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Shear Stiffness and Shape Factor


For CLT, shear stiffness GA is the GAeff described in CLT Handbook 3.3.1 and O86 - Effective Shear Modulus GAeff , and k = 1.0.


For I-joists, the GA and k parameters are contained in the published shear constant K, which is found in the WoodWorks database for each I-joist section and can be modified using Database Editor. The relationship between GA, k, and K is


When designing SCL using true E, G is assumed to be E / 16, which corresponds to the values in the simple-span shear deflection adjustment provided by most if not all SCL manufacturers. They often provide this formula in a form involving axial stiffness EA, so the shear stiffness GA = EA /16. The shape factor is k = 1.2, the value for rectangular sections.

See Also

Shear Deflection

Approximate Method when Designing for Unknown Parameters