not retain the Project Information setting. This has been corrected.

4. Default Open File Setting (Change 146)

When in column mode and opening an existing file, .wwc files now appear by default in the File Open dialog. Previously, .wwb for beams was the default.

5. Bearing Support for Disabled Database Files (Change 147)

If all of the database files of a member type have been turned off in database editor, so are not included in the program, the program would crash when that type was selected as a bearing support, or if it was the default type for a bearing support.

The program now allows design to proceed, but support bearing will fail.

6. Link to Custom Version Web Page (Change 137)

The web page that is accessed from Custom versions of Sizer in the Help menu, has been updated to http://www.cwc.ca/index.php/en/woodworks-software/proprietary-products.

C. Data Input

1. Input of Partial Area Roof Live Loads (Bug 2698)

When adding partial area roof live loads, if the tributary width entered was 2' or greater, the program issued a message that the magnitude is restricted to 20 psf, even when it is less than 20 psf, and then assigned a tributary width to the load of 20 feet, even if the width was different than that. These problems have been corrected.

2. Notch Input Persistence (Bug 2722)

In the Beam view input the notch depth and notch length reset to zero when you changed from beams to joists, and would reset to zero after a design. This has been corrected.

3.         Bearing at Support End for Walls (Bug 2761)

The Bearing at support end field in beam view is now enabled for walls. Previously it was always disabled; however, an end joist has KB factor of 1.0, which is conservative compared to the CB factor calculated for other joists. For this reason you should have the ability to specify that the wall is supporting a joist at its end.

4. Format of Snap Increment Input (Bug 2741)

A snap increment input as an even number appeared in the View Settings input as e.g. 2-1/1 rather than 3" when the format selected for Imperial units was of the form 3'4-1/2".. This did not affect the operation of the concept mode graphical input.

5. Update of Creep Factor (Change 141)

When you reset original settings for Total deflection due to creep factor, if it is wet service conditions, the program now updates to 2.0 rather than 1.5, as per NDS 3.5.2

6. Update of Creep Factor based on Service Conditions (Bug 2760)

If you change the service conditions from dry to wet, the program changes the creep factor 2.0 to as per NDS 3.5.2, but

this was not reflected in the design of the member unless you first entered loads view

it did not change back to 1.5 if you change from wet to dry.

These problems have been corrected.

7. Asterisk on Column Auto Eccentricity (Change 142)

An asterisk has been added to the column auto eccentricity setting in the design settings, indicating that it is saved to file.

D. Text Output

2. Repetitive Member Design Note for Beams Under Nominal 4" (Bug 2666)

A design note was shown for all non-built-up beams under 4” nominal width saying that the beam is in a system and that a repetitive member factor is applied, even if the repetitive member check box is not checked. This occurred for glulam even though repetitive member factors do not apply to glulam and the checkbox for this is always disabled and unchecked.

Note that this happens for sawn under 3.5” actual and glulam and LVL under 4” actual.

1. Reporting of Incising Factor for Bending (Bug 2720)

The program reports a value of 1.0 for the incising factor for the Fb criterion in the Additional Section of the design results, even though it correctly uses the 0.8 value from Table 4.3.8 when the member is incised. The factors for all other design criteria are correctly displayed.

2. Notch Output

The following problems are associated with the output of notch information in the materials specification of the Design Check report.

a) Zero Joist Notch Depth and Length (Bug 2722)

For joists only, in the materials specification of the Design Check output, the notch depth and unsupported length were showing as zero even though the member designed with the notch depth as input. .

These problems have been corrected.

b) Format of Notch Depth and Unsupported Length (Bug 2724)

The notch depth and unsupported length in the materials specification of the Design Check output was not showing the units employed, was not formatted using the imperial format style chosen in the Format settings. and it was not showing a decimal place for even numbers, e;g. 2 instead of 2.0.  These problems have been corrected.

3. Multi-ply Custom Section EI Output (Bug 2729)

The EI value output in the Additional Data section for multi-ply custom section sizes was showing the EI value for all plies combined, not per ply as indicated in the note. This has been corrected.

4. Bearing Width in Output and Diagram (Bug 2746)

When outputting the bearing width used for a multi-ply member, the program shows the width of a single ply of the member if it is less than the user input bearing width. Instead it should show the full width of the member if it is less than the input bearing width. This error occurs in both the Design Results output and the beam diagram.

This is a reporting problem only and the correct bearing width is used for bearing design.

5. Crash and Nonsensical Output for Total Deflection Additional Data (Bug 2748)

If the member is subjected to dead loads only, the total deflection output Critical Load Combinations section in Additional Data did not  appear. Occasionally, nonsensical output would appear in its place, and more rarely, the program would crash.

6. Fire Design in the Additional Data

a) Formatting of Table Entries (Change 140)

The factors shown for fire design in the additional data now show up as dashes and not zero if they are not relevant to fire design - these are CD, CM, CT, Cr, Cfrt and Ci.

b) Gypsum Fire Protection in Results Output (Change 149)*

In the CALCULATIONS section on the Design Check results, the line 'Fire protection = xx min'. Now says "Fire protection (gypsum)…

E. Graphics

1. Reaction in Analysis Diagram on Right Support with Left Cantilever (Bug 2691)

The value for the reaction on the rightmost support was not shown in the analysis diagram if there is a cantilever on the left end of the beam. This has been corrected.

2. Analysis Diagram Dimension Lines (Bug 2719)

The dimension line and dimensions at the bottom of the analysis diagram disappeared when all four diagrams were displayed, or if the window holding the diagrams was reduced in size. This has been corrected.


Sizer 10 – July 4, 2013 - Design Office 10

A. Design Codes and Standards

Version 10 of Sizer updates several design codes and standards used in the program. The details of the associated changes to the program appear throughout the rest of this list of changes, this section just identifies the design standards changed.

1. Standards Updated (Feature 180)

The implementation in Shearwalls the IBC has been updated from the 2009 edition to 2012, the ASCE 7 from 2005 to 2010, and the NDS from 2005 to 2012 as follows:

a) ANSI / AWC National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS 2012)

Version 10 of Sizer conforms to the NDS 2012, whereas version 9 conformed to NDS 2005. There were significant changes, particularly to glulam material properties.

b) ICC International Building Code (IBC 2012)

Version 10 of Sizer implements the 2012 IBC, whereas Version 9 implemented the 2009 version.

IBC 2012 references ASCE 7 10 for all wind and seismic load generation procedures, so that the updates for ASCE 7 make the program compliant with IBC 2012 in this regard..

The changes to the load combinations for ASCE 7 10 are identical to those in IBC 2012. Throughout what follows, we will refer to these changes as being due to ASCE 7 with the understanding that the same changes are in IBC. .

c) ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-10)

Version 10 of Sizer implements the 2010 ASCE 7, whereas Version 9 implemented the 2005 version. There was a significant change to the wind load combinations factor.

2. References to the Design Standards

The references to design standards have been updated in the following places:

a) Welcome, About Sizer, and Building Codes Dialog

The new design standards implemented are listed in the Welcome dialog box that appears on program start-up, and can be invoked later via the Help menu, and in the About Sizer box from the help menu. More detailed information is given in the Building Codes dialog box invoked from the Welcome box.

b) Messages, Notes, and Results Output

The references in all informational and warning messages, and in the Design Summary, Analysis Results, and Design Check Results, have all been updated for the new references.

c) Help File

The Help documentation has been updated both with the new references and with any changes in explanations needed.

3. AITC Reference in Design Notes

The glulam note giving the governing design standards has removed reference to AITC, which was dissolved Jan1, 2013. APA is now responsible for glulam standards.

B. Fire Design

The program now implements fire design procedures from NDS Chapter 16. The option of retaining the procedures from IBC 722.6.3 remains in the program.

1. Choice of Procedures

a) Input

Radio buttons in Beam and Column Input view allow you to choose between IBC and NDS Chapter 16 procedures.  Note that this can be saved as a default for new files via the “Save as Default” and “Restore factory” options, and can be applied to Concept mode via the button in the Load Input view that is used to apply settings input in Beam and Column mode to the open Concept mode file. 

b) Output

A line has been added to the CALCULATIONS section of the Additional Data section of the Design Check results giving the procedure used.

2. Input – Both Procedures

a) Location

The input for fire design parameters has been moved from a dialog box invoked when the Fire Design button is pressed, to the main Beam Input and Column Input views and the fire design button has been removed.

The input for the default value for whether fire design is applied and the default fire rating have been moved from the Design Settings to the Default values settings page. 

Fire design input for Concept mode is still located in the Beam and Column Groups dialog boxes.

b) Duration

The required duration of fire design has been changed in the Default Settings and in Beam and Column view from an input in minutes to a dropdown that allows you to choose between 1 hr, 1.5 hrs, and 2 hrs, with the “factory” default being 1.5 hours.  The corresponding setting in Concept Mode remains in minutes. 

c) Sides Exposed

The program allows you to select between 0, 3 and 4 sides exposed. This is the same functionality as when the input settings were in the dialog box.

d) Protection

A new input for fire protection is described below.

3. Fire Protection

For both the NDS and IBC procedures, the program now takes into account the protection from fire afforded by materials covering the exposed surfaces of the affected members. This is not specified in either the NDS or the IBC; it comes from Fire Resistance of Wood Members with Directly Applied Protection (Robert H. White 2009)

a) Input

You are limited to the choices of one- or two-ply 5/8” fire rated (Type X) gypsum wall board for as they were tested and results published for them in Fire Resistance of Wood Members with Directly Applied Protection.

b)  Design

The duration of fire used in the charring calculations is reduced from the required fire rating by the amount of time afforded by the Protection type selected. For one ply 5/8” fire rated (Type X) gypsum wall board it is 30 minutes; for two ply of this material it is 60 minutes. Protection is assumed to be applied to all exposed surfaces

c) Output

i. Materials Specification

The fire protection material has been added to the line in the materials specification where it currently gives rating and no. of exposed sides.

ii. Calculations Section of Additional Data

The duration of fire protection has been added to the CALCULATIONS section of the Additional Data section of the Design Check results. 

4. IBC Procedure

a) Design Code Clause

The IBC clause number has changed from IBC to   IBC This is reflected in the input field and in the Design Check output.

b) Fire Protection

Fire protection as described above has been added to this procedure as well as being implemented for the NDS procedure.

5. NDS Chapter 16 Procedure (Feature 1)

The program now implements NDS 2012 Chapter 16, which involves design for bending, axial design, and combined axial and bending of the member using residual cross section after charring, and the use of special modification factors. Note that this procedure first entered the NDS design standard in 2001, however this is the first time it has appeared in Sizer.

a) Input

The same inputs are used for both procedures, that is Duration, No of Sides Exposed, and Protection, described above.

b) Char Rate and Residual Section

The effective char rates βeff calculated in 26.2-1 and shown in Table 16.2.1 are used, based on a nominal char rate βn of 1.5 in./hr. as recommended.  A residual section size is calculated using this char rate multiplied by the input fire duration rating.

c) Loads Analysis

i. Load Types and Combinations

Only load combinations involving Dead, Live and Snow are evaluated at reduced cross section for fire design criteria (earthquake, wind, live roof, and impact are excluded). 

ii. Deflections for Loads Analysis

The member is analysed using the stiffness EI of the full section. Since stiffness is constant over the length of the member, the resulting reactions and stresses are the same as for the reduced section.

d) Design

i. Design Criteria

The design criteria given in 16.2.2 are calculated using the residual cross section as the member breadth b and depth d values. These are

For beams and columns:

-        Bending – positive moment

-        Bending – negative moment

For columns only

-        Axial compression

Axial tension

-        Combined bending and axial tension

-        Combined bending and axial compression

These design criteria are equivalent to the main design criteria of shear, bending, deflection, and vibration. The member design is considered to have failed if one of them fails, and the program passes over a candidate section when designing for unknowns if it fails one of these criteria.

ii. Adjustment Factors

The adjustment factors shown in Table 16.2.2 are the only modification factors applied. The size factor CF ,  glulam volume factor Cv, and flat use factor Cfu are calculated using the full cross section of the member ; the stability factors CL and CP use the modified section.

e) Output

i. Analysis vs. Design Table

A section at the end headed by Fire has been added, and a line for each fire design criterion giving stress, allowable stress, and design ratio.

ii. Factors Table in Additional Data

Lines have been added for each fire design criterion giving the modification factors to. Modification factors not in Table 16.2.2 and which are irrelevant to fire design are shown with a dash.

iii. Calculations

The CALCULATIONS section of the Additional Data section of the Design Check results gives the size of the residual section, the char rate, and the Design Stress to Member Stress factor from Table 16.2.2 for each design criterion used. It also repeats that the CD factor = 1.0 for emphasis.

C. Other Engineering Design

1. Glulam Lamination Widths for CV Factor

The program now uses a lamination width that you enter in Beam Input view as the “b” value in equation 5.3-1. Previously it conservatively used the member width, which is the maximum lamination width in most circumstances. 

a) Unknown Section

If the member width is selected as Unknown, or a range of values, the program conservatively uses the member width as the maximum lamination width for initial selection of passing sections. When a section is selected for detailed design, you can then enter a different maximum lamination width and redesign.

b) Default Value

Each time a new member width is selected, the program defaults to using the member width as the maximum lamination width, and you must change it if you want a smaller lamination width.

c) Use Member Width for CV Factor

A check box allows you to use the member width as the value b despite having a narrower lamination width (which could result in a smaller volume factor Cv.) This would ordinarily be done for glulam members constructed from remanufactured lumber, which require that the member width be used.

A note appears in the Additional Data section of the Design Check results if this checkbox is checked and the max. lamination width does not equal the member width.

d) Non-edge Bonded Laminations

This input, which controls whether a factor is applied to the Fvy value, is now active only when the maximum lamination width is less than the member width, so that edge-bonding is possible.

e) Output

The maximum lamination width appears in the materials specification of the Design Check summary.

2. Glulam Shear Reduction Factor Cvr Factor

NDS 2012 5.3.10 has been added to specify a shear reduction factor Cvr of 0.72 applied to the Fvx and Fvy values when members are notched or subject to impact loads. This is the same factor that was previously specified via notes to the glulam tables in the NDS Supplement - Table 5A, note 4; Tables 5A Expanded and 5B, notes 3

a) Output

This factor was previously applied to notched members only, and appeared under a column Cn for notches that included the shear reduction factor from tables 5A and 5B multiplied by the notching factor from NDS This column has been renamed Cn*Cvr. The explanatory note below the table has been adjusted accordingly.

b) Impact Loads

Previously, the program did not apply this factor for impact loading. It is now applied to any load combination that includes impact loads, and if it is the critical load combination, the factor appears in the renamed column Cn*Cvr .

3. I-Joist Lateral Support

The disabled input field for lateral supports for I-joists now shows the Fully Supported at top and bottom, rather than At Supports, to comply with NDS 7.3.5 stating that the CL factor is 1.0 only if fully supported on the compression flange, and in the absence of design procedures in Sizer for I-joist lateral support. The lateral support appears in the beam drawing, but not in the material specification in the design check output.

4. Flat Use Factor for Timbers

The program has implemented the change to the Adjustment Factors to Table 4D in the NDS Supplement, such that the existing component of the size factor CF that is applied to the wide face of members has been renamed Cfu, the flat-use factor. In the Modification Factors table in the design results, the number that used to appear in the Cf column for members loaded on the wide face now appears in the Cfu column.

5. Default Deflection Limit for Walls and Columns

The default deflection limit that is shipped with new installations of Sizer or occurs when you select Restore ‘factory’ settings has been changed from L/180 to L/120, to conform with IBC table 1604.3 for flexible finishes (such as drywall).

6. Repetitive Member Factor for Wind Loads On Walls (Change 129)

The checkbox in Column view that allows you to specify special repetitive member factors for wind loads on walls has been changed as follows

a) AF&PA Reference

The reference to AF&PA has been changed to AWC.

b) IBC Reference

The reference to IBC 2306.2.1 has been removed, as this provision was dropped for the 2009 IBC.

c) Rewording

The text has been reworded to ask whether you want to apply the factor, not just whether the wall is sheathed in a way to allow it. 

7. New Checks for Bending and Axial Compression

New conditions, 3.9-4, 15.4-2 and 15.4-4 have been added to the equations for combined axial and bending resistance. Because Sizer restricts columns to uniaxial bending plus axial forces, and beams do not have axial forces, these equations are not required by Sizer because the conditions are met by the main equations, 3.9-3, 15.4-1, 15.4-3 and the other checks beneath these equations.

Note that according to the commentary to these clauses and the restrictions to the fc < fcE1  and fb1 < fbE checks indicate this equation is not required for columns that are loaded only in the flatwise direction, so does not apply to columns loaded with edgewise loads.

As a consequence, no design changes were necessary, but the addition of the new clause 15.4-2 required renumbering of previous 15.4-2 to 15.4-3. This is reflected in the Analysis vs Design table of the Design Check summary, and in the load combination notes below.

D. Loads and Loads Analysis

1. Wind Load Combination Factor

ASCE 7 and IBC now have an Allowable Stress Design (ASD) wind load factor of 0.6, rather than the previous 1.0; see ASCE 7  2.4.1 and IBC 2012 1605.3.1. This change is in conjunction with new wind speed maps with higher wind speeds intended for strength-level design. 

a) Wind Load Factor

For all load combinations with a wind load component, that component is now factored by 0.6, in addition to the 0.75 factor for multiple non-dead load types that may be in the combination.

b) Format

The format for the load combination as it appears anywhere in the program is similar to the corresponding earthquake combination:


.6D+.7E  -> .6D+.7W 

D+.75(L+.7E) -> D+.75(L+.6W)


c) C & C Loads using IBC 1604.3 Note f

You can indicate in the Load Input view that the wind load is a Component and Cladding (C&C) load and that you wish to take advantage of IBC 1604.3 Note f, which applies an additional factor for deflection design. Because of the new 0.6 load factor, the program now factors the wind load by 0.42 = 0.6 x 0.7, whereas it used to factor by 0.7 only.  The load combination used for deflection design is now shown as, e.g., D+.75(L + .42W).

2. Earthquake and Live Roof Combinations

Load combination 6 from ASCE 7 2.4.2, which includes a wind or earthquake load in combination with other loads, has been split up into 6a and 6b such that earthquake loads are not combined with live roof loads. All load combinations generated by Sizer which include earthquake and live roof have thus been removed. These are





Sizer implements this change in generating any load combinations which include a wind factor.

3. Automatic Eccentricity of Axial Loads (Feature 17)

Sizer now allows you to apply an eccentricity proportional to the width or depth of the column, rather than an absolute value, to deal with uncertainty as to where the load will actually bear on the column.

a) Member Types

This applies to both columns and wall studs, with the eccentricity for wall studs restricted to the wall depth direction only.

b) Settings Input

A setting has been added to the Design Settings for the percentage of the member width or depth to apply as axial load eccentricity to those columns that use auto-eccentricity, with a default of 16.7% = 1/6 of member dept, an amount commonly used.

c) Load View Input

A checkbox indicates whether this eccentricity is to be applied to all axial loads in the direction of the load face selection. If checked, the word “Auto” shows up in the eccentricity input, which is disabled. “Auto” also shows up in the loads list.

d) Design

i. Known Section Size

For a known section size, the program applies an eccentricity of the percentage entered in the setting of the member width or depth, according to the Load Face selected in Column Loads view.

ii. Unknown Design

When cycling through sections for unknown design, the program re-analyses the member to determine the new bending stress and combined combined axial and bending results based on the eccentricity for each new section width or depth.

e) Output

i. Design Summary

In the Design Summary, for unknown section size, the program shows Auto in the Eccentricity column of the load list. For known section size it shows the calculated eccentricity.

ii. Design Check

In the Design Check output, where the section size is known, the program shows the calculated eccentricity using the proportion input in the settings.

4. Live Roof Load Limit

Live roof loads are now restricted to 20 psf by IBC 1602.1 the remainder of the live load on the roof should be entered as an ordinary live load. Note that this limitation is not in ASCE 7-10, but so as to comply with IBC 2012, Sizer has implemented this limitation.

If a live roof load is entered greater than 20 lbs, it is automatically changed to 20 lbs and a message appears prompting you to enter the remainder as an ordinary live load.  .

Note that if you insisted on following ASCE 7-10 rather than IBC 2012, you could enter more than one live roof load. The intention of this feature is to alert users to the IBC requirement.

5. Table 1604.3 Note d Label in Column Input

In Column Loads view, the input for Use L + 0.5D indicates that it is for Note d of IBC Table 1604.3, similar to Beam Loads view. Previously the note letter was missing.

E. Materials Database

1. Southern Pine Lumber Values (Feature 192)

The Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) changed values for dimension lumber material 2-4” thick in the SPIB Supplement 13 , effective June 1, 2013, for Southern Pine and Mixed Southern Pine species.  These changes were implemented in the following materials:

-        Lumber-soft for beams and jJoists

-        Lumber-other for joists (Mixed Southern Pine)

-        Lumber n-ply for beams, joists, columns and walls

-        Lumber-post for columns.

-        Lumber stud for walls. 

The database files created were distributed to users in advance of the release of the Design Office and Sizer version 10 releases, in May 2013, and are also in the version 10 release. 

2. Southern Pine 2012 Values (Bug 2657)

The changes to Southern Pine design values published in the March 2012 Addendum to the NDS Supplement were implemented in version 9.2 only for lumber 2" thick, not for 3" and 4" thick. Therefore southern pine dimension lumber beams and joists 3" and 4" thick may possibly be under designed.

3. I-Joist Values (Feature 61)

The default values for the custom I-Joist database now come from the APA document Performance Rated I-Joists, found at http://www.apawood.org/pdfs/download_pdf.cfm?PDFFilename=managed/Z725.pdf . Previously they were from an older, unknown source,

You are encouraged to change these values to correspond to the manufacturers specifications for the I-joists you are designing, using Database Editor.

4. Glulam Table 5A Values for Members Stressed Primarily in Bending

There were numerous changes for NDS 2012 vs.  NDS 2005 for glulam table 5A for members stressed primarily in bending, which were applied to the Glulam-Balanced and Glulam-Unbalanced materials for beams and the Glulam-Unbalanced materials for columns. The changes are summarised as follows:

-        Remove 20F- V9 combination

-        Add 16F V3, 20F-V14, 20F-V15, 20F-E8, 24F-E/SPF1, 24F-E/SPF3, 24F-V8, 26F-V5 combinations

-        The Fbx- value was increased slightly for five combinations

-        The Fvx value increased from 215 to 165 for the 16F E3 combination and reduced from 210 to 195 for the 20F 1.E stress class

-        The Ex value was increased slightly for 7 combinations and the Ey value changed  for 11 combinations, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing 

-        Fby changed for most combinations, sometimes increasing, sometimes decreasing.

-        The Fc┴x value changed from 740 to 805 for 6 combinations, and from 650 to 740 for  16F-V2

-        Ft changed for most combinations, sometimes increasing, sometimes decreasing.

-        Fc changed for 11 combinations, sometimes increasing, sometimes decreasing.

-        The specific gravity G changed for the 16F.1.3 and 20F 1.5 E stress classes.

-        Fvy increased for 4 combinations, but decreased for the 20F 1.5E stress class.

5. Glulam Table 5B Values for Members Stressed Primarily Axially

There were numerous changes for NDS 2012 vs.  NDS 2005 for glulam table 5B for members stressed primarily in axial tension or compression, which were applied to the Glulam-Uniform materials for beams and the Glulam-Axial materials for columns. The changes are summarised as follows

-        Remove all E-rated combinations

-        Change the name of combinations 47 (SP N2M14) and 48 (SP N2D14) to N2M12 and N2D12.

-        Add combinations 73, 74, 75 (species POC, grades L3, L2, and L1D), and 49 1:14 (SP N1M14).

-        Increase slightly value of FT for 1 (DF L3) and 5 (DF L1D)

-        Change grade name for combination 5 from L1D to L1.

-        Increase the 2-3 lamination Fc value slightly eight of the Western Species combinations

-        Change the Fby value for combination 22 (SW L3) from 550 to 575

-        Increase the Fbx value slightly for 6 combinations, both Southern Pine and Western species.

6. 12” and 14” Glulam Widths

NDS Table 1C includes 12-1/4” glulam width for Western Species, and APA recommends adding 14” and 16” nominal widths (which are app. 12” and 14” actual) for both Western Species and Southern Pine. Although rare and usually available only via a custom order, they are considered standard sizes.

a) Western Species

For Western Species, 12-¼” wide and 14¼” wide sections have been added. The range of depths depends on the material as follows:

i. Uniform beams and columns

For 12-¼” widths, depths from 12 to 16½; for 14¼” widths, depths from 13-3/4 to.19-1/2.

ii. Balanced and Unbalanced beams

For 12-¼” widths, depths from 13½ to 60; for 14¼” widths, depths from 13-3/4 to 60.

b) Southern Pine

For Southern Pine, 12” wide and 14” wide sections have been added. The range of depths depends on the material as follows:

i. Uniform beams and columns

For 12” widths, depths from 11 to 15-1/8; for 14” widths, depths from 13-3/4 to.17-7/8.

ii. Balanced and Unbalanced beams

For 12” widths, depths from 12-3/ to 60½; for 14” widths, depths from 14 to 60½ .

7. Fby Values For 24F-1.7E SP and 24F-1.7E WS (Bug 2665)

For Stress Classes 24F-1.7E SP and 24F-1.7E WS for both Glulam-unbalanced beams and columns, and Glulam-balanced beams files the Fby value was entered as 850 when it should have been 1050 according to the 2005 NDS Supplement. This has been corrected.

8. Timber Actual Sizes

Dry actual sizes have been added to the In NDS Supplement Table 1A for timbers 5” and thicker, whereas previously only wet sizes = nominal – ½” were given. As Sizer designs for dry sizes for all other materials, it now implements the new dry sizes for these materials rather than the previous wet values. The changes for both the b and d dimensions are

Nominal 8 : Previously 7.5, now 7.25

Nominal 10 : Previously 9.5, now 9.25

Nominal 12 : Previously 11.5, now 11.25

Nominal 14 : Previously 13.5, now 13.25

Nominal 16 : Previously 15.5, now 15

These changes affect the Timber-soft, Timber-other and Timber-hard materials for beams and columns.

9. Coast Sitka Spruce and Yellow Cedar

The Coast Sitka Spruce and Yellow Cedar species have been added to the Lumber-other database file.  Coast Sitka Spruce is named C. Sitka Spruce to keep it within the allowable name length.

10. Northern Species Fb and Ft Values

For the joist material Lumber-other, the Northern species Fb value has changed from 1000 to 975 psi for SS Grade and from 600 to 625 psi for No1/2. For SS the Ft changed from 450 to 425 psi.

11. Fvy for Multiple Non-edge Glued Laminations

A special value of Fvy appears in Database Editor for multiple laminations that are not edge glued for materials in the Supplement from Table 5B (loaded primarily axially), along with an explanatory note. This input has been obsolete and unused since version 2004, and has been removed, along with the note.

12. Fc for I-Joists in Database Editor (Change 134)

Database editor showed a value of zero for axial compression Fc for I-joists, which Is not relevant to I-joist design. It no longer appears in database editor.

13. K for I-Joists in Database Editor (Change 135)

Starting with version 9.3, Database Editor always shows a value of zero for shear constant K for I-joists. This has been corrected, and the value from the database is now shown.

F. Concept Mode Operation

1. Dead Load Factor for Concept Mode Files from a Previous Versions (Bug 2658)

When a concept mode file from a certain older version of Sizer, we are not sure which, was opened with version 9.x, a dead load factor of zero was registered so that all dead loads were ignored. This has been corrected.

2. Concept Mode Crash For Triangular Joist Area With No Dead Loads (Bug 2659)

Triangular joist areas in concept mode without any dead loads, and for which self-weight is set to Manual input , were causing Sizer to crash when designing or exporting a member that is below the triangular joist area in the building.

3. Transfer of Partly Uplift and Partly Gravity Reactions from Joist Area to Supporting Member (Bug 2660)

When a member supports a joist area such that one end of the transferred reaction is positive (gravity) and the other end of the load is negative (uplift), and the reaction load does not start at the beginning of the supporting member, the two triangular loads created (positive and negative) were not positioned correctly. This has been corrected.

4. Transfer of Loads from Column Close to Intersection of Beams (Bug 2661)

When a column is close to the intersection of two beams, one of which supports the column, sometimes the program identified the other beam as the support. This has been corrected.

5. Uplift Reactions at Base (Bug 2672)

When showing reactions at base for each load type in plan view, Sizer omitted the reaction from any load type if it was negative (uplift), and instead shows a combined uplift load after a U symbol.

The program now shows the negative value for all load types separately in addition to the combined uplift from the critical load combination.

6. Partial Line Loads on Beams (Bug 2673)

In Concept mode, when creating a load on a beam by selecting two gridlines within the beam, the program applied the load to the entire beam. This has been corrected and the program now creates a partial load between gridlines.

G. Input and Output

1. 19.2” Spacing (Change 132)

An option of 19.2” spacing has been added to the spacing input for joists and walls, corresponding to an 8 foot sheet of plywood divided into 5 spans. 

2. Glulam Inputs in Materials Specification Output

a) Glulam Wane

For those unusual Southern Pine combinations which contain wane on one or both sides, this is now output to the materials specification of the Design Check results.

b) Glulam Edge Bonding

The program now outputs whether laminations are not edge bonded in the material specification. This is only possible if the new input for maximum lamination width is less than the member width.

3. CV and CL in Modification Factors Table

Previously, when both CV and CL were less than one, the Modification Factors table would show the lesser of these two factors, and the other factor as 1, to indicate that the program was complying with NDS 5.3.6, which says only the lesser of these factors is to be applied. Now the program shows the calculated value for both CV and CL and a note under the table indicating that the lesser of these values is used.

4. 1.5 Creep Factor in Additional Data (Change 133)

The 1.5 creep factor from NDS 3.5.2 sometimes appeared in the Calculations section of the Additional Data of the Design Check output even when this value was not activated in the input and was not in fact being applied.

5. Design and Default Values Settings (Change 131)

The addition of a Default Values settings page with version 9.3 caused the Design Settings tab to also be called Default Values. This has been corrected.

H. Installation

1. Key Code Information for All Users (DO Change 1)*

The registration key code information is now stored in the program data folder for all users and not in the profile of a particular user.  This allows multiple users can use the program on the same machine without entering the key code for each user.

2. Uninstall Database

A utility has been added to the Sizer stand-alone installation that allows you to remove the materials database, hold-down database, initialization files containing program settings, default loads for Sizer. The purpose of this utility is to resolve difficulties that may occur when you try to install a newer version of the program with an incompatible database from older versions. It can also be used to restore the databases and settings that were originally shipped with the program.

For Windows 7, the utility removes the information from C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\WoodWorks\CWC\USA\10\. A checkbox also allows you to remove the information from the back up folder C:\ProgramData\WoodWorks\CWC\USA\10\. If you are trying to resolve installation problems, then the check box should be checked. If you are trying to restore the original database and settings, it should not be checked.

The corresponding Windows XP folders are C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\WoodWorks\CWC\USA\10\ and

 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WoodWorks\CWC\USA\10\.



Older Versions:


     Sizer 9.3

     Sizer 8.3

    Sizer 2002

    Sizer 97 

     Sizer 9.21. 9.22/9.23 and 9.24

     Sizer 8.2

     Sizer 2000d

    Sizer 1j

     Sizer 9.2

     Sizer 8.11

     Sizer 2000c

    Sizer 1i

     Sizer 9.16

     Sizer 8.0

     Sizer 2000a,b

    Sizer 1h

     Sizer 9.15

    Sizer 7.1

    Sizer 2000

    Sizer 1g

     Sizer 9.14

    Sizer 7.0

    Sizer 99e

    Sizer 1f

     Sizer 9.13

    Sizer 6.4

    Sizer 99a-d

    Sizer 1e

     Sizer 9.12

    Sizer 6.3

    Sizer 99

    Sizer 1d

     Sizer 9.11

    Sizer 6.2

    Sizer 97d

    Sizer 1c

     Sizer 9.1

    Sizer 2004a

    Sizer 97c

    Sizer 1a,b

     Sizer 9.01

    Sizer 2004

    Sizer 97b

    Sizer 1

      Sizer 9.0

    Sizer 2002a

    Sizer 97a





Sizer 9.3 – March 18, 2013 - Design Office 9, Service Release 3

Refer also to the changes listed for versions 9.21,  9.22/9.23 and  9.24 to view all the changes since the last version released to the general public in the Design Office edition.

