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Floor, Ceiling, and Flat Roof Mass Generation

For floor areas and , ceilings line building masses are created at each side of each automatically-generated rectangular portion of the area, representing half the weight of that area element. The self-weight of the floor is multiplied by the half the depth of the area element, in the direction of the seismic force, to create the building mass magnitude.

The building mass is located on the shear line closest to the end of the area element that generated the mass. The length of the element in the direction perpendicular to the seismic force determines the start and end of the line mass. These line masses are converted to seismic line loads.

Note that this method is used for roof blocks only when all the roof blocks are on the same level and are flat roofs. Otherwise the flat roof is treated as in roof panel generation using the projected area self-weight.

In This Section

Area Elements

Uneven Block Heights

See Also

Building Mass Generation

Self Weights

Wall Mass Generation

Roof and Snow Mass Generation