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Dead Loads

These represent the building mass bearing on the wall from a roof or floor just above it tributary to that wall, and the self weight of the wall. Building masses for the purpose of seismic load generation are entered separately, but it is possible to generate dead loads using the same mechanism as with seismic building mass generation.

When calculating tension hold-down forces, the effect of these loads is multiplied by the counteracting load combination factor for before being subtracted from the overturning moment due to lateral shear forces. For compression forces at the other end of the wall, the dead force is factored by the regular load combination factor before being added to overturning forces.

It is important to emphasize that dead loads should not be added to model the building mass for generation of seismic loads; there is a separate input for building masses.

The program distinguishes between generated wall dead loads using wall self-weight from other dead loads in order to facilitate Jhd calculations.

See Also

Vertical Loads

Wind Uplift Loads