A. Engineering Design

1. Bearing Design Changes

a) Sloped Bearing Note (Change 111)

The note giving the design code clause for sloped bearing has been moved to the CALCULATIONS section of the Additional Data. It was incongruous with the other data in the Critical Load Combinations section.

b) Wall Supporting Members for Beams (Change 120)

The program now allows beams to be supported by walls in beam mode, in order to take into account the compressive resistance of a wall top plate. Wall supports are still not allowed for beams in concept mode; a column usually representing built up wall studs must be embedded in the wall.

c) Axial Compressive Resistance Fc for Sloped Custom Section Beam Bearing Design (Bug 2597)

Database Editor did  not allow input of the axial compressive resistance, Fc,  value for parallel-to-grain compressive resistance for beams, so that for custom databases, the compression angle-to-grain bearing resistance  for sloped members from CSA O86 5.5.8 used a random value for fc and resulted in nonsensical output for bearing resistance. You can now enter Fc for beams in database editor. Existing custom database files should be modified to include an Fc value.

2. Shear Reduction for Point Loads Within d of Support

a) Measurement of Distance d From Support (Bug 2507)

Starting with version 9 of the program, the reduction of shear due to point loads within d of support (NDS was including half the minimum bearing length in the x and d values.  For interior supports half the full bearing length was being included. This resulted in the shear value being reduced less than it should have been, as the distances x and d did not extend as far into the span as it would have if it was measured from the edge of the support.

b) Effect of Point Loads at Cantilever End (Bug 2508)

The program determines the reduction of shear due removing point loads within d of a support not only at the support close to the loads, but it approximates the effect at the support at the far end of the span. It was mistakenly doing so at the end of a cantilever span with no support. This has been corrected. Note that this did not cause any problems in design for shear, because shear is zero at a cantilever end.   

c) Size Factor (CF) for Dense Select Structural and Dense No. 1 Timbers (Bug 2634)

For the size factor CF for bending strength  Fb for timbers 5 x 5 larger from Table 4D of the NDS 2005 Supplement, when the load is applied to the wide face of the member, the factors .86 for Select Structural and .74 for No. 1 were not being applied to the Dense Select Structural or Dense No 1.  grades, when they should have been.  Instead the program was non-conservatively applying 1.0.  Similarly, for the CF for E and Emin for Dense No. 1, it was applying 1.0 instead of 0.9.

AWC confirmed that the intention of the NDS is that the Dense varieties of these grades are to be treated the same as the regular grades in this regard.  This has been corrected.

Note that for NDS 2010, the size factor for the wide face has been renamed flat use factor Cfu, but the factors applied are the same. NDS 2010 will be implemented in version 10 of Sizer.

B. Concept Mode Operation

1. Disabled Database File in Concept Mode (Bug 2541)

Concept mode crashes on design or export of member if you try to access a member from a database file that has been disabled in Database Editor. Previous to version 8, the program would design for an inactive database as long as it found the database file on the computer, regardless of whether it was disabled. If it was not found it would issue a warning on both the screen and in the output. The program now shows a warning message informing you that materials are no longer available when opening file, running design, or exporting to beam/column mode, and halts design or export. The message instructs you to re-activate the materials in database editor or change the materials in the groups dialog.  The message shows the list of groups that are missing their materials and shows the materials names and file names that are missing.

2. Design for Disabled Species in Concept Mode (Bug 2542)

In Concept mode, if designing for a material that hat has a species that had been turned off in Database Editor occurring in the species list before the selected species, a crash occurred on design. This has been corrected.

3. Operation of Snap Increment Setting (Bug 2536)

The following problems affecting the operation of the snap increment input in the View tab of the Settings have been corrected:

a) Input Units

The units for the snap increment have been changed from feet or metres to inches or mm, so that you do not have to enter e.g. 0.33333 for 4".  The input form now shows the units being entered (in or mm) whereas previously it just showed the number.

b) Unit Conversion

When changing from metric to imperial, the program used the same numeric snap increment without converting it. It now converts to a round number in the other unit system.

c) Setting Update

Occasionally, the snap increment was set to zero rather than updating when re-entering the settings, and a strange message about web openings appeared when you tried to exit the box. This has been corrected.

d) Saving Default

The snap increments were not being written to the initialization file as defaults for new projects. This has been corrected.

4. Operation of View Limits Setting (Bug 2536)

The following problems affecting the operation of the snap increment input in the View tab of the Settings have been corrected:

a) Input Units

The input form now shows the units being entered for the view limits, ft or m.

b) Conversion between Metric to Imperial

The conversion between metric and imperial units was inconsistent, sometimes converting between the unit systems and sometimes just displaying the same numeric value in the new unit system. This has been corrected and the program converts between unit systems at all times.

c) Saving Default

The saving of the view limits to the initialization file was inconsistent, sometimes allowing you to save the default for new files and sometimes not. This has been corrected

5. View Options for Concept Mode in Initialization File (Bug 2527)

The view options for Concept Mode were not in the initialization file provided with our installations, and have been added. This has no effect on program operation because the default values are also in the program itself; it is just a maintenance issue.

6. Gridpoint Elevation Update (Bug 2537)

When updating a gridpoint elevation in Concept Mode, the program requires a mouse click somewhere else, and if the click is made on the plan view, the program behaved erratically, often moving some elements to a new gridline it creates. It was not possible to undo this change. This happened most often when "Cancel" is pressed when asking to confirm elevation change. These problems have been eliminated from the program.

7. Message Joist Transfer from Concept Mode to Beam Mode (Bug 2539)

Occasionally, and even on very simple structures with no grid point elevations so all joists lie in the horizontal plane, when transferring a joist area to beam mode a message appeared saying there were out- of plane joists, and that a line load on the supporting beam could not be made from the area load on the joist. However, the joist area transferred successfully anyway. The problem has been corrected and the misleading message box no longer appears.

C. Beam and Column Mode Operation

1. Beam and Column Data Input View Size (Bug 2575)

When the Windows font size is set to larger than 100%, then the beam and column mode splitter windows did not by default extend far enough to expose all of the input data. This has been corrected and the data is always shown.

2. Lateral Support Spacing Update (Bug 2560)

In the input for the top lateral support spacing in Beam view, when a value in mm was then the “Run design” button was pressed and you returned to beam view, the decimal place had shifted three spaces to the left. This was a problem in the user interface only; it did not affect design and the design summary output was showing correct values for the top lateral support spacing. This has been corrected.

3. Span Input Corruption for Long Spans (Bug 2455)

Occasionally, for multi-span beams with long spans, the span lengths entered become scrambled when constructing the beam model and beam design was not possible. This issue was fixed for most cases for version 9.2, but there remained some situations that were addressed with version 9.3.

D. Results Output and Diagrams

1. Built-up Beam Dimensions for Custom Beam Sizes (Bug 2580)

For built-up custom sections, including those with custom depths, the width shown in the material specification of the design check output was not being adjusted for the number of plies correctly. Instead of reporting e.g. 1.5" x 16", 5 ply (7.5" x 16") both the singly ply width and the total width were mistakenly multiplied by number of plys giving: 7.5" x 16", 5 ply (37.5" x 16")  This was also happening for metric units, and has been corrected.

2. Self-weight Note in Analysis Diagram (Bug 2604)

At the top of the Analysis Diagrams, for known sections, the program indicated self-weight is included even you have set it for manual input of self weight. This line has been removed for manual input of self-weight.

3. Effect of Lateral Support in Beam Drawing (Bug 2528)

The drawing of the lateral support material on the top of the beam was not taken into account when positioning dimensioning lines and loads above the member, so these were partly obscured. This has been corrected.

4. Positioning of Span Identifiers in Diagram for Negative Slope Beams (Bug 2530)

When beams have a negative slope, the words Clear, Full, and Design that identify the span types appeared in random locations, often over top of other drawing elements, rather than in a neat column at the left of the beam as for positive slopes. This has been corrected.

5. Trailing Zeroes in Length and Pitch Data (Changes 110 and 113)

The length of spans, total length of member, Ke factors, and unsupported lengths appearing in the material output that are whole numbers now show just one zero rather than several trailing  zeroes.  When the pitch is a whole number, it does no longer shows zeroes, e.g 4/12 instead of 4.0/12.0

E. Installation and General Program Operation

1. XML Transfer to Other Programs (Feature 186, unless otherwise noted)

The following capabilities have been added to the XML file link that allows Sizer to communicate with other software, such as Revit and Cadwork.

a) New Program Features

The following features first implemented in version 8 now can be passed via the XSML link

-        Span type (Design Span, Clear Span, Full Span)

-        Supporting member Type, Material, Species, Grade,  Bearing length, Bearing width, Bearing at support end, Point load bearing length, Point load bearing width, column Lower support

-        Unknown bearing length options (Use exact minimum, round to closes fraction, pick from section list, round exterior but use list for interior)

-        Member description

b) Project File Save Location

Indicate to Sizer the name of the project file created from the XML data, and what folder to save it in, for Interactive Mode only.

c) Width And Depth Input

The program was sometimes interpreting width and depth inches as feet. This has been corrected.

d) Roof Joist vs. Floor Joist

The XML transfer can now distinguish between joist types.

e) Automatic vs Manual Self-weight

The Sizer program was disregarding the setting passed as to whether the self-weight was automatically included by Sizer in loads analysis. 

f) Company Info

The four lines of company info were offset by one line; this has been corrected.

g) Design Search Failure Warning after XML Transfer (Change 124)

The warning message during the design search that says a section cannot be found is suppressed when running in silent mode after XML file transfer.

h) Version Info (Change 125)

The XML file transfer now includes the version information, in the form Major Version, Minor Version, Update Number, Build Number, and Country, with country being Canada.

i) Combined Axial and Bending Results (Change 126, Bug 2613)

The XML file transfer was not including the results for column or wall stud combined axial and bending, so that if a column failed this check it was not evident in silent mode. This has been corrected.

2. Project Settings Saved As Default (Bug 2255)

Starting with version 8.0 of the program, the Project Settings were saved when you selected Save as default under Settings, when they shouldn’t be because one can expect them to be different with each new project. Now each new project, or each new beam, column or concept file created outside of a project, has blank Project information by default. However, you can create new beam column, and concept files with the same project information by including them in the same project (i.e. by File, New Project).  

3. Retaining Default Loads from Previous Installation (Change 116)

It is now possible to retain the default loads created while using a previous installation of the program when installing Sizer 9.3. They are now included when you indicate during installation that you want to retain program settings.  The installation includes an empty default loads file to facilitate this.

4. Default Values Settings*

A new settings page has been added called Default Values, and the Deflection Limits settings have been moved from the Design Settings to that page


Sizer 9.24 – July 3, 2012

This version was not distributed for general use, the program was modified and sent to a particular user with the need for the following feature, which will be in all subsequent versions of the program. 

1. Lateral Support in Concept Mode (Feature 182)

You are now able to specify in Concept mode whether beams and joists are laterally supported on the top and on the bottom. The choices are full support or support at bearing only; there is no input of a support interval. The default for both member types is to be supported at the top.

Sizer 9.22 and 9.23 – June 22 and June 29, 2012

These versions were not distributed for general use, they were given to users with a problem associated with certain touch screen monitors that the program would crash upon entering beam load view (Bug 2381). The solution was to allow beam load view to appear in a permanent window rather than the usual permanent form view. 

In Version 9.22, beam load view always appeared in a pop-up window. For version 9.23, a setting was added to the Preferences settings to allow a choice as to whether it would show up in beam load view, and those users with the problem were instructed to select that setting. This setting appears in all subsequent versions of the program.

It was later discovered that several users with this problem had the Wacom 21UX touch screen and mouse. It has also been experienced by users with other touch screen devices.

Sizer Stand-alone 9.21 – June 12, 2012

This version was issued as Sizer Stand-alone Edition only. Compared with the last Stand-alone release, the program also includes the changes from Sizer 9.2 , described below.

1. Slow Run Times for Files Saved to Network Server (Bug 2497)

For certain Windows 7 security configurations, Sizer runs a design on a file that is saved to a network file server very slowly. It runs the expected fraction of a second when saving to the local computer. There is no delay when saving the file, just when running a design. This has been corrected.

The following issues apply to the Sizer Stand-alone installation; they are also addressed in Service Release 3 of the Design Office installation. .

5. Deletion of Previous Installation in Second Install Folder (Bug 2497)

Installing a minor version such as 9.1 removed the previous service release installations, even if they are installed to a different Program Files folder. This made it difficult to have both versions installed on the same computer.

This has been corrected and installing 9.21 allows you to retain 9.1 as well. Note that it was always possible to install two major releases, such as 9.x and 8.x, on the same computer.


Sizer 9.2 – June 1, 2012 – Design Office 9, Service Release 2

This version was released only in the Design Office Edition; however the changes below are also present in the Stand-alone edition version  9.21.

A. Materials Database

1. Southern Pine Design Values (Feature 176)

The changes to Southern Pine dimensional lumber design values due to the Addendum to the NDS 2005 released in March 2012 by AWC, effective June 1, 2012, have been implemented.

a) Sizes Affected

These affect only Southern Pine sections that are 2-4” thick and 2-4” wide (deep).  All Fb, Ft, and Fc and E values have changed, and in most cases are significantly weaker.

b) Member Types

The changes have been made for built-up beams, built-up columns, joists, and wall studs. 

c) Mixed Southern Pine

Note that the addendum also addresses Mixed Southern Pine 2-4” wide, however WoodWorks includes only timber sizes of Mixed SP, 6’ width and greater, so no design values have changed in the WoodWorks database.

d) E value

The changed E value applies to only those section depths, or widths in AWC terminology, listed in the Addendum. Therefore, unlike all other materials, the E value can be different for different section depths. The E value shown in database editor is the E for the depths shown in the Addendum; however internally Sizer applies the previous E value to all other depths. 

2. New Joist Materials (Feature 78)

The following materials selections have been added for roof and floor joists in Sizer. These will appear in version 9.2 even if you choose to retain you material customisations from previous versions, however, if you do so, it will be necessary to activate the new materials using Database Editor.

a) Built-up Joists

Sizer now allows you to select built-up lumber joists to implement designs in which joists are doubled up. A database file has been added to the installation containing only joist members that are 2” nominal thick (1.5” actual) for built-up design. The number of plies for built-up joists is limited to 2 to avoid designing unrealistic members. 

Refer to Bug

b) LVL Joists

Sizer now allows you to select LVL materials as joists; it was previously limited to LVL beams. A built-up joist LVL database has been included, allowing you to double up the joists. Note that unlike the built-up lumber joist database, the thicker 3.5” sections are included, and if these are selected, the number of plies should be set to 1.  The number of plies is limited to 2 to avoid designing unrealistic members. 

3. Sill Plate Deactivated after Database Editor File Operation (Bug 2457)

If you activated, deactivated or added a database file in Database Editor the program deactivated all sill plate materials that are used for bearing design in Sizer. The next time Sizer is run, a message warning you that you do not have sill plate materials appears on start up, and sill plate does not appear as a choice of bearing materials. This has been corrected.

If you have experienced this problem already, then in order to restore your sill plate materials, it is necessary during installation of this service release to indicate that you do not wish to retain your database customisations from the previous installation, by deselecting the Material Database – Standard selection in the Installation Options box that appears during the installation.

If you do not wish to lose your database customisations, contact WoodWorks Technical support for instructions on how to reactivate the sill plate materials without losing other database changes.

4. Crash for Deactivated Support Member Materials (Bug 2378)

The program crashed when attempting to open a project file for which the supporting member species or grade had been deactivated in Database Editor. This has been corrected.

5. Copy Database File (Database Editor Feature 7)

A button has been added to the Database Editor tool bar that allows you to copy an existing database to be used as a template for creating a new database file. If a standard (uneditable) database file was used as the basis for copying, the program turns it into a custom (editable) database file.

B. Engineering Design

1. Bearing Length for CB factor for Wall Supports (Bug 2401)

For the bearing design of the bottom plate of a wall introduced with version 9, the bearing length used in bearing factor CB calculations was the width d of the wall stud rather than its thickness b, even though the thickness is reported as the bearing length used. The thickness is now used, as it is the parallel-to-grain dimension.

As a result, the CB factor for a 3.5” stud was 1.12, and for a 5.5” stud was 1.02, rather than the correct 1.25 for a typical stud thickness of 1.5”.

Note that this applies only when the box for Bearing at support end is unchecked, otherwise CB is 1.0.

This problem was introduced along with bearing design for user-input supports in Version 9.

2. Load Sharing and System Factor (Bug 2406)

The following refinements have been made regarding the designation of repetitive member for different member types, and the application of the system factor Cr.

a) Solid Beams

For sawn lumber and SCL beams, the program now allows you to specify that it is part of a system of repetitive members, with Repetitive member unchecked by default.   You check it only if you know that the beams are to be spaced not more than 24” apart, in which case the Cr. factor is applied. If a beam is designated as repetitive, a design note appears in the output giving the required spacing.

b) Glulam Joists

For glulam members used as a joist, the program now disables the repetitive member checkbox and sets it to unchecked, as the NDS does not include a Cr factor for glulam joists. Note that glulam joists can only be entered into Sizer by creating a new database file in Database Editor.

c) Output

The output specification of the repetitive member choice now appears in the output for SCL materials, previously it was missing.

3. Glulam Weak Axis Emin value for Buckling (Bug 2471)

a) Emin for Beam CL Factor

When the width of a glulam beam is narrower than the depth, so that there is a CL factor, and the beam is loaded on the weak axis, the program was using the Ey,min  for the beam lateral stability factor CL (NDS 3.3.3), but should be using Ex, min. This has been corrected.

b) Emin Value Reported for Columns with Combined Loading

When columns are loaded axially and laterally, the program outputs the Emin or Emin,y value used for combined axial and bending design only, even though a different one may have been used for axial design or for the calculation of the CP lateral stability factor, in which case the choice depends on column slenderness ratio. Now, if both Emin and Emin,y are used, they are output on separate lines in the output report. If only Emin,y is used, it is shown as Eminy, whereas it used to just say Emin.

4. Crash on Notched Design for Unknown Joist Depth (Bug 2417)

When designing unknown sections with notches, if the section examined for design does not pass the restrictions based on maximum notch depth, but earlier ones did, the program crashed. This happened despite the fact that larger sections will not violate the notch restrictions if smaller ones didn't, because the program proceeds to examine shallower sections that are wider, and sections made from different materials.

 For this reason, this problem occurred intermittently, for example inputting ¼” as the notch depth is fine, inputting 3" causes a crash, and inputting 6" results in a message that it cannot find a section, which was correct given the notch restrictions.

This has been corrected.

5. Fire Design with Metric Units (Bug 2477)

When using metric units, the IBC fire endurance calculated by the program was 25 times smaller than it should be, that is, 2-3 minutes instead of 60+ minutes when in imperial.

6. Wall Supporting Members for Beams (Change 120)*

The program now allows beams to be supported by walls in beam mode, in order to take into account the compressive resistance of a wall top plate. Wall supports are still not allowed for beams in concept mode; a column usually representing built up wall studs must be embedded in the wall.

C. Loads Analysis

1. Unfactored Reactions for Pattern Load Combination (Bug 2298)

For a load type that is patterned (i.e. L or S), the program showed in the Reactions and Bearing table the unfactored reaction for that type from the critical factored load combination if it is a pattern combination, rather than the largest unfactored reaction for that type from any pattern load combination. As the main purpose of this table is to manually use these reactions to load a supporting member, the supporting member would not necessarily have been loaded with the heaviest load possible for that load type.
The program now uses the load unfactored reaction from the load combination with the heaviest reaction for that load type.

2. Analysis of Point Loads at End of Cantilever (Bug 2433)

If the point load is located at the end of a cantilever, due to small rounding errors, it is sometimes not being included in the loads analysis. This problem has always been in the software but is rarely encountered.

D. Beam and Column Mode Operation

1. Notch Depth Updating (Bug 2416)

On rare occasions, when you tried to enter a notch depth, it would not register, that is, it would not be used for design, would appear as zero in the output reports, and would be sometimes refreshed as zero in the input screen.

The possibility of this happening has been trapped and prevented.

2. Span Input Corruption for Long Spans (Bug 2455)

Occasionally, for multi-span beams with long spans, the span lengths entered become scrambled when constructing the beam model and beam design is not possible. This has been corrected

3. Update of Supporting Member Properties (Bug 2385)

After changing the supporting member material or species, sometimes the selections from the previous materials species or grade, respectively, were retained rather than the appropriate choices for the new controlling selection. This has been corrected.

4. Analysis Diagrams Crash after File Renamed (Bug 2422)

If a member had been designed then saved to a different filename, and you then clicked the analysis diagrams button without re-running the design first, the program would crash. This has been corrected.

5. Critical Analysis Diagrams for Multiple Documents (Bug 2423)

When navigating between the analysis diagrams of several open documents, the diagrams showed the most recently updated document's critical analysis diagrams, instead of the active document's critical results.  The critical diagrams were only correctly updated if you were to then select an item in the load combinations drop down menu, or re-run design. The program now shows the analysis diagrams from the file you most recently viewed. 

6. Checking Integrity of Default Loads (Bug 2370)

The program now checks the integrity of the default loads that you can now save for each member type as the Loads.wsz file is read in, and starts the program without default loads if it is found to be faulty. Previously the program would crash if this happened, however corruption of this file rarely happens.

E. Results Output

1. Unfactored Strength Results for Custom Post/Timber Sections (Bug 2453)

For custom sections of  lumber beams from the “Beam and Stringer” classification listed in 4D , the bending strength Fb shown in the Factors table of the Additional Data was the one for the “Post and Timber” grades from Table 4D , However, the resulting moment resistance  Fb' value shown in the Force vs Resistance table was derived from the correct “Post and timber” Fb, and this was the value used for design. This is therefore a display issue only, which has been corrected.

2. Column Deflection Diagram Units (Bug 2435)

For columns, the lateral deflection values displayed in the Beam Graphs were the metric mm equivalent to a displacement in inches, even when imperial is the unit system selected and "in" is shown on the diagram. That is, a deflection of .1" was showing up as 2.54". This has been corrected.

3. Tributary Width Format in Design Check Output (Bug 2440)

When metric units are selected, the tributary width for area loads shown in the loads tables in the analysis and design results is expressed in inches, to the closest whole inch. This has been corrected.

4. Critical Deflection Combinations for Deflection with No Live or No Permanent Loads (Change 106)

If there are no loads on the member that would lead to live deflection, the program no longer outputs a line showing the critical load combination for this case. Previously it was showing the first load combination in the list, leading to paradoxical output like self-weight-only being critical for live deflection, because there were no live loads at all.  

5. Reporting of 0.5D + L Load Combination for IBC 1604.3 (d) (Bug 2341)

In the "Critical load combinations" section of the Design Results, and in the Deflection Analysis Diagram, the load combination 0.5D + L arising from the option in Load view for IBC 2009 Table 1604.3 note (d) is presented as D + 0.5L.

This combination also appears for live-only deflection, giving the impression that only half the live load is included.

This had no effect on design; it is just a reporting error that has been corrected.

F. Concept Mode

1. Concept Mode Default Pattern Loading (Change 108)

The program now asks you whether all patternable loads (live and snow) on a member that is transferred from concept mode to beam mode should be patterned, and if the answer is “yes” it patterns them.  If you agree to pattern the loads, it means that the design in beam mode will no longer be identical to that from Concept Mode.

2. Default Load Face for Wall Studs Transferred from Concept (Bug 2361)

Starting with version 9 of the program, when a stud wall is created in Concept Mode and then the stud transferred into Column Mode, the default wall stud loading surface for lateral forces was the depth d and not width b. This has been changed back to using the width b, which is how almost all walls are loaded.

3. Concept Mode Unit System Change (Bug 2443)

While in Concept Mode, when switching between Metric and Imperial units, the program behaviour was inconsistent and unpredictable. Sometimes the grid co-ordinates for the new unit system would appear on the screen, but the previous unit system would still be in the Format settings when you returned to them. At other times, the co-ordinates for the new unit system would not appear on the screen.  This has been corrected and the new unit system immediately appears, and is in the Format settings when you return to them.

Note that other Format settings that affect Concept Mode, like Diagram Font Size, also exhibited this behaviour.

4. Joist Spacing in Roof and Floor Group Input (Bug 2441)

When working in imperial units, a fractional value that equals 1/640 the metric value of the joist spacing appeared as a default in the Concept Mode Group dialog instead of the correct joist spacing. That is, instead of 400, the value 5/8 appeared. 

This value was used to design the joist area and to create loads for joist members exported to Beam Mode. This occurred even when the group dialog box was not opened.

If the unit system was changed, the metric value is converted to that fractional value, rather than the correct imperial joist spacing.

These problems have been corrected.

G. General Program Operation

1. Streamline Network Version Setup (Design Office Feature 8)

The procedure to set up multiple users running the program from a network server has been streamlined, as follows:

a) Copying of Sizer.ini file.

Previously, you had to manually copy a version of the Sizer.ini file to all the client machines. The program now does this automatically. 

 It is still necessary to modify the Sizer.ini in the server to indicate it is a network version and give the location of the program on the server. A new step is required, to copy the files from the Program Data area of the server for All Users to the corresponding folder in the Program Files area of the server. In other words, the Sizer.ini file on the server will be found in one of the following locations

Windows 7 - C:\ProgramData\WoodWorks\CWC\USA\9\

Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WoodWorks\CWC\USA\9\

After modification, it has to be copied (not only moved) to the following location, if the default installation was selected:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Woodworks\USA\Sizer\

The advantage of this approach is that the file has to be copied only once, and within one machine, rather than distributed to several machines.

b) Modification of Database.ini File 

With the introduction of new locations for database and setting files with Version 9, the network installation required you to modify the file Database.ini by indicating it was a network installation. This is no longer necessary.

c) Instructions in “Read Me” File

The instructions in the Sizer Read Me file have been modified to explain the new procedure. In addition, the following corrections have been made:

The instructions regarding key code security instruct you to contact WoodWorks sales, rather than using a key code that is delivered with the software.

Instructions were given for those users who wish to modify the database files on their local machine using Database Editor on the server. These have been removed, as this procedure is not possible.

2. Version Number in Program Name (Change 104)

Sizer now has the version number in the name of the program that appears in the program title bar, and over icons that appear in the start menu. This enables you to quickly identify the version of the program you are running.

3. Windows File Associations – Project Files (Bug 2419)

Starting with version 9 of the program, the project files with extensions wprj ( workspace), wwb (beam), wwc (column), wwa (Concept) were not associated with the WoodWorks program, so that they did not appear in the list of known file extensions in Windows Default Programs Control Panel group, and that double-clicking on the file did not open it in Sizer. This has been corrected.

4. Windows File Associations – Data Files (Bug 2448)

The following changes apply to the Sizer output files, that is, files with the extension  .w[bc][acdg]   bc is beam or column,  acdg is analysis output ,design check,  design run, or analysis graphs, and also concept files .wd (design by group), .wdm (design by member), and .wml ( materials list).

a) File Icons

For all of the Sizer output files shown in Windows Explorer, the generic icon showing a blank page has been changed to show a similar icon to those for the files in the toolbar, with the addition of a small replica of the Woodworks logo. If there is no toolbar button accessing the file, than an icon representing a lines on a page with the logo is shown.

b) Double-click Action

When you double click any of the text output files or analysis graphs, the corresponding project file now opens in Sizer and immediately shows the output file in the Sizer viewer. This is the same result as currently can be achieved by dragging the file into the Sizer.

Note that the text files are associated with Sizer and not the Windows Notepad application, which would be advantageous if you wanted to edit the file. However, Notepad can be associated on the Windows 7 operating system only, not in XP or Vista. For this reason, association with Notepad will be deferred until Windows 7 and later versions of Windows are exclusively used.

c) File Descriptions

The files now have descriptions that show up in Windows Explorer in the Type column and in the description of the selected file at the bottom. These descriptions are of the form e.g. WoodWorks Sizer Beam Results, WoodWorks Sizer Column Graphs, WoodWorks Sizer Concept Results by Member, etc.

The program now also has descriptions for  names to the project files – WoodWorks Sizer Project (.wprj), WoodWorks Sizer Concept Mode (.wwa), WoodWorks Sizer Beam (.wwb.), and WoodWorks Sizer Column (.wwc).

Sizer 9.16 – January 10, 2011 – Service Release Patch 1f

The following problem was introduced with Sizer 9.15:

1. Crash or Error Message upon Change in Member Type

When the member type is changed before a span length is entered, then in some cases Sizer crashes, and in other cases Sizer issues an error message saying that the program should be reinstalled. You can ignore this message and proceed.


Sizer 9.15 – December 12, 2011 – Service Release Patch 1e


This service release was released as a “patch” that could be downloaded into the Design Office installation or the Sizer Stand-alone installation.


1. Proposed Southern Pine

WoodWorks has added a proposed Southern Pine database file corresponding to each of the dimension lumber database files. This material database contains all the same information as the standard lumber databases, except that the Southern Pine species has revised values, and does not include the Dense and Non-dense grades.

The revised values are taken from the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) Proposed Design Values, based on the SPIB submittal to the American Lumber Standard Committee (ALSC) in October 2011.  These values are still pending approval by the ALSC Board of Review.

2. Southern Pine Support Material Crash (Bug 2340)

The program would shut down after trying to design any member that has a beam bearing support made of Southern Pine timber. This has been corrected.

3. Saving of Repeated Point Loads (Bug 2348)

Starting with version 9 of the program, point loads that were created by "Repeating Point Loads", were saved with the project file. This has been corrected.

4. Inconsistency in Shear Design Search vs. Design Check (Change 100)

Unknown design searches would sometimes report sections as passing, but performing a full design on the section results in a failed design. This was because Sizer was assuming the same load combination would be critical for the design of all sections. However, sometimes the section size does influence the critical loading, such as the distance d for which one ignores the effect of loads in determining critical shear. In rare cases they can cause the critical load combination to change from one section size to another, so that the program is designing for a non-critical combination. This has been corrected and the program determines the critical combination for each section considered

5. Column Self-weight (Change 97)

The new load format for self-weight (see Change 80, version 9.1) did not make sense for columns, as it referred to horizontal "weight" and not axial weight. This has been corrected.

6. Glulam Emin Note (Change 98)

A note in database editor input for glulam materials states that  Emin = 0.528E.

7. Missing Database File for Supporting Members  (Change 96)

If a project had a supporting member with a material type whose database file no longer is active in Sizer, the program would not open. To correct this, a message box informs you that a database file is missing, and you can still design with only the main member bearing being considered for the supports that have the missing material data.

8. Selection of Single Member Width (Change 100)

The program was selecting “unknown” when there was only choice of width (thickness), when it should have selected the single width. This affects joist and wall databases that have only 2” thicknesses.

9. Concentrated Load Persistence 

a) Default Loads (Change 102)

Concentrated Loads can now be saved as part of the default loads that were introduced with USA 9.

b) Save to Project File (Change 103)

Starting with version 9, the program did not save concentrated loads to file project file. This has been corrected.

10. Spelling, Formatting, and Nomenclature Changes (Change 99)

-        Loadface” changed to “load face”.

-        “Supports” changed to “Support” in Bearing table.

-        Removed unnecessary capitals in All load combinations (LCs) are listed in the Analysis output.

-        Adjust placement of Vf, Mf, Vr, Mr slightly.

-        Accuracy of deflection in inches increased to 3 from 2 digits.

