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Program Operation

  1. User Defined Logo (Feature 87)

    We now allow you to import an image to be used as your company logo in the Design Check calculations sheet, alongside the WoodWorks logo. This logo replaces the four-line Company Information that appears when there is no logo, so we encourage you to include company contact information in the logo.

    1. Supported File Types

      The image file types that you are able to enter are a JPEG, GIF, BMP, or PNG files.

    2. Input

      You input the location on your computer of the logo file in the Company Information settings box. The four line company information input remains in this box as it still appears in all text output files other than the enhanced design check, and in the enhanced design check if a logo is not found. Notes in the box have been added to explain this.

    3. Design Check Output

      If a logo is found, the program divides the area currently taken by the WoodWorks logo and the Company Information in two, and places the WoodWorks logo in the left portion and your company logo in the right portion. The date that previously appeared in the Company Information box is moved to the Project Information, where the title PROJECT is removed.

      If a logo is not found, the output is the same as in Version 10.x of Sizer.

  2. Saving Settings as Default and Restoring Original Settings (Feature 42)

    Previously, the Sizer program settings were saved as default for new files via the Save as default menu item under the Settings menu. When selected, all the program settings that appear in various tabs of the Settings dialog, and many of the options that appear in Beam View, Column View, and Loads View, would all be saved at once to the initialization file, where they would be used the next time a new file was opened.

    Similarly, to restore the settings that are shipped with new installations of Sizer, you selected the Restore ‘factory’ menu item, and all settings and these other options would be reset to their default value.

    This system has been overhauled so that it now operates as the Shearwalls program does – a checkbox called Save as default for new files and a button called Reset original settings appears in each of the settings tabs, and in Load Input view for both Beam and Column mode. When the checkbox is checked or the button is pushed, the action applies only to the settings or options that appear on the screen, not to all settings and options.

    1. Settings Menu

      The sub-items Save as default and Restore ‘factory’ have been removed from the menu. Pushing the Settings menu now goes directly to the settings input dialog. The lengthy messages that used to appear explaining the location of all the items that are restored or saved are no longer necessary and have been removed.

    2. Save as Default

      A checkbox called "Save as Default for new files" has been added. It defaults to being disabled and checked if no files are open, as in that case the settings can only be used to create defaults for new files. It defaults to being unchecked if files are open, as in that case you may be adjusting the setting for the current file and not want it to persist for new files that are created later.

    3. Reset Original Settings

      A button Reset Original Settings has been added to all the settings except for

    4. Beam View Options

      When the Default settings are saved, or restored, they also save or restore the Span type and For unknown bearing length options that show in Beam View rather than in the Default settings. A note in the default settings indicates this

    5. Load View Options

      Buttons called Save as default options and Reset original options have been added to beam and column Load Input view to save and restore the options shown on the right had side of that view. The only options not saved are those shown are the ones which add a moving concentrated load, enter point load as UDL, and combine loads of same type in drawing. A message box appears when pressing one of these buttons explaining which options are saved or restored.

    6. Additional Settings Now Saved as Default

      The number of settings and options it is possible to save as default has been expanded to include the following:

      • Beam supports area loads from continuous joists
      • All live loads/roof live loads are construction loads
  3. Default Loads View in Pop-up Window Setting (Change 171)

    Because of the growing number of users that experience crashes upon entering loads view when it is docked to the main program window, the option to show loads view as a pop up window is now the default when you get a new version of the program.

    We have added a minimize button to the pop-up window that allows you to dock the window without going to the Preference settings. For most users, docking the window will not cause crashing problems.

  4. On-line Help
    1. Web Help

      The On-line Help is no longer accessed from a file installed on your computer; it is now accessed via the Web. The Help will now be updated with corrections and for changes to the program as they occur.

    2. Update for Version 11 Changes

      The On-line Help has not yet been updated for the changes for version 11 described in this document. The Help will have the updated descriptions by May, 2017.

    3. USA-specific Help

      The Help is now specific to the USA version of the program. References to Canadian design procedures and program operation have been removed.

  5. Upgrade Notification (Feature 20) *

    Upon opening the program, you are now notified if a more recent version is available, and provided with a download link to the updated version.

