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Licensing and Registration

WoodWorks® uses concurrent licensing which allows a pool of licenses to be shared by several users, or for a single user to use the software on more than one computer. The number of licenses you have purchased is the number of users who can use the software simultaneously.

You are provided with a single License Server ID via automated e-mail upon purchasing WoodWorks® licenses. When you run a WoodWorks® program for the first time, a License Activation dialog box appears. Enter the License Server ID and press Acquire License. If is a valid ID and a license is currently available, the program will start. If it is a valid ID but a license is not currently available, you will be registered but will not be able to run the software at that time. Thereafter, if a license is available (not being used by someone else or on a different computer) the program will start without asking for the ID.

The WoodWorks Start Menu has links to all our programs, but you will only be able to use the programs that you or your organization has purchased.

Licenses have an expiry of one year after purchase or renewal. The time remaining is shown in the bar at the bottom of the screen when the software is running.

Ordinarily, you must be connected to the Internet to start running the software. If you expect to be using the program while not on the Internet, you must reserve the license before you go off-line. There are two ways to do this:

If you use a single license on more than one computer, it is recommended that you select Always return license in the License Management settings, so that the license is always available to any computer you use.

If the license is not required by other users or on other computers, we recommend a short (1-2 day) reserve period. This will avoid tying up the license indefinitely in the event there is a problem with your computer and you need to use the software on another one.

Note that if you are in a pool of users on the same License Server ID, you may not be able to set these License Management settings if your administrator has not allowed you to do so. Refer to License Deployment.

Refer to the WoodWorks® License Agreement for more information on licensing.

See Also

General Information

Installation Procedure

Technical Support and Training

Help Documentation

System Requirements

Application Data

Material and Component Databases

Project File Backup

For Systems Administrators