11. Units in Modification Factor Table for I-joists (Change 93*)

For version 9.12 (Change 90), the program added the units in mpi or psi to the modification factor table heading. Since these don't apply to I-Joists, they were removed for them


Sizer 9.14 – August 26, 2011 - Design Office 9, Service Release 1d

1. Unknown Species/Grade Crash ( Bug 2338)

a) Sizer was crashing when running a design in which the material species or grade was specified as “unknown but the section width and depth were fully specified.


Sizer 9.13 – August 25, 2011 - Design Office 9, Service Release 1c


1. Concept Mode Design Failure (Bug 2336)

A corrupted source file was introduced into Sizer 9.12 (Service Release 1b), that has the potential to alter the program in a variety of ways. One such problem was that Concept mode would not design, and report missing database files instead. 


Sizer 9.12 – August 18, 2011 - Design Office 9, Service Release 1b

1. Load Type Dropdown List (Bug 2329)

For version 9.1, the Load Type input choices were inadvertently reverted to the ones for version 8.0 and before. This had the following implications

a) Live Roof vs. Construction Loads

The Roof live load type was changed to Construction.  When selected, you are actually entering a Roof live load, and it behaves as such in loads analysis and is shown Roof live in the output. This has been corrected, and it again says “Roof live” in the dropdown list. 

The Construction load input was changed to Roof live for version 8.1 of the program; refer to item B7 under version 8.1 below. Since that time, Construction loads are specified via the checkboxes in the Load types and combinations data group of the Load Input view. Refer to item B1 for version 8.2 for a change relating to this.

b) Earthquake Loads

The Earthquake load type input was inadvertently dropped from the list. Earthquake loads had been introduced in version 9.0 of the program. The ability to specify Earthquake loads has been restored.

2. Sizer Help File Activation (Bug 2330)

Starting with Version 8 of the program, the Sizer help file did not activate when selected from the Help File menu. It was necessary to go to the Help Icon in the Start menu to run it. This has been corrected and it runs from the program.

3. Design Code Information

a) IBC Edition in Welcome and Building Codes Boxes (Bug 2231)

The IBC edition was not updated in the Welcome box or the Building Codes box when the program was updated from IBC 2006 to IBC 2009 for version 9. This has been corrected. In addition, the box now mentions that the UBC load combinations were dropped for Version 9.

b) Design Codes In the About Sizer Box (Bug 2232)

The design codes in the About Sizer box for version 9 were appropriate to Shearwalls, not Sizer. The references to the ASCE 7 and the AWC Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic have now been changed to the NDS 2005.

Note that the correct edition of the IBC (2009) was displayed.

c) Design Code Note (Change 91)

A note has been added to the Design Notes giving the design codes the program complies with - NDS 2005 and IBC 2009.

4. Wide Face Sizer Factor for Redwood and Baldcypress (Bug 2259)

The Size factor from NDS 2005 Table 4D to be used when loads are applied to the wide face of timber beams and stringers was in fact applying the factor to Redwood and Baldcypress species, even though these do not have beam and stringer categories. This has been corrected. Refer to item A2 from the Sizer 9.1 release, below.

5. Beam Input  

a) Bearing Width for I Joists (Change 84)

b) The bearing width entry has been disabled for I-joists

c) Capitalization of Input Choices (Change 86)

The capitalisation of recently added items such as Span Type and Support locations was not consistent with the rest of the program. This has been corrected.

6. Design Check Output

a) fc/fcp in Bearing Table (Change 87)

In the bearing design table, "fc/fcp sup" has been changed to show "fc" or "fcp" if all the supports are columns or all are beams, respectively.

b) Organization of Additional Data Section (Change 88)

The format for the Additional data output has been reorganised slightly, with subtitles for CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS, and CALCULATIONS.

c) Units for f/E Values in Modification Factors Table (Change 90)

The units (psi or MPa) for the f and E values in the Modification Factors table in the Additional Data table are now shown next to "f/E", for all materials except I-joists, for which the Mr, Vr, and EI values have different units.

7. Print Banner in Design Check (Change 89)

A print banner has been added to the Design Check output on pages after the first page, similar to the banner that appears in all other output reports on all pages. It shows the program version, date, time, and page number.


Sizer 9.11 – August 9, 2011 - Design Office 9, Service Release 1a


This update to service release 9.1 was included in the Design Office 9 service release 1a, but Sizer Stand-alone Service Release 1 contains Sizer 9.11.


1. False Section Sizes in Concept Mode Design By Groups (Bug 2324)

Starting with version 9 of the program, in the Results by Group section of the Concept Mode design results, Sizer sometimes reports a member for a particular group that is significantly weaker then the members designed for the individual members from that Group in the “Results by Member”.  When transferred to beam mode, the program designs for the same section size as in “Results by Member.” When the section size from “Results by Group” is designed in beam mode, the member fails, sometimes by a wide margin. The member reported in Results by Group is therefore not related to the actual passing design for the individual members in the group, and in some cases even has a section size different from the one selected by the user in the Design Groups input. 

This occurs only when the width of the member that passes design is larger than the smallest width in the database, for example a 6 x member when there are 4 x members in the database. It therefore does not occur for dimension lumber members in the standard database files, which only have 2” widths in the database. It does occur for timber and glulam members. 

2. Construction Loads in Place of Live Loads (Change 83 – Corrected in Version 9.0)

The following problem was in fact corrected for version 9.0, but was only discovered since that time:

Starting with version 8.1 of the program, in Concept mode the program sometimes converted live loads to construction loads before designing the member. This was not evident until you exported the member to beam mode. As a result the design values for Concept mode contain a 1.25 load duration factor, instead of 1.0, making the program design for weaker members than intended. This problem occurs intermittently and it is necessary to check Concept mode designs made with versions 8.1-8.3 to verify if the problem occurred for any of your projects.


Sizer 9.1 – July 29, 2011 - Design Office 9, Service Release 1


This version of Sizer addresses the following bug fixes and small improvements to the program. It was not released for Sizer Standalone, which includes Sizer 9.11 (see above).

A. Engineering Design

1. Tapered Notch Maximum Depth (Bug 2243)

Sizer was not considering the exception in NDS 2005 5.4.4 for the maximum notch depth for tapered glulam members.

Ordinarily the notch depth restriction for glulam is 2/5 of the member, but for tapered notches it is 2/3 of the member, as long as the notch is less than 3d long. When the program encounters a notch depth that violates the restrictions, it

-          issues a warning message when the design button is pressed,

-            reports a design criterion failure “Invalid notch depth”

-            places “N/A” in the table for critical shear results

When a tapered notch depth is between 2/5 and 2/3 of the member depth, version 9 was creating these error messages, when it should have allowed tapered notches of that depth, and did in previous versions of the program. This has been corrected.

2. Size Factor for Timber Members (Bug 2259)

a) Size Factor for Timber Members Loads Applied to Wide Face

NDS 2005 Table 4D provides size factors to be used when loads are applied to the wide face of timber beams and stringers, but Sizer did not implement these size factors. This resulted in capacities that are too high for select structural and No 1 materials, by app 15% and 25% respectively. They are now applied to these members, for all materials except Southern Pine and Redwood, which do not have “beam and stringer” categorisation.

b) Size Factor for Custom Sections Greater then 12” Depth

For custom sections, the size factor from NDS 2005 Table 4D to be applied to timber sections 12" or greater for custom sections was being applied only for Southern Pine materials. Note that there are no greater than 12” members in the standard database files, so this problem applied to any such member created except those from custom database files.  The factor is now applied for all members. Note that it is applied to Southern Pine, Mixed Southern Pine, Redwood  and Baldcypress, even though they are not categorised as beam, stringer, post or timber, at the directive of the American Wood Council, which intends to modify the NDS wording to indicate this.

c) Combination of Size Factors

-        The Size factors are now being applied independently to x- and y-axis for bi-axially loaded members.

-        The wide face size factor is now used in conjunction with the size factor for member depths greater than 12" in the unusual circumstance depth is the narrow face, for example a 16 x 14 member.

3. Interior Spans Cantilever Deflection Reporting (Bug 2320)

If a cantilever governs deflection design overall but the interior spans govern one or more of the deflection checks (permanent, live, total),

then in the output report the cantilever deflections were incorrectly reporting the interior span deflection values for those checks that were not governed by the cantilever. This has been corrected.

4. Span Length for Deflection (Change 64)

The span lengths used in the deflection limits and ratios calculations were using the wrong span length. They were using the span length based on whichever span type you had selected (clear span, full span, etc) instead of using the design span.

5. Bearing Factor CB

a) CB Factor for Minimum Bearing Length (Change 74)

CB factor was not being applied to the minimum bearing length, resulting in the Lb and min Lb not being equal when designing for unknown bearing length.

b) CB Factor Cap (Change 75)

CB factor for bearing lengths < 0.5” is now capped at 1.75, in the lowest value in Table 3.10.4. Use of the equation 3.10-2 results in a extremely high minimum bearing lengths as one approaches .375.   

6. Compressive Strength fc/fcp Output (Change 76)

The fc/fcp sup value (Compressive strength fcp or fc value of supporting member) reported in bearing table was outputting incorrectly when Imperial units were selected in the settings due to an incorrect unit conversion when outputting the value.

7. I-joist Crash for Point Load at Left Cantilever End (Bug 2247)

When a floor or roof joist project with a material of I-joist, a left cantilever and a point load applied to the end of the cantilever (X=0) sometimes crashed upon running design. This did not occur all of the time. It no longer happens.

8. Ignore Cantilever Deflection Setting Default (Bug 1381)

The default setting in the program was to ignore cantilever deflections when designing, however, since this was non-conservative, the default setting has been changed to not ignore cantilever deflections.

9. Modification Factors for I-joists (Bug 2218)*

The additional data factors table now shows the Mr Vr, EI values for I-joists, and the “-“s in the table have been updated to better reflect factors applicable to I-joists.

B. Analysis of Loads

1. IBC 1604.3d Deflection Factor in Concept Mode (Bug 2233)

The IBC 1604.3d deflection factor setting Use L + .5D was always applied in Concept mode, (except for wet service conditions) even when the setting is unchecked in beam mode and you say "Apply Options to concept Mode." Furthermore, it was applied even when the

creep factor from NDS 3.5.2 is also applied, and these settings are supposed to be mutually exclusive.

The program now applies this setting correctly to Concept mode.

2. Oblique Angle Deflections in Analysis Diagrams (Bug 2176)

The deflections shown in the analysis diagram for oblique angles were the ones that would occur on an un-rotated beam. The maximum deflections show in the upper left of the diagram are for the rotated beam, were for a rotated beam, thus different than the maxima shown in the diagram and creating confusion.

The diagram now shows the same deflection as those calculated for the maximum deflection shown in the diagram and in the design results, which is the vector sum of the deflections in the x- and y- directions.

C. Materials and Databases       

1. E Value for Western Cedar Columns (Bug 2042)

The Timber Other column database for Western Cedar No 1 and SS had an E value of 100,000 rather than 1,000,000 PSI as per the NDS Supplement.

2. Crash when Custom Material Name Changes (Bug 2274)

The program crashes when the user has changed a material type, species, or grade name in a custom database so that the name of the material in the project file is not in the database. The program now shows message box informing you of the material and database file that can no longer be found and directs you to use database editor to activate or create that material.

D. Program Operation

1. Program Data File Locations (Bug 2265)

Because Windows 7 and Windows Vista operating systems do not allow write access to the Program Files folders to those users who are not running the program as Administrator, making it impossible for them to save changes to the material database, settings, and default loads, these files are now placed in a new location by WoodWorks. 

It was also necessary for those users who were not administrators on their computers to enter a keycode each time the program was run.

These restrictions were more severe on Windows 7 than Vista.

The program now stores the support files for the program in the following folders

Windows 7/Vista:


Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\[username\]Local Settings\Application Data\WoodWorks\CWC\USA\9\

The program also saves the files to the following folders:

Windows 7


Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WoodWorks\CWC\USA\9\

These are repositories for the files to be copied to each new users’s data folders when they first use the program. This allows a system administrator to install the program, but others to use it without restrictions. 

A more complicated set of procedures for network installations is described in the Sizer Read Me file.

2. Wall Transfer to Concept Mode (Bug 2236)

When a wall was transferred from concept mode to beam mode, the program issued  a Windows "Invalid argument" message, then did not retain a number of the input fields:

-        The lateral support info. The checkbox in the Concept groups for lateral support is checked, but when the wall is transferred to beam mode, both lateral support boxes show unbraced.

-        The wall height. It shows up as blank.

-        It shows the type as Column, not wall.

-        The supporting member is also not properly transferred. This is also a more general problem described in bug 2237.

These issues have been corrected.

3. Transfer of Supporting Members from Concept Mode (Bug 2237)

 The support conditions were not properly transferred in concept mode to beam mode:

-        For beams and joists, the supports are transferred as "Other non wood" rather than what is supporting the member.

-        For columns, the input fields are blank. When designed, the program simply ignores supporting member design.

-        For walls, an error message appears, the fields are blank, the choices correspond to columns. If you try to change one of the input fields, the program crashes. If you just go ahead and design without changing, it ignores the support bearing design.

The supporting conditions are now transferred as follows:

-        Beam or Joist - Supporting member

-        Column - Supporting beam or non-wood if foundation

-        Wall - Bottom plate.

A column is considered to be supporting a beam with the d-face parallel to the beam length. The program does not take into account beams supporting each other on an angle, it is analysed as if they were square.

4. Settings from Previous Versions (Change 81)*  

If you chose to retain your settings from previous versions of the program to version 9.0, the program was inconsistent and unreliable in retrieving those settings. This has been corrected.

5. I-Joist Custom Sections (Change 65)

Attempting to design a custom sized I-joist section would sometimes crash the program. Now, the program informs you that custom I-Joist sections are not allowed.

6. Retaining Settings from Previous Installations

a) Installation Option (Bug 2254)

For Version 9.0, the Sizer installation no longer allowed you to retain settings from previous installations by indicating during installation that the new factory settings are not to be installed. This has been corrected in the updated Sizer and Design Office installation packages.

b) Settings from Previous Versions (Change 81)*  

If you managed to manually retain your settings by saving and copying the sizer.ini file from a previous installation, the program was inconsistent and unreliable in retrieving those settings. This has been corrected.

7. Default Deflection Limits (Change 70)

For version 9 of the program, the default deflection limits in the settings were not being written to the initialisation file, so they no longer functioned as defaults. This has been corrected.

8. Persistence of Start-up Mode Setting (Bug 2256)

When at least one file was open, and you tried to create another new file, the file created was always Concept mode. It is now the default start-up mode in the design settings.

9. Column Mode Combine Loads of Same Type Label (Bug 2238)

In column mode, the "Combine Loads of Same Type in Drawing” checkbox omitted the word "type" that appears in beam mode.

10. Tool Tip for Settings in Toolbar (Bug 2050)

The Settings toolbar icon now includes a "tool tip" that appears when you hover over it saying "Settings".

11. Bearing Length Values in Selection List (Change 67)

The bearing length selection list was sometimes showing the incorrect bearing length if the length is close-to but not equal to the user entered value.  (e.g. 3” gets switched to 3-1/2”)

12. Bearing Length Input Activation (Change 68)

Disabled Bearing length input when None or Other non-wood types are selected in column mode.

13. Same As Wall Stud Checkbox for Supporting Member Bearing (Change 69)

Opening a saved wall stud file was always reverting the supporting member's "Same as wall stud" checkbox to checked.

E. Output and Drawings

1. Concentrated Beam Load Width Units in Text Output (Bug 2240)

For beams, the text output shows the tributary width of a load in feet or m.  For concentrated loads, the number displayed is actually inches.

The program now shows an inch symbol (") or "mm" after the concentrated load width to differentiate it from area loads that may also be on the beam.

2. Self-weight Note and Self-weight in Loads Table (Change 80)

The line about self weight has been removed from the material description, and self weight appears as a load in the loads table instead.  The message was sometimes misinterpreted.

3. Eccentric Loads Output (Change 71)

The eccentricity reported in the loads output table was outputting the wrong value when imperial units were selected

4. Units in Column Load Diagram (Change 82)

In the column load diagram, the units were not displayed, even though they are displayed in the beam diagram. In particular, axial UDLs did not indicate they are in plf or kN/m, even though the corresponding joist loads are in pounds. The program now shows plf or kN/m by those loads, and beside the scale at the bottom of the diagram.

5. Metric Units in Deflection Diagram (Change 94)*

When metric units were selected, the program was showing the value of deflection in inches, yet labelling them as mm. Thus deflections of 12 mm would show up as 0.5. 

6. Metric Units in Deflection Diagram (Change 95)*

Load locations in printed column diagrams were showing up in inches, rather than feet and inches. 

7. Sloped Beam Drawing (Change 78)

Sloped member drawing for slightly sloped members no longer draws in the wrong direction.


Sizer 9.01 – Jan 21, 2011 – Hot fix*

Version 9.01 released as a “hot fix”, a self-extracting file available from the WoodWorks website to be expanded into the Sizer 9.0 installation. The first Design Office edition that included these changes was Design Office 9, Service Release 1, released July 29, 2011.

*Note that the description of changes for this hot fix was not included in this document until Aug 24, 2011, that is, it was not in the versions of this document included with Sizer 9.1, 9.11, or 9.12.

All of the following problems were introduced in version 9 of the software.

1. Non-dead Loads Duplicated as Live Load In Concept Mode (Bug 2232)

When a non-dead , non-live load (snow, wind, roof live, earthquake, or impact)  was added to a member in concept mode that did not also have a live load, the loads created from reactions on the members below included an extra live load of the same magnitude as the other non-dead load. This load was used for design of the supporting member, leading to overly conservative sizing, and is also distributed to members further down the structure.

In a typical case, roofs loaded with only snow and dead loads are supported by members that are given an extra live load with the same magnitude as the snow reaction, in addition to the snow reaction load.  This extra load could be eliminated by placing a live load with negligible magnitude on the roof.

The problem only occurred when the original supported member is designed for dry service conditions.

2. Critical Member in Design Groups for Multi-ply Members (Bug 2242)

The program did not properly take the number of plies into account when determining the member of a design group with the largest cross-sectional area, leading it to misidentify the critical member in a design group in Concept Mode.

3. Crash on Design of New I-joist Project (Bug 2223)

When designing a new floor joist or roof joist project with I-joist as the material, a crash would result. If this happened after saving, the project was saved and could be opened and designed without a crash occurring.

4. Crash in Concept Mode for 6-Span Beam with Left-end Cantilever (Bug 2231)

In Concept mode, Sizer crashed when trying to design a 6-span beam with a left-end cantilever.

5. Crash for Left Cantilever Beams with Specified Lateral Support (Bug 2246)

Sizer hangs and freezes the computer when accessing Loads view for beams and joists with left cantilever and lateral support other than "At supports" or "Full" ( a numeric value) , for operating systems other than Windows 7.

6. Deletion of Spans in Cantilevered Beams (Bug 2226)

Trying to delete any cantilevered span or the non-cantilever span on a 2-span cantilevered beam, causes the program to crash.

Deleting the middle non-cantilevered span on a 3-span, doubly cantilevered beam creates a corrupted beam that cannot be designed.



Sizer 9.0 – October 28, 2010 - Design Office 9



This document describes the features and other changes that were implemented for Version 9 of the WoodWorks Sizer USA program. A more extensive and illustrative description of these features is included in the Sizer installation in Sizer Version 9 USA Features.


The most extensive changes are


Beam Design Spans, Supports, and Bearing

Workspace (project) file


Other notable improvements are


Column / Wall Bearing Design

Earthquake Loads

User-defined Default Loads

All Load Types in Concept Mode

Copy Building Levels

Deflection Load Combinations from IBC 1604.3

Adding Moments Directly to Members

Components of Reactions in Design Report


The following table of contents can be used to navigate to specific items.


A: Supports, Bearing, and Design Spans. 23

1. Beam Design Spans, Supports, and Bearing (Features 3,4,5) 23

2. Column / Wall Bearing Design (Feature 100) 28

B: Engineering Design. 29

1. Absolute Deflection Check (Feature 8) 29

2. Deflection Load Combinations from IBC 1604.3 (Feature 121) 29

3. Long Term Factor from NDS 3.5.2 (Changes 29-33, 34) 30

4. Deflection for Counteracting .6D + W Combination (Bug 2131) 30

5. Load Combination Description in Deflection Diagram (Bug 2134) 31

6. Additional Data Note for Live Deflection (Change 33) 31

7. Number of Deflection Points (Change 50) 31

8. Maximum Shear in the Span of Member Warning (Bug 2172) 31

9. Number of Shear and Bending Moment Points (Change 51) 31

10. Design Shear for Non-critical Supports in Shear Diagram (Change 56) 31

11. Shear Diagram with Notches (Change 57) 31

12. Notch Points of Interest (Change 55) 31

13. Removal of UBC (Change 61) 31

14. Removal of References to AF&PA (Change 54) 31

C: Loads and  Analysis. 31

1. Earthquake Loads  (Feature 106) 31

2. Adding Moments Directly to Members (Feature 20) 32

3. User-defined Default Loads (Feature 24) 32

4. Factor for Area Load on Continuous Support (Feature 63) 33

5. Components of Reactions in Design Report (Feature 137) 33

6. Column Lateral Reactions (Change 60) 33

7. Effect of Point Loads on Vertical Reactions in Analysis Table (Change 38) 33

8. Load View Printing (Change 42) 33

9. Column Mode Load Drawing (Bug 2170) 34

10. Negative Point Load Drawing in Column Mode (Change 43) 34

11. Negative Loads Drawing (Change 42) 34

12. Load Type in Diagram for Point Loads (Change 48) 34

13. Eccentric Axial Load Notes In Analysis Results and Diagram (Change 46) 34

14. Validating Partial Line Loads (Change 44) Error! Bookmark not defined.

15. Vertical Reaction Table for Concentrated Load (Bug 2141) 34

16. Concentrated Live Load Default Name (Change 37) 34

D: Materials. 34

1. Custom SCL Sections (Feature 151) 34

2. Lumber n-ply Stud database for Walls (Feature 33) 34

3. Actual/Nominal Size in Output (Feature 66) 34

4. Multi-ply Width Output (Feature 90) 35

E: Program Operation. 35

1. Workspace (project) file (Feature 39) 35

2. Member Description (Feature 45) 36

3. Database Editor Button (Feature 59) 36

4. Apply Settings to Concept Mode (Change 49) 36

5. Separate Settings for Individual Open Files (Change 49) 36

6. Warning message on Save as Default and Restore Factory Settings (Change 47) 36

7. Save to File Note in Settings Input (Change 58) 37

8. Order of Beam and Column Mode Preference Settings (Change 52) 37

9. Load View Checkboxes in Points of Interest View (Bug 2051) 37

10. Save Prompt for Unmodified New Beam Files (Bug 2118) 37

11. Custom Version Web Page Link (Change 59) 37

F: Concept Mode. 37

1. All Load Types in Concept Mode (Feature 106) 37

2. Copy Building Levels (Feature 112) 37

3. Loads after Insertion of Level (Bug 2152) 38

4. Level Control in Toolbar (Change 39) 38

5. Warning on Deletion or Insertion of Level (Change 40) 38

6. Service Conditions on Import from Concept to Beam Mode (Bug 2181) 38

G: Detailed Table of Contents. Error! Bookmark not defined.


A. Supports, Bearing, and Design Spans

1. Beam Design Spans, Supports, and Bearing (Features 3,4,5)

-         This feature allows for:

-         Choice of span input types – full span, clear span, and design span

-         Input of support types ( beam, column, sill plate,  hanger, etc)

-         Input of support materials

-         Input of support lengths

-         Unknown support length for program design of bearing length

-         Bearing design of supporting member

-         Iterative beam design, recalculating design span for the new minimum bearing length on each iteration

-         Improved notch design and shear-at-a-distance d calculations with knowledge of actual baring length

-         More detailed beam drawings, showing

-         actual beam length;

-         accurate sloped member length; b

-         beam material specification;

-         design span, full span, and clear span;

-         support lengths and widths, 

-         support types and materials.

-         Detailed bearing design results in output, which can be turned on and off.

a) Input

i. Span Type

An input has been added to specify how the program interprets the span values entered:

(a)  Design Span

This is the distance between support points on beams. Support points for exterior supports are ½ the minimum required bearing length from the inside of the support. For interior supports, they are at the centre of the support.

(b)   Clear span

This is the distance between the inside faces of the supports, for all spans.

(c)  Full span

This span is measured from the outside faces of exterior supports, to the centre of interior supports. It is the beam length for single-span members.

ii.  Support Type

For each support, you can specify the following:

(a)  Hanger

The hanger indicates a steel hanger is used for the beam. . If this is chosen, supporting member design will not be part of the bearing design routine, and the Material, Species and Grade inputs will be unknown. It will, however, have a list of bearing sizes representing common hanger lengths.

(b)  Other non-wood

This is chosen to indicate that the supporting member is made of concrete, steel or some other material not designed by WoodWorks. If this is chosen, supporting member design will not be part of the bearing design routine, and the Material, Species and Grade inputs will be disabled and blanked out. . This option will also not have a list of bearing lengths associated with it, and will design for minimum or rounded minimum instead.

This option is available for supported beams and joists.

(c)  Sill Plate

This choice is for a 2-inch thick wooden member which is assumed to lie on the flat, usually affixed to a concrete or block foundation. The program will implement a special set of sill plate database materials, using essentially joist database files.  The bearing length information is taken from the “d” dimension of the sill plate materials.

This option is available for supported beams and joists.

(d)  Beam

The supported member is assumed to be a beam, so that the material, species, grade, and bearing length information will come from our beam database files. The bearing length info is taken from the “b” dimension of the beam.

This option is available for supported beams and joists. 

(e)  Column

The supported member is assumed to be a column, so that the material, species, grade, and bearing length information will come from our column database files. The bearing design choices will be taken from all of those from the “b” or “d” dimension of the column could be oriented either way. .

This option is available only for supported beams.

(f)   Wall

The supported member is assumed to be a wall, so that the material, species, grade, and bearing length information will come from our wall database files.  The bearing length information is taken from the “d” dimension of the wall plate.

This option is available only for supported joists.

i. Material, Species, and Grade

You can input these parameters for each supported member,  similar as the inputs for Material, Species, and Grade for the main member.  The information comes from the WoodWorks materials database.

ii. Bearing Length

This field represents the length parallel to the supported member that is supported. The program will allow for

entry of a custom bearing length,

selection of a length from a list of suggested lengths,

selection on “Unknown” in which case the program will determine the bearing length according to the choices described

iii. Bearing at Support End

The checkbox “Bearing at Support End” indicates that the supporting member ends at the supported member, so that the bearing length factor CB is not applied.

iv. For unknown bearing length…

This field allows for a choice of bearing design option for all supports in which Unknown is selected as the Bearing length choice.  The choice affects the actual bearing length that the program determines is supporting the beam.

(g)  Use exact minimum

In this case, the program will design for minimum required bearing length and use that exact length as the bearing length for each support. This is how the program currently works.

(h)  Round minimum up to nearest

With this choice, the program determines the minimum required bearing length, and rounds it to the nearest increment as indicated by the user.

This option corresponds to the case where the beam sits only partially on an end support, but the user wants to have a bearing length and a  total beam length that are reasonably round numbers for measuring and cutting.

(i)    From Bearing Length list

In this case, the program rounds up to the next choice in the dropdown box that was derived from the section sizes of the supporting members or from the standard hanger sizes.. Refer to ii  Bearing Length, above, for the choices of section sizes for each member type and orientation.

(j)    End Supports: Round minimum; Interior: From bearing lengths

This option allows the user to model a situation where a beam sits only partially on end supports but fully on interior supports. Enabled only when there are interior supports in the member, including cantilever supports. Its behaviour is a self-explanatory combination of the previous two options.

v. Bearing Length and Design Spans

This feature related to the span input  in that the choice of the bearing length method used has an impact on either the actual length of the beam, the clear span, and/or the design, depending on whether the user chooses to enter clear span, design span, or fixed beam length. 

(k)  Clear span or design span

If the user enters clear span, then the bearing design choice will not affect the length of design span, as the design span is clear span + minimum bearing. Similarly, if the design span is entered ( as it is currently in Sizer), the clear span is not affected. For these cases, only the beam length will change based on the choice of bearing length design method.

(l)    Actual beam length

If the beam length is what is assumed to be entered, then the choice of bearing length method will affect the length of design span and the length of clear span. As a result, this choice will have an impact on the shear, moment, reactions, etc.  Indirectly, due to change in clear span, it will have an effect on notch design and, shear at distance d,. as well.

vi. Minimum Bearing Length Options in Design Settings

A group in the Design Settings  called Minimum Bearing Length has been added with two inputs


End supports

Interior supports


Beside the End supports item, there is a checkbox that says


Use to determine design span.


(m) End Supports/Interior supports

The values entered in these boxes indicate the smallest bearing the program is able to design for, for interior and end supports separately. If the program calculates a minimum bearing less than this value, it overrides it with the value entered.  

(n)  Use to determine design span

Some user may wish that the program never design a bearing less than some practical amount, say 3.5”, however they may wish to take advantage of the reduced design span from using only the minimum required bearing length. For his reason, we allow them to opt out of using the minimum bearing they entered in their calculation of design spans. The program in this case uses the minimum required bearing for design span, but the user entered span for bearing design.

b) Drawing

i. Support Symbols

The following symbols are shown for each hanger type

(o)  Hangers

A solid, thick, L-shaped black bracket when at the end, a plate when in the midspan.

(p)  Other non-wood

A diagonally hatched rectangle, same thickness as a hanger plate.

(q)  Sill plates

A 1.5” deep board the width of the bearing length input or design, with diagonals indicating it is a cross section, resting on a slightly wider rectangle open at the bottom meant to convey a concrete or other foundation.

(r)   Beams

A rectangle representing the support cross section with diagonals, with the beam depth set to 5.5” (the user does not enter this value). Note that there is no attempt to show built-up supports as composed of separate plys.

(s)  Columns

Two lines, open at the bottom, spaced the bearing length apart, meant to convey a continuing column,

(t)   Walls

Two rectangles with diagonals, each 1.5” deep, representing top plates, with a rectangle open at the bottom to convey a continuing wall stud.

ii. Support Text

The following text appears beside each support .

(u)  Bearing length

Bearing length formatted as per user setting for Sections in the Format settings ( previously it was unresponsive to that setting) in format

Lb = [length] .

For unknown bearing before design it says Lb = unknown; once designed it gives the designed bearing length.

(v)   Bearing width

The user-input bearing width is output if different than beam width.

(w) Material

On the following line, the material shown is just the major category of material, that is Glulam, Lumber, Timber, MSR Lumber, I-Joists.

No material type is shown for hanger or “other non-wood” supports.

(x)  Support Type

After material, the word  Column, Wall, Beam, or Sill Plate, so  the line says, e.g. Lumber Column.

No support type or material is shown for Other non-wood.

(y)  Species and Grade

The species and grade of wooden supports is shown on one line below the material.

iii. Spans

The program now outputs two dimensioned lines at the top of the screen, the upper one spanning the entire beam and giving the actual length of the beam, the lower one dimensioning each clear span. The design distances are shown at the bottom.

The words  Design, Full, and Clear are placed  the left of the drawing to indicate what each one means.  

(z)  Beam Length

The program now shows the total beam length, instead of each span individually dimensioned.

The length of the new dimension line for the overall length of the member is now adjusted for sloped members to show the distance from the bottom edge of member at the lower support to the top edge of the member at the upper support.

(aa)              Clear Span

Each clear span, or distance between the edgeof supports, is shown below the beam length.

(bb)              Design Spans.

The design spans are shown as numbers at the bottom, with zero starting at the first reaction point. This scale correlates with the analysis diagram and location of analysis points, points of interest, etc.

(cc)               Unknown Bearing Lengths

When bearing lengths are input as unknown, or design has not been performed so that the minimum required bearing length is not known, only the value for the input span type, the other values are given as “unknown”. 

