Symbols & Numeric
Symbols & Numeric
500mm Stud Spacing for Unblocked Factor (Feature 173)
Accept Design
Accept Design (Feature 153)
Accidental Eccentricity Reference in Log File for Medium Rise Wind Loads (Bug 2295)
Accidental Torsion for Flexible Diaphragms ( Feature 125)
Accumulation of Direct Shearline Force for Seismic Design (Bug 2630)
Adding Openings over CAD Import (Feature 150)
All-heights Co-efficients for Walls Extending Between Blocks (Bug 2473)
All-heights Method
All-heights Wind Load Coefficients
Allowable Drift
Appearance of Load Arrows (Bug 1952)
Application Data
Applied Shear vs Shear Capacity Setting
Apply Load Change Message (Change 119)
Apply Load Change Message (Change 119)
Apply Load Change Message (Change 119)
Area Elements
Area Load Tributary Width and Magnitude Reporting (Bug 2108)
Arrange Icons Menu Item (Change 129)
ASD Typo in Hold-down Displacement Table (Change 118)
Automatic Generation
Back-up Files (Change 123, Feature 203)
Base Shear due to Manual Building Masses on North-South Lines (Bug 2518)
Bending Term in Deflection Table Legend (Change 127)
Bi-Directional Seismic Rigid Diaphragm Analysis (Bug 2282)
Blank Page in Output (Change 157)
Block Creation Strategy
Block Operation
Blocks and Levels
Bolt Diameter Input in Hold-down Database for Decimal Imperial Formatting (Bug 2517)
Building Mass Generation
Building Mass Generation for Separate Floors (Bug 2386 – Version 8.1)
Building Masses
Building Masses
Building Masses
Building Masses vs. Dead Loads
Building Model
Building Model and Program Operation
Building Model and Shearwall Design
Building Model Assumptions
Building Structure
C&C Design Table in the Results Output
C&C Loads
CAD Import
CAD Import, Upper Levels
Capitalization of Load Case (Changs.142)
Changes to existing tables
Code reference for Gust Effect Factors in Log File (Change 166)
Collector Force Location
Collector Forces
Color of Text in Load Generation Legend (Bug 2815)
Combined Shear and Nail Slip Deflection
Company Information Settings
Component and Cladding (C&C) Design
Component and Cladding Loads
Component and Cladding Loads
Component and Cladding Loads
Component and Cladding Loads
Component and Cladding Tables Design Tables (Bug 2885)
Component and Cladding Wind Loads
Convergence of Continuous Deflections
Conversion of Imperial Units for Wall Framing Thickness (Bug 2804)
Cp and Cg Factors in the Log File for I-15 Method C&C Design (Bug 2635)
Crash after Moving Opening then Entering One (Bug 2856)
Crash for Walls Spanning Multiple Blocks at Gable End (Bug 2510)
Crash on Design with Non-shearwalls (Bug 2395 – Version 8.1)
Crash on Load Generation for Closely Spaced Walls (Bug 2687)
Crash when Generating Loads on Merged Walls (Bug 2882)
Creating and Changing Walls
Creating Standard Walls with Unknowns (Bug 2887)
Creation of Wall Groups due to Hold-down Data (Bug 2323)
Creation of Perpendicular Non-shearwalls (Bug 2880)
Crush and Additional Components
CSA O86 Design Standard
CSA O86-14 Design Standard
Cumulative Storey Shear in Seismic info Table (Change 137)
Current Building Model Bugs
Data Input
Data Input
Data Input
Data Input and Program Operation
Dead Load Component
Dead Loads
Default Design Results View (Change 155)
Default Load Type when Adding Loads (Feature 141)
Default Setting for Save as Default (Change 159)
Default Settings
Default Thickness for OSB Sheathing. (Bug 2805)
Deflection Analysis
Deflection Analysis
Deflection Analysis
Deflection Analysis and Shearwall Design
Deflection Analysis Setting Update (Bug 2327)
Deflection Calculations
Deflection Equation and Components
Deflection of Shearwalls
Deflection of Two-Sided Shear Wall
Deployment on Multiple Computers
Design and Load Distribution Processing Time
