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Elevation View

Important Note – These are descriptions to changes implemented in WoodWorks Shearwalls for version 10.0 and may not reflect current program behaviour.

  1. Zoom and View Settings (Feature 216)

    You are now able to zoom Elevation View in and out and to establish view settings similarly to Plan View.

    1. Elevation View Setting Tab

      A tab for Elevation View has been added to the Settings box, with similar inputs to the View tab for Plan view. The setting previously called View has been changed to Plan View.

      1. View Area

        You can establish the confines of your viewing area with the View area inputs, or change them using the Zoom buttons in the Elevation View data bar.

      2. Fit Building to Viewing Area and Fit Viewing Area to Window

        These settings act similarly to Plan View, allowing you to recapture the full image of the structure after it has been zoomed.

      3. Plan View Snap Increment

        Since there is no interactive input in Elevation View, the snap increment entered in the Plan View settings is shown here, and is used as the metric for the Display gridlines input.

      4. Display Gridlines

        You can now display gridlines at a different interval from how they are shown in Plan view using this input.

      5. Zoom Increment

        You can set the percentage by which the image expands or contracts each time the Zoom in and Zoom out buttons in the Elevation View data bar are pressed.

    2. Toolbar Buttons.

      Zoom in and Zoom out buttons in the Elevation View data bar expand or contract the image by a percentage increment entered in the Elevation View settings.

    3. Mouse Wheel

      It is also possible to zoom the image via the mouse wheel, owing to the new feature described in .

  2. Multi-storey Selected Walls (Feature 230)

    You can now choose to view Selected Walls while viewing multiple levels or multiple levels while in Selected Walls mode. In this case, the program shows only walls that are above and below the selected walls. This allows you to view see the entire vertical load path for a single stack of walls. Previously, it was difficult to do so for long shearlines because the data tended to overlap.

    1. Data Bar Controls

      Previously, when Selected Walls was chosen in Elevation view, the levels control was disabled. Now it is enabled.

    2. Drawing

      When in Selected Walls mode while more than one level is being viewed, the program uses the walls on the level selected in Plan view to determine what walls are shown on other levels. It shows all walls on other levels that are entirely within the extents of the selected walls.

      If contiguous selected walls are selected, the program shows walls on other levels within the total extent of the contiguous walls, even if they do not lie within the extent of any one of the selected walls. However, if there is a gap between selected walls, the program does not show walls on other levels that lie even partially within that gap.

      If you find this difficult to envision, just experiment with the program.

  3. Shading of Non-shear-resisting Segments (Feature 56)

    The following elements are now shaded in light gray to indicate that they are not considered shear resisting elements.

    1. Shearwall segments

      Within shearwalls, segments which are too narrow to be considered full-height segments, and are this not included in design and do not draw force, are shaded.

      Openings are shaded above and below the opening

    2. Non-shearwalls

      Non-shearwalls are shaded except for the openings.

  4. Dimension Lines (Feature 79)

    Dimension lines indicating the length of full-height segments or of perforated walls, opening length and height, joist depth and wall height are now shown in Elevation View.

    1. Display Settings

      In both the Show menu for Elevation View, and in the Display data group of the Options settings there is a checkbox to turn off the display of dimensions for walls and for openings independently. Joist thickness is also turned off when walls are turned off.

    2. Location of Dimension Lines
      1. Full Height Segments and Perforated Walls.

        Full height segments in all shearwalls and entire non-shearwalls are dimensioned in the bottom area of the wall.

      2. Openings

        The horizontal dimension of openings is shown on top of the opening if there is room, otherwise within the opening.

        The vertical dimension of openings is shown inside the opening on the right-hand side.

      3. Wall Height and Joist Thickness

        The wall height is dimensioned to the left of the entire shearline, and the joist thickness to the right.

    3. Format

      Dimensions are in feet or meters, and you can control whether feet-inch or fractional feet, and whether fractional inches are shown, using the Imperial Format setting for Distance.

  5. Display of Roof Line and Gable End (Feature 228)
    1. Display Settings

      In the Show menu while in Elevation view and the Display data group of the Options Settings in the Elevation view column, items have been added for the display Gable end and for Roof.

      When Roof is checked, the gable end is always shown, and its checkbox is disabled and checked.