The values for unknown bearing length and minimum bearing length from the most recent design are used for span calculations after design, even if the you changes the beam length, materials or other input since they were designed.

iv. Beam material specification

One the design is performed, the material specification is shown on the screen in the same format that appears in the Design Check output. 

c) Load Input

i. Unknown Bearing

(dd)              Full line loads

When you have selected unknown bearing he program initially creates loads that extend over the user-input span type only, as the precise dimensions of the other span lengths are not known.  After design, the program adjusts the loads to extend over the full uniform span

(ee)              Point Loads

If design span is entered, the program assumes the point loads are applied relative to the reaction points, so that if a point load that was at 4’ will be adjusted to  be 4.2”  from the beam end when 2” designed bearing length is added. This ensures that point loads over supports remain over supports.  The values in the load input are adjusted accordingly

If clear span is input, the point load is shifted by the full input bearing width. A point load originally entered at the end of the clear span will wind up within the design span and not over the support. As you cannot enter a load outside the span of the input span type, in order to input a clear span with a point load over support you must either adjust the load location after design or input a known bearing length.

If actual span is input, the point loads remain at the input points before and after design. Point loads entered at the end of the member will remain there after design, and be applied to the bearing support and not over the design span.

(ff)  Partial line loads

The behaviour of the start and end points of partial line loads is identical to the behaviour of point loads. The program does not adjust the magnitude of a partial line load when making adjustments to the start and end point locations.

 Known Bearing

If the bearing length is known, then only the minimum bearing length is unknown before design. This changes the load entry as follows:

(gg)              Design span

Since the minimum bearing length is not known, the situation is the same as for unknown bearing, the program does not know the minimum bearing, clear span, or actual length of the member, and adjusts the load location based once design is performed.

(hh)              Clear span

In this case, the program is able to determine the actual span, and a line load is considered to span the entire member both before and after design, and one can place a point load on the support outside of the design span from the start

(ii)   Actual span

In this case also the length of the beam is known and a line load extends the full length both before and after design, and that the location of point loads and partial loads is also invariant. 

ii. Change of span type after load entry

The program makes the necessary adjustments to the loads if the span type is changed after the load entry.

(jj)   Uniform line loads

The program adjusts the loads so they extend the length of the input span type when the actual beam length is not known, and the full length of the beam when it is known.

(kk)               Partial loads and Point Loads

These loads just maintain their start and end points, or the point load location, with respect to the start of the new span type. This can cause a point load that was over a support to move to be within the design span if it is not adjusted manually.

d) Loads Analysis and Design

i. Determination of Design Span

For spans, the program considers the design span to be the clear span between support edges plus:

(ll)   Interior supports

For interior supports, ½ the actual bearing length is added, whether it is user input or designed by the program

(mm)            End supports

For end supports, it is ½ the lesser of the following:

the minimum required bearing length

the user input actual bearing length.

ii. Minimum Required Bearing Length

The minimum required bearing length is calculated the program currently does. . In addition, a setting has been added to provide a minimum absolute bearing length regardless of the force on the support, and another to indicate that that minimum should override the calculated minimum based on force when determining the design spans.  See A.1.a)vi above for these settings.

iii. Iterative Design

Unless Design span is chosen as the span choice, the calculation of minimum bearing length affects the design span length. This in turn affects the reactions that are on the supports, which in turn affects the min required bearing length, which in turn affects the design span…

Similarly, if Unknown bearing length is selected, the reactions determined affect the bearing length required, which in turn affect the position of the edge of the support from which design span is measured, which affects the design span, which affects the reactions used for bearing design…

For these reasons, the program now performs iterative analysis and bearing design on the member, first determining reactions with the longest span possible given the bearing and span choices, then determining the bearing lengths required, then calculating design span, then readjusting. The program iterates until the difference in design span between two iterations is not noticeable (0.1 mm).  Generally 3-4 iterations are required.

iv. Loads over Supports

(nn)              Point Loads

A load that is within the design span, but over a portion of a known support that is within the span, is treated  as a point load within the design span and analysed for shear, moment, bearing, etc, as before.

Point loads that are applied outside of the design span, that is, to the left of the support point of known bearing at a left end support and to the right of the support point of a right end support, are applied directly to the bearing design of the support and are not considered part of the design span.

(oo)              Line loads

The portion of the line load that is within the design span, but over a portion of a known support that is within the span, is still treated as a load within the design span and analysed for shear, moment, bearing, etc, as before

Sizer can now apply the portion of the line load that extends outside of the design span, that is, to the left of the support point of known bearing at a left beam end, directly to the bearing design of the support.

This is implemented for all line loads – full, partial, uniform, trapezoidal, triangular.

You can disable this capability via an option ion the load input view – Line loads applied to design span only

v. Notches

The uses the designed or user-input bearing length as the width of tension edge notches, rather than the minimum required bearing length, as before.

The terminology Min. has been dropped, as it is now the actual length of the notch.

vi. Shear-at-a-distance d

According to NDS (a) line loads within a distance d of a support do not contribute to shear, and point loads within d are factored by their relative distance from the supported for their contribution to shear. Figure 3C makes it clear that the distance d is measured from the edge of the support,.

Formerly Sizer measured d from the reaction point, creating conservative values of design shear. Now the program measures the distance d from the edge of the support, for both end supports and interior supports.

e) Output

i. Bearing and Reactions Table

(pp)              Title

If the full detailed bearing results are shown, it is now called


Maximum Reactions (unit), Bearing Capacities (unit), and Bearing Lengths (unit).  


All the section titles in the output, e.g. LOADS, are to be changed to title case from all caps. 

(qq)              Capacity

The program shows the factored bearing for both the beam and the support. This capacity is in the same units as the bearing reaction, that is, if the user has selected Express reactions as UDL, it is in plf, using the joist spacing to convert.

(rr)  Anal/Des

This is the lowest value of factored reaction / factored capacity for any load combination, for both the Beam and Support capacity.

It now says “Joist” if it is a joist member.

(ss)               Load Combination

This applies to the critical load combination used for the Anal/Des

(tt)  Length

This is the designed or user-input bearing length along the main member, taking into account user settings for rounding bearing lengths.

If the program uses the minimum bearing length from the Design Settings, an asterisk appears along with the following note below the table, using ½” as an example input: 


*Minimum bearing length setting used: ½” for end supports [ and ½” for exterior supports]


(uu)              Min reqid

In most cases, the minimum required bearing length for capacity to equal reaction.

Exception: If the design setting that indicates you use the absolute minimum allowed bearing (also input in the design settings) to calculate design span, and that  value is greater than the calculated minimum, it appears here.  An  asterisk is placed by the number, referring to the same note indicated above for Length, as shown below

(vv)               Width

This line is shown only if one or more of the bearing widths are not the same as the main member width. For those supports that have “Same as beam” selected as the bearing width the output shows the actual width of beam

(ww)             Cb

This is the bearing factor Cb for the main member bearing length.

(xx)               Cb min

This is the bearing factor Cb applied to the minimum bearing length, which can be different than the designed bearing length.

(yy)               Cb support

This is the bearing bearing factor Cb applied to the main member bearing width for beams and sill plates that are assumed to run perpendicular to the main member.

(zz)               Fc/Fcp  sup

This is the Fcp value for support beams, sill plates and walls

(aaa)            Non-wood supports

For “Hanger” and “Other non-wood” supports,  the program prints a dash in place of capacity, Cb factor, and Anal/Des for supports

ii. Show detailed bearing results setting

A checkbox setting has been added to the Settings Page under Preferences | Beam and Column Mode Options named

Include detailed bearing results


If unchecked then, in the Bearing subsection of he Reactions and Bearing Table, only the length, width ( if applicable) and minimum length is output.

If checked, the bearing subsection contains additional information including capacity of beam and supports, the load combination number, and CB factors.

iii. Minimum bearing Length Note

When the supporting member governs, a note with two asterisks appears saying


Minumum bearing length governed by required width of the supporting member.


This note appears only when “unknown’ is chosen for bearing length.

iv. Materials specification

The materials for the supports are shown below the main member materials as a list within a sentence below the main material specification.

It shows the specific material like  Glulam Unbalanced or Lumber n-ply rather than the general class of material like Lumber or Glulam. 

v. Warning message

If any of the bearing capacities are greater than resistance, i.e. the Anal/Design ratio is greater than 1.005, the program displays a bearing warning along with the other design criterion messages.

2. Column / Wall Bearing Design (Feature 100)

This feature allows for the input of support type and bearing length for columns and particularly wall studs, and allows for the design of the supporting member, which for a wall is the wall bottom plate.

a) Input

i. Supported member type

There are there choices for columns – Beam, Non-wood, and Sill plate. There are two possibilities for walls – None and Bottom plate.  

The default for columns is Non-wood and for wall studs it is Bottom plate.

(bbb)            Non wood

This is chosen to indicate that the supporting member is made of concrete, steel or some other material not designed by WoodWorks.

(ccc)            Sill Plate

This choice is for a 2-inch thick wooden member which is assumed to lie on the flat, usually affixed to a concrete or block foundation. The program implements a special set of sill plate database materials, using essentially joist database files.  The bearing length information is taken from the “d” dimension of the sill plate materials.

(ddd)            Beam

The supported member is assumed to be a beam, so that the material, species, grade, and bearing length information come from our beam database files.

(eee)            Bottom plate

The supported member is assumed to be a bottom plate of the wall, so that the information comes from the wall database files. It may be different than the wall stud material. 

ii. Material, Species, and Grade

These fields operate as described for beams in 1.a)i, except that these fields can be disabled when the user checks the Same Materials as Wall Stud, described below.

iii. Same Materials as Wall Stud

If this item is checked, then the wall bottom plate uses the same Material, Species and Grade as the main member.

These fields are greyed out in this case. The Material shown is the same as the one for the stud, and the Species and Grade, which can be unknown for the main member, read Same as wall stud.

iv. Bearing length

This is a drop list that does not allow the user to enter their own values. For columns, the choices are Column width and Column depth. For walls, there is only one possibility - Stud width.

v. Bearing Width

There is no bearing width input. For columns, it is assumed to be the other of Column width and Column depth than that which is selected for bearing length. For walls, it is assumed to be the wall stud depth.

vi. Bearing at Support End

The checkbox “Bearing at Support End” indicates that the supporting beam, sill plate, or wall bottom plate ends at the column or wall, so that the bearing length factor CB is not applied.

Refer to the corresponding item for beams for more details ( 1.a)iii ).

b) Drawing

The column drawing has been rearranged to accommodate the support bearing as follows

i. Support Symbols

There is not attempt to draw special symbols for columns as we do for beams.

ii.  Support Description

A description of column support is added to the column width or depth drawing according to the selection for bearing length. The description is similar to the descriptions for beams described in 1.b)iv.

iii. Member Description

A description of the main member has been added at top centre similar to the one added for beams.

iv. Lateral Support changes

The lateral support description for full and continuous has been moved to the top of the drawing from the bottom, and the Lateral support title is moved down slightly.

c) Output

i. Material Specification

A line has been added describing the support.

ii. Analysis vs Allowable Stress

A line for Support Bearing has been added, giving the allowable and actual fcp/Fcp values for the support.

iii. Additional Data Factor Table

A line has been added giving the factors that are applicable to the support, similar to other design criteria

iv. Additional Data Support Line

A line has been added giving

-         The load combination number

-         The load combination ( not shown in the above figure, but will be in final version)

-         The reaction at the support R

-         The capacity of the support in pounds

-         The bearing length

-         The bearing factor Cb.

v. Warning

If the member fails due to insufficient support capacity, the design criterion “support bearing” is added to the failure message note.

A. Engineering Design

7. Absolute Deflection Check (Feature 8)

This feature allows you to specify an absolute value for deflection limit as well as the usual proportion of beam length. This is often required for example for special types of cladding on wall or floor surfaces which cannot withstand more than a certain absolute deflection.

It applies to all member types and all material types.

In the Deflection box of the Beam Load View, there is a checkbox with label saying

and <=


followed an edit box giving the maximum absolute total deflection value.

For each span the program compare thes span ratio distance to the absolute distance when determining the design value used for both live deflection and total loads on that span, and it will use the absolute or span ratio deflection for deflection design according to which one was dominant.

If the absolute deflection was dominant for a particular span, the program indicates so with

(absolute) in the output.

1. Deflection Load Combinations from IBC 1604.3 (Feature 121)

Notes d and f, in the IBC Table 1604.3 that indicate that deflection analysis should have different load combinations in certain cases than other design criteria like shear and moment are implemented in Sizer for the first time. These notes are in the 2009 IBC but are not new to 2009.

This applies to all member types, and for beam, column, and concept mode.

a) IBC 1604.3 Notes

i. Dead + Live for Dry Members (Note d)

Note d to Table 1604.3 says


For wood structural members having a moisture content of less than 16 percent at time of installation and used under dry conditions, the deflection results from L + 0.5D is permitted to be substituted for the deflection results from L+ D”


Thus for dry service conditions, you are now afforded the option of applying only ½ the dead load for the L + D combination only, for deflection analysis. 

This applies to all member types, and for beam, column, and concept mode

ii. Component and Cladding Wind Loads (Note f)

Note  f to  Table 1604.3 says


The wind load is permitted to be taken as 0.7 times the ‘component and cladding’ loads for the purpose of determining deflection limits herein”


Thus for those wind loads that are component and cladding loads, as opposed to design of members that are part of the main wind force resisting system, you are now afforded the option of  applying 0.7 as a load factor to the wind load type in all combinations containing wind loads.  

Examples of these types of members are roof joists and wall studs that are directly impacted by wind pressures, however it can apply to all member types. Does not apply to concept mode, which assumes main wind force system wind loads. 

b) Settings Input

In Beam Load View and Column Load View, a group box is added, named  IBC deflection factors (Table 1604.3). It is nested into a new, larger group box called Load types and combinations. The group box has  two checkboxes,


Use L+0.5D for deflection (Note d)

7W for C&C wind loads (Note f)


c) Loads Analysis

i. Use L+0.5D for deflection

When the setting is checked, then the deflections calculated for for only the load combination D + L are calculated with the dead load component multiplied by 0.5.  The  reaction, shear, and bending are not affected for the D + L load combination.

All other load combinations, such as D + 0.75 (L + S), remain unchanged; the full dead load is used for deflections in those members. 

ii. .7W for C&C wind loads

When the setting is checked, the deflection results for all load combinations containing a wind component are calculated with a 0.7 factor multiplied to the factor that is currently applied to the wind component (either 0.75 or 1). 

Other results including reaction, shear, and bending are unaffected. 

d) Output

i. Load Combination Descriptors

In the Analysis Diagram, the Analysis Report, and the Additional Data section of the Design Check report load combinations descriptors have changed as follows:

(a)  Use L+0.5D for deflection

The old string was D+L; it has been changed to .5D+L

(b)  .7W for C&C wind load

D+W is changed to D+.7W   

6D+W is changed to .6D + .7W.

D+.75(L+W) is changed to  D+.75(L+.7W).


ii. Analysis Diagrams

Previously, when displaying results for a particular load combination, the load combination is shown in the list box for screen display and at the head of the printed report. Each diagram does not repeat the load combination it is depicting.

Now, if the load combination for deflection is different than the load combination used to calculate reaction, shear or bending, because of the IBC-specific settings, then for the deflection results only, the combination used for deflection is output. 

iii. Analysis Reports

Two notes have been added to the table to indicate the IBC load combinations in use:

(c)  Use L+0.5D for deflection

If this setting has been selected, and there is a D + L load combination, an asterisk is placed by the load combination and the following note appears saying

* 0.5D + for deflection: IBC Table 1604.3d

(d)  .7W for C&C wind load

If the setting has been selected a note appears that says

Wind loads are C&C = 0.7W for deflection: IBC Table 1604.3f

Note that this message appears even if there are no wind loads on the member.

2. Long Term Factor from NDS 3.5.2 (Changes 29-33, 34)

The interpretation of NDS 3.5.2 has changed to accord better with the design code. Previously, you could choose whether to design for total deflection, and if you did, you would apply a factor to the dead load, which defaults to 1.5, corresponding to the long term creep factor in NDS 3.5.2. Now, the program always designs for long term deflection, and you choose whether to apply a creep factor, which defaults to 1.5 if it is included.

The input for this has been moved to the load input view, where related controls for load combinations for design criteria are also located. The terminology has changed to include the terms Kcr and creep, rather than just “total deflection”.   


-         the default factor is now dependent on service conditions, as per 3.5.2

-         the factor is no longer applied to the counteracting load combination .6D + W

-         the factor appears in the analysis diagram output

3. Deflection for Counteracting .6D + W Combination (Bug 2131)

The deflections for the counteracting load combination .6D + W were not being calculated correctly. This affects beams with critical wind uplift loading, and columns where moments due to eccentric axial dead loads are counteracted by lateral wind load from the opposite direction.

The problem is apparent in the load diagrams when the .6D + W combination is selected, and in the design check output if that combination happens to be critical.

a) Live Deflection

The line (non-dead) deflection, which is in this case from wind load, was derived by subtracting the deflections from the dead load D from the deflections from  .6D + W, creating “live” deflections that were W - .4D. Since this load case is critical when wind is acting as an uplift force, the .4D added to the magnitude of the wind load deflections, and the error was thus conservative.

b) Total Deflections

Total deflections were then calculated as W -.4D + D*KCT,  , where  KCT is the user-input  time dependent factor.  This is correct in the case that KCT = 1. For the default value of 1.5, this creates a load combination of W + 1.1D. This is a greater dead load counteracting force than if the D was multiplied by 1.5 and .6 ( W + .9D), so the effect is non-conservative for our original interpretation of the long term factor, and even more so for our new interpretation, that the long term factor should not be applied to this load combination ( see Error! Reference source not found.). 

The error for the default value of 1.5 does  not cause this combination to become critical for non-uplift when it shouldn’t, as it is be W + 1.1D, v.s. W + 1.5D for the usual downwards load combination.  Similarly, for the wet service KSD value of 2.0, the load combination becomes W + 1.6D vs. W +  2.0D. 

4. Load Combination Description in Deflection Diagram (Bug 2134)

When Critical results was selected, the Total Deflection diagram did not include the full description of the load combination, giving only the load combination number.  Other analysis results show the full description in this case. Now the description for Total Deflection is shown as well. 

5. Additional Data Note for Live Deflection (Change 33)

In the Design Check report, in the Additional Data section, in the line before the line Total Deflection =,  a new line has been added saying


"Live" deflection = Deflection from all non-dead loads (live, wind, snow…)


6. Number of Deflection Points (Change 50)

The number of points for each span that are used to determine the maximum deflection within that span and that are used to plot the deflection diagram has been increased from 5 to 25. This creates a smoother graph than before.

The program shows every fifth point, and also the maximum if it occurs at another point than the 5th points.

Occasionally this can result in slightly increased accuracy in determining the point of maximum deflection. Previously, deflection not occurring at the mid-span of the member could be neglected in favour of the mid-span deflection (the one at the 3rd of 5 evaluation points)

7. Maximum Shear in the Span of Member Warning (Bug 2172)

In the case where a beam is designed where the maximum shear value is in the span of the member rather than at a support, the following warning message appeared upon  beam design:

"Warning: the maximum shear value is in the span of the member rather than at a support.  This can occur when opposing loads are applied in the same span. WoodWorks cannot correctly desgin for this situation.  Please refer to shear diagram

In the analysis diagram for shear, the diagram had the following note:

"Design shear < maximum due to notching or loads ignored within distance "d" of supports without notches".,

which contradicts the warning message .

The program in this case did not perform bearing design, despite the fact that reactions were calculated correctly.

The max shear in span is now detected and used for shear during shear design. The warning no longer appears. Bearing design is performed.

8. Number of Shear and Bending Moment Points (Change 51)

The number of points that are used to create diagrams for shear and bending moment has been increased from 12 to 24. This does not affect the calculation of maximum shear, which is at the support, nor of maximum bending moment, which uses discontinuities, supports, and the intercept of the shear diagram. The number was increased only to enhance the graph quality.

9. Design Shear for Non-critical Supports in Shear Diagram (Change 56)

Small blue dots have been added to the shear diagram to show the design shear at each support.

In version 8.3, only the maximum design shear is shown as a big red dot.

10. Shear Response Ratio for Point Load Near Support (Bug1801)

When a large point load is located near a support, the program can design for a load combination other than the critical combination in the design search, but design for the critical load combination in the design check. This can result in passing sections in the design search failing the design check, and vice-versa.

11. Shear Diagram with Notches (Change 57)

The presence of notches on a member was causing the shear diagram's dotted line representing the shear @ d line to draw randomly within distance "d" of the support.  It was not properly including self weight near supports in the drawing when notches were present.

The program no longer shows the shear-at-d dotted line for notched supports.

12. Notch Points of Interest (Change 55)

Notches that were created then deleted created Points of Interest at the notch locations that were not cleared out.  This has been corrected.

13. Removal of UBC (Change 61)

The design provisions and load combinations from the Uniform Building Code (UBC 1997) are no longer available. Since the IBC and ASCE 7 now have identical load combinations, the Load Combinations from… selector has been removed from the program.

UBC designs made with previous versions of Sizer will still design using UBC load combinations and provisions. To change to IBC/ASCE 7, it is necessary to open a version of Sizer 8.3 or before, change to IBC, and save the file.  

14. Removal of References to AF&PA (Change 54)

We changed all references to AF&PA (American Forest and Paper Association) in the software to refer to AWC (American Wood Council) only, as these organisations have parted company and only AWC will continue the association with WoodWorks.

B. Loads and  Analysis

1. Earthquake Loads  (Feature 106)

Earthquake loads and the associated load combinations have been added to Sizer version 9 USA.

a) Input

In Beam Loads view, Column Loads view, and Concept Mode loads view, the load type Earthquake

is appended to the existing list of loads, for beams, columns, and in concept mode. It is available for all distributions.

b) Load type Identifier

The load type symbol E = earthquake has been added to the one-line legend in Analysis and Additonal Data .

c) Earthquake Load Combinations

The program includes those load combinations those derived from varieties of live loads like Impact loads and Live roof loads

The load combinations are shown as e.g. D + .75 (S + L + .7E), not D + .75 ( S + L ) + .525E. This corresponds to the  D + .75 ( S + L) + .75 (0.7E)  combination in ASCE 7 design code.

 It appears in

-         Additional data of Design Check for critical combination

-         Analysis diagrams, critical combination

-         Analysis diagrams printout for all combinations

-         Analysis diagram load combination list

-         Analysis report list of combinations

d) Design Considerations

All design criteria are examined for earthquake loads, including deflection design..

For Load Duration factor CD , the program continues to use the  Ten minutes Wind/Seismic input for both wind and earthquake loads, it  does not allow independent input of Load Duration factor in loads view for wind and seismic. Note that NDS recommends the same factor – 1.6. (Table 2.3.2)  

e) Load Diagram

In the loads diagram in beam and column view, the colours used for each load type have changed. Impact, roof live and live loads are shown as varying shades of green as they are varieties if live loads.    Earthquake loads are coloured dark purple.

2. Adding Moments Directly to Members (Feature 20)

It is now possible to enter externally applied moments at specific locations along beams and members, for all the Sizer load types. This feature is allows you to model situations where a member with a rotationally fixed connection is connected to the member being designed, and imparts a moment to the member. It also allows you to model the case where a column supports a beam at midspan, resulting in an eccentric axial load that imparts a moment. 

Applied moments can be added to both beams and columns, but not in Concept mode.

a) User Input

In both Beam Column Load view, the selection  Applied Moment is added to the end of the Distribution drop list, as shown below for beam loads view.

The activation of the various input fields is similar to that for point loads, with the magnitude showing the kN-m, lbs-ft, or kip-ft.

b) Load Input drawing

Moments are shown by a small semi-circular arc with an arrow on the end. Positive moments are clockwise, negative moments are counter clockwise. Each moment is dimensioned similar to point loads.

The moments are not scaled as to magnitude; all moment symbols in a drawing have the same size.

In Beam load view, the applied moment is always drawn on top of the member, regardless of whether the applied moment is negative or positive.

In Column load view, a negative applied moment is to the right of the member, and a positive moment is to the left of the member, similar to point loads.

c) Output Reports

The Loads table that appears in all of the output reports has been modified as to show the Moment type and the force-distance magnitudes.

d) Loads Analysis

The program includes the effect of the applied moment in the analysis of members, combining the moments appropriately with other loads in the load combination. The effects of applied moments are evident in the analysis diagrams. 

e) Design

The program currently determines the design moment, that is point of maximum moment, by using taking the moment wherever the shear crosses the axis, on the assumption that moment is a continuous function and that it is maximised where it’s first derivative, that is, shear, is zero.

This is no longer the case if there are jumps in the moment due to applied moment, so the program now inspects the locations of applied moments, as well as where the shear crosses the axis, to determine the point of maximum moment.

3. User-defined Default Loads (Feature 24)

Certain applications, like floor loading, have a standard set of loads e.g. 40 Live, 15 dead, that are mandated by design codes and standards for certain types of buildings.  This feature allows you to apply standard loads that are activated upon creation of new files and initial change of member type, to avoid the repetitive task of entering these loads for every new file created.

Different default loads can be entered for each member type in Sizer. This feature applies to Beam mode and Column mode. There are no default loads in Concept Mode.

a) Default Load File

A new binary file has been created in the Sizer installation folder called Sizer.wss to contain the default loads. It is automatically generated when the user creates default loads.

The program is not delivered with “factory” default loads. Any default loads will be created by the user.  

b) Saving Default Loads

The usual Sizer load input screen is used for default loads. Any number and type of loads shown in this screen can be saved as defaults. When you user press the "Save as default loads" button, all loads on that member are saved to the Sizer.wss file.

 You can eliminate default loads by pressing Save as default loads for a blank set of loads.

If repeating loads are included, the program includes only those repeating loads that were applied to the original member when default loads are saved.

c) Applying  Default Loads

Default loads are applied when a new file is created of a type for which default loads exist, or if you subsequently change the member type (e.g. from Beam to Floor Joist). The original default loads will be removed and replaced with the default loads of the changed type. Existing loads that are not default loads remain and appear after the newly added default loads. 

d) New files vs Saved Files

Default loads are automatically created for members that have not been saved to disk. Once a member has been saved, no loads will be automatically created or deleted.

Therefore, if you wish to suppress the behaviour of creating default loads when member type changes, you can save the file.

e) Modifying a Default Load

If a default load has been modified by pressing the modify button in Loads view, the load is no longer considered a default load.  This implies that when a default load is modified, it will not be erased if you change the type of the member.

f) Validating Default Loads

The beam configuration ( member length and bearing length and design span settings will in general be different on the actual member than on the default member for which the loads..

i. Uniform loads

Uniformly distributed line and area loads are extended or shortened to be the length of the new member.

ii. Partial loads

Partial loads whose endpoint is after the end of the member will be shortened to end at the member. Partial loads which start on or after the end of the member will not be applied.

iii. Trapezoidal or triangular loads

The magnitude of trapezoidal or triangular loads that are shortened is the magnitude at the end of the longer member. The program does not truncate the load magnitude using equal triangles.  

iv. Point loads

Point loads that are at the end of the member will be placed at the end of the shortened member. Point loads that are between the end of the shortened member and the longer member will not be applied.

Note that “end of member” means anywhere within the bearing area of the member. For unknown bearing length, it is the end of the beam. 

4. Factor for Area Load on Continuous Support (Feature 63)

This feature allows you to specify the configuration of the floor or roof area that is assumed to create an area load that is entered on a beam, so that the load from that area load is distributed to the supports via engineering mechanics rather than simple tributary width.

a) User Interface

The program previously allowed for a checkbox in the load view only indicating that the beam supported an area load from continuous members, so that the resulting line load is 1.25 times what it would be if tributary width was assumed, as for joists that are broken at the support. 

Now you can select 2 spans for the supported joists, or some other configuration. If two spans is selected, then you enter the ratio of the span lengths, and the program calculates the percent of the area load that is used to create the line load on the beam, and shows that value in the grayed out percentage input.

  If “Other” is selected, the program enables the % of area load on the beam control and then you enter the percentage.

b) Load Diagram

Previously, the conversion to the line load from the area load was not reflected in the diagram, which showed the resulting line load as if it was due to tributary width. It is now shown as the one converted using the engineering mechanics of the selected configuration, rather than tributary width.

c) Text Output

The note that appears in the loads table has been updated to indicate the percentage of area load applied.

d) Engineering Design

Previously,  the checkbox was checked, when area loads were converted to line loads, the conversion was area load intensity x tributary width x 1.25, which is twice the proportion of load taken by the centre beam support of a joist with two equal spans ( noting that the tributary width is half the full length of the supported joist. )

In order to apportion the load to the centre span for uneven spans, it was necessary to express the proportion of the reaction on the centre span in terms of the ratio of the length of the two spans, which we will term r. 

The equations for the circumstance we are modelling are found in NDS Design Aid 6, Beam Design Formulas with Shear and Moment Diagrams. These equations were adjusted to show the center reaction R2 as a ratio of the two spans:


R2 = (r3 + 4r2 + 4r + 1 ) / ( 8r (r+1) )


The line load intensity is then 2 x R2, x tributary width x area load intensity, noting that R2 is the proportion of the load on the full length that is taken up by the support, and the tributary width is half that length.

5. Components of Reactions in Design Report (Feature 137)

The program now reports the unfactored beam reactions for all load types separately, whereas in Sizer 8, unfactored bearing reactions are reported for Dead and “Other”, meaning all other load types.

Categorising them as “Dead” and “Other” did not allow the wind, live, and snow loads to be distinguished in any way on supporting members. Furthermore, the “unfactored” reactions known as “Other” were not precisely all the loads other than dead added together without factors, instead they were the loads from the critical load combination with their factors removed. This was confusing, and of little practical use.

Now you are able to do more sophisticated load combination analysis on supporting members, in particular, applying the correct load duration CD factors to sub-combinations of the loads on the member.  (e.g.Dead + Live with Cd of 1.0  vs Dead + Snow with CD of  1.15.

Note that the reactions from concentrated live loads are now reported in their own separate line as “Conc Live” , rather than being combined with other live loads.

6. Column Lateral Reactions (Change 60)

Lateral reactions for columns were using terminology and some calculations that had been transferred directly from beams, without considering the different circumstances for columns. This has been corrected as follows:

a) Title of Section.

 It is titled “Maximum Reactions” but refers only to Lateral Reactions. As this might mislead one into thinking that this section is about axial reactions as well. It has been renamed Lateral Reactions.  Note that the diagram has includes all types of reactions and is appropriately titled “Reactions”.

b) Label of Factored Reactions

 The lateral reactions for columns are marked Uplift and Total, when they really refer to reactions in the L->R and R->L directions. The word Uplift is inherited from beams, and for columns is misleading, it leads one to believe it is an axial reaction, when it is not. 

c) Load Combinations

 It is not apparent what load combination the reactions are from. This has been added to the table, to make it consistent with the beam output.  It is done separately for L-R and R->L reactions if they both exist.

d) Unfactored Negative Reactions

 Negative (right to left) values were not being included in the “unfactored” portion of the output.  This was true for unfactored uplift reactions for beams as well, and has been corrected for both.

e) Self weight eccentricity

The self-weight for columns had the same eccentricity as for other loads. It should not have any eccentricity. This created a small horizontal reaction, typically a few pounds at most, but has been removed nonetheless.  

7. Effect of Point Loads on Vertical Reactions in Analysis Table (Change 38)

In previous versions, point loads at supports were not included in the Vertical Reactions table of the Analysis report, and a warning below stated this fact. Now, the effect of point loads is included in the vertical reactions table, and the warning has been removed.

8. Beam View Load Drawing

The following problems with beam mode load drawing have been resolved

a) Load View Printing (Change 42, Bug 1564)

When printing the beam load view, the drawing area occupied by the beam and its loads is now adjusted depending on how many load types are present to make sure drawing looks reasonable. Previously the drawing was covering the entire page even if only a single load was being drawn on the beam.