Design Cancel (Change 100)
Design Cases
Design Code Clause in Irregularities Table (Change 152)
Design Code Clause Number in Design Settings for Collector Force Method for Irregularities (Change 151)
Design Code References
Design Codes and Standards
Design Criteria
Design for Distribution of Forces to Shearwall Segments Based on Rigidity
Design for Unknown Parameters
Design Force in Walls and Segments
Design Iterations
Design Iterations per Level
Design Iterations per Level
Design Iterations Per Level
Design Options
Design Procedures
Design Processing Time
Design Provisions
Design Results
Design Results Output
Design Results Report
Design Settings
Design Summary
Design Summary (Feature 138)
Diaphragm Flexibility Cases
Diaphragm Options
Different Blocks along Same Building Face
Direct Shear Forces
Directionality of Uplift Wind Loads (Bug 2638)
Displacement and Capacity Sources
Display of Wall Group Name (Feature 102)*
Dissimilar Materials on Shear Line
Distribute Forces to Segments based on Rigidity
Distribution Method for Seismic Direct Shear Forces (Bug 2632)
Distribution of Loads to Shearline Forces
Documentation and File Operations
Drag Strut Forces
Drag Strut Forces
Drag Strut Forces
Drawings and Graphical Input
Eccentric Ridge Lines
Editable Ply and Panel Marking Input Box (Bug 2807)
Elevated Dead Load Magnitude and Reduced Jhd Factor (Bug 2565)
Elevation View
Elevation View
Elevation View
Elongation and Displacement
Enabling of Double-Bracket Boxes in Openings View (Bug 2813)
End Chord Bending Deflection
Engineering Design
Engineering Design
Engineering Design
Establish Factors and Design Walls
Exposure Factor
Extending Walls Upwards
External Pressure Coefficient for Leeward Roofs (Bug 2596)
External Pressure Coefficients for Wall Loads (Bug 2595)
Extraneous Message when Running a Design (Bug 2439)
Factors Applied to Shear Line Forces
Failure to Open a Project File (Bug 2088)
File Operation Bugs
Final Design Check
First Level Walls
Flexible Diaphragm Distribution
Flexible Diaphragm Vertical Transfer
Floor, Ceiling, and Flat Roof Mass Generation
For Systems Administrators
For Torsional Distribution to Shear Lines
Force Distribution and Engineering Design
Force Distribution to Equalize Deflections
Force Distribution within Shear Line
Force Modification Factors Ro and Rd
Forces Based On...
Format Settings
Framing Input
Framing Materials
Full Height Sheathing Output for Excluded Gypsum Walls (Bug 2355)
General Information
General Program operation
Getting Started Steps (Change 116)
Getting Started Steps (Change 122)
Graphical Selection of Openings (Feature 23)
Graphics Bugs
Gust Effect Factor
Gypsum Wall Board for Wet Service Conditions (Bug 2251)
Gypsum Wallboard Storey Capacity for One Directional Loading (Bug 2273)
H/D Ratio for Multiple Blocks
Height for Wind Classification
Height-to-width Ratio
Height-to-Width Ratios
Help Documentation
Highlight of Failing Walls (Feature 75)
Highly Variable and Zero Forces on Segments
Hip Roofs
Hold-down and Compression Forces
Hold-down Configuration
Hold-down Connection Assembly
Hold-down Connections
Hold-down Connections
Hold-down Connections
Hold-down Data Group
Hold-down Database
Hold-down Database
Hold-down Database
Hold-down Database Editor
Hold-down Database Editor
Hold-down Database Editor
Hold-down Database Message (Change 116)
Hold-down Deflection
Hold-down Design
Hold-down Design
Hold-down Design
Hold-down Displacement
Hold-down Displacement Parameters
Hold-down Effect Factor Jhd
Hold-down Force Accumulation Tolerance ( Change 169)
Hold-down Force Components
Hold-down Forces
Hold-down Forces
Hold-down Forces
Hold-down forces, anchorages, and compression forces
Hold-down Input
Hold-down Input
Hold-down Input