      1. Gable End

        This setting controls the display of the triangular gable end of the wall. If the setting Ceiling acts as upper level diaphragm is checked in Structure view, this portion of the wall is not considered part of the shearwall, and turning off the setting economises on space without compromising the depiction of forces on the line.

      2. Roof

        This setting controls the display of side panels and hip ends, which do not affect the distribution of forces within the shearline, so this setting can be turned off to economize on space if only the forces within shearwalls are of interest

    2. Gable Ends

      Gable ends are part of the end wall, and it was previously unclear whether they were considered part of the shearwall, as they are if Ceiling acts as upper level diaphragm is unchecked in Structure view,

      1. Wall drawing

        If selected for display, gable ends are drawn in the same green colour as the wall.

      2. Force arrows

        When Ceiling acts as upper level diaphragm is unchecked in Structure view the program draws the arrows for the diaphragm shear force and the segment shear forces along the slope of the gable end rather than at the level of the top of the upper storey.

        These force locations are used in the calculation of the moment arm for hold-down force calculations, however previously that was not apparent.

        If you choose not to draw gable ends, then the forces are drawn along the top of the upper level wall at eave height, even though they act at the height of the sloping roof.

    3. Hip Roof and Side Panels

      Hip roof panels and side panels are drawn in a mid-gray colour, and the entire outline of the panel is drawn, including the line at eave height.

      The panels are drawn only if the roof block edge is collinear with the wall, in other words, if the roof is made of rafters, the wall supports the rafters.

      Roof panels are drawn only for those blocks whose highest level corresponds to one of the levels selected in Elevation view.

  6. Segment Numbers (Feature 77)
    1. Display Setting

      In the Show menu and in the Display data group of the Options settings, you can now turn on and off the display of segment numbers. By default, they are off.

    2. Segment Number

      In the upper portion of shearwall segment, centered horizontally, the program shows the segment number after the wall number, e.g. A-1,1; A-1, 2; etc.

    3. Critical Segment

      Within the design results text below the drawing, the program now gives the critical segment, e.g. A-4,2, in which 4 is the wall number and 2 is the segment number. Previously it just indicated the segment was within wall A-4.

  7. Bug Fixes and Small Improvements
    1. Placement of Segment Shear Force Values (Feature 79)

      For multi-storey structures, the numeric value of the shear force on each segment has been raised above the arrows for the design shear force on the storey above, if they would otherwise be obscured by them or by the diaphragm itself.

    2. Crash for Offset walls with Dead Loads (Bug 3138)

      For shearwalls offset from the shearline location, and if dead loads were on the wall, the program was crashing when Elevation View was viewed. This has been corrected.

    3. Selected Walls from Multiple Shearlines (Bug 3167)

      When individual walls from different shearlines were selected in Plan view, Elevation view in the Selected Wall mode showed all these walls, even if they overlap. Now the program shows only the walls from the first shearline selected, as it does when multiple entire shearlines are selected when in Entire Shearline mode.

    4. Disabled Level Input in Elevation View (Bug 3172)

      After re-entering the Structure action or Roof action in Plan View are selected, then going to Elevation View, the Level input was disabled, and you were unable to change the levels being viewed. This has been corrected.

    5. Drawing of Offset Walls (Bug 3175)

      When walls on a shearline are offset in plan from neighbouring walls, in Elevation view the offset walls were drawn slightly than normal, causing a small gap between walls. This occurred consistently when viewing one level and occasionally when viewing multiple levels, and has been corrected.

    6. Rescaling after Disabling Material Information (Bug 3177)

      After disabling the framing, nailing, or sheathing information under the shearwalls in Elevation view, it did not rescale to accommodate the change in information. This resulted in you being unable to see the information when it was re-enabled, or the view having a large amount of blank space along the bottom when the information was disabled. These problems have been corrected.

    7. Vertical Elements (Change 223)

      It is now possible to turn on and off vertical elements via the Show menu in Elevation view.

See Also

Version 10

NBC 2015 and CSA O86-14 Updates 1 and 2 - General

NBC 2015 – Wind Load Generation

Other Wind Load Generation

NBC 2015 – Seismic Load Generation

Other Seismic Load Generation

Deflection Analysis and Shearwall Design

Load and Force Distribution

Plan View

Program Operation

Version 10.1

Version 10.2

Version 10.3