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Shear Wall Design Data

A Design Summary page appears immediately before start of the sections pertaining to each design case for shear wall design results. For more detailed results, for each of the design cases to which they apply, there are tables for the following:

Shear Results Table

For each of flexible diaphragm wind design, rigid diaphragm wind design, flexible diaphragm seismic design, and rigid diaphragm seismic design, the Shear Results table shows

The tables show walls designed for the worst-case of wind and seismic loads, and for the worst-case rigid vs. flexible design if you have chosen that option in the Design Settings, against the forces for each design case separately. Therefore the walls shown may seem over-designed relative to the design case viewed. A symbol S appears beside the design ratio if a wall designed to resist seismic loads appears in the wind table, and similarly a symbol W in the seismic table.

Component and Cladding Table

If wind C&C loads are present, the Component and Cladding Table shows design for out-of-plane sheathing strength and nail withdrawal.

The table reports C&C design loads and sheathing and nail capacities for the end zone and interior zone for each shear wall, by shear line and within each shear line, there is a separate table line for each wall design group. within the line.

The end zone C&C load is used to determine the sheathing thickness and stud spacing. The withdrawal capacity of a nail is used to determine size and spacing of nails for end and interior zones.

There is only one table, applying to the wall designed for both rigid and flexible diaphragm wind load case, so that if you are not doing worst-case design, lines for different wall groups can appear for each of these cases. If you are allowing dissimilar materials along the line, lines for groups designed for different walls can appear. Even if identical shear wall materials are specified, a separate group for non-shearwalls can appear.

However, if the walls along the line are designed with identical materials and worst-case wind vs. seismic, which is the recommended approach, and there are no non-shearwalls, only one wall group will appear per shear line.

Seismic Information

For seismic design, the program outputs a table giving the following information on each level of the structure

There are also tables for

Other Tables

For each design case, there are also tables showing

Refer to the topics describing these aspects of the program for descriptions of the output.


Warnings appear beneath the tables in red if any shear lines, walls or hold-downs fail, that is, the applied force exceeds the design capacities of these elements, or there is excessive story drift. Warnings also appear if the building contravenes other design code limitations, such as materials allowed for seismic design categories.

See Also

Design Results

Project and Structural Data