These settings allow you to input default values for new files for inputs that appear in Beam Input View.
Default Deflection Limits
This feature allows you to enter default deflection limits that are applied upon opening a new project or change in member type, in order that the program automatically uses the deflection limits appropriate to structures you most often design.
A total of 12 limits are set for the combination of
deflection criteria.
The factory default limits that come with the program are
The defaults come from IBC Table 1604.3. The assumption is that drywall is used for walls and ceilings.
The default for absolute deflection is zero, meaning that this feature is disabled by default in beam mode.
Column Auto Eccentricity %
Sizer allows you to apply an eccentricity proportional to the width or depth of the column, rather than an absolute value, to deal with uncertainty as to where the load will actually bear on the column.
The setting is for the percentage of the member width or depth to apply as axial load eccentricity to those columns that have this feature activated via a checkbox in Load Input view.
The default value is 16.7% = 1/6 of member depth, an amount commonly used.
This applies to both columns and wall studs, with the eccentricity for wall studs restricted to the wall depth direction only. It is applied to all axial loads in the direction of the load face selection.
Minimum Bearing Length
The values entered in these boxes indicate the smallest bearing the program is able to design for, for interior and end supports separately. If the program calculates a minimum bearing less than this value, it overrides it with the value entered. You may want that the program to determine design span.
Use to determine design span
You may want the program not to design a bearing less than some practical amount, say 3.5”, however you may also wish to take advantage of the reduced design span from using only the minimum required bearing length. For his reason, we allow them to opt out of using the minimum bearing they entered in their calculation of design spans. The program in this case uses the minimum required bearing for design span, but the user- entered span for bearing design
Save as Default
To save this information as a default to be used every time you open a new Sizer project file, check the Save as Default check box before exiting the Settings dialog box.