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Input and Interpretation of Loads


This option specifies whether self-weight of the materials is to be included automatically by the program or manually input by you as part of the dead load.

This setting can be saved as default for new member files, and is saved for each member file.

Combine loads of same type in drawing

This option sums up the magnitudes of loads of the same type (dead, live, snow, etc) and displays the resulting load envelope in the diagram. If it is not checked, the individual loads appear superimposed on the same drawing.

This setting cannot be saved as default for new member files, and is not saved for each member file. The default is not to combine the loads.

Line/area loads applied over design span only

This setting indicates that the the portion of the line load that extends outside of the design span, that is, to the left of the support point of known bearing at a left end support and to the right of the support point of a right end support, are not to be applied directly to the bearing design of the support.

This setting can be saved as default for new member files, and is also saved for each member file.

Enter point load as UDL

This setting allows you to specify point loads applied to joists by entering line load dimensions, on the assumption that the load comes from a uniformly loaded wall. This option is saved to the member file file on a load-by-load basis, so it is possible to enter some point loads as UDL's and some as point loads. The word Point UDL appears in the load list for these loads.

This setting cannot be saved as default for new member files. It is saved for each member file.

Area loads on continuous spans

This setting allows you to specify that area loads entered on beams are distributed to the beam on the assumption that the beam is the centre support in an array of beams supporting a loaded joist area. When this checkbox is checked and an area load a and a tributary width (spacing for joists) s are entered, the line load used in the Sizer analysis to compute stresses is w = % x a x s, where % is the percentage of the tributary area load that goes to the center support. When it is not checked, the line load is w = a x s.

You can choose a 2-span condition, in which case you enter the ratio of the spans, and the program calculates the %, or another condition, in which case you enter the % directly. The default condition when checked is two equal spans, an array of three evenly spaced beams, for which the % of load on the center is 125 (i.e. 5/4).

This setting can be saved as default for new member files and is saved for each member file. The default value is that it is not checked.

Apply Auto Eccentricity % from Design Settings

Sizer allows you to apply an eccentricity proportional to the width or depth of the column, rather than an absolute value, to deal with uncertainty as to where the load will actually bear on the column.

This applies to both columns and wall studs, with the eccentricity for wall studs restricted to the wall depth direction only. It is applied to all axial loads in the direction of the load face selection.

There is a design setting for the percentage of the member width or depth to apply as axial load eccentricity to those columns that use auto-eccentricity, with a default of 16.7% = 1/6 of member depth, an amount commonly used.

This setting can be saved as default for new member files and is saved for each member file. The default value is that it is not checked.

See Also

Load Options

Application of Design Code Provisions