Important Note – These are descriptions to changes implemented in WoodWorks Shearwalls for version 10.0 and may not reflect current program behaviour.
The program now implements the 2015 National Building Code (NBC), but still retains the implementation of design with the NBC 2010 as a user option.
In the Design Code drop list the Design procedures data group of the Design settings, the choice CSA O86-14/ NBC 2010 has changed to CSA O86-14/ NBC 2015. The CSA O86-09/ NBC 2010 choice remains unchanged.
This change is also reflected in the output of the design settings, the About Sizer box accessed from the Help menu and in the Building Codes box accessed from Welcome box, and the Welcome box.
The program now indicates in the About Sizer box and the Building Codes box that the CSA O86-14 implementation now includes Update No. 1 from May 2016 and Update No. 2 from June 2017. The latter update caused some design code clause reference numbers to change.
The program does not allow you to generate loads with 2010 NBC and design with 2014 O86, or generate with NBC and design with CSA O86-09.
If you try to do so, when Design button is pressed, the program offers a choice of cancelling design or regenerating loads.
The references to the NBC design code clause numbers in the input forms and screen messages, and in warnings, design notes and other program output, have been updated to show the 2015 edition clause numbers when CSA O86-14/ NBC 2015 is chosen as the design setting. It continues to show 2010 edition numbers when CSA O86-09/ NBC 2010 is chosen.
In determining which NBC provisions should be included in the program and how existing ones were to be interpreted and implemented, consideration was given to the changes in NBC which allow 5- and 6-storey design for most wood structures, instead of the previous limitation to 4 storeys.
The changed provisions relate to permissible structures of combustible construction for fire safety – for residential use (Group C) and for business and personal service use 9 (Group D).
Note that neither the building area limitations nor the height limits for these provisions are checked by Shearwalls and it is your responsibility to ensure that your building is within these limits.
The on-line Help in the old Windows format containing references to the CSA O86-09 design code provisions has been removed from the program. The newer Web Help showing CSA O86-14 references is retained. It currently refers to the NBC 2010 design code and has not been yet been updated for Version 10 features and changes. This will be done over time and updates posted to the web site.
The reference to NBC now indicates that it is Division B, Part 4 that is used. The full name of the Structural Commentaries is now given.
Under Mid-rise Wood Construction:
A section about Wind Load Generation has been added indicating that partial load cases from and intermediate exposure factors Ce for change in terrain from are not in the program.