Hold-down Locations
Hold-down Offset Subtraction from Overturning Moment Arm (Bug 2731, Change 165)
Hold-down Selection
Hold-down Settings
Hold-down Settings
Hold-down Settings
Hold-down Settings Dimensional Units ( Bug 2468)
Hold-down Stud Width for Capacity and Elongation (Bug 2826)
Hold-down Types and Properties
Hold-downs in High Seismic Zones
Hold-downs versus Anchorages
Horizontal Forces
Ignore Non-wood-panel Contribution
Import of Bitmap and PDF Versions of CAD Files (Feature 126)
Importance Category
Importance Category and Factor
Importance Factor
Inclusion of Gypsum Capacity for Tall Walls (Bug 2447)
Incorrect Sheathing Strength Values for C&C Design
Initial Hold-downs
Input Bugs
Input and Output
Input and Program Operation
Input Dialogs
Input of Invalid Wall Location (Bug 2754)
Input of T Greater than Maximum (Bugs 2281, 2130)
Installation and System Issues
Installation Procedure
Interior Zone C&C Loads for the I-15 Method (Bug 2633)
Internal Pressure
Irregularity Analysis
Irregularity Analysis
Irregularity Analysis
Irregularity Check Warning (Change 110 – Version 8.1)
Irregularity Message Typo (Change 128)
Irregularity Table in Design Results
Iteration to Determine Rigidity
Lateral Loads on Sloped Roofs
Leeward I-!5 Method Reference Height for Ce (Bug 2810)
Leeward vs Windward Loads
Legend Checkbox in Options Settings (Bug 2398– Version 8.1)
Levels and Directions for Out-of-Plane and Weak Storey Seismic Irregularities (Bug 2824)
License Deployment
License Management Settings
Licensing and Registration
Linearize Deflection Equation
List of Cities for Default Seismic and Wind Data (Feature 209)
Load and Force Distribution
Load and Force Distribution
Load and Force Distribution
Load and Force Distribution Bugs
Load Cases
Load Distribution
Load Distribution and Accumulation
Load Distribution to Shear Lines
Load Generation
Load Generation
Load Generation
Load Generation
Load Generation
Load Generation
Load Generation and Distribution
Load Generation Assumptions
Load Generation Options
Load Generation Process
Load Input
Loads and Forces
Loads and Forces Settings
Loads and Load Generation
Location of Standard Walls File for Network Installations (Bug 2776)
Location of Wall Dead Load Input (Change 153)
Log File Button (Change 120)
Log File for Torsional Analysis Changes (Changes 138-141)
Log file for Wind Generation (Changes 115,124.142)
Log File in Viewer (Feature 153)
Log File Issues
Log File output of Area Load Magnitude (Bug 2484)
Log File output of Area Load Magnitude (Bug 2483)
Low Rise Wind Generation for Multiple Blocks that are Deleted (Bug 2430)
Low Rise Wind Loads Due to Note 8 for Positive CpCg Coefficients (Bug 2550)* corrected for Canadian references and terminology
Low-rise Method
Low-rise Wind Load Rigid Diaphragm Cases in Log File (Change 91)
Material Abbeviations
Material and Component Databases
Maximum Percentage Gypsum Wallboard
Maximum Seismic Base Shear Vmax in Log File Output. (Bug 2054)
Member Dimensions
Menus and Toolbars
Message for Applicability of I-15 Method for Multi-block Structures (Bug 2738)
Message for No Species Group in Database.ini File (Change 167)
Mid-rise Wood Construction
Minimum Seismic Base Shear
Moving Wall Lines with User Applied Forces (Bug 2676)
Multi-block All-heights Warning Message (Change 113)
Multiple Blocks
Multiple Extend Upwards (Feature 193)
MWF Wind Loads All-heights Coefficients in Log File (Bug 2501)
Nail Deformation en for Larger Nail Sizes (Bug 2583)
Nail Slip Deflection
Nail Slip Deflection of Unloaded Gypsum Wallboard (Bug 2577)
Nail Withdrawal Capacity
National Building Code of Canada
NBC 2005 Seismic Load Generation
NBC 2005 Wind Load Generation
NBC 2015 – Seismic Load Generation