This feature was not implemented for column mode, a column drawing still takes up the entire width of the printed area.

b) Negative Loads Drawing (Change 42)

A problem where the presence of negative loads on a known- width member was causing the loads to be drawn too large extending outside of the view area has been fixed. This problem affected only the screen display output, not the printed output

c) Load Type in Diagram for Point Loads (Change 48)

In previous versions of Sizer, the load type string did not show up in the load diagram for beams if only a point load was present.  This change makes the load type string appear if only a point load is present in the same way line loads are done.

9. Column Mode Load Drawing

The following problems with column mode load drawing have been resolved

a) Horizontal Scale (Bug 2170)

 The horizontal scale indicating the magnitude of the lateral loads does not always not appear if the window is maximized.

b) Axial and Point Load Type (Bug 2170)

Axial and point loads did not show the load type if only point loads or axial loads existed for that type.  The all load types except axial loads show the type of load to the left of all loads of that type if positive and to the right if negative.  Axial load type is shown below the load arrow.

b) Combining Axial Loads (Bug 2170)

If Combine loads of same type was selected, and two or more axial loads of the same type are combined, and one of the axial loads is selected, the axial load was drawn to the left of the column rather than the top, and no magnitude was shown.  The program should now shows the combined load at the top of the column as well as the magnitude of the combined load.

Axial loads are always combined in the drawing for column loads view, regardless of whether "Combine loads of same type" is checked

c) Axial Load Magnitude (Bug 2170)

The diagram did not print the magnitude of unselected axial loads if the axial load is not the selected load.  Now all axial load magnitudes are shown.

d) Negative Point Load Drawing (Change 43)

Point loads with a negative magnitude are now drawn with the end point of the drawn arrow to be to the right of the start of the arrowhead.  In previous versions of Sizer, point loads with negative magnitudes were drawn with an arrow such that the end point of the arrow was to the left of the arrowhead, and the arrow would often cross the column.

e) Eccentricity vs. Section Size (Bug 1492)*

The program now shows the eccentricity of the selected load type as proportional to the member width. Previously it was shown an arbitrary distance from the centre of the member. Axial loads that are not of the same load type as the selected appear with the rest of the loads of that type, remote from the member.

f) Negative Loads (Bug 980)*

When negative loads were placed on beam, the drawing was misplaced and not entirely visible. This has been corrected. 

10. Eccentric Axial Load Notes In Analysis Results and Diagram (Change 46)

Version 8.1 of the program (Feb 2009), started showing the M = Pe value in the column moment diagram, but did not remove the messages  and warnings describing this condition that appeared when printing analysis results.

The words  (excludes M = Pe) appeared as a  note in the analysis diagram and the words (shear and bending due to side loads only) appeared in the head of the AXIAL, SHEAR, and BENDING Values table of the Analysis results report.

These messages appeared in all diagrams and results, regardless of whether there as an eccentric axial load, and despite the fact the bending diagram and table now include the moment from an axial load when there is one. They have now been removed. 

11. Vertical Reaction Table for Concentrated Load (Bug 2141)

If a concentrated live load was added to a beam with other non-dead loads, then in the Vertical Reactions" table of the analysis report the reactions from all the of load combinations other than dead-only and those containing a concentrated live load were zero.

The program now reports the actual vertical reactions for these load combinations. 

Note that this is a reporting issue only, confined to this table. The program designed for the correct reactions, and the correct reactions appeared in the analysis diagrams and bearing results table.

12. Validating Partial Line Loads (Change 44)

Previously, when adding, removing, or changing spans, if the start point of a partial line load was at or past the new end of the member, the start point would be adjusted to be at the new member end. This results in a meaningless load with zero length.

The program now deletes any line load whose start point is at or past the new member end.  The program continues to shift line loads past the old member end to the new member end location, in order to capture point loads at the right support.

13. Concentrated Live Load Default Name (Change 37)

The default name of the concentrated live load when the Add moving concentrated live load is checked is now Concentrated.  In previous versions, the name given to the load was CL. This name can be changed in the Load Input View.

14. Snow Point Loads at Supports (Bug 2199)*

Snow point loads located at a support were sometimes being increased by 50% for bearing calculations. This occurred only when the snow load is a very small distance past the edge of the support into the beam span. 

C. Materials

1. Custom SCL Sections (Feature 151)

The program now allows the input of custom sizes for Structural Composite Lumber (SCL), that is LVL and PSL products. Previously it allowed only the section sizes in the material database.

2. Lumber n-ply Stud database for Walls (Feature 33)

Lumber n-ply studs are now available for wall design. When this material is selected, the plies become active and the program designs a multi-ply wall stud, similar to multi-ply columns or beams. 

3. Actual/Nominal Size in Output (Feature 66)

This improvement to the Design Results output shows both nominal and actual size in the materials specification, and deals with the complexities regarding unit formatting choices and regarding members whose actual size is the same as a nominal size.

4. Multi-ply Width Output (Feature 90)

This improvement to the Design Results output shows both the per-ply width and the total width for multi-ply members, and deals with the complexities regarding actual vs. nominal size, unit formatting choices and members whose actual size is the same as a nominal size.

D. Program Operation

1. Workspace (project) file (Feature 39)

The program now allows you to create a workspace file, called a Project file, that consists of one Concept mode file and any number of beam and column files. It allows you to save the project files and all its members as a group. The ability to manage the files within a project has been added to the Project Settings page.

(Note that those individual beam and column files that were previously referred to as “projects” are now referred to as member files, the word “member” meaning both a building member, and a member of a project.)

The ability to view any number of beam and column files at once is not limited to the workspace feature. Sizer also has the ability to have a number of disconnected files open. In either case, it has added the capability of being able to open, save, and close multiple files simultaneously.  (The number of files is of course limited by computer memory constraints.) 

The Project Settings page has been expanded to allow you to manage the files within a project. The four line description in that page now applies to all files within a project; the program has added a Member Description input in beam load view to distinguish between member files within the project.

a) Menus, Toolbars, and File Operations

This feature involves numerous complex and interconnected changes to the program toolbars and File menu, and to the file operations that they control. These are best described by reference to the illustrations from the program, so you are referred to the document Sizer Version 9 Features that is included with the Sizer installation for a complete description of these changes to program operation. 

b) Project Management in Project Dialog

You  can view and manage which files are in the project by clicking on the new Project button on a toolbar or by navigating in the menu bar to Settings | Change | Project Description property page.  In both cases, the Project Settings page comes up, which now includes the following inputs. .

i. Absolute maximum no of files

When a project is opened through Open or Open Project it also opens up files in the project.  The maximum number of files that a project can open is set in the Maximum number of files to open when opening project spin control.  The upper limit of the maximum number of files to open is 30. 

ii. Maximum no of files open

The default maximum number of files that are open when a project is open is different depending on the project. It is at least 1, but can be at most 30, the absolute maximum number of files.

iii. Project List

The Project Description dialog page also provides a multi-select list box that allows you to view files in the project, as well as files that do not have a file location and are unsaved.

First listed are files that have been previously saved to disk and have a file location.  The rules of how this file is displayed are as follows:

Files that are currently open in the program are indicated with a *

Only the filename is used if the file resides in the same folder as the project file

If the file resides in a different folder than the project file, the absolute file path (including the file location) is used to display in the list box

Next listed are files that are new files that have not been saved to disk (and thus do not have a file location).  These files are displayed with the title of the document e.g. Beam1 enclosed in square brackets [].

Since this listbox allows the selection of multiple items, operations related to managing a project can be applied to multiple files at a time.

iv. Remove from Project

This button is enabled only when there is an item selected in the Project Description listbox.  For each file that is selected in the list box it will:

Close each file, prompting only if it has been modified, the same as Close File behaviour as in Error! Reference source not found..

For each file closed this way, the file will also be removed from the project.  Note that new files that have not yet been saved will simply be closed (since they were never part of the project). 

If the user clicks ‘cancel’ in any of the prompts, the process of removing from the project will halt.

v. Open

This button is enabled only when there is an item selected in the Project Description listbox.  For each file that is selected in the list box it will open each file if the file has not yet already been opened.

The first file that is selected in the list box (that is, the topmost file), regardless of whether or not it was opened prior to the user clicking on the open button, will be activated.

vi. Close

This button is enabled only when there is an item selected in the Project Description listbox and that is also open (this can either be a file marked with a * or a file enclosed in square brackets []).

For each file that is selected in the list box, it will close each file, prompting only if it has been modified.

If the user clicks ‘cancel’ in any of the prompts, the process of closing files from the project will halt.

c) Project Information

In previous versions, you modified project description for a file in the Project Description settings.  When generating a Design Result output or Design Check output, the project description was displayed in the top upper left corner. Each file had maintained its own project description.

The project description is now identical for all files in a project.  This is enforced in several ways when a project is open:

-         Each new file that is created or existing file that is opened when a project is open, or file that is imported into a project, inherits the project description from the project

-         Whenever the project description changes, which is done by modifying Line 1, Line 2, Line 3 and Line 4 of the Project Description dialog page, all open documents will be modified with the new project description. 

Files that are part of the project, but not opened, will not have the Project Description changed.

There is no warning when the project description is be erased and replaced with the new one.

When a project is not open, program operation is identical to existing behaviour and the project description can be different for each individual member file that is open.

2. Member Description (Feature 45)

In previous versions, the Project Description in the Design Settings  was unique to a file that represents a single building member.  You could use this input to describe the building project then describe the particular building member

Now, all files in a project to share the same project description, so an input has been added to distinguish individual beams or columns from the rest of the project. A  Description field has been placed into each of Beam Mode and Column Mode materials input screen. It is used to enter text that appears in the Design Results  and Design Check output..

There is no member description for concept mode.

The limit for a member description is 70 characters in order to display properly on a single line in each of the output reports. The output appears in slightly larger font above the line that gives the material specification for the member.

3. Database Editor Button (Feature 59)

WoodWorks Database Editor was not visible to many users when accessed only from the Windows Start menu. To increase the visibility and use of this tool it was placed in the main Sizer toolbar.

4. Apply Settings to Concept Mode (Change 49)

As some of the settings can be changed only via input fields in beam and column modes, a button has been added to beam and column load view sayingApply Options to Concept Mode.”. This button then applies these settings to the open concept mode file. The settings affected are

-         Self-weight

-         Line Loads applied over design span only

-         Long-term deflection factor

-         Use L+0.5D for deflection

-         Load duration factors CD

-         Temperature

5. Separate Settings for Individual Open Files (Change 49)

Previously, a beam, column and concept mode file opened simultaneously would share the same set of settings; and if one was opened when another was already open, the program would ask which set of settings would be used for all of the open files. A file saved at this point would possibly have its settings permanently altered by the ones from another open file. 

As the program now allows many files to be open, and these files to be all part of a single project, the program allows all but the company settings (and Project if a project file is open) to be unique to each file. Then when a setting is changed, it applies to the currently selected file only.

a) Setting that can be different for each file

Any setting that can be saved to its member file can be set separately for each open file. These settings are


Project Description (if a Project is not open)
Design Notes

-         Note itself

-         Whether it is active

From Design Settings:

-         Ignore Cantilever Deflection in Design

-         Fire endurance rating

-         Minimum Bearing length

-         Use minimum bearing length in design span calculations.

From format Settings:

Unit System

Allow Ft, Inch, 16 input (moved here from Preferences)

All “Settings” and options found in Load Input View . 

b) Settings that are the same for each file

Settings that are not saved to project file will change for each open file when they are changed in one file. These settings can also be changed when no files are open and will apply to any file that is later opened.  These are

Company Information

All Preference Settings

From Design Settings:

Report Dead load Deflection

Report interior and cantilever deflections separately

Default deflection limits.

Format Settings

-         All Imperial formatting options,

-         Font size,

-         Fit to print on one page

6. Warning message on Save as Default and Restore Factory Settings (Change 47)

Several items that operate as settings are in the to the main screen for accessibility, and it was not apparent that the Save as Default and Restore Factory settings  items from the Settings menu applied to these. Therefore the warning message that appears when one of these items is selected has been changed to indicate what items from beam and column mode are updated. 

It was also not apparent that merely restoring factory settings will not persist when closing a file unless you press Save as Default. Therefore the explanation for Restore Factory Settings now indicates that it is a two-step process to then save the restored settings as a default for new files.

The warnings list the options affected. These are


-         All Settings except Project Information

-         From Load View:

-           Self-weight

-            Line Loads applied over design span only

-           Long-term deflection factor

-           Use L+0.5D for deflection

-            Load duration factors CD

-           From Beam View:

-            Span Type

-           Temperature

New line has also been added to the warning explaining that Save as default is needed to be invoked after Restore Factory Settings for the action to apply to new files in the future.

7. Save to File Note in Settings Input (Change 58)

Messages were added to the bottom of the settings pages indicating which ones are saved with the project files. In addition, the View settings were given the message about saving as default for new files that the other ones had.

8. Order of Beam and Column Mode Preference Settings (Change 52)

The order of the Beam and Column Mode preferences settings has been changed and wording of a few have them has changed to make them more accurate.

The setting Allow span, load input in ft.in.16ths (e.g 120608) has been moved to the Format settings, as it behaved differently than the others in that it was saved to file, and is more appropriately a Format item.

9. End Notch Drawing Upon Opening Project (Bug 2065)*

After a the file is saved and later reopened, notched ends are no longer drawn notched as they should be. Instead, a label "Notched" appeared next to the notched end(s). This has been corrected.

10. Span, Load Input When Not Allowing In Ft.In.16ths (Bug 2073)*

If "Allow span, load input in ft.in.16ths (e.g. 120608)" under Setting is unchecked, distances entered for spans and loads did not appear as entered once added. Depending how distance is formatted (under Settings->Format->Distance), parts or all of the value entered appeared as 0. Changing views caused it to appear as entered.

11. Width Input for Moving Concentrated Beam Loads (Bug 2081)*

When 'Add moving concentrated live load' is checked in Load view for a beam, the unit label for Width is 'in' in imperial, and 'mm' in metric, but values entered were actually measured in 'ft' and 'm', respectively. Now the values are entered in mm and inches, as it says in the label

12. Restore Factory Settings for Column Self-weight (Bug 2093)*

Selecting "Restore" under the Settings menu did not restore "Self-weight" radio buttons in Loads View for Column mode to the factory default values. This has been corrected.

13. Load View Checkboxes in Points of Interest View (Bug 2051)

In Beam Mode, the following checkboxes were visible in Points of Interest View under "Options" even though they are unrelated to Points of Interest View. They are:

All live loads are construction loads

Enter point load as UDL, using spacing to convert

Area loads on continuous support (two equal spans)

14. Save Prompt for Unmodified New Beam Files (Bug 2118)

When a new beam mode document  is created and then immediately closed, Sizer prompted with a warning message asking whether the file should be saved. This has been corrected, and the program closes the file without prompting.

15. Custom Version Web Page Link (Change 59)

A link has been added to the Help menu called Custom Versions of Sizer, that leads to the WoodWorks web page for custom versions of Sizer.

16. Load Input in Sixteenths Setting Location (Change 29)*

The settings checkbox "Allow span, load input in ft.in.16ths" has been moved from the Preferences settings to the Format settings, as it is related to unit formatting. 

E. Concept Mode

1. All Load Types in Concept Mode (Feature 106)

This feature allows for the entry of all load types to concept mode, not just live and dead loads, and the tracking of these loads throughout the structure, reconstructing load combinations on supporting members.

You are now able to enter Dead, Live, Snow, Wind, Roof Live and Impact loads, similar to beam and column modes.

Loads of the new types are distributed independently through the structure as unfactored loads via the load type reaction component at supports. The reactions at the base of columns are now shown for all load types separately.

In previous versions of Sizer, if a live load was on the top level in concept mode, it was treated as a snow load during analysis.  This has been removed, as snow load entry is possible. Sizer converts live loads on the roof from files from previous versions to snow loads.

2. Copy Building Levels (Feature 112)

When creating a new level in Concept Mode, you are now afforded the option of copying all the beams, columns, joists , walls and and loads from another level when creating a new level.  Unlike Shearwalls, which can only extend the first level upwards, this feature allows for insertion of levels in between existing levels or as a ground floor level.

To ensure members are supported on the new level, the program can only insert adjacent levels, for example, it cannot copy level 1 and place it on level 3, as there is no guarantee the members on level 2 would properly support level 3. Two identical levels will always be supported if they are adjacent. 

This feature revives and improves upon the copying of levels that existed in Version 1 of Sizer, but was thence dropped.

a) Operation

A checkbox reading Copy selected level when adding has been placed in the Floor and Roof Levels dialog, which is accessed via the Change Level button in the Concept mode toolbar.

 If you click the Add button in the Floor and Roof Levels dialog with this checkbox selected, a level is added at a position defined by the value of the Elevation entered. It includes duplicates of all members and loads from the selected level.

b) Member names

The new members are named by the default naming mechanism as if they were entered by hand, that is, if the columns on floor 1 are c1, c2, c3 and c4, those on the copied level on floor 2 are c5, c6, c7 and c8.

c) Roof joists vs floor joists

The program does not attempt to convert roof joists to floor joists if a roof level is copied from below, or floor joists to roof joists if a level from below is copied to the roof. The best approach is to create a ground level, create a roof, and then copy the ground level to the intermediate levels.

d) Grid point elevations

Grid point elevations are not copied, so that a sloped beam on one level will become flat when copied to another level. However, there are few if any practical circumstances where one would want to copy sloped members or surfaces.

e) Live roof loads

A live roof load copied to a level below remains a live roof load and must be changed manually.

3. Loads after Insertion of Level (Bug 2152)

In Concept Mode, if a level was inserted in between existing levels, then all loads on levels above the newly inserted level wwer moved to the top level (the roof).  This occured even if the level above the inserted level is not the roof level, and thus all loads above the inserted level which is not the roof level has no loads after the level is inserted. 

This problem has been corrected

4. Level Control in Toolbar (Change 39)

In Concept Mode, a droplist allowing you to choose the level you are viewing has been added to the toolbar at the top of Plan View. 

Previously, the only way of doing this is by going to the Floor and Roof Levels dialog, accessed from the toolbar, and the only way of knowing the level you are on is through the status bar at the bottom right corner.

Version 1 of the software allowed users to change levels from a menu item, which is a bit faster than the dialog, but this was dropped for version 2. This restores this functionality, if somewhat belatedly, for version 9.  

5. Warning on Deletion or Insertion of Level (Change 40)

The message that appears when inserting or deleting a level has been clarified and some spelling and grammar errors corrected  

6. Service Conditions on Import from Concept to Beam Mode (Bug 2181)

Beams when transferred from concept mode to beam mode were assigned the default service conditions rather than those set in the concept mode Group dialog for that beam. This has been rectified.

7. Construction Loads in Place of Live Loads (Change 83)*

Starting with version 8.1 of the program, in Concept mode the program sometimes converted live loads to construction loads before designing the member. This was not evident until you exported the member to beam mode .As a result the design values for Concept mode contain a 1.25 load duration factor, instead of 1.0, making the program design for weaker members than intended. This problem occurs intermittently and it is necessary to check Concept mode designs made with versions 8.1-8.3 to verify if the problem occurred for any of your projects.


Sizer 8.3 – February 9, 2010 - Design Office 8, Service Release 3


This version is compatible with StrucSoft’s MWF Design and which allows for communication between Revit© and WoodWorks® Sizer.



Sizer 8.2 – Design Office 8 Service Release 2 – November 17, 2009


Service Release 2 of Sizer version 8 provides the following corrections and improvements to the program:

A. Materials

1. Glulam Database Files Not Updated For NDS 2005 (Bug 1995)

For version 7 which updated the program to NDS 2005 from 2001, the column database file, Glulam-Balanced (glulamcomb.cwc) and the Beam database file, Glulam-Uniform (glulamunif.cwb) were not updated along with the rest of the database files. As a result, the list of combinations and certain design properties were from the NDS 2001 Supplement, Table 5A rather than the revised properties published in the NDS 2005 Supplement. Comparing 2005 to 2001, all allowable shear stresses were increased typically by about ten percent, so shear design using these materials will be conservative.  In addition, some combinations were dropped so the allowable weak axis bending for the corresponding stress classes had changed slightly.

Note that the uniform beam materials are typically only in those beams that have both positive and negative moment stress. The balanced column database is used only in those column applications that are subject to significant lateral loading but no axial tension.

2. Number 3 Grade Lumber (Bug 723)

No.3 grade lumber is now available for all soft lumber species. Previously it was available only for Southern Pine.

B.   Engineering Design

1.   Roof Live Loads Treated as Construction Loads with 1.25 Duration Factor (Bug 1949)

For version 8.1, construction loads (duration factor 1.25) were removed as a load type from the program and replaced with roof Live loads (duration factor 1.0), to comply with ASCE 7-05 2.4.1 and IBC 2006 1605.5.3.1 definition of load types and combinations. To allow for construction loads, a checkbox was added to indicate all live loads are construction loads.

This change made it impossible to model construction loads and occupancy live loads simultaneously, which was possible with previous versions of the program. However NDS 2005 Commentary C2.3.2 indicates that it is conventional practice to consider a roof live load as a construction load for which the 1.25 load duration factor applies, so it is in fact necessary to allow both construction roof live loads and occupancy live loads on the structure at the same time. 

To rectify this, Sizer now has a check box "All roof live loads are construction loads" which allows roof live loads to be treated as construction loads even when live loads on other parts of the structure are not.    

2. Bearing Width for Minimum Bearing Length Lb Calculation (Bug 1989)

a) Bearing Width for Members Rotated 90º 

The program was using the "b" face for the minimum bearing length calculation for a 90-degree oblique angle (plank design) when the d face is actually the bearing face. This has been corrected.

b) Bearing Width for Oblique Members Other Than 90º 

The program continues to use the "b" face for the minimum bearing length calculation oblique members rotated other than 90º, as the program does not input the actual bearing width in this case.  You must adjust the resulting bearing length for the actual bearing width compared to b.           

3.   CL Factor for Squat Glulam, SCL Beams (Bug 2001)

For glulam and SCL materials, the software did not implement NDS, which sets the lateral stability factor CL to 1 .0 when the member width is greater than the depth.  Instead, the program calculated the factor according to the rest of 3.3.3, occasionally creating a factor slightly less than 1, resulting in a slightly conservative allowable bending capacity.

4.   Sloped Member Compressive Resistance (Bug 2029)

As design proceeded from left to right for the supports on a beam, the calculation of compressive resistance at an angle to the grain F’θ using NDS 3.10.3 mistakenly tended closer and closer to the value of F’c, the resistance perpendicular to the grain. This resulted in incorrect minimum bearing length values for intermediate and right supports for sloped members.

5.   Glulam Notch Factor Note (Bug 1999)

The note that appears under the Modification Factors table for notched glulam beams in the Design Results now indicates that it is from the Expanded version of the NDS Supplement 5A table, and indicates more clearly that this factor is multiplied by the Cn factor from NDS 3.4.3.

C.   Loads Analysis

1.   Dead Line Load Reactions on Sloped Beams (Bug 2023)

Starting with version 6.4, released in July, 2006, the reactions due to dead line loads on sloped members were lower than they should be. The discrepancy is small ( less than 1%) or angles 20 degrees and less, less than 5% for angles less than 30 degrees and less than 10% for angles less  than 40%. However for larger angles, the shortfall increases such that for 60 degrees the reported reactions are only 63% of the expected reactions and for 80 degrees only 20%.  Note that dead load reactions for the same UDL on sloped members increases with the slope angle because  the dead load is measured per unit foot  along the slope.

These incorrect reactions appeared in the reaction diagram and in the reactions table of the design check report. They result in inadequate minimum bearing length design, and incorrect reactions transferred into supporting members in Concept Mode.

2. Deflection Diagram for Unknown Section (Bug 2097)*

The program no longer shows deflection result on the deflection diagram after design is performed but before a section is chosen for a design check. The deflections are not precisely known then because the stiffness EI of the member has not been established. The program was showing inconsistent results, with the deflections in the graph showing values from a different section than the maximum and critical deflections displayed.

D. Program Operation

1.   Shortcut Key for Settings Dialog (Bug 1934)

The shortcut key combination of Ctrl+V displayed in the menu, did not open the Sizer Settings menu / Change. The display has been changed to Ctrl+Q, which is the correct shortcut for the settings menu.

2.   Wall Stud Repetitive Member Updating (Bug 1991)

The repetitive member checkbox status was not refreshed when reopening an existing wall stud project.

E. Documentation

1. Design Code Info in About Box (Change 26)

The program now shows the most recent design codes implemented in the Help About box, under the version number.

2. Help File Update

a) NDS Appendix D and Supplement Table 5- Glulam E'min (Bug 1968)

This topic added to the help notes and referred to in several other places, stating:

NDS Glulam Tables 5A to 5D are not consistent with Appendix D with respect to the calculation procedure for E'min, the modulus of elasticity used for the beam stability factor CL. The NDS Tables use the equation in D-4 in NDS appendix D with a value of 1.03 to convert E' to E'min, that is, they do not use the 1.05 value for glulam specified there. The program uses the correct 1.05 value, creating a small discrepancy between the lateral stability calculated using the published table values and the Sizer software.

b) Sloped Member Load Direction and Projection (Bug 2030)

Two topics have been added to the help file to better explain assumptions regarding loads analysis on sloped members.

i. Load Direction and Projection

This topic explains the adjustments made in the analysis engine to the due to the assumption that wind loads are considered to be directed normal to the member, and all other loads vertical, and due to the fact that dead line loads are considered to be distributed along the slope wheras all other load types are distributed along the projection

ii. Adjustment to Reactions

This topic explains the further adjustments made to re-adjust the reactions that result from these loading assumptions so that they are oriented in a vertical direction and capture the entire vertical component of the applied loads.

c) Lu and Le for Glulam CL (Bug 1551)

Some outdated information regarding the unsupported and effective lengths Lu and Le for glulam lateral stability factor CL calculations was corrected. 


Sizer 8.11 – Design Office 8 Service Release 1a – March 11, 2009


c) This was an update due to the following problem introduced with Service Release 1 –


3. Live Load Transfer in Concept Mode (Bug 1932)

In Version 8.1 of the software, the live load component was not being transferred through any reaction in concept mode, that is,from beams, columns, or joists to supporting members.


Sizer 8.1 – Design Office 8 Service Release 1 – Feb 27, 2009


A. Engineering Design

1. Bearing Design Problems

a) Point Loads at Supports not included in Reactions (Bug 1819)

Starting with version 8.0, when point loads exist directly on top of supports, they were not being included in the bearing length design.

b) Self-weight in Dead Reaction Output (Bug 1821)

Starting with version 8.0, the unfactored dead reaction shown in the Bearing and Reactions output table was not including the self-weight.

c) I-Joist Bearing Design CD factor (Bug 1822)

I-Joist bearing design was not factoring the bearing capacity by the CD factor (NDS 7.32 and table 7.3.1; also AF&PA ASD Manual, Section M7.3).

d) Maximum Live Reaction (Change 25)

The maximum "live" (non-dead) reaction displayed in the Maximum Reactions table of the Design Results was being affected by the determination of the maximum total reaction, so that occasionally the value shown was not the largest non-dead reaction.  The program now reports the largest “live” reaction from any load combination.

e) Manual Self-weight  in  Bearing Design (Bug 1906)

When self-weight was set to "Manual" it was still being used in the calculations that determine maximum bearing length. The reactions reported in the Design Results were not including it, however.

2. Shear Response Ratio in Design Search with Loads Near Supports (Bug 1829)

Starting with Sizer 2004, the  program was not considering the effect on shear from excluding loads at a distance “d” during the design search, so in some instances, passing designs could have been overlooked.

It was considering these loads when doing the full Design Check, so  the shear response ratios in the Design Summary search were larger than the shear response ratio reported in the design check report when loads near supports are present.

3. Maximum Plies for Built-up Columns  (Bug 1792)

a) User Input

The maximum number of plies available for built-up columns was mistakenly reduced from 5 to 4 in Sizer 7.1.  This has been corrected; Sizer  8.1 allows 5 plies for built-up columns again, as NDS 15.3.1 allows for a maximum of 5-ply compression members. 

b) Warning Message

The warning message that used to appear in the special Warnings section of the Design Check report in the case of 5-ply columns has been changed to read that these columns are not recommended, not that they are not allowed, and to refer to the design note for more details.

c) Design Note

A design note appears under the same circumstances as the warning message described above. It says:

 5 plies may be impractical due to NDS  requirement that all nails  penetrate at least ¾ of the thickness of the last piece; a 5-ply 2x built-up column requires 7.125” nails.  Nailing individual plies together with smaller nails has not been tested to determine if the published resistance values of the built-up member are achieved.”  

d) Conditions for Appearance of Note and Message

This warning appears only when the column meets the following conditions.

i. Nailed, rather than bolted

The reason for the note is that nails long enough to comply with are not practical and not listed elsewhere in the NDS.

i. Not fully laterally supported

The exclusion for full lateral support is because, according to 15.3.1, it is possible to design using the combined resistance of the individual members, which will be the case for full lateral support and CP= 1. So the requirements for nailing in do not apply.

ii. Composed of members more than 1.25” thick

Note that the program does not attempt to prevent design with custom built-up ply sizes of less than 1.5” to comply, however an existing design note says that built-up members should be at least 1.5” mm to comply with 15.3.

4. Moment Design for Eccentric Loads on Columns ( Bug 1719)

The program now includes the moment due to eccentric column loads along with the side load moment in the design check for pure bending.   Previously, the program was not including it because the bending value without eccentricity is needed in the design for combined axial,  side load, and eccentric axial load design using NDS 15.4-1 and 15.4-2, and this was the only bending moment value the program was considering.  The program now includes eccentric moment in its design for bending using NDS 3.3 as well as implementing 15.4-1 and 14.4-2.

5. Deflection Design

a) Separate Deflection Results (Change 12)

The deflection results for the critical combination for each design criterion, live, and total are now shown in the Allowable Stress Design table. Previously, the deflection results for the critical load combination for the critical deflection criterion were reported for the other criteria as well.

b) Dead Deflection Reporting (Change 3)

Removed the setting Report dead load deflection from the Settings dialog. The dead deflection is now always output in the design report.

c) Deflection Load Combinations Reported for Concentrated Load (Bug 1855)

Starting with Version 8.0, when the moving concentrated load is added and is critical for design, the critical load combination shown in the Design Check results was always -1. This occurred for live and for total deflection. The load combination description is correct, and design is not affected in any way.

d) Default "Report separate deflections" Setting. (Change 18)

The Design setting Report interior and cantilever deflections separately can now be saved as default for new files

e) Persistence of Total Deflection Factor ( Bug 1731)

Changes to the Total Deflection Factor in Beam View would persist when a file is closed and an existing file is opened. Now, the newly opened project has its own factor.

6. Compression Parallel to Grain for Narrow Custom Glulam Columns (Bug 1685)

For custom sizes of glulam columns less than 6" deep, compression parallel to grain resistance values are from the NDS Supplement Table 5B for sections with 4 or more laminations, when they should have been using the values for 3 and less. This has been rectified.

7. Analysis vs. Design Results Title (Change 16)

Title to Analysis vs. Design results section of the Design Check report did not include units for moment. Now the units for force, moment, and deflection are all placed at the end of the title.

8. CF Factor Reporting for Combined Axial and Bending (Bug 1815)

The sawn lumber size factor  CF is  used in the calculation of Fb** in  NDS 3.9 was not being output in the table of Modification Factors in the Additional Data of the Design Check report. It is now.

9. Wall Additional Data Table Headings (Bug 1847)

In the Additional Data section of the Design Check results, the modification factor table column heading “CL/CP”  has been included for walls as well as for columns.  Previously, it was showing just "CP" for walls. . "CL/CP” indicates that the table value in that column of the table is the column/wall lateral stability factor CP for axial design criteria, or beam/joist lateral stability factor CL for lateral criteria.