  6. Bug Fixes and Small Improvements
    1. Invalid Keycode Message (QA Change 1)

      The message that appears saying your keycode is invalid now directs you the WoodWorks Sales email address.

    2. Product Code in Software ID (Feature 13)

      The three-digit code in the software ID that identifies the software version has been expended to 5 digits.

    3. Information in About Sizer box

      In the About Sizer box accessed from the Help menu:

      Misplaced colons and brackets in the design code and standard sections have been removed.

      In the sales and tech support sections, email communication has been emphasized over phoning, phone extensions were added, the fax number was removed, and the website is now a link to the site rather than text.

      The words WoodWorks Technical Support were mistakenly removed, and have been put back.

    4. Network Installation Error (Bug 3151)

      Occasionally, when running the software from the network installation the program would fail, giving the following error message: "When running from a server, the initialization files must be in the 'Common Application Data' folder, refer to the documentation for information network installation."

      This problem has been corrected.

    5. Default Installation Location

      The default installation folder has changed to include the country and the major version number (11). This allows you to have multiple editions on your computer by default, without overwriting editions from other countries and major versions.

    6. Start Menu

      The start menu folder now includes (USA), so that a Canadian version installed on the same computer will not overwrite the shortcuts to the program components.

    7. Groups Dialog for Medium and Large Display Size (Bug 3017)

      It was sometimes not possible to view the all the Concept Mode Groups dialog box input fields when medium or large Display Size was selected in Windows. The boxes are now resized to show all of the inputs when these display options are selected.

    8. Settings Input for Medium and Large Display Size (Bug 3067)

      It was sometimes not possible to view the all the Settings input tabs when medium or large Display Size was selected in Windows. It could happen that you were unable to click the buttons at the bottom that close the boxes.

      These boxes have now been reorganized in a shape like that of a typical computer screen, so that the entire box fits in the view regardless of the display option selected.

    9. Design Settings Moved to Default Settings Page (Change 155)

      The Minimum bearing length settings in the Design settings page have been moved to the Default page to make room for the more design settings.

    10. Concept Mode Improvements
      1. Warning for Minimum Snap Increment (Bug 2954)

        When trying to enter a snap increment below the minimum allowable 1", a message box was being displayed showing an unrelated message. This has been corrected.

      2. Size of Gridpoint Elevation Field (Change 179)

        The Gridpoint Elevation field has been widened to accommodate the lengthy text showing the absolute and relative elevation.

      3. Control-C in Concept Mode (Bug 2956)

        Control-C in took you to column view when the standard operation is to copy the selected text in an edit control. Ctrl C now copies text and Ctrl-Alt-C is now used to go to column view.

    11. Product Code in Software ID (Feature 13)

      The three-digit code in the software ID that identifies the software version has been expended to 5 digits.

    12. Crash on Opening Files with Discontinued Materials. (Bug 3052)

      When opening project files created in older versions of the software which include materials from databases files which are no longer included in the Sizer installation, the program would crash after first issuing warnings. It now allows program operation to proceed with default materials.

    13. Nominal vs. Actual Sizes for Standard Section (Bug 2943)

      When you typed in a value for a member that is the actual size of a standard section, e.g. 3.5, the program did not switch the label from in nom to in. This has been corrected.

    14. Filename in Title Bar for Design Check (Change 187)

      The file name was not appearing in the title bar for the Design Check view as it does for all other views. This has been corrected.

    15. Apply Button in Settings Dialog (Change 192)

      The "Apply" button has been removed from the Settings dialog because it had no effect.

    16. Spelling of e.g. in Format Settings (Change 194) *

      In the list of imperial formatting choices in the Format settings, the examples were prefaced by "eg." rather than "e.g.", the correct spelling, which is now used.

    17. Text Offset of Column Dimension Lines (Change 195) *

      For the lines dimensioning columns, the text was not drawn in the middle of the dimension line, but was spaced away from the line. Now the text is drawn in the middle of the line.

See Also

Sizer 11

Design Codes and Standards

Engineering Design

Loads and Loads Analysis

Materials and Database

Sizer 11.3

Sizer 11.2

Sizer 11.1