If Print to fit on one page in the Format settings is checked the program sometimes print with a font size less than what can fit on a page, e.g. it used a font size 4 although a font size of 5 fits when the checkbox is not selected, and it is only with a font size of 6 that the design report was printed in two pages.
This has been corrected and the program now prints with the optimal font size when printing just one page.
The following changes have been made to the output of fire design information
The Fire sub-section under Calculations in the Design Check output report has been reorganized and changed as follows:
The required fire duration input in Beam view has been moved to the Calculations section from the specification of member materials, as it is not a property of the beam itself. To indicate that this line is about fire design, the word fire has now been incorporated into the number exposed sides and removed from Fire protection.
The program was displaying nonsensical values in the material specification of the Design Check output for the number of fire-exposed sides when the IBC 722.63 fire design method was selected. This method has been removed from the program.
The member description in the Design Check has been changed as follows
The lateral support spacing output higher than that input by about 5-10%, for both metric and imperial formatting. This has been corrected.
For metric output, the spacing is now shown in whole millimeters rather than 2-digit accuracy.
For bearing design of column supporting members, in the Design Check under Load Combinations, the reaction R, bearing capacity Cap bearing length Lb and bearing factor Kb have been moved to the Calculations section. R is renamed Reaction and Cap Capacity.
For cantilevered members in beam mode, Sizer was often mistakenly showing a note regarding maximum reactions being from a critical load combination other then the one used for bearing design, and under Critical load combinations in the Additional Data, it was showing a 0 for the load combination number for bearing at some supports, rather than the critical LC number.
The correct load combinations were used for design, so this was a display issue only and has been corrected.
In the Factors table of the additional data, the program now outputs a dash (-) rather than 1.00 for the flat use factor Cfu for strong axis bending Fb and for the volume factor CV for weak axis bending Fby as these factors are not relevant to the design in these directions. Numeric values are output for Cfu for Fby and CV for Fb.
The char rate for fire design in the Calculations section of the Design Check was output in Imperial units, i.e. in/hr even if Metric units were selected. Now mm/hr is output for metric units.
A line regarding deflection in Additional Data has been re-worded. "Live" deflection = Deflection from all non-dead loads (live, wind, snow) now appears as "Live" deflection is due to all non-dead loads (live, wind, snow).
For I-joists, the table that for other materials was called Maximum Reactions, Bearing Resistances, and Bearing Lengths was called just Maximum Reactions, because previously it contained only reactions. Now, as it also has support bearing design, it is called Maximum Reactions and Support Bearing.
Custom design notes entered in the Design Notes settings only appeared in the Enhanced (graphical) Design Check, and not in the Design Summary for unknown section nor in the ASCII version of the Design Check. This has been corrected.
A blank space was introduced after F/E(psi) or F/E(MPa) in the Factors Table under Additional Data in the Design Check.
Extra blank spaces after V max, V design and M appearing under Critical Load Combinations in the Design Check output have been removed.
The Support Bearing line of the Analysis vs. Allowable Stress and Deflection table now says Support Bearin as the g interfered with the column separator line.