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Bolt-hole Tolerance and Other Components

The additional components in the Bolt-hole tolerance and Other – miscuts/gaps input of the Wood Properties and Construction Details of the Hold-down Settings are applied to all hold-down locations in the program.

Other (miscuts, gaps, etc.)

Additional sources of vertical shear wall displacement are input here at the discretion of the designer. This could include allowance for studs that are cut too short or without square-cut ends.

Bolt hole tolerance

This is the difference between drilled hole diameter in the studs and the diameter of the horizontal bolt shank. For total-assembly displacements that include slippage, any value greater than 1/16” is added to the published displacement, which includes the effect of standard size bolt holes. This input allows you to take into account the effect of retightening of bolts to create slippage less than 1/16", and oversizing of holes for slippage greater than the standard 1/16".

See Also

Hold-down Displacement