NBC 2015 – Wind Load Generation
NBC 2015 and CSA O86-14 Updates 1 and 2 - General
NBC Terminology (Change 164)
Negative Jhd Factor for Hold-downs on All Walls (Bug 2445)
Network Installations
New and Removed Tables
New Viewer and Report Format
No Species Group in Initialization File (Change 2738)
Non-Convergence due to Dead Load Counteracting Force
Non-convergence of Deflection-based Distribution to Segments (Bug 2770)
Nonsense Hold-down Values at Gable End of Monoslope Roof (Bug 2509)
Nonsensical Values for Anchorage Deflection (Bug 2677)
Non-wall Dead Loads Treated as Wall Dead Loads (Bug 2571)
Older Building Model Bugs
On-line CSA O86
On-line help
Options Settings
OSB Shear Defection Values for Deflection Design (Bug 2582)
OSB Type 2 Sheathing
Other changes
Other Engineering Design
Other Engineering Design Issues
Other Seismic Load Generation
Other Wind Load Generation
Out-of-plane Bending Capacity for Component and Cladding Wind Loads
Output Bugs
Output of Bx for Torsional Irregularity (Change 154)
Output Warnings for Inadequate Stud Thickness for Hold-downs (Bug 2825)
Over-capacity Coefficient
Overlapping Building Elements (Shadowing)
Override Hold-down Displacement Properties
Overturning Force Calculation
Panel Marking in Sheathing Materials Output (Bug 2808)
Panel Shear Deflection
Percent Gypsum Shear for Asymmetric Wind Loads (Bug 2264)
Period T
Physical Parameters
Plan and Elevation View Settings
Plan View
Plan View
Plan View
Plan View
Plan View Update Quality (Change 161)
Precision of Design Shear Values in Shear Results Output (Bug 2495)
Precision of Velocity Pressure q in Log File (Change 114)
Previous Versions
Previous Versions
Previous Versions
Program Data File Locations (Bug 2265)
Program Operation
Program Operation
Program Operation
Project and Structural Data
Project File Backup
Project Files With Hold-downs Deleted from Database (Bug 2827)
Project Information
Projected Area Roof Mass Generation
Provisions Not Implemented
Restriction of Shearwall Materials when All Segments have Hold-downs (Bug 2625)
Restrictions and Warnings
Restrictions and Warnings
Restrictions and Warnings
Ridge Information
Rigid Diaphragm Analysis
Rigid Diaphragm Analysis
Rigid Diaphragm Analysis
Rigid Diaphragm Distribution
Rigid Diaphragm Vertical Transfer
Roof Construction
Roof Creation
Roof Geometry
Same Materials on Shear Line
Segment Output in Seismic Shear Results Table (Bug 2275)
Segment Shear Value in Deflection Table when Both Sides Same (Bug 2584)
Seismic Drag Strut Force Factor
Seismic Load and Force Generation
Seismic Load Generation
Seismic Load Generation Bugs
Seismic Load Generation Input Typos (Change 121)
Seismic Load Generation Input Typos (Change 121)
Seismic Load Generation Input Typos (Change 121)
Seismic Load Provisions
Seismic Loads
Selection of Critical Segment in Design for Unknowns (Bug 2730)
Self Weights
Service Conditions
Service Release 7.1 Canada
Service Release 7.2 Canada
Service Releases 8.1 to 8.4
Serviceability vs. Ultimate Limit States in Table Legends (Bug 2641)
Settings Input
Shear Deflection for Custom Sheathing Thicknesses (Bug 2585)
Shear Distribution to Wall Segments Within Shearline
Shear Force Distribution
Shear Force Distribution Methods
Shear Force in Sheathing
Shear Forces on Shear Line
Shear Line Offsets
Shear Lines
Shear Loads
Shear Overturning Component
Shear Results Output for Shearlines which Extend over Part of Structure (Bug 2822)
Shear Strength of Unblocked Shearwall (Bug 2250)
Shear Wall Design
Shear Wall Design
Shear Wall Design
Shear Wall Design Data
Shear Wall Height
Shear Wall Rigidity
Shear Walls and Shear Lines
Shearlines with Zero Capacity and Non-zero Shear Force (Bug 2211)
Shearwall Design
Shearwall Design Bugs and Minor Improvements
