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Design Properties

The list in this data group allows you to enter different hold-down capacities and displacements at maximum capacity depending on stud width and thickness. It allows you to replicate the tables that appear in the hold-down product literature that have different hold-down capacities and/or displacements for each stud thickness and/or depth. It is also possible to enter just one record that applies to all stud sizes.

End Stud Pack Thickness and Width

You enter a line in this table for each of the records in the hold-down product literature that have different hold-down capacities and/or displacements. These capacities and displacements apply to minimum end stud pack dimensions (actual, not nominal), that is, to all end studs with thickness or depth greater than those entered in the line. If “all” is entered, the data apply to all thicknesses or widths less than those specified in other lines.

Thickness is the dimension of the wall chord end stud assembly through which the hold-down fasteners pass. Width is the perpendicular dimension. Capacity is allowable tension load . Displacement is evaluated at full capacity, and includes fastener slippage, bracket elongation, and anchor bolt elongation.

Stud Species

Separate values are entered for Doug Fir-Larch and Spruce-Pine-Fir stud species. Other species such as Hem-Fir are assigned values for S-P-F. A warning appears in the Design Results output if the species has a specific gravity less than that of S-P-F.

The values apply to only one bracket in a two-bracket hold-down.


Creates a new record corresponding to a line in the table of product information. The line includes the hold-down capacity and displacement or elongation for all stud thicknesses and widths greater than those in you enter in this line. Non-zero values must be entered, otherwise you cannot exit the dialog box. If you wish to exit without completing the record, delete the record.


Delete an entire record consisting of one line of the Displacement table. You must delete any incomplete lines before exiting the dialog.


For any line in the table, you can enter a note corresponding to the one that appears in the product literature and/or evaluation report to show in the design results any further restrictions on the use of the hold-down, such as on the wood species, grade, or specific gravity.

See Also

Hold-down Database Editor

Hold-down Selection

