Important Note – These are descriptions to changes implemented in WoodWorks Shearwalls for version 10.1 and may not reflect current program behaviour.
The program now outputs two separate files for wind and seismic load generation, rather than both in one file as before. The file extensions are .sws and .sww instead of .log. The files are accessed by two icons in the toolbar.
In Generate Loads dialog, the following values reverted to their original values after being edited and you clicked anywhere outside the box before generating loads:
Seismic loads:
Wind loads:
The program now retains all the inputs.
The following problems regarding the update of site coefficients F(T) in the Site Information Dialog when the NBC 2015 design code setting is selected have been corrected. These values are editable when Site Class F is selected, as site specific analysis is required according to NBC Otherwise they are disabled and the values from Tables appear.
The program now updates the non-editable values of F(T) when Site Class A-E is selected when the peak ground elevation PGA value is changed, or the value of Sa(0.2) changes such that it switches between from being greater than or less than 0.8 PGA, as per NBC Previously the values only updated when the Site Information box was closed and reopened.
With Site Class F selected so the F(T) values are editable, after changing F(T) then the peak ground elevation value PGA, the F(T)’s reverted to their previous values.
When Site Class F is selected and F(T) values are edited, then changing to another Site class so that other non-editable values appear, and back again, the program now puts back the F(T) values that were previously entered rather than zeroes.
If Site Class F is selected, and the F(T) values not changed from the default value of 0, the program now issues a warning message asking you to enter non-zero values. If OK is selected, you return to the input dialog; If Cancel is selected, the changes are reverted. Previously the program allowed you to save these values and generated seismic loads based on the zero F(T)’s, generating zero seismic load of all were zero.
The same functionality has been implemented for when the NBC 2010 design code setting is selected and Fa or Fv is zero when exiting the box. Previously these values defaulted to the those from the last site class selected; now zeroes appear when selecting Fa or Fv.
On rare occasions one or more shearline forces would be calculated with nonsensically high values. These values appeared in the Shear Results table and were reflected in the storey shear and diaphragm design forces in the Seismic Information table. This rarely occurring bug due to unusual values of torsional rigidity for flexible diaphragm design encountered in intermediate iterations and has been corrected.
If a project is run such that torsional analysis is required, then the inputs are changed such that it is not and run again, the program retains the Torsional Analysis Details from the previous run. Torsional analysis is not required if the Rigid Analysis option is not selected in Structure Input view, and there are only wind loads on the structure, as seismic loads require flexible diaphragm torsional analysis.
The following minor formatting changes have been made to the Seismic Load Generation Details file.
Four decimal places were output for the value of Sa (5.0), the 5% damped spectral response acceleration in the Seismic Load Generation Details. Now it is output with two decimal places.
An extra line appearing between the line reading Equations (units = N,m) and the Equations in the Seismic Load Generation Details file has been removed.
The column headers hi, Wi and hi * Wi are now output as hx, Wx, hx * Wx in the Distribution of Base Shear to Levels table appearing in the Seismic Load Generation Details file. The change in subscript from i to x is because the subscript i is stated to be used for the level in summations in the Legend section, whereas x is for a particular level.
In the Site Information table of the Design Results, the words from and for appearing beside the NBC wind and seismic load generation procedure reference have been removed.