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Restrictions and Warnings

No loads will be generated if the height-to-width ratio of the entire structure is greater than four to one, as NBC specifies that dynamic analysis is to be used for those structures. The equation in that section is used to determine the width of structures with storeys of differing dimensions.  

If there is a non-flat roof on the structure, a warning will appear indicating that the wall coefficients have been used for the roof, as this method is intended for flat-roof structures. The reference height used for H/D calculations is the ridge height for roofs and the eave height for walls.

A message also appears for a multi-block structure, as Commentary 29 refers to buildings that are rectangular in plan.

See Also

All-heights Method

H/D Ratio for Multiple Blocks

Lateral Loads on Sloped Roofs

Side Pressures

Component and Cladding Loads

Full and Partial Wind Loading