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Unsupported Length lu

The unsupported length lu from NDS determined for each span as the smaller of the following distances:

Points of zero moment

Since NDS C3.3.3.3 refers to the compression edge of the member, many designers measure Lu only over those distances that the member is in compression, that is, treating points of zero moment as if they were lateral support points. Other analysts question this approach, for example the CSA Handbook of Steel Construction does not allow it based on work done by Schmitke and Kennedy, 1985.

The Canadian Wood Council’s Introduction to Wood Design, 2011 edition, example 7.5, does not include the points of zero moment, however a note at the end of this example says that as an alternative approach, zero moment may be used.

Multi-span members:

For multi-span systems, if the maximum moment occurs within a span, then Lu is taken for the span in which the maximum moment occurs. If the maximum moment occurs at a support, the largest lu from either side of the support is taken.

See Also

Lateral Support

Input of Lateral Support

Lateral Support at Points of Bearing