Shearwall Design Iterations
Shearwall Wall and Opening Dimensions Table Legend (Change 162)
Shearwalls 2020 ( Version 11 )
Shearwalls 7.0 Canada
Sheathing Materials
Side Pressures
Site Classes - US
Site Information
Site Information
Site Information
Six Levels
Slope Angles
Sloped Area Roof Mass Generation
Slowdown in Updating the Drawing of Loads (Bug 2750)
Spectral Response Accelerations - Canada
Speed-up over Hills and Escarpments
Spin Controls for Building Levels in Generate Loads Input View (Bug 2387 - Version 8.1)
Standard Wall Copy (Feature 178)
Standard Wall Relative Rigidity (Bug 2522)
Standard Walls
Standard Walls
Standard Walls
Standard Walls
Standard Walls and Wall Design Groups
Storey Drift
Storey Drift Calculation
Story Drift Calculations
Streamline Network Version Setup (Design Office Feature 8)
Structural Iteration for Irregularities
Structure Height-to-width Ratio
Structure Input
Stud Width and Thickness
System Requirements
Technical Support and Training
Tension vs. Compression Forces
Terrain for Exposure Factor
Text Output
Text Output
Text Output
Titles and Legends
Tool Tips for Wind Load Generation Controls (Bug 2675)
Topographic Factor
Torsional Analysis Calculations
Torsional Analysis for Flexible Diaphragms
Torsional Irregularity for Wall Lines with Zero FHS (Bug 2738)
Torsional Sensitivity
Torsional Sensitivity Irregularity
Torsional Sensitivity Seismic Irregularity Detection(Bug 2523)
Transfer of Accidental Eccentricity
Transfer of Inherent Torsion
Unblocked Factor in Deflection Equation
Unblocked Shearwall Limitations
Undo/Redo Feature
Unknown OSB Interior Panel Markings (Bug 2881)
Update of Inputs Related to Hold-downs (Bug 2683)
Update of Unknown Nail Spacing Input (Bug 2667)
Update to CSA 086-09 from CSA 086-01
Update to CSA O86-09 for Sheathing Strengths for C&C Design (Bug 2628)
Update to NBC 2010 from NBC 2005
Uplift Forces Shown in Hold-down Displacement Table (Bug 2641)
Uplift Loads on Walls with Openings (Bug 2744)
User Interface Rearrangement
User-applied Shear Line Forces
User-applied Shear Line Forces
User-applied Shear Line Forces
User-input Masses
Velocity Pressure
Verification of Stable Design in Final Design Check Iteration (Bug 2743)
Version 10
Version 10.1
Version 10.2
Version 10.3
Version 7
Version 8
Version 8.2
Version 8.4
Version 9
Version 9.1
Version 9.2
Version 9.3
Version History
Version Number in Program Name (Change 111)
Versions 8.1 and 8.11
Versions 8.3 and 8.31
Vertical elements
Vertical Loads
Vertical Location of Upper Wall Load (Bug 2107)
Vertical Shear Force Accumulation
Vertical Transfer for Flexible Diaphragms with Torsions
Vertical Transfer of Hold-down Forces
Wall Construction
Wall Design Groups
Wall Design Groups (Feature 17)
Wall Design Iteration
Wall Framing and Hold-down Behaviour on Multiple Selection (Bug 2816)
Wall Height
Wall Height at Gable Ends
Wall Height at Gable Ends for Hold-down Force Calculation (Bug 2465)
Wall Mass Generation
Wall Material Design
Wall Materials
Wall or Segment Length
Wall Type
Wall Types and Materials
Warnings and Messages
Weights for Seismic Load Generation
Welcome to Shearwalls
Whole-structure Iterations
Width of Reduced Windward Roof Zone 2
Wind Load Design Procedure
Wind Load Generation
Wind Load Generation
Wind Load Generation
Wind Load Generation Bugs
Wind Load Generation Log File Legend (Bug 2635)
Wind Load Importance Factor for Deflection (Bug 2576)
Wind Load Provisions
Wind Shear Loads
Wind Site Information
Wind Uplift Component
Wind Uplift Load Directionality (Feature 115)
Wind Uplift Loads
Wind Uplift Loads over Openings (Bug 2132)
Wood Properties and Construction Details for Displacement
Worst Case Selection and Design Check
Worst-case Design