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Different Blocks along Same Building Face

Because different wall lines can have different reference heights h because they are on different blocks, but be on the same face of the building in terms of N, S, E, W directions, the program assigns separate C&C loads to each wall line.

It is possible that one wall line can span two or more blocks, so loads from more than one building block are applied along different points of that line. The program uses the highest of these C&C loads to design walls along that line. This is appropriate when you do not allow dissimilar materials on the line; if you do, some wall segments may be subjected to higher loads from another part of the line.

Note that the only difference between C&C loads are due to the exposure and gust factors, which in turn depend on the mean roof height. Typically there will be only a few percentage points difference between these factors on blocks with varying roof heights. Taking the worst of these along a line is a minor conservative approximation.

See Also

Component and Cladding Loads

Leeward vs Windward Loads