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H/D Ratio for Multiple Blocks

According to NBC 2010 Commentary Figure I-15 and NBC 2015, pressure coefficients on the vertical surfaces of the structure depend on the height to depth ratio of the structure (H/D). In Shearwalls, the H and D dimensions are those of a building block, not the entire structure. For example, a 3-storey building with an attached one-storey garage will have loads generated separately on the two portions of the structure using different H/D ratios.

Considering the L- shaped building shown below, the depth for loads on wall B-1 and C-1 will therefore be the length of 1-1, the depth for loads on wall for 1-1 and 3-2 it is the length of C-1, the depth for loads on wall 3-1 and 2-1 is A-1, and the depth for loads on A-1 is the sum of 3-1 and 3-2. Note that if 3-1 and 3-2 are combined into one wall, the depth used for loads on that wall could be either of the two depths, so if one shear wall is desired, it is best to generate loads first, then combine the walls for design later.

See Also

All-heights Method

Restrictions and Warnings

Lateral Loads on Sloped Roofs

Side Pressures

Component and Cladding Loads

Full and Partial Wind Loading