10. User-entered KD in Load Combinations (Bug 1771)

The program logic assumed that the custom load duration factors you enter in Load Input view are in the same order (in terms of magnitude) as the default values that come from the NDS 2.3.2.  If the values were in a different order, the program may not select correctly the largest KD for any load in the combination.  This could create a non-conservative error, but was unlikely to happen for any common load type. This has been fixed.

11. Fire Retardant Input for SCL (Bug 1754)

The Fire retardant checkbox has been disabled for SCL materials to comply with NDS 2005 2.3.4

B. Loads and Analysis

1. Concentrated Live Load for Beams (Change C18)

Concentrated live load (safe load) previously applied only to floor joists, can now be applied to beams.  The program assumes that the entire concentrated load that you input in the Magnitude field is applied to the beam, over the distance along the beam given in the Width field. 

2. Maximum Loads Per Span (Bug 1807)

Entering more than 20 loads per span could sometimes crash the program or cause unpredictable results for load analysis. For version 8.0, Sizer restricted the user to inputting a maximum of 20 loads per span as a short-term fix.  For version 8.1 this has been fixed, and the maximum number of loads per span is now increased to 100 loads per span. This limitation is imposed during user input of loads on the member.

3. Upper Joist Area Support for Walls (Bug 1884)

In Concept mode, when a wall should have been supported by a joist area, and there were also joist areas below the wall on levels further down the structure, the wall carried through until it meets the lowest joist area, and was supported by that area instead of the one immediately below the wall. If there was a non-supporting joist area on a lower level, the wall was disqualified by that area, when it should be supported by the upper area. All walls are now supported by joist areas immediately below the walls. Note that this problem has always been in the software.

4. Roof Snow Load Transfer (Bug 1827)

a) Live loads applied to roof joists in Concept mode, which are recognized as roof snow loads, were not always transferred to supporting walls on the level below.  Note that these loads were transferred correctly to beams.

5. Factored vs. Unfactored Dead and “Live” Reactions (Bug 1867)

a) Factored Dead and “Live” Reactions

In the Maximum Reactions table of the Design Check report, the Dead  and Live reactions included the load combination factors (for the critical load combination), but the value needed is the unfactored reactions,  in order that you can transfer them to other members for analysis in Sizer without compounding the load factors.

Note that the “Live” reaction is in fact the sum of all non-dead load reactions – live, wind, snow, etc.

b) Load Combinations Affected

This applies to those load combinations that have more than one live, snow, or wind type. The program was applying the 0.75 factor according to load combinations 4 and 6 of ASCE 7 2.4.1 and IBC 1605.3.1 Eqns 16-11 and 1613.  It also applies to the counteracting dead/ wind load combination with the 0.6 dead load factor (ASCE combination 7 and IBC Eqn 16.4) 

c) Sizer 8.1 – Unfactored Reactions

The program now outputs these reactions unfactored. In order to make this more clear, the row headings "Unfactored" and "Factored" have been added to the Reactions table for dead and live reactions, and total reactions,  respectively.

d) “Live” Reaction Renamed

The load previously referred to as "Live” has been renamed "Other" because it in fact contains the sum of live, wind and snow loads..

6. Dead + Wind Load Combination for IBC and ASCE 7 (Bug 1859)

For the IBC and ASCE-7 choices of load combinations, the load combination 1.0D + 1.0W, corresponding to equation 16-12 of IBC 2006 1605.3.1, and combination 5 of ASCE 2.4.1, was not implemented by the software. Only the counteracting combination 0.6D + W was implemented.

This load combination was introduced in the 2002 version of ASCE-7, so should have been implemented by the 2004 version of Sizer for the ASCE 7,  It was first included in the IBC 2006 version, so should have been in version 8.0 for the IBC choice.

7. Impact, Construction, and Roof Live Loads (Bug 1864)

a) Live Roof Loads

What were previously referred to as "Constr." (construction) loads , with symbol C, are now referred to as Roof live" loads with symbol Lr, and are given the the load duration factor CD for live loads (default: 1.0) rather the one for construction loads (1.25). This change has been made to properly implement load combinations in ASCE 7-05 2.4.1 and IBC 2006 1605.5.3.1 containing Lr loads.

b) Construction Loads

To accommodate construction loads, a checkbox has been added to the Load Input view allowing you to indicate that all live loads are to be interpreted as construction loads and given the construction CD factor, which defaults to 1.25 from NDS 2.3.2. These changes recognise that, according to the provisions in IBC 1607.11 and ASCE 7 4.9, live roof loads are not equivalent to construction loads. However, this implementation does not allow you to design for construction and live occupancy loads simultaneously. Future versions of Sizer may allow for this if there is a demand for it.

When the construction box is checked, all live loads are renamed "Construction" loads and Live roof loads are named "Roof constr." loads, but they retain the L and Lr symbol. The "C" symbol is no longer used. The changes to nomenclature are made wherever these load type names and symbols appear in the output, for example the analysis results say "L= Construction" when the box is checked. 

c) Impact Loads

The program now treats Impact loads as any other live load for the purposes of generating load combinations, for all choices of load combination design code. Previously, for IBC, Impact loads were not being combined with Construction loads in order to implement Exception 1. of IBC 1605.3.1 regarding the combination of roof live loads with crane hook loads. (Refer to a) and b) above for the changes to live roof/construction loads).  This change recognises that according to IBC 1607.8 and 1607.12, crane hook loads are not equivalent to impact loads, and some impact loads might legitimately combine with live roof loads, as those from an elevator.

Load combinations containing impact loads continue to be given the load duration factor for impact loads, which defaults to 2.0, from NDS 2.3.2,, and Impact loads continue to be given the symbol I

d) Crane Hook Loads

Exception 1 of IBC 1605.3.1 for crane loads is no longer implemented in the software, as crane loads are rare on wooden structures.

e) IBC vs. ASCE 7 Load Combinations

Note that changes D and E means that the load combinations generated using the IBC and ASCE 7 choices of load combination design code are now identical.

8. ASCE 7 Impact Loads Combined with Live Roof  or Wind (Bug 1870)

The load combination factor in Sizer for ASCE 7 impact loads when combined with wind loads and with construction (now live roof) loads, was 1.0, when it should be 0.75 according to  ASCE 7 section 2.4.1, load combination 6, considering that impact loads are a type of live loads according to ASCE 4.7. The load factor has been changed to 0.75 for this combination.

9. Construction Patterns in Presence of Snow Loads (Bug 1869)

Sizer did not create Construction pattern load combinations when snow loads are present, instead creating only the snow pattern combinations, even though construction patterns were created when there is no snow on the member. The program now creates patterned load combinations for Roof Live loads, which have replaced Construction loads in those combinations (see Bug 1864, above), in all circumstances.

10. Analysis of Repeating Point Loads at Supports (Bug 1828)

When repeating point loads are added and a repeating point load is created directly over top of a support, sometimes the point load was incorrectly being included in the shear analysis values and also therefore the moment values. The load drawing would also show these loads as contributing to the point load over other supports than the ones they were on.

11. Moment Results for Eccentric Loads on Columns (Bug 1719)

The program now includes the moment due to eccentric column loads In the Analysis diagram and in the Analysis results. 

Previously, the program was not including it because the bending value without eccentricity is needed in the combined axial, bending, and side load design, using NDS 15.4-1 and 15.4-2, and this was the only bending moment profile the program was considering.

C. Program Operation

1. Crash with Previous Version Concept Mode Project (Bug 1812)

After opening a concept mode project that was created with a previous version of Sizer in version 8 USA, when a load was selected, Sizer was crashing. This has been fixed.

2. Impact Load Changes to Hydrostatic Load (Bug 1824)

Starting with version 8.0, attempting to enter an Impact load on a member was creating a Hydrostatic load instead, even though Hydrostatic loads are not included in the USA version of WoodWorks Sizer. Attempts to enter such loads create instabilities in the software.

3. Roof Live Load Input (Bug 1831)

Starting with Sizer 8.0, in Concept Mode, live loads applied to roof were changing to dead loads when focus was no longer on the load.

4. Triangular Load Invalid Location (Bug 1835)

Trying to add a triangular load with zero magnitude at the end point caused an “invalid load location” message and the load was not created.

5. Point Load Entry in Kips Interpreted As Pounds (Bug 1811)

When point loads were added in Beam or Column Mode Load Input view, with Force set to Kips in the Format Settings, the program interpreted the input as pounds, despite showing Kips in the label. It showed the equivalent number of kips in the load list (input divided by 1000). This has been fixed.

6. Service Conditions, Fire Retardant and Temperature Persistence (Bug 1641)

Upon changing Material type, the  Service conditions, Fire-retardant, and Temperature (T) input fields were  being reset to default values. They now persist through a change of materials.

7. Duplicate Depths Drop-down Lists (Bug 1830)

In Beam Input view, when a range of widths are selected sometimes extra duplicate depths are listed in the depths combo-boxes.

8. Design Notes in Building Codes Box (Bug 1666)

-        Corrected typos in Building Codes box that is invoked from the Welcome to Sizer dialog box (question marks and misplaced "Design" )

-        Restored comment about Fire design using NDS 2001 not being implemented by Sizer.

9. Concentrated Load Combination Name (Bug 1896)

a) Metric Location in Name

Using metric units, the concentrated load combination name, which includes the location of the load, was expressed in whole numbers, with 0 digits after the decimal place. It now has two digits, so that a name that was previously "Lc@1” is now “Lc@1.47”.

b) Load Combination Symbol for Self-weight Only (Bug 1717)

When there is only self-weight on a member and no other dead loads, the concentrated load combination symbol in the Analysis output showed only the concentrated load, not the dead load. This has been corrected.

10. No Scroll Bar on Concept Mode Design Results Screen (Bug 1814)

When the information in a concept mode output report exceeded the height of the screen, no scroll bar was present.

D. Graphics

1. Show Wood Textures for Print and Screen Separately (Change 19)

You can now choose to turn off the display of wood textures on the beam diagram separately for screen display and printed output, as some printers malfunction when trying to display the textures. The default setting for printed output is to have the textures turned off, and for screen output, to have them on.

2. Beam Member Graphic - Range of Depths (Bug 1749)

When a range of more than one depth is entered in beam view, the Beam Drawing in Beam Mode was showing a beam that has a depth equal to the minimum depth entered. It now shows as a thin line as if the beam depth was unknown.

3. Notch Scaling (Change 9)

Notches were being drawn too long in the beam diagram so that a space appeared between bearing and notches when the notch should have been the length of bearing. This was increasingly so for larger notches.

4. Negative Deflections in Column Analysis Diagram (Bug 1774)

The deflection diagram for columns no longer shows negative numbers, which have no meaning for columns.



Sizer 8.0 – March 5, 2008 - Design Office 8


This version of Sizer implements

The IBC 2006 references the ASCE 7-05.


A description of the design code changes is given below. Other changes not related to new design codes are also listed.


Several problems with program operation have been resolved; refer to the index below for bugs pertaining to engineering design, user input, program operation, output, and graphics. You may need to re-examine past projects in light of these issues.  


Follow these links to the changes described in detail below.


A: Load Distribution    43

1. Reactions    43

2. Point Loads in Concept Mode        44

3. Uplift Loads in Concept Mode        44

B: Engineering Design            44

1. Repetitive Member Factor for Wind Loads on Wall Studs 44

2. Deflection Design    44

3. Load Duration Factor CD    44

4. PSL Data    44

5. Design Bugs           44

C: Input           44

1. Concept Mode Load Input  44

2. Load Options Data Group  45

3. Point Loads as UDL           45

4. Other Load View Improvements    45

5. Deflection Limits     45

6. Input and Program Operation Bugs           45

D: Output        46

1. Load Table  46

2. CD Factor Table in Analysis Results           46

3. Design Results        46

4. Output Bugs            46

E: Diagrams and Graphs        46

1. Column Drawing     46

2. Analysis Diagrams  46

3. Drawing and Diagram Bugs           46

F: Documentation       47

1. On-line NDS 2005  47

2. Design Code References   47

3. On-line help 47


A. Load Distribution

8. Reactions

a) Joist Reactions as UDL

A new setting allows you to output bearing reactions on joists as a UDL. When activated, the program assumes that the point reaction is distributed over the distance of the joist spacing.

b) Maximum 20 Loads Per Span*

A new restriction limits the user to entering a maximum of 20 loads per span.  Having more than 20 loads per span was causing unpredictable results. (Note that this restriction was eliminated for version 8.1, as the problem causing the unpredictable results was fixed ) 

9. Point Loads in Concept Mode

a) Input

Input of point loads is now possible in concept mode, as described in section on Input below.

Point loads are possible for any load type

b) Application

Point loads can be applied to beams only.

A point load added at the intersection of beams will be applied to the beam with the highest load transfer number.

A point load added to a beam at a column support point will be transferred first to the beam, then to the column. 

c) Distribution

Point loads are distributed to supporting members via the contribution of the load to reactions at supports.

10. Uplift Loads in Concept Mode

a)  Input

Uplift loads are now possible via the input of a negative number, for any load type and any distribution. 

b)  Distribution

Uplift loads area distributed to supporting members via the same mechanisms as downward loads. Unfactored uplift reactions for each type are distributed to the supports. 

F. Engineering Design

1. Repetitive Member Factor for Wind Loads on Wall Studs

The program now implements the design provision from IBC 2306.2.1 and AF&PA Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic, which changes the repetitive member factor for wall studs based upon wall stud size.

a) Checkbox in Column Mode

A checkbox in Column mode is used to indicate whether the member meets the sheathing requirements of the above design code clauses.

b) System factors

The system factors from tables 2306.2.1 (IBC) and (SDPWS) with factors ranging from 1.5 for 2 x 4 studs and 1.15 for 2 x 12 and higher, are implemented when the following is true:

-        the Repetitive Member checkbox is checked

-        sheathing conditions checkbox is checked

-        the joist spacing is no more than 16”

c) Load combinations

The system factor is applied only to design for those load combinations which contain a wind load. Other load combinations use the 1.15 system factor.

2. Deflection Design 

a) Default Deflection Limits Input

Sizer now allows input of default deflection limits in the Design Settings for each combination of member type and deflection criterion (live and total).  Refer to section on User Input below for the input mechanism

b) Factory Default Deflection Limits

The “factory” default limits when the program is shipped or the default deflection limits setting is reset, are


-        Beams, solid floor joists:      Live = L/360, Total = L/180

-        Floor I-joists:                        Live = L/480, Total = L/240

-        Roof Joists:                          Live = L/240, Total = L/180

-        Columns, studs:                   Live = L/180, Total = L/180


Previously, the total limits for beams and joists was L/240.

c) Analysis Diagram

The program now allows you to view live and total deflection results separately in the Analysis Diagrams. See the section on Graphs and Diagrams below for details. 

3. Load Duration Factor CD

a) CD in Analysis Results.

The program now a table of the CD value used for each load combination in the Analysis Results. The table is described more fully in the section on Analysis Output.

4. PSL Data

All values in the generic sample PSL database files have been updated.

5. Design Bugs

a)  Custom Section Depth Message for SCL Design (Bug 1750)

The program was sometimes giving the message “Can’t find section” instead of the correct, more informative message when a design was attempted with an SCL section smaller than the minimum in the database.

b) Plies in Sections in Full Design Results

When a range of plies beginning with one ply is entered, the program did not cycle through the number of plies greater than 1 and failed to find multi-ply solutions that pass the design check when a specific number of plies is selected.

c) KB Factor for Multiple Spans*

The bearing area factor KB  was being compounded on each support from left to right, causing allowable bearing lengths to be increasingly smaller than they should for the rightmost spans on the beam.

G. Input

1. Concept Mode Load Input

a) Load Distribution Input – Point Loads

-         Added the Distribution input field, with the choices Line, Area, and Point.

-         Point loads could not previously be input in Concept Mode

-         Unit label changes to lbs, kips, or kN when point loads selected

b) Graphical Input of Point Loads

-           Point loads are entered by clicking on a beam at a gridpoint location with the Distribution field set to Point. A single- or double- click is used according to a Preferences setting.

-        -        Double-clicking is the only way to add another point load to a point where a point load already exists.

c) Display and Selection of Point Loads

-        The program shows the point load as a coloured circle, blue if not selected, red if selected.

-        Point loads are selected by clicking on an existing point.

-        Cycle through coincident points by repeated clicks, or by selecting the point load from the load list.

d) Uplift Loads

For Concept Mode, we now allow input of negative numbers in the Magnitude field for uplift loading. These loads were not previously possible in Concept mode.

e) Beam Line Loads

Double clicking now always creates a full UDL on a beam in Concept Mode. Previously, this was dependent on a Preference setting.

2. Load Options Data Group

Several of the checkbox settings regarding load entry and processing have been grouped in a data group box called Options and data labels have been expanded to be more explanatory.

a) Load Entry

-        The existing Concentrated load check checkbox. It has been renamed to 

Add moving concentrated load

-        A new checkbox called

Enter point load as UDL, using spacing to convert

whose functionality is described in a section below.   

3. Point Loads as UDL

An input field called

Enter point load as UDL, using spacing to convert

has been added to the Options data group, with the following properties.

a) Loads affected

Acts individually on each load, according to setting when the load created or modified.

b) Distribution

-        Distribution changes in load list changes to “Point UDL” from “Point Load” when load created or modified with setting checked.

-        Distribution in input field always says “Point Load”.

c) Magnitude

Magnitude label changes from kN, lb, kip, to kN/m,  lb/ft, kip/ft.

Existing data in Magnitude input field is converted when button is checked

Must click Modify to convert existing load.

4. Other Load View Improvements

a) Tributary Width Warning

The warning regarding change in tributary width no longer appears when selecting different member types, even if the default joist spacing is different in the new member types.

5. Deflection Limits

a)  Default Deflection Limits

A new feature allows users to enter default deflection limits in the Design Settings, in order that the program starts up with the deflection limits appropriate to structures you most often design. A total of 12 limits are set for the combination of  

-        Beams and solid floor joist

-        Floor I-joists

-        Roof joists

-        Columns and wall studs


-        Live

-        total

deflection criteria.

These limits are imposed upon opening a new project or change in member type.

b) Factory defaults.

The program comes with default limits, given in the section on above, that are reset when “Restore Original Settings” is checked.

 Preference Settings

c) Bearing reactions

A setting has been added called

Express bearing reactions on joists as UDL.

It’s effect is described in the section on Design Output. 

d) Single- or double-click

This Preferences setting has been revised slightly to say

Double-click to create gridlines, columns, and point loads.

Its effect has changed slightly, see section on Point Loads in Concept Mode above.

6. Input and Program Operation Bugs

a) Load Distribution after Change in Wall Stud Spacing (Bug 1781)

When the stud spacing was changed on walls with existing trapezoidal or triangular loads,  the end load  magnitude was made the same as the start magnitude, creating a UDL .

b) Joist Load Deletion on Member Type Change (Bug 1741)

Loads are no longer deleted when switching from Joist member type to Beam member type in Beam View.

c) Service Condition and Treatment Persistence  (Bug 1641)

Upon changing Material Type, the Service conditions and Treatment input fields were being reset to default values. They now stay the same as they were.

d) Non-editable Material Fields in Database Editor

For the Standard database files, the Material Type radio buttons and Multi-ply checkbox are no longer enabled.

e) Entering Custom Joist Spacing*

Entering a custom joist spacing by typing in the Joist Spacing dropdown edit field was very difficult because the last digit  typed always appeared first in the number that is displayed, and because typing just one number often caused the program to select one of the two-digit numbers from the list. This has been fixed.

H. Output 

1. Load Table

This refers to the list of input loads that appears in the Design Results, the Design Check Calculation Sheet, and the Analysis Results in Beam and Column modes.

a) Units

-        Added Unit for all members (previously Units was limited to single span members).

-        The units have been removed from the title to the table.

b) Reorganisation

-        Pattern column  is now next to Distribution

-        Magnitude column now comes after Location.

-        Placed Units beside the Magnitudes they refer to.

c) Formatting

-        Load name column reduced slightly, but still fits maximum allowable load name (15 chars.) 

-        Distribution text now lines up with border, like all other columns

-        Corrected problems with certain data not fitting within columns.

-        Changed e.g. (Eccentricity = 100.00 mm )  to  (Ecc.  = 100 mm) and made it fit within the “Location” column

d) Notes under Table

-        If there is at least one area load this note appears for the setting “Area loads on continuous span” 

Beam is a continuous support for all area loads (two equal spans)..

2. CD Factor Table in Analysis Results

The program now outputs tables at the end of the Analysis Results showing the duration factor CD used for each load combination generated for the project. 

Thist table lists the load combination numbers, the combination, and the CD factor for that combination that is used in design.

3. Design Results

a) Order of Moment and Shear  in Force vs. Resistance Table

Reversed the order of the moment and shear output in the Additional Data section of the Design Check output to make it consistent with the ordering elsewhere in the text output.

b) Bearing and Reactions Table

The following changes have been made to the Bearing and Reactions table of the Design Check report:

-        A line showing the bearing factor CB is output even when they are all 1.0. 

-        Joist reactions can now be expressed as plf, kips/ft, or kN/m, that is, as line loads, using the joist spacing to convert from point reactions to line loads.  

-        Renamed and moved load combination row; added a '#' in front of the load combination number, (eg. #2)

4. Output Bugs

a) Precision of Feet-Decimal-Inch Distances

The precision of the feet-decimal-inch length display is increased from one- to two-digit precision. It effects decimal formatting only, not fractional formatting. The display of span lengths, load locations points of interest in beam view, load view, and point of interest view, will have two-digit precision.

b) Fastener Output

Built-up fastener specification is no longer output for one-ply members in Design Check output material details section.

I. Diagrams and Graphs 

1. Column Drawing

a) Base and Top

The column drawing in the Design Check report, which is oriented horizontally, now shows “Base” and “Top” on the left and right ends.

2. Analysis Diagrams

a) Load Combination Description

-        Shows load combination for bending, shear, and bearing, and serviceability combination for deflection.

-        Now shows location of critical load for concentrated live loads.

b) Deflection Criteria

The program now allows you to view Live andTotal Deflection graphs separately:

-        a dropdown box called Deflection results allows you to choose the deflection criterion shown

-        Title of the graph reflects the diagram shown, e.g. LIVE DEFLECTION

-        The deflection graph that first appears is the one for the critical load criterion.

3. Drawing and Diagram Bugs

a) Position of Support Drawing in Beam View

The drawing of the support triangles in beam view were not being centered properly in the bearing area. They have been moved over slightly to the correct position.   

J. Documentation

1. On-line NDS 2005

a) Adobe Acrobat 8

The on-line design code now works with the most recent versions of Adobe Acrobat.

2. Design Code References

a) Welcome Box

A note been added to both the Welcome box and giving the editions of the IBC, UBC, and NDS used in the program, referring to the Building Codes box for further information. 

b) Building codes box

The explanation of the implementation of these codes in the Building Codes message box invoked from the Welcome box has been revised.

c) Elsewhere in program

All program references to design codes have been updated, for example in the design settings input, the design results output, and in warning messages.

3. On-line help

a) Review

The on-line help has been reviewed to make sure it is up-to-date with current program operation and current design code references.

b) HTML Help

The Help system used is now HTML Help, which is compatible with the Windows Vista operating system, as well as previous versions of Windows

c) Release Notes

The release notes describing all changes to the program are now in the html file New Features, which is included with the installation, rather than in the Read Me notes. 


* Added, Feb 2009

Version 7.1 - July 26, 2007 - Design Office 7 (Service Release 2)

  1. SCL Bending Moment Design

The Cv factor for structural composite lumber (LVL and PSL)  was being applied twice whenever Cv was > 1.0, so that the increase in moment resistance was the square of the Cv factor. This created a non-conservative  error in bending moment design of between one and 10% for members less than 12” in depth.

  1. SCL Bending Moment Design*

In Loads View the" Load combinations from…" dropdown box had an option for "ASCE 7-98" instead of "ASCE 7-02".

  1. No. Of Plies in Full Design Results*

The program did not cycle through the number of plies in the design search when the range of 1 to any number was entered in beam view.


* Added, Feb 2009


Version 7.0 - November 8, 2006 - Design Office 7

A.    Design Codes

1.      Design codes referenced

a.       Building codes box

Updated explanation of design codes referenced in Design Codes box accessed from Welcome box.

b.      References to NDS

The references to NDS in the design, design check, and analysis program output files has been changed from NDS 2002 to NDS 2005.

2.      On-line Design Code

An updated NDS 2005 on-line .pdf document is accessed from Connections Help menu, and status bar description. The NDS 2005 and NDS Supplement and have been combined into one document, and the NDS 2005 Commentary is now added in the same document.

3.      On-line Help

Sizer on-line help has been modified to indicate the NDS 2005 design code clauses implemented in the program.

B.     Materials Database

1.      Dimension lumber

a.       Alaska species

Added the species Alaska Cedar, Alaska Hemlock, Alaska Spruce and Alaska Yellow Cedar to the lumber joist database (Other Species).

b.      No 1 & Better for D-F (N) and H-F (N)

Added grade "No. 1 & Btr" to the Douglas Fir-Larch (North), and Hem-Fir (North) species to the database files for joists, beams, columns, multi-ply beams, multi-ply columns and walls.

c.       Baldcypress Column Specific Gravity**

For columns, the specific gravity for species Baldcypress was read from the materials database as zero instead of 0.42. This resulted in the non-conservative error that the self-weight was calculated as zero.

d.      Baldcypress Joist Design Values

Baldcypress joist materials had all design values set to zero, causing divide by zero design errors, for all grades and sections.

2.      Mechanically Graded Dimension Lumber

The following changes are from NDS 2005 Supplement Table 4C Footnotes, Note 2, and necessitated the following changes to the built-up beam, joist, and wall database files for this material:

a.       Douglas Fir-Larch (N) Elasticity ranges

The Douglas Fir-Larch (N) E ranges are now E 1.2 to 1.9, E 2.0 to 2.2, and E 2.3 and higher, instead of E 1.0 and higher , and some values have changed, as follows:

-      The following grades with E value less than 1.2 million have been removed from the database:

MEL M-5, M-6, and M-7; MSR 900f-1.0E.

-      For the following grades with E from 2.0 to 2.2, G and Fcp were changed to .53 and 715 respectively from 0.49, and 635:

MEL M-25, M-26 and M-27; MSR 1750f-2.0E, 2250f-2.0E-1600ft , 2250f-2.0E, 2400f-2.0E, 2500f-2.2E, 2500f-2.2E-1925ft, 2550f-2.1E, 2700f-2.0E and 2700f-2.2E.

-      For the following grades with E 2.3 million and higher, G, Fv and Fcp were changed to .57, 190, and 715 respectively from 0.49, 180, and 635:

MSR 2850f-2.3E and 3000f-2.4E.

b.      Spruce-Pine-Fir Elasticity Ranges

The lowest Spruce-Pine-Fir E range has changed from           E 1.0 and higher to E 1.2 and higher.

Therefore, the following grades with E value less than 1.2 million have been removed from the database:

MSR 900f-1.0E; MEL M-5, M-6 and M-7.

c.       Hem Fir Fv values

MSR Hem-Fir values for Fv were changed to 190 for the following MSR E 2.3 and E 2.4 grades:

2850f-2.3E and 3000f-2.4E.

3.      Visually Graded Timbers

The following changes were made to the beam and column database files for timber (Other Species):

a.       Alaska Cedar

The Alaska Cedar species was added, with SS, No.1, and No.2 grades, and both size classifications Posts and Timbers and Beams and Stringers

b.      Redwood No.2 Fb and Ft

Redwood No.2 values changed as follows

-      Fb was changed from 975 to 1000

-      Ft was changed from 650 to 525.

4.      Glulam Stress Classes

The following changes were made to the balanced and unbalanced beams and balanced columns materials:

a.       16F-1.3E Stress class

For the 16F-1.3E stress class, specific gravity G was changed from 0.35 to 0.42.

b.      Fvx and Fvy

The Fvx and Fvy values were increased by approximately 10% for all stress classes: 16F-1.3E, 20F-1.5E, 24F-1.7E, 24F-1.8E, 26F-1.9E, 24F-1.8E SP, 24F-1.9E SP, 26F-1.9E SP, 28F-2.1E SP and 30F-2.1E SP.

5.      Glulam Table 5A Combinations - Softwood Timber Stressed in Bending

a.       New Combinations

To the unbalanced beams database file:

-      The combinations 26F-V1 DF and 26F-V2 DF have been added to the Western Species group.

-      The E value for combination 20F-V3 SP/SP was changed from 1.4 to 1.5.

b.      Fvx and Fvy increases

For all balanced and unbalanced beams and columns, all the values shear strength values Fvx and Fvy have been changed. In general they have increased approximately 5-15%. .

Note that the 24F-V5 DF/HF - Fvy value was 180 in 2001 NDS but was 170 in database. It is now 190.

c.       24F-V4 SP Fby

For the unbalanced beam combination 24F-V4 SP, the y-axis bending Fby value has changed from 950 to 1050

d.      Deleted combinations

-      The following combinations have been deleted from the unbalanced beam materials: 16F-V2, 20F-V2, 20F-V4, 22F-V2, 20F-V10, 22F-V3, 22F-V10, 24F-V2, 24F-E5, 24F-E14, 22F-V1, 22F-V3, 22F-V4, 22F-E1, 24F-V11, 24F-E2, 24F-E3, 24F-E1 and 24F-E2.

-      The following combinations have been deleted from the balanced beam and column materials: 16F-V7, 20F-V8, 22F-V8, 22F-V5, 22F-E3 and 24F-E10.

e.       Combination 16F-V3 DF

The unbalanced beam combination 16F-V3 DF is in neither the 2001 or 2005 NDS, but is a valid material according to AITC. For this material, the Fvx value has been changed from 240 to 265, and the Fvy value has been changed from 210 to 230.

f.        Combination 24F-V4 SP Specific Gravity

For both NDS 2001 and 2005, the side face specific gravity for the unbalanced combination 24F-V4 SP is .43, but it was listed in our database as .55. This has been corrected.

6.      Glulam Table 5B Combinations - Softwood Timber Stressed Axially

a.       New combinations

-      The following visually graded southern pine combinations have been added:

47 1:8 N2M, 48 1:10 N2D10, 48 1:8 N2D, 49 1:12 N1M12, 49 1:10 N1M, 50 1:12 N1D12 and 50 1:10 N1D.

-      The combination 47 1:10 N2M10 is new to NDS 2005 but was already in the database. The Ft value was changed from 1200 to 1150, and the Fvx and Fvy values changed

b.      Deleted combination

The E-Rated Southern Pine combination 53 SP 1.9E2 was removed.

c.       Name changes

-      The name of combination 5 DF L1 was changed to 5 DF L1D.

-      The combination named 4 DF L1 in our database was corrected to 4 DF L1CL

d.      Fvx and Fvy values

The values Fvx and Fvy (4 or more laminations) have been updated for all combinations. For 2 and 3 laminations, the lamination factors have been adjusted for these sections to be .84 for 2 laminations and .95 for 3 laminations, for all combinations. In NDS 2001, these values were tabulated. .

e.       Fvy for Multiple piece laminations, not edge bonded

The program was modified to implement the factor for multiple piece laminations, not edge bonded, correctly. It had been applying the 0.8 factor in footnote 1 for 5, 7, and 9 laminations and 0.66 for 3 laminations but was not using the reduced-by-half values in the column for multiple piece laminations.

The program now implements the factors .33, .4, and .5 for this situation, for 3 laminations, for 5, 7, and 9 laminations, and all other numbers of laminations respectively.

This error caused the weak axis shear resistance for these members to be double what it should have been in the Sizer 2004 program.

f.        Fby for Southern Pine 48 SP N2D14

For 48 SP N2D14 the Fby values for 4 or more laminations were 1800, whereas both the NDS 2001 and 2005 it is 2000.

