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Hold-down Selection

he Hold-down selector, New and Delete buttons, and Default… checkbox are used to control the current hold-down being edited.

Hold-down Selector

The hold-down selection drop-down is used to both select the hold-down for viewing and editing properties, to name a new hold-down, or to rename the hold-down by typing over the existing name. It sorts the hold-downs from the database alphabetically.

Short name

Here you enter a short nameer hold-down name, typically a maximum of 8 or 9 characters, that is sufficient to identify the hold-down but fits in the output tables.


Changes the input mode to refer a new hold-down being created rather than an existing one being edited. Once pressed, it is necessary to enter a name for the hold-down, and at least one valid displacement or elongation record, before exiting the dialog. If you do not wish to complete the entry of data for the new hold-down, then press Delete to delete it before exiting the dialog.


Used to delete the currently selected hold-down from the database. Note that you cannot undo this action, the data must be re-entered if it is inadvertently deleted.

You must use this button to delete incomplete entries before exiting the dialog box.

Default hold-down in Shearwalls

Indicates that this hold-down is the one that is used when new walls are created in Shearwalls.


Exit the dialog box. All changes you made take effect without further warning. If button is not active and you cannot exit then complete or delete any incomplete lines in the Elongation/Displacement table, or delete the entire hold-down.

See Also

Hold-down Database Editor

Design Properties