This was corrected.

g.      Fc for Combination 2 (DF L2)

For 2 (DF L2) the Fc values for 4 or more laminations were 1900, whereas both the NDS 2001 and 2005 it is 1950. This was corrected.

7.      Shear Modification Factor for Notching and Impact Loading

Sizer will now apply a factor of 0.72 rather than 0.8 to Fvx and Fvy for both stress classes and combinations, according to NDS 2005 Supplement Table 5A Note 4 and Table 5A Expanded Note 3.

8.      Glulam Table 5C and 5D - Hardwood

a.       Table 5C - Stressed in bending

There were no changes from NDS 2001 to NDS 2005 for these materials therefore no changes were made to the program.

b.      Table 5D - Fvy for Multiple piece laminations, not edge bonded

The program was modified to implement the factor for multiple piece laminations, not edge bonded, correctly. It had been applying the 0.8 factor in footnote 1 for 5, 7, and 9 laminations, and 0.66 for 3 laminations but was not using the reduced-by-half values in the column for multiple piece laminations.

The program now implements the factors .33, .4, and .5 for this situation, for 3 laminations, for 5, 7, and 9 laminations, and all other numbers of laminations respectively.

c.       Table 5D - Fby

For all hardwood species except for H1 and H2, the Fby value for all lamination classes has been corrected - it was in error in the last version by a factor ranging from about 0.8 to about 1.8, randomly.

d.      Table 5D - Fvy

For all hardwood species except for H1 and H2, the Fvy value for all lamination classes has been corrected - it was in error in the last version by a factor ranging from about 0.05 to 0.2, randomly.

e.       Table 5D - Fc

For all hardwood species except for H1 and H2, the Fc value for all lamination classes has been corrected - it was in error in the last version by a factor applied to it that is the value of Fc. This showed up as a lamination factor of Fc when it should be 1.0 in database editor, and a design Fc value of Fc2.

C.    Engineering Changes - NDS 2005

1.     Emin' for Beam and Column Stability Factors CL and CP

The program implements the change in the following NDS by using the Emin' value instead of the Euler buckling coefficients for beams (KbE) and columns (KcE) to calculate the Euler buckling strengths FbE and FCE . Except as noted below, the two methods are algebraically equivalent, the only difference in results ensuing from the fact that the E'min values tabulated in the NDS Supplement are rounded after being generated by the equation D-4 in Appendix D.4.

a.     Calculation of Emin'

The program uses the rounded Emin' values in order that Sizer results will accord exactly with those calculated by hand using the NDS tables. There is no Emin' value in the database files or database editor; the program instead rounds the values derived from equation D-4.

b.     Rounding of Emin'

For glulam and sawn lumber materials, the program rounds the result to the nearest 10,000 psi to be consistent with all the Reference Design Values tables in the NDS 2005 Supplement. For structural composite lumber materials such as LVL and PSL the non-rounded value is, as there are no tabulated SCL values.

c.     Glulam Differences

Two small differences between the procedure for glulam create numerical differences in the results when compared with the 2001 procedure

-      An adjustment factor of 1.05 in Equation D-4, for structural glued laminated timber, instead of the factor 1.03 used for all other materials.

-      The NDS 2005 used a limiting value of 0.418 for all materials with a CoVE of less than 0.11 to determine the KbE and KcE values, otherwise it depends linearly on CoVE. For NDS 2005, Emin' always depends linearly on CoVE . The CoVE for glulam is .10.

d.     Adjustment Factors

The adjustment factors for Emin' are CM , Ct , and Ci , the same as for E'. Sizer does not implement CT for trusses.

e.     Critical Buckling Design Value for Bending Members (FbE)

The program calculates FbE according to NDS 2005, now based on Emin' rather than KbE.

f.      Critical Buckling Design Value for Compression Members (FcE)

The program calculates FcE according to NDS 2005, now based on Emin' rather than KcE.

g.     Combined Axial and Bending

The program calculates FcE1, , FcE2, and FbE according to NDS 2005 3.9.2 now based on Emin' rather than KbE. and KcE.

h.     Built-up Columns

The program calculates FcE, , according to NDS 2005 15.3.2. This calculation implements the same calculations for FcE and rounding of Emin as above.

i.      Column Eccentricity

The program calculates column eccentricity according to NDS 2005 15.4.1. This calculation implements the same calculations for FbE and FcE and rounding of Emin as above.

j.      Output

The program displays the value of Emin and all its applicable adjustment factors on a line below those for E'.

2.     Built-up Column Cp Factor

a.     Engineering

According to NDS 2005, the adjusted compression design value parallel to grain Fc' must be the greater value of that for an individual lamination and for the entire member. This is equivalent to comparing the column stability factor Cp of each case.

Sizer compares the column stability factor Cp of a built-up column against an individual lamination of that built-up column, assuming the same lateral support for both cases. The greater Cp, thus Fc' of the two cases is used for the design.

b.     Output

The difference is reflected in both the Cp value output in the Additional Data section, and the F'c value. There is no warning or other indication that one lamination was used in place of the built-up column.

3.     Cr for I-Joists

Sizer will now set Cr for wood I-joists to 1.0, regardless of flange material and regardless of the user setting for Repetetive Member in Beam View, according to NDS 2005 7.3.6.

D.    Other Engineering Changes

1.     Continuous Area Loads

Area loads applied to beam members can now be treated as continuous loads in the direction perpendicular to the member. A checkbox has been added to Load View called

Area load on continuous support (2 equal spans).

When checked, the beam is regarded as being part of a system of 3 equally spaced supports, and all area loads are considered to be continuous when converting to a line load on the beam. The magnitude of the line load is 5/4 multiplied by the tributary width times the area load magnitude. When the box is not checked, Sizer regards the area loads as simply supported, as before, with a factor of 1 rather than 5/4.

2.     Tapered End Notches

For beams with notches on the top surface, you can specify that the notch is tapered by means of a checkbox in Beam View. The program draws a tapered notch on the appropriate end of the beam and designs for tapered notching according to NDS 3.4.3e and Figure 3e. The dn used in the 3.4.5 for compression face notches is d - DN Lb / (e + Lb), where DN is the notch depth as entered by the user, Lb is the minimum bearing length as designed by the program, and e is the unsupported notch length entered by the user.

For glulam materials the exception stated in the NDS is implemented. In the following circumstances

a.     If the notch depth is greater than 2/3 of the member depth (instead of 2/5 member depth for non-tapered notches)

The notch length, calculated as the sum of the bearing length and the unsupported length e, is greater than three times the member depth

the design check fails and the following warnings are presented to the user. The warnings read as follow

NDS Glulam tapered notch depth exceeds 2/3 of d.

NDS Glulam tapered notch length exceeds three times the depth of the member.

The program also indicates a failed design for reason of Invalid notches in the Design Check output

3.     Volume Factor CV in SCL  CL Calculation**

For SCL materials with the volume factor CV greater than 1.0, Sizer now adjusts Fb*  in NDS 3.3.3 with  in the calculation of lateral stability factor CL  as per NDS 8.3.6. Refer to http://www.awc.org/wood-design/2006/09/application-of-volume-factor-cv-for.html.

4.     Design Crash for Beams with Unloaded Spans**

In beam mode, beams that are not loaded over any span for any load combination or pattern load could cause a crash. The crash would occur when another design run was attempted. Problem introduced in Sizer 6.4.

E.    User Interface , Graphics, and Program Operation

1.     Drawing of Supports in Beam View

a.     Notched supports

Drawing of support has been moved upwards to fill out notch cavity. Notch text in diagram repositioned and reformatted.

b.     Position of Support

The drawing of the support triangles in beam view were not being centered properly in the bearing area..

2.     Precision of Feet-Decimal-Inch Distances

The precision of the feet-decimal-inch length display is increased from one- to two-digits for the display of span lengths, load locations, and points of interest in Beam View, Load View, Point-of-Interest View, respectively.

The format affected in the Design Settings is the decimal formatting; this does not affect fractional formatting.

3.     Eccentricity Input

All column eccentricity input is now displayed in decimal format regardless of the Format page setting for Section bxd when using Imperial units.

4.     I-Joist Design Note in Building Codes Box

A note appeared at the bottom of the Building Codes box that is invoked from the Welcome Dialog saying that this version did not do I-joist design according to the NDS 2001. This note has been removed, as the NDS I-joist design was implemented for Sizer 2004a.

F.    Text Output

1.     Additional Data Heading

Given that we are now placing a new line in the Additional Data output for a second modulus of elasticity value E'min, and that it is somewhat confusing that the heading for the value of E in the adjustment factors table is F, in the "FACTORS:..." heading of that table, the symbol "F" is replaced by "F/E".

2.     Load Combination Output

When reporting the combined loads (Eq 15.4-1 or 15.4-2 of NDS 2001) for columns in the Additional Data section of the Design Check output the load case description , e.g. D+L, is now output with the load combination number. Previously only the load combination number was reported.

3.     Fastener Output

Built-up fastener specification is no longer output for one-ply members in Design Check output material details section.


G.    Database Editor

1.     Glulam Fvy for Multiple Piece Laminations, Not Edge Bonded

a.     Fvy* Value

In Database Editor in the Combination dialog box, the shear design value Fvy* is now shown as half the entered Fvy, rounded to the nearest 5, consistent with NDS 2005 Supplement table values. The not-edge bonded value of Fyy from the database is no longer used.

b.     Activation of Fvy*

For custom databases, this field is always disabled in Database Editor.

c.     Note

The note has changed at the bottom of the View Stress Class or Combination Properties dialog box to explain the non-edge bonded member shear value - it is expanded to give more design code details.

2.     Data Entry ranges

The program no longer checks for limits on entered data and prompts the user to change them. It still resets certain data that are outside the range of reasonable values to zero, but has considerably relaxed the values that are allowable.

Previously, values of Fb, and Fcp, for example, were not allowed outside the range of 100 to 10,000 psi. These limits are now 10 to 100,000 psi. These changes will allow the entry and use of steel beams in the program.

3.     Cr for I-Joists

Database Editor no longer has a selection for Flange Material in the Species dialog box for I-joists, as the repetitive member factor no longer depends on flange material.


* Added, Feb 2009

** Description changed, Feb 2009


Version 6.4 - July 4, 2006 - Design Office 2004 Service Release 2

  1. Engineering Design
    1. Non-symmetric Load Analysis for Sloped Members

For any non-symmetric live or snow load on a sloped member, such as a point load not at mid-span or the supports, an unbalanced partial load, or a trapezoidal load, the program was giving incorrect distribution of reactions to the supports, and also incorrect moment and shear values. The program placed too much of the load on the support on the side of the beam with the heaviest loading. The ability to enter such loads was removed and replaced with an error message starting in June 2004. This problem has now been rectified, and the warning message and restrictions removed..

    1. Point Load Analysis for Sloped Members**

When point loads  are very close to the leftmost support in sloped spans, the program mistakenly repeated the multiplication of point load magnitude by slope factor. This resulted in a point load that was smaller than expected and resulted in an incorrect shear force diagram (i.e., it did not close properly), and in a conservative over-estimate of the maximum design moment and its location. 

  1. Program Operation
    1. Six Span Beam Crash

Designing six-span beams without right cantilever was crashing the application when trying to "Run Design"; it also was crashing when changing the cantilever setting for these members.

    1. Pattern Loads for Single Spans

The pattern load checkbox in the Loads view and the Pattern load column of the Loads Table in all output forms no longer appear when a single-span beam is input.

    1. Precision of Feet-Decimal-Inch Distances

The precision of the feet-decimal-inch length display is increased from one- to two-digit precision. It effects decimal formatting only, not  fractional formatting. The display of span lengths, load locations, webhole locations and points of interest in beam view, load view, point of interest view, and webhole view will have two-digit precision.

    1. Notches

Starting with version 6.2 notches were mistakenly activated for I-joist materials. These input fields have once again been disabled.

    1. I-joist Design Note in Building Codes Box*

A note appeared at the bottom of the Building Codes box that is invoked from the Welcome Dialog saying that this version did not do I-joist design according to the NDS 2001. As NDS I-joist design was implemented for Sizer 6.4, this note has been removed.


  1. Text Output
    1. Governing Moment on the Left Cantilever

For any beam with a left cantilever , the governing bending moment was reported as zero magnitude at location zero in the analysis results. Now it is non-zero and at the support location. This did not affect design or appear this way in the moment diagram.

    1. Load Table Units

For single span members, the units lbs, psf and plf were placed in the final column of the Loads Table in all output forms for point, line, and area loads respectively. For multi-span members, the pattern loading designator still appears there. 

  1. Member Graphics
    1. Supports Drawing when Notched

Drawing of support has been moved upwards to fill out notch cavity. Notch text in diagram repositioned and reformatted.

    1. Position of Support Drawing in BeamView

The drawing of the supports in beam view were not being centered properly in the bearing area. They have been moved over slightly to the correct position. 


* Added, Feb 2009

** Description changed, Feb 2009

Version 6.3 - March 30, 2006

  1. Engineering Design
    1. Shear Calculation for Notched Beams

The program was using shear value V at a distance d from a notched support to calculate the design shear stress fv. According to NDS, when end notches are present, fv should be based on the V at the support.

    1. Bearing Length Factor CB Restrictions
      1. The bearing lengths for the bearing factor CB were not being applied within the range of unfactored lengths from 6" to 6-3/8", which create factored lengths less than 6".
      2. The bearing length was not being considered in the distance-from-end restriction, according to NDS 3.10.4.
    2. Bearing Incising Factor Ci

The incising factor Ci has been implemented for bearing design.

    1. Bearing Cm for Sloped Members

For combined perpendicular/ parallel bearing design for sloped members, size factor CM for perpendicular bearing was applied instead to the parallel component of the load.

    1. Bearing Factor CB for Sloped Members

For combined perpendicular and parallel bearing design for sloped members using , CB factor was also applied to parallel to grain component of angle to grain contrary to NDS 3.10.4.

    1. Glulam Weak-axis Bearing Design

Glulam bearing design now uses weak-axis values Fcpy values for oblique members or planks. Previously it was using Fcp values.

    1. Minimum Bearing Length

The minimum bearing length has changed to 0.5" instead of 1"

    1. Absolute Minimum Bearing Length Reporting

The program now indicates when a minimum bearing length has been used rather than the calculated minimum bearing length with an asterisk and a note at the bottom of the bearing table.

  1. Analysis of Loads
    1. Self-weight in Load Combinations

                                                                    i.The self-weight used for bearing design reactions was not being factored according to the load combination factor

                                                                  ii.When no dead loads were present in the load combination, and the self weight was set to automatic, load combinations that include dead loads were not including the "D" in the title of the load combinations. (Eg. "D+L" showed as "L" )

  1. Program Operation
    1. Load Input in Ft-In-16ths

The Ft-In-16ths input format that previously was allowed only for spans is now implemented for load extents and points of interest.

    1. Span Input in Sixteenths of Inch Label

Setting that read "Span Input in Sixteenths of Inch" is now titled "Allow span input in ft.in.16ths (e.g. 120608)".

  1. Member Graphics
    1. Shear Diagram within Distance d of a Support

The dotted line representing the design shear as opposed to the analysis shear would meet the analysis shear line at a point past the distance d from the support, where it should be the same. Furthermore, the presence of a point of interest distorted the line unpredictably.

    1. Self-weight in Analysis Report and Analysis Diagram Reactions

When self-weight is set to automatic, the reaction diagrams for the individual load combinations included a large, arbitrary self-weight for unknown sections, when no self weight should be included. In the analysis results, the same arbitrary value appeared in the special load combination reserved for self-weight. Now, there is a note in the diagrams indicating if self-weight is included, and the analysis results report "unknown" in this case

    1. Units in Analysis Load Envelope

The analysis load envelope diagram now shows the line load units on the left of the diagram.

    1. Analysis Envelope with Area Loads

When area loads exist, the analysis load envelope was greatly amplifying the magnitude of the corresponding line load.

  1. Data Input
    1. End Notches Drop Box

The End Notches drop box no longer allows typed entry.

    1. Deflection Limit Update Between I-Joists and MSR

When changing from I-joists to MSR lumber and vice-versa, the deflection limits were not changed accordingly.

  1. Text Output
    1. Sign of Deflection Values Displayed

Upward and downward deflections were both reported as positive values in the design report and analysis diagrams. Upward deflections are now reported as negative values.

    1. Negative Cb value

The bearing factor, Cb, value for required unfactored bearing lengths less than 3/8" were reported as negative values. The program now imposes a 1/2" minimum required bearing length.

    1. Load Combination Reporting in the Diagram View

The governing load combination description and number indicated beside each of the shear, bending and deflection diagrams when viewing the critical results in Diagram were not always displayed.

    1. Notch Description in Design Results

                                                                    i.The program now indicates in the materials output of the Design Check report what end of the beam the notch is on

                                                                  ii.   The output that used to say "Length = Lb,in" now says, e.g. "unsupp. length = 1.25"

    1. Self-weight in Output

Design output now says 'Self-weight of ... included in loads'" The word "automatically" has been dropped and self-weight is spelled correctly.

    1. Load Table Alignment in Analysis Results*

In the loads table of the analysis results, the load name is truncated, and the columns wrere  no longer aligned with their headings.


* Added, Feb 2009


Version 6.2 - October 26, 2005

Bug Fixes and Features

  1. Engineering Design
    1. Column Fixity Conditions

Columns with free top fixity condition and a lateral point load exactly at the top were being analyzed for moment and shear as if a support was present at the top. The deflection analysis was being done as if a support was present for all lateral loading conditions.

    1. Custom Section Size Factor

The size factor used for user-defined "custom" sections of wall studs with a grade of Stud, Construction, Standard or Utility was the one designated for all other grades in the NDS Table 4a Adjustment Factors - Size Factor Table. 

    1. CL Factor for Non-sawn-lumber Materials

Sizer used a stability CL factor of 1.0 when d/b <= 2 for all materials, instead of using NDS This is now only done for sawn lumber.

    1. Column Bending Stress in Output

A particular column project file now gives the correct bending stress fb value. Previously it was displaying nonsensical results. These could not be replicated on other projects..

  1. Materials and Databases
    1. Missing Widths from Section Pick List

In beam mode, not all widths of Southern Pine, 24F-V5 SP in the glulam balanced database appeared on the width pick

    1. Zero Design Capacity for Bald Cypress Beam

For Bald Cypress timber beams, the design capacities were zero, causing divide -by zero design errors

  1. Data Input
    1. Editable Beam View Fields

Placed an asterisk (*) beside the Width, Depth, Lateral Support, and Joist Spacing fields. And added a note at the bottom of the view saying 

"*You can select these items or enter your own value".

    1. Span Modification Focus

When a new span is selected in Beam View, the focus now remains on the edit field for quick modifications.

    1. Fire Design for Walls and Floors

The Fire Design button is no longer active for walls and joists.

    1. Notches on Beam Cantilevers

The user can no longer enter notches on cantilevered spans. These never affected the design of the beam in any way but it was possible to enter them in the beam view input.

    1. Ft-In-16ths Input
      1. The setting that was "Span Input in Sixteenths of Inch" is now titled "Allow Span Input in Ft-In-16ths".
      2. b.   The Ft-In-16ths input format that previously was allowed only for spans is now implemented for load distances, and points of interest.
    2. Message Box Spelling Error

Message box appearing when design code is changed misspelled the word "wind".

  1. Output
    1. Column Fixity Conditions
      1. The design check report no longer says "pinned base" when the user has entered a column with a fixed base and free top fixity conditions.
      2. The drawing of the column supports in the Column Design Report were drawn as beam supports instead of as column supports showing fixity conditions. 
    2. Angle of Beam in Printout
      Non-sloped beams are no longer printed out as sloped members in the diagram that shows the beam only. 
    3. Printing Long Analysis Reports
      For long analysis reports only the first two pages were being printed, the rest of the pages being blank. The entire analysis report is now printed
    4. Output Stock Length Warning

In beam and column mode, in "Design Check" output, the warning about member length exceeding typical stock length showed up for long members in an awkward spot, before the section descriptions and away from the other warnings, it has been moved to be below the other warnings.

    1. Self-weight in Materials Output

Self-weight was misspelled in the materials output section of the design check output. It was spelled "Self Weight", it should be "Self-weight"

    1. Order of Moment and Shear

Reversed the order of the moment and shear output in the additional data section of the design results output to make it consistent with the ordering elsewhere in the text output.

    1. Colored Failed Design Message

The design criteria failure message in the the Design Report is now displayed in bright red

    1. Load Combination Design Code

The design code used to create the load combinations is now reported in the Additional Data section of the Design Check report instead of the material description

    1. Load Combination Reporting

Moved load load combination row in the reactions table to be below the "Anal / Des" row, renamed it "Load Comb" from "LC Number" added a '#' in front of the load combination number, and formatted the load combinations in the Additional Data accordingly (e.g. LC #2).

    1. Centering of Output

Fixed bug in Design Check member details output that was causing lines to not be centered in printout.

  1. Member Graphics
    1. Drawing of Supports and Design Span vs Actual Span 

Changed drawing of supports in Beam Mode to show both triangular support symbol and cross-section of bearing plate, in both Beam View and the Design Report. Bearing plate lengths are drawn to scale and depth is fixed, once a design has been performed. Extended the drawing of the member to the end of the support instead of to the centre of bearing as before. The triangular symbol shows the end of the design span at half the bearing length from the inside edge of the bearing plate. The makes it clear to the user what is meant by the input span length. 

    1. Precision of Analysis Deflection Diagram Values. 

In the analysis deflection diagram,

      1. Analysis values now show full precision, not rounding off when there are trailing zeroes
      2. Deflection precision for mm is now one digit
    1. Analysis Envelope with Area Loads

When area loads exist, the analysis load envelope no longer greatly amplifies the magnitude of the corresponding load magnitude indicator.

    1. Supports in Design Report Column Drawing

The drawing of the column supports in the column design report are drawn as beam supports instead of as column supports with the specified fixity like in column view.

 Sizer 2004a - October 29, 2004 - Design Office 2004 Service Release 1

This Service Release consists of a review of all known problems and user  issues with Sizer and a resolution to any of these that were significant and/or simple to resolve. New features are indicated by an asterisk (*).

Bug Fixes and Features

  1. Program Operation
    1. Default Lateral Support Spacing*

All versions previous to Sizer 2004 default the top Lateral Support Spacing to "Full" and the Bottom to "At Supports" for new Beam files, and fo not reestablish the lateral spacing upon change of member type. Starting with Sizer 2004, the spacing value reverted to the default value when changing the material to Glulam or LVL, but not to sawn lumber, and not upon change of member type. In the 2004a version, the default for top Lateral Support Spacing is "Full" for Floor and Roof Joists and "At Supports" for Beams. The default for bottom Lateral Support Spacing is "At Supports". The Lateral Support Spacing fields revert to the default values when changing the member type, but not when changing materials.

    1. Glulam Stress Class/Combinations in Groups Dialog

Combination and stress classes choices for glulams were listed together in the same drop- down box in the Groups Dialog in Concept Mode, which caused the program shut down when exporting a glulam beam from concept to beam mode and trying to run design.

    1. UBC Wind Load Duration Factor*

A message now appears inviting the user to change the wind load duration factor to 1.33 from 1.6 if UBC is chosen as the load combination code, as per UBC 2316. for Mode III and Mode IV behaviour.

    1. Extreme Dimensions Program Crash

Program crashed when running design for a single or multispan beam with extreme dimensions for width and depth.

    1. Notches on Beam Cantilevers

Notches on cantilevered spans no longer appear in the member details of the Design Check report. The user can enter such notches, but they do not affect the design of the beam in any way.

    1. Main Menu Key Shortcuts

Several keycode shortcuts from the main program menu have been repaired. Some worked only in input view and others did not work at all.

  1. Materials and Databases
    1. Glulam 30F Width Restriction

The program no longer lists widths larger than 6" for 30F glulam combinations as per NDS table 5A expanded, note 9.

    1. Southern Pine Lumber Size Factor

Sizer was not including the size factor incorporated in the bending design values in NDS Supplement 4B for Southern Pine 4x8 -4x12 members. Instead, it was replacing them with the additional size factor of CF=1.1 permitted in Table 4B Adjustment Factors. The combined size factor is now used for design and appears in the Design Check Additional Data.

  1. Engineering Design
    1. Weak Axis CV Volume Factor

CV factor is no longer applied to weak axis bending, as per NDS 5.3.6.

    1. Built-up Column Stability Factor CP

For built-up columns with total width greater than depth, in the calculation of the CP stability factor the program was interchanging d1 and d2 in NDS as if it was a solid member. As a result, the program was using 0.6 (nailed) or .75 (bolted) instead of 1.0 for Kf.

    1. Flat use factor for lumber oblique beams

When a deep oblique lumber beam was designed, the calculated Cfu factor was not applied to the YY allowable bending, and was instead reported in the Additional Data section in the XX bending factors.

    1. Uplift Load within d of a Support

Sizer no longer discounts uplift loads within a distance d of a support. Previously, the program behaved erratically in the case of an uplift point load within d.

    1. Beam Span Length/ Depth Ratio

The program no longer shuts down on design if the ratio between the span length and beam depth is less than 1.

    1. When Slenderness Ratio Exceeds 50

The lateral stability factor KL and allowable bending stress for beams were still calculated when slenderness ratio exceeds 50. Now, the bending values in the Design Results are replaced by a failure warning.

    1. Shear at distance d for oblique angles

Shear at distance d was using the depth for d regardless of the angle of oblique members. Now, for flat members it uses b, and for all other angles it conservatively uses the smallest of b and d.

    1. Bending and Axial Compression Buckling

The program now applies the conditions fc=fcE1 and a failure note appears in the design check output.

  1. Analysis of Loads
    1. Point Loads over End Supports

In Version 2004, point loads directly over the end supports were included in the shear and bending calculations, and create incorrect analysis diagrams and design results.

    1. Rare Occurrence of Incorrect Shear Results

Under rare circumstances, incorrect shear results could randomly occur. For example , for a 9' beam, with partial UDL of 245 lbs from from 3'-6' the shear diagram was obviously incorrect ( the maximum shear value is in the interior of the span rather than at the support), but any deviation from the geometry of the example would get rid of the problem. This can no longer occur.

  1. Data Input
    1. Default Lateral Support for Walls

After switching views, default lateral support now remains "Full" for walls instead of changing to "unbraced" .

    1. Custom Sections Close to Nominal Ones*

The program did not recognise it when an actual width that is slightly different from a nominal one was entered - it interpreted it as a nominal width or depth. Now, the user can enter values like 6.0001 and it will be interpreted as custom section . The design resullts shows show eg 1"x6" for nominal sections and 1.00"x6.00 custom sections.

    1. Fire Retardant Factor Input

Fire Retardant Factor check box has been moved from the Fire Design box to the Beam and Column Views.

    1. Glulam Stress Class Label

When a glulam material is selected, the program now shows the "Stress Class" label for the stress classes in the dropdown rather than "Comb'n".

    1. Repeating Point Loads in Column Mode

The button "Repeating..." no longer appears in the in the Column Loads view appears after the Points of Interest view has been visited.

    1. Repeated Stud Spacing

The choices for stud spacing are no longer repeated in the drop down box in Column View.

    1. Column Mode Glulam Layup Box

For any other materials than glulam, the Layup group box and Wane label is now disabled.

    1. Glulam Combination Label

The Beam View now shows "Combination" rather than "Comb'n" for glulam.

    1. Font Drop Down Length

The Font drop down in the Settings page has been lengthened to show more choices.

    1. Notches Unsupported Length Label

The word " (comp) " have been added to the label "Unsupported length e" to indicate that it applies to notches on the compression face only.

    1. Dropdown Content Visibility

Contents of all dropdown boxes are now visible.

    1. I-joist Oblique Angle

Disabled the Oblique Angle text label for I-joists.

    1. Design Settings Name

Design Settings page has been renamed to Design to be consistent with the other tabs and with Shearwalls.

    1. Inconsistent Capitalisation

Input fields throughout the program composed of two or more words were inconsistently capitalised. The style is now sentence case unless it is a title.

    1. Temperature Dropdown Box

You can no longer type data into the edit field of the temperature drop-down box.

    1. Fire Resistance and Treatment Box

The title and the size of the "Fire Resistance and Treatment" dialog box was changed and Fire Resistance group box was removed due to the fact that the Fire-Retardant Factor has been moved to the beam view.

  1. Text Output
    1. Biaxial Bending Failure

Bending check was not calculated correctly or appearing in design check for case of fb1 > FbE. Now a failure warning appears in the design results in this case as per NDS 3.9-3.

    1. Stress Class\Combination Program Shutdown

Upon changing from from Stress Class to Combination and picking a Suggested Section that is a Stress Class, the program no longer shuts down..

    1. SCL Column Design Note

The Design Note which applies to SCL materials only is no longer showing up for all other materials after each design.

    1. Analysis vs. Design Title in Design Check

The title "SECTION vs DESIGN CODE" in the Design Check has been changed to "Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2001"

    1. Glulam, SCL E value in Column Output

Modulus E for was missing from the Additional Data section for glulam and SCL materials with loads on column face d.

    1. Colons in Design Check Headings

Colons are now placed consistently at the ends of headings in the Design Check output

    1. Bearing Length Alignment

The Bearing Length output, in graphical output, now aligns with the rest of the data in the column

    1. Design Failure Criteria

The sentence informing the user of design failure criteria in the Design Check output has been reformatted.

    1. Flat use factor in SCL Additional Data

Weak-axis Cfu factor for SCL oblique beams is now shown as "-" instead of . "1.0" as it does not apply to SCL.

    1. Loads Units in Heading

The Loads units in the Design Output have been aligned with the rest of the heading

    1. Bearing Length Precision

For Imperial units the Bearing length output has been given two digit precision instead of one.

    1. Concentrated Live Load Warning

The failed design criterion in the Design Check output has been changed to "Concentrated Live Load" from "Concentrated Live Load Check"

    1. Analysis Results Heading

In the Analysis Results output, in the " Shear and Bending" table, the underscore was removed from the "Span_Bending" heading.

    1. Member Description Format in Output

Empty lines no longer appear at the bottom of the member description section in the Design Check output.

    1. Extra Line in Maximum Reactions Table for Columns

An empty line was showing up at the bottom of the Maximum Reactions table for columns and the table borders extended into the next section.

    1. Fcp' shows up for columns

Fcp' has been removed from the Additional Data for columns as it applies to beam bearing design only.

    1. Fire Resistance Dialog box

The note from the Fire Design dialog, indicating how to activate the Fire Resistance and Treatment controls should have the path read: Settings ->Design as path.

  1. Member Graphics
    1. Point of Maximum Deflection

The maximum deflection value shown in the analysis diagram for cantilevered beams did not correspond to the governing design deflection.


Sizer 2004 - December 15, 2003 - Design Office 2004 

  1. NDS 2001 Changes - All Materials
    1. Notching: NDS 3.2.3 ( general) 4.4.3 (sawn), 5.4.4 (glulam), and 8.4.1 (SCL)
      • User can now notch either or both ends
      • New tension edge notch shear strength reduction: NDS equation 3.4-3
      • Compression edge shear strength reduction reformulated according to NDS equation 3.4-5
      • Notch length restrictions from NDS
      • Notch drawing adjusted according to bearing lengths and tension/compression faces
    2. Partial point load shear values at a distance d near support 
      • Effect of point loads within depth d of support on design shear calculated according to NDS 
      • Do not adjust shear value for supports with uplift reactions for load combination
      • Shear diagrams show both actual shear and near-support design shear
    3. Incising factor 
      • Checkbox added to indicate incised member
      • Incising factor added according to NDS 4.3.8
    4. Column end grain bearing 
      • changed calculation as to use Fc rather than  Fg according to NDS
      • Remove Fg from Database Editor
      • bearing plate warning added for axial response greater than 0.75 according to NDS
    5. Materials 
      • Sawn lumber material properties updated as per NDS 2001 Supplement
      • MSR/MEL material properties updated as per NDS 2001 Supplement
      • specific gravity implemented as a grade property for MSR/MEL
      • MSR/MEL material for built-up beams added 
  2. NDS 2001 Changes - Glulam
    1. Material Database
      • Hardwood materials ( Tables 5C and 5D ) added
      • Uniform (Tables 5B and 5D) materials for beams for predominantly weak-axis loading. 
    2. Material specification
      • In Database Editor, specify whether material is primarily strong axis (5A or 5C) or weak axis (5B and 5D) 
      • In Sizer, specify species groups instead of species 
      • Add species combination to the description of materials and input description in output
      • Implement choice of stress classes or specific glulam combinations 
    3. Material Properties
      • New combination design properties in the database files, especially shear strength 
      • Separate specific gravity for each combination 
      • Allow user to specify lamination thickness and determine number of laminations 
      • Input of wane for certain combinations
      • Allow input of non-edge bonding 
    4. Design notes to the NDS glulam properties tables
      • Implement lamination factor 
      • Implement strength reduction for wane 
      • Implement  non-edge bonding strength reduction
      • 0.8 factor for notching or impact loads
      • 0.88 factor for deep axial members  
    5. New 3" notch depth restriction from NDS
  3. NDS 2001 Changes - Structural Composite Lumber Design
    1. User interface
      • Activate lateral support of beams
      • Activate notching for SCL according to NDS 8.4.1
      • Allow oblique angle beams
      • Allow input of weak-axis values in database editor 
      • Fire retardant treatment checkbox activated
    2. Modification factors
      • Beam stability factor  CL according to NDS 8.3.5, including interaction with Cv
      • 1.04 repetitive member factor Cr allowed according to NDS 8.3.7
      • Fire retardant factor allowed according to AF&PA ASD SCL Guideline 5.4
      • Volume factor  Cv calculated according to NDS 8.3.6 and most commonly used equation in SCL evaluation reports
    3. Columns
      • Implement SCL column materials 
      • Allow lateral support and  associated CP factor 
      • Column load faces and weak axis design
    4. Weak axis design
      • Biaxial bending and combined axial and bending design implemented
      • Updated material properties with weak-axis values and allow user to modify values with Database Editor
  4. User interface 
    1. Input
      • Reorganized beam, column, and load views to accommodate new features
      • Moved load face controls to column loads view
      • Added glulam-specific fields to beam and column views
      • Added extra end-fixity conditions for columns 
    2. Display
      • Removed support rectangles and replaced with triangles 
  5. Output reports 
    1. Modification factors in Additional Data section
      • Reorganized and improved additional data modification factors table according to materials
      • Different column headings for combinations of materials and member types
      • The effect of glulam NDS Table 5A-5D footnotes is combined into one factor placed in the "Notes" column
      • Notch factor Cn for beams added with explanatory note
      • Column stability factor CP added under CL/CP column
      • Incising factor Ci
      • Fire-retardant treatment factor Cfrt added
      • Blank spaces for irrelevant fields replaced by "-"
      • Shear stress factor CH removed
    2. Biaxial bending and combined bending and axial output
      • Biaxial shear design response ratios shown for each direction and for the combined equation
      • Combined axial and tension bending Fb*, Fb** added to factors table
    3. Changes to the reactions table
      • Added governing load combination number under each support
      • Bearing area factor Cb added 
      • Added compressive strength at an angle to grain F' theta
  6. Design Engine Review
    1. Biaxial bending and shear, and combined bending and axial design
      • Implemented correct Fb* and Fb** calculations for the combined bending and axial tension equations NDS 3.9-1 and 3.9-2
      • Added Euler factor FbE to biaxial bending equation 3.9-3
      • Use correct Ex or Ey in computing Euler factors for CP, CL, biaxial bending, and combined bending and compression 
      • Fixed weak axis design for members with b > d. 
      • Removed volume factor CV from weak axis glulam calculations 
      • Slenderness ratio problems fixed 
      • Implemented biaxial shear design for oblique members using biaxial bending equation as model 
    2. Notches
      • Fixed different shear reduction due to notches which are either in tension or compression according to load combination. If a notch is on tension face in any load combination, it is considered a tension notch for all load combinations
      • Improved response to failure due to notch depth limitations
      • Better description of distance e in user interface
      • Remove  length "e" from description of tension notches in the design check output 
    3. Design for b > d
      • Fixed size factor for lumber with b > d.
      • Use flat-use factor for lumber with b > d loaded on width
      • Fixed weak axis design for members with b > d. 
    4. Deflection
      • Default allowable total deflection changed from 180 to 240 for beams and floors according to design codes requirements
      • The concentrated load check was using deflection limits of 480/240 regardless of the user's choice in beam view, while the output was using the user's choices to calculate responses. This was fixed so that the concentrated load check uses the input deflection limits.
      • Columns loaded on the depth face are now designed using the Ey value for deflection 
      • The total deflection diagram shows the values factored with the long-term factor, and the maximum deflection value corresponds to the governing deflection (live or total)
    5. Bearing Design
      • Added bearing length factor Cb calculation
      • The fire-retardant factor is now included in the bearing design
    6. Shear near support
      • Columns are no longer using the reduced shear at distance "d" as the design shear value
      • Shear near support is now reduced only if there is no uplift at the support
      • Point loads applied on top of sloped members are projected through member to determine distance to support. 
      • Program now ignores loads within distance "d" according to NDS instead of taking shear at a distance d from support. This takes into account mechanics of the whole span and reactions at both supports. 
  7. Bug fixes
    1. Design Run Problems
      • Small custom glulam depths no longer cause the program to hang
      • Fixed six-span beam crash when pressing "Run" (design)
    2. User Interface Operation
      • Switching from column to beam mode rare crash was fixed
      • Pressing the "Enter" key in beam input view or loads input view no longer adds a span or load, respectively, unless the cursor is in the "Spans" edit-box or in any Load input field, respectively.
      • Fixed controls update in beam/column view so data is not reset when changing materials
      • The "Ignore cantilever deflections in design" setting has been fixed.
      • The "repetitive member" check-box has been disabled for glulam columns
      • Repetitive member option is no longer available for multi-ply members with 1 or 2 plies selected
      • Fixed update of Ke factor in column view
    3. Graphics
      • Right-end support's reaction is now shown on diagrams print-out
      • Fixed load combinations diagrams to include uplift reactions
      • Fixed beam diagrams for point loads only applied at supports
    4. Design Results
      • Fixed reactions table borders for multiple beams with cantilevers extending outside the report area.
    5. File I/O
      • Dead-load deflection factor is not lost anymore when "saved as  default" action is taken
      • Project files can be now saved/opened using paths longer than 128 characters.

Sizer 2002a - March 3, 2002 - Design Office 2002 Service Release 1 

  1. Wood textures on/off in beam and column diagrams 
    1. You can choose to disable the wood grain bitmaps in the diagrams, via Settings Menu\Preferences. A small proportion of users were experiencing video graphics problems due to the memory requirements of the bitmaps. The default setting is "On".
  2. Dead load deflection value
    1. The dead load deflection value displayed in the Design Check report is now correct.


Sizer 2002 - Nov 1, 2001 - Design Office 2002 

  1. Beam and Column View Layout
    1. Reorganize and extend beam and column material and load input views to accept the fields from Details and Settings, and still be visible with 800x600 resolution. 
  2. Beam and Column Diagrams 
    1. Beams and columns will be depicted with wood bitmaps distinguishing the materials used. 
    2. Beam and column depth proportional to the length of the beam, within reason.
    3. Lateral supports are shown for beams as well as columns, and are depicted by the section of typical 1x4 or 3/4-in thick support material. 
    4. Supports are shown after design as the tops of beams with the correct bearing length.
    5. Notches are shown. 
  3. Load Diagrams in Beam and Column Mode 
    1. Multiple loads are depicted, stacked according to their load type
    2. Loads of each type can be shown separately or added together 
    3. Detailed horizontal and vertical scales are shown for length and magnitude of loads
  4. Analysis Diagrams for Beams and Columns
    1. Diagrams can be displayed or printed for any load combination, not just the critical one
    2. A load envelope is displayed showing the load profile for the combination critical load profile
    3. You can now view any number of the criterion diagrams from just one to all five, including the envelope
    4. A toolbar in the diagram window allows you to select which combination to view and which set of criterion diagrams. 
    5. You can batch print diagrams for all load combinations
  5. Concentrated Load Check
    1. The program now allows you to design floor joists for the effect of a concentrated live load anywhere along the joist such that it produces the maximum effect 
    2. The user can define the size and area over which this load is applied
    3. The program designs for the critical case of this load anywhere along the joist ( in one foot increments ), in combination with dead loads on the joist. 
  6. Deflection Analysis and Reporting
    1. The program can now report cantilever and interior span deflection separately
    2. You can ask the program to ignore cantilever deflections in design
    3. To aid users in designing for camber, the program will report the maximum deflection due to dead load only 
    4. User settings are added to activate each of these features 
  7. Load Combinations
    1. The specification of load combinations is updated for the newest versions of SBC, NBC, IBC, and ASCE-7. 
    2. The latest model codes handle the confusion between .085 factor for dead loads combined with uplift, and the 1.25 factor meant for combination with gravity loads with an explicit load combination
  8. Axial Wall Loads in Column Mode
    1. The user now enters axial loads on wall studs as line loads on the wall they are a part of. Changing the spacing will alter the axial resulting axial load, but not the line load
  9. Points of Interest View
    1. Points of interest are now entered in their own view, controlled by a toolbar button, rather than being mixed in with loads. 
  10. Beam and column mode toolbar
    1. New, Open, Save, Points of Interest, and Settings buttons are added. The Change Mode and Details are removed. Small changes to the main menu. 
  11. Beam and column mode settings 
    1. Move Design Settings and Loads settings to main Beam view and Column view screens. 
    2. Add Beam and Column mode box to Preferences settings for those settings that are more like user options than design values, from the design page, load page, and format page. 
    3. Gray out imperial formatting if metric selected
    4. Provide informational message when user selects "Save" or "Restore factory" under the Settings menu
  12. Beam and Column Details 
    1. Move all Details to main Beam view and Column view screens, except for fire resistance values. Rename details to "Fire Resistance and Design", and activate by button in beam view. 
  13. Slope as Rise/Run
    1. User can specify whether to enter the beam slope in degrees or as a rise/ run ratio 
  14. Material Data input 
    1. If the user switches species, grades, or widths, and there is a section with new width that has the same depth as before, then it is selected. Otherwise depth is set to unknown. The same behavior applies to widths if grade is changed and grades if species is changed
  15. Delete All Button
    1. User can now delete all loads at once.
  16. Sizer Version
    1. Sizer version number now shown in the enhanced design check reports
  17. Combined Axial and Bending Output
    1. Combined axial and bending information now displayed in additional data Items displayed include: Critical LC#, CD, Fb', FcE, and Pxe/S.
  18. Bug fixes
    1. In the the enhanced design output, loads input as decimals are no longer are rounded off to the nearest whole number.
    2. On the Design Check Calculation Sheet, under Additional Data, when the moment value exceeds six figures, the value is no longer replaced with six stars (******) 
    3. When the beam is sloped, the dimension value in the beam diagram is now aligned to the dimension lines
    4. Problem with load duration factor input is fixed. 
    5. Use Eyy value to calculate the CL factor, rather than E
    6. Int the Timber-Other database, species Western Cedar, grade SS#1, the E is the correct 1,000,000 rather than 100,000 


Sizer 2000d - Jan 9, 2001 - Design Office Service Release 2 

  1. New Key code system 
    1. Refer to the Key Code security section above for details. 
  2. Self Weight 
    1. The self-weight displayed in the Design Check output is now properly included in the Analysis Results and Diagram output.
  3. Custom Sections 
    1. Design results for of a non-standard custom section input by the user were not being displayed correctly in the enhanced output report
  4. Database Editor 
    1. If a section is added or edited, the entry now appears in its correct position in the list. 

Sizer 2000c - June 22, 2000 - Design Office Service Release 1

  1. Bearing results in enhanced output
    1. Bearing results no longer displayed for columns and I-joists 
    2. Warnings for bearing length are included 
    3. Formatting of bearing length text improved
  2. Switch from beam or column to concept
    1. No longer causes a protection fault
  3. Combined Axial and bending
    1. The program used to provide different responses for the full design than for the design check for the same section. This was because the critical load combination was not being correctly identified in the full design. This has been fixed. 
    2. CSA only - The correct reduction factor for fastener type has been applied according to CSA O86 
  4. Self weight in enhanced output
    1. Program was displaying an incorrect value.
  5. Stability factor CL for glulam beams 
    1. This was not being computed correctly in cantilever spans when an unbraced length was input. 
  6. New limits for numbers of objects in program 
    1. max no. of grid lines in each direction: from 104 to 260
    2. max no. of beam, column, wall, or joist groups: from 20 to 100
    3. max no. of groups: from 100 to 500
    4. max no. of beams, columns or walls, or joist areas in concept mode:from 200 to 1000
    5. max no. of loads on a beam: from 100 to 500
    6. max no. of loads on a span: from 20 to 100
  7. Enhanced output
    1. Vertical line removed from second page
    2. WoodWorks logo correctly placed 
  8. Ply dropdown
    1. "Ply to" updates when "ply" change


Sizer 2000a and 2000b

Custom versions not for general release


Sizer 2000 - Feb 18, 2000 - Design Office 2000

  1. Enhanced Output
    1. The design check results in beam mode are presented in a more graphical form, with a logo, beam diagram, different sized fonts, borders around output sections and tables. Reaction and bearing data will be printed below the supports in the diagram. 
  2. Custom Design Notes
    1. The user can choose whether to include "Additional Data", and can enter customized design notes to be printed out.


Sizer 99e Dec. 10, 1999

  1. Program is no longer doubling the magnitude of point loads on beam supports. 


Sizer 99 a-d

Custom versions not for general release.


Sizer 99 - December 1, 1998 ;  Sizer 97e Nov. 16, 1998

Canadian releases. 


Sizer 97d June 28, 1998

Beam Mode
1. A wind point load applied to a sloped beam produced incorrect bending a shear values.

Beam and Column Modes
1. Trapezoidal loads now permit either the start or end load value to be zero. Pervious versions required non-zero entries for both values.
2. The tributary width of area loads can now be entered as feet (meters) instead of inches (mm).
3. Values set in the Details window such as lateral support and service conditions are no longer reset to their defaults if you select an SCLmaterial like PSL, LVL, etc.
4. Now calculate the bearing length for SCL materials like PSL, LVL, etc.

Concept Mode
1. Fixed bug where beam-on-beam reactions were not distributed to supporting members. This only occurred when the user was transferring a member from concept to either beam or column mode and a beam-on-beam situation occurred on a higher floor than the transferred member. This bug did not occur for normal Concept design.

All Modes
1. Output can now display forces and moments in "lbs" and ft-lbs" instead of "kips" and "ft-kips".
2. Deflection limits no longer automatically reset when you select a new material. Users found the old behaviour annoying.


Version 97c March 11, 1998

Column Mode
1. A crash could occur if you changed the eccentricity of an axial load. The problem occurred after pressing the Modify button and a message box appeared stating that all axial loads will be effected. After closing this message box a load was no longer selected in the listbox of loads - a situation that is not supposed to occur.
Pressing Add, Modify or Delete buttons when no load was selected caused the problem.
2. Individual Cp values are now displayed for both Axial and Axial+Bending cases.

Beam and Column Modes
1. The unit labels were incorrect for point loads. Although the label indicated lbs the load was actually kips. This problem did not occur for metric units.
2. Some users complained that the Add, Modify, Delete buttons were not visible until they re-sized the beam window and re-sizing was required each time they switched from "Beam" to "Loads". This problem has been partially dealt with - the beam window will automatically re-size itself to use half of the total window once you switch between Beam and Loads. This automatic re-sizing also takes place in Column mode.
                                                                                                                                                                          3. CDN Version: Permanent Live loads were ignored unless a snow load was also present.

Concept Mode
1. It was possible to open an existing concept file and add more than a total of 6 levels to it. Sizer is limited to 6 levels.
2. Deleting a beam sometimes caused the program to "hang".

All Modes
1. Corrected problem where custom bxd sizes were sometimes converted to nominal sizes.

2. NDS Online has been added to the Help menu. Selecting it will automatically start Acrobat Reader which is required for viewing the electronic version of the NDS manual.


Sizer 97b November 20, 1997

Beam and Column Modes
1. Trapezoidal loads: the start and end locations were not displayed correctly in the load listbox whenever the smaller load magnitude was located to the right of the larger magnitude. The results, however, were correct.
2. Imperial (English) point load units switched from pounds to kips after "pressing" the Repeating button.

Column Mode
1. *NEW FEATURE - added capability to handle PSL columns.

Concept Mode
1. The drop-in beam feature added in release 97a now works correctly
2. The Materials List feature displayed 0 lengths for the joists of some triangular-shaped joist areas.
3. A crash was occurring in Concept mode while trying to move a gridline. The crash occurred when the program was checking the
loads that were affected by moving the gridline.
4. Wall reactions between levels were not correctly transferred if the stud spacing was different between the upper and lower floors.  The reaction was multiplied by Upper/Lower stud spacing. Thus the reactions were too large when the stud spacing above was greater than the spacing of wall below. Similarly the reactions was too small when the upper wall stud spacing > lower wall spacing.

All Modes
1. Printed output did not display the version number


Sizer 97a - October 9, 1997

1. "...database may be corrupt". This warning was sometimes displayed after pressing the design button if non-standard (custom) section sizes were entered for bxd. This warning was sometimes issued in Concept mode when a design group was completely specified (no unknowns). The user could ignore the warning by pressing the Okay button.

Concept Mode
1. The Materials List displayed incorrect results for groups that had no loaded members or no members at all.
2. A crash occurred in Elevation View if the members supporting a joist area became invalid. This occurred when members supporting an existing joist area were removed or modified incorrectly. The Elev. view no longer display a joist area if its supports are invalid.
3. Loads transferred from joist areas to supporting beams were incorrectly interpreted as FULL UDLs instead of PARTIAL UDLs
even if the joist area only rested on a portion of the beam.  This caused caused supporting members to be over-designed a base reactions to be too large.
4.*NEW FEATURE*  It is now possible to create cantilever beams that support drop-in beams (Gerber beam systems). Previous SIZER versions did not permit beam-on-beam situations if the beams were co-linear.

Beam and Column Modes
1. Tributary widths of area loads were not automatically updated if the user changed the joist or wall spacing in the Details window.
2. Opening an existing column mode file causes a crash if an empty (new) beam mode file is already open.


Version '97 - Sept 4,  1997 - Design Office 1997

All Modes

NDS 1997
The latest version of National Design Specification has been incorporated.

Fire Endurance Rating
You can now design members for their fire endurance capacities. 

Print to Fit on One Page
This printing option will reduce the printing font until the output fits on a single page

Print Preview
You are now able to view your output as it will appear when printed.

All SIZER 97 project information, settings, and options are conveniently located in one dialog box organized into several tabbed pages.  You no longer have to use the WOODWORKS.INI file to set design parameters, and several new settings have been added.

You are now able to independently set the font size for viewing the screen, for printing, and for text output and diagram text.
You have a choice of three different formats for imperial (English) lengths, and two formats for imperial forces. 

SIZER 97 has enhanced toolbars with several new buttons - Switch Modes, Levels, Wall, View Results, Elevation View, and Print. The Toolbars can be hidden from view, fixed to the top or either side of the screen, or allowed to float freely. 

Status Bar 
The bar at the bottom of the screen is used to display instructions to the user, and in Concept Mode, the building level and position of the cursor.

Right Mouse Button
Press this button to display a Context Menu that provides handy shortcuts such as changing levels in Concept Mode.

Hot Keys 
All menu items now have mnemonic keyboard shortcuts associated with them to speed up your work

File Management
Beam, column, and concept modes are now stored in separate files.  It is possible to open any of SIZERs output files by double clicking the file or by dragging it from File Manager or Windows 95 Explorer

Window Management
It is no longer necessary to close one view in order to view another. It is possible to view input screens, text results, graphics and all three design modes simultaneously by arranging the windows that contain these views.

Concept Mode

Multi-span Joists
Joists can now span over as many as six supporting members, subject to various limitations.

Walls Supported by Joist Areas
Walls can sit on the end of cantilevered joists areas or across the interior of a joist area subject to various limitations.

Support Conditions 
The rules and checks for supporting beams, walls and joist areas have been improved.

Deleting Supports

The program now allows you to temporarily delete supports in order to reposition them. This option must be set in the Settings Preferences tab.

New Results Output
The following output is generated on each design run and accessed via the View Menu and the Context Menu. 

Base Reactions
You can now view wall and column reactions at the base of the structure.

Materials List 
Shows complete list of materials used in building structure.

Results by Member 
Each member is listed in a table that displays how it performed with respect to various design criteria. You have the choice of sizing each member individually or using the size designed for the group.

Generate Grid 
It is now possible to generate a set of gridlines over the entire viewing area spaced in each direction at the Snap Increment.

Insert and Delete Levels
It was not advisable in SIZER 1.x to add or delete levels if any building members had already been created. Deletion of the top floor and insertion of intermediate floors is now possible, and SIZER makes the necessary adjustments to the building members. 

Data Bar 
Gridpoint position, and elevation; member names and groups; load type and magnitude; and joist direction are now displayed in a Data Bar. You can quickly change the data for selected elements and see the results immediately. You can also hide or reposition the Data Bar

While in Grid View and Elevation View, the rest of the structure is displayed in light gray to give you a better idea of what you are viewing.

The program now displays gridpoint elevations on the screen, if they differ from the elevation for the floor.  The printed versions of the Plan View and the Elevation View now show the value of gridline positions and elevations. 

Mouse Input
You can now create columns and gridlines by single clicking rather than double clicking, and line loads by dragging a line rather than double clicking on the member. An option allows you to return to double clicking if you prefer it.

Right Mouse Button
Besides providing context menus, the right mouse button also serves as an Escape (ESC) button when you are creating beams, walls, joist or loads by dragging a line.

Beam and Column Modes

Point of Interest 
A Point of Interest has been added as a new load Type in the Loads window. Additional analysis data is generated and displayed in the analysis output and diagrams at the point of interest. Multiple points can be quickly generated at regular intervals by pressing the Repeating... button when Type is set to Point of Interest.

Load Combination Descriptions 
Analysis output and Design Check output now describes contents of load combinations.

Loads Display
You can now view all the loads that have been applied to the member in a table that appears under the input fields for the loads. 

Partial Area Loads 
It is now possible to enter area loads that do not run the full length of the beam or column.

Joist Transfer from Concept Mode 
You can now transfer either one of the edge joists from a joist area in concept mode to beam mode, as either one, (not just the longest) can be the critical joist for the area.

WoodWorks Database Editor

SIZER 97 comes with a much-improved Database Editor (DbEdit) for customizing the materials that are available to SIZER. Among the improvements:

Create New Databases 
DbEdit 97 allows you to create entire custom databases from scratch. Custom databases can exist for all types of materials, not just Structural Composite Lumber(SCL) as before.

Create New Species, Grades, and Sections 
DbEdit 97 allows you to create new materials for your custom databases, not just modify the ones supplied with WoodWorks. 

Edit Materials, Species, and Grades
You can modify all material, species, and grade properties for your custom databases, not just section properties, as with DbEdit 1.0.

Material Selection 
DbEdit 97 displays a list of materials and their associated database files. You can open the files for viewing or modification by simply selecting from the list. Separate material lists are available for beam, column, wall, and joist databases; and for custom and standard databases

Double Clicking-
You can view or modify the material, species, section, or grade properties after double clicking the name in the appropriate list.

Including Materials in SIZER
You now specify whether a material should be listed in WoodWork.INI for use by SIZER by checking its name in the materials list the same way you turn on species, grades, and sections. 


Sizer 1j - November 7, 1996

Concept Mode
1.In walls were not differentiated from columns when checking for supports, so that a wall could be supported by a column or a
column by a wall.
2.Sometimes, if there is only one joist direction available, the direction for the joist in question did not appear in the edit field of the selection box.
3.During a transfer of a member to beam or column mode, not all loads were being properly transferred.

Beam Mode
1.Applying more than 15 point loads between two supports caused the design program to crash.
2.Applying only "Repeating Point Loads" caused the "Design" button to remain grayed-out.
3.Fixed problem with multi-ply materials where program couldn't find a section or was only selecting a single layer.

All Modes
1.The warning message that was fixed in the last release was still sometimes displayed inappropriately for large shear
values. This message warned that an unusual load condition had caused the maximum shear to occur within a span rather
than at a support.
2.The CFb size factor was not being calculated for custom sizes where depth exceeded 12".


Sizer 1i - July 2, 1996

All Modes
1.The new warning message that was added in the last release was sometimes displayed inappropriately. This message warned
that an unusual load condition had caused the maximum shear to occur within a span rather than at a support.

2.E-Rated Southern Pine has been added to the glue laminated beam databases.


Sizer 1h  - March 28, 1996

Column Mode
1.A crash occurred in design check if only side loads were present and self-wt. was not included.
2.Suggested section output, after the 1st selection, incorrectly indicated axial response when there were only side loads.
3.Support diagram had reactions at wrong location. Only obvious when both +ve and -ve reactions were present.
4.Axial uplift reaction was not being refreshed properly. Once an uplift reaction occurred it could only be replaced by a
larger uplift unless you exited from WoodWorks.

Beam and Column Modes
1.Support diagram always showed bearing reaction on the opposite side of an uplift reaction even when no bearing was present.

All Modes
1.Added new warning message telling the user that an unusual load condition has caused the maximum shear to occur within a
span rather than at a support. Loads applied in opposite directions in the same span may cause this. Woodworks cannot design for this condition.

Beam Mode
1.Corrected bug that occurred when designing continuous beams where the negative moment governed. The bending response ratio (fb/Fb) was incorrect for all suggested sections after the first selection. Fb had been twice multiplied by the load duration
factor. The problem was obvious if you performed a design check on any suggested section after the first one.


Sizer 1g  - Jan. 30, 1996

On-Line Help
1. The Help menu item 'NDS Implementation...' was not linked to a corresponding help topic although it was correctly linked
through the 'Help Contents' menu item.

Concept Mode
1. Version 1.0e would not permit you to enter a floor beam but did accept roof beams.

2. Column, wall, beam and joist labels were not printing beside the appropriate member.

3. SIZER uses the first species and grade in each material database as design defaults. However, the user has the option
of disabling any (including the first) species and grade of a database with the DbEdit program. This caused SIZER to display a warning message advising the user to change the 'Available Material' option in the Definition Menu.  SIZER now uses the first 'enabled' species and grade as design defaults.

All Modes
1. The layout of various input dialog boxes has been improved to make the function of the Add, Modify and Delete buttons
more obvious.

2. A floating point error that sometimes occurred when printing a beam or column diagram has been fixed.


Sizer 1f  - Jan. 15, 1996

Column Mode
1. The combined axial+bending response due to eccentric axial loads was not being displayed in the suggested sections output.
The suggested sections were still designed properly.

Concept Mode
1. Roof joists now have a default name that begins with an 'r' instead of 'j'.

2. If a gridline was selected and you entered the Structure/Gridlines dialog and selected OK, a crash occurred when you selected any gridline thereafter.

Beam and Concept Mode
1. Point loads at the end of cantilevers were sometimes ignored.  The bug only occurred for certain length values like 16'3" where the 3" caused a problem.


Sizer 1e  - September 24, 1995

All Modes
1. Corrected 'E' value for No.1 and SS grades of W.Cedars in the "Timber-Others" material databases. It was only 1/10th its  normal value which resulted in large deflections.

Column Mode - columns loaded eccentrically and laterally:
1. combined response ratio was not being displayed for suggested sections.
2. After the first section was found the other suggested sections had the wrong combined response ratio because the moment due
to lateral loads was being ignored.
3. Eccentric moment had the wrong sign and was subtracted rather than added to the bending moment due to lateral loads.

Column Mode
1. Fixed crash in Column mode that occurred for some material databases when you went to loads view, returned to beams view
and then clicked on the depth field.
2. Fixed minor printing error in column module where we said a section was over-stressed axially when we should have said it
was over-stressed for combined axial and bending moment.

Concept Mode
1. Fixed problem preventing user from selecting a joist area.  Only occurred when triangular joist areas were present.
2. Fixed memory allocation error that sometimes occurred when you selected Structure/Loads from the menu bar.
3. Fixed problem where joist group dialog was always setting SERVICE and LOADSHARING checkboxes to true.
4. Fixed bug introduced in May/95 (1.0d) that caused a General protection fault. If a beam supporting another beam (with a higher load transfer number) was transferred from Concept to Beam mode the loads were not transferred correctly. Current users are advised to re-run old designs based on the May/95 release.
5. Fixed bug introduced in May/95 (1.0d) where walls supported by beams did not transfer all loads to the supporting beam.
The problem is obvious when you transfer the beam to Beam mode and the load on the beam is a point load (rather than a UDL)
and the load is located beyond the end of the beam. Current users are advised to re-run old designs based on the May/95 release.


Sizer 1d  - May  24, 1995

All Modes
1. Re-set nominal dimensions equal to actual dimensions for glulam materials. This was inadvertently disabled in the March 9/95 release.

Concept Mode
1. For the case of a beam supported by another beam, WoodWorks failed to correctly locate the reaction of the upper beam on
the lower beam when there was only live load present. The program functioned correctly if automatic self-weight was activated or some other dead load was input by the user.
2. An application error occurred when specifying a beam group.  If SS or No.1 grade was chosen and either a width or depth
was selected then the error occurred when the Modify button was pressed.


Sizer 1c  - March  9, 1995

All Modes
1. The volume factor Cv for glulam beams made from Southern Pine species incorrectly used x=10 instead of x=20 in Eq.5.3-1.


Sizer 1b  - January 16, 1995 and Sizer 1a  - unknown date

Beam and Column Modes
1. Fixed problem where database from Beam Mode was being used  when you switched to Column Mode.
2. The stability factor (CL) was not calculated properly for the '@supports' case. Only affects multispan beams with variable span  lengths.
3. Fixed a bug where point loads applied to the start of a beam with a cantilever at the left end were incorrectly added as point loads at the first interior support. The moments, shears and deflections were correct but reactions and calculated bearing lengths were too large.
4. An "Invalid Load: Invalid Location" message sometimes occurred for partial UDLs and point loads applied to the end of a beam. This only occurred for imperial units and particular lengths (e.g. a 22 foot beam was okay but a 23 foot beam wasn't). 
5. The output for a sloped beam listed the horizontal projection of the beam and lateral support lengths instead of their true
longitudinal lengths.
6. Fixed crash when only point loads over support were present.
7. Fixed bug where, for metric units, no database depths were available in the "depth from and depth to" list boxes.
8. Fixed a bug, where, for unknown width and a specified metric depth a "Cannot design section" message appeared but if
imperial units were used a design was found.
9. Actual, instead of nominal, glulam sizes are now displayed.
10.A bug was introduced in the June 1994 release. Incorrect span moments were calculated when partial udl's didn't start at the
beginning of a span. The problem was obvious when the bending moment diagram was displayed.

Concept Mode
1. A divide by zero error occurred for cantilevered triangular joist area where and distance between two supports was 0 at the intersection of the two supporting beams or walls. 
2. Fixed problem in concept mode where moving a gridline caused an incorrect "gridlines overlap" message.
3. Fixed problem where a tolerance problem prevented creation of a beam.
4. Corrected problem of beams with different Load Transfer Numbers that don't transfer load to supporting columns.
5. Fixed a bug where multi-span beams transferred from Concept to Beam mode had partial loads instead of full udl's. The
first span of the beam was incorrectly left unloaded.
6. Modifying the Group for a beam via the "Structure/Beams..." dialog sometimes caused a crash or memory error.

All Modes
1. Fixed problem where on-line help for "What Is", "How To", etc could not be accessed within WoodWorks but was directly accessible via the help icon in the WoodWorks group under Program Manager.


Sizer 1  - April 19, 1994

First USA version.