User preferences regarding what information, apart from loads and forces, will be displayed in plan view, elevation view, and the text output reports.
These are not saved with the project file, so they will remain the same when you open an existing project.
Contains a list of items that can be turned on and off in order to reduce clutter on your diagrams or to focus on certain information. They apply to both screen display and printed output. There are separate lists for Plan View and Elevation View.
You must go to Loads and Forces Settings to turn on and off the loads and forces that appear on the screen.
Display or Print these Design Results...
Allows you to tailor the tables that are printed out in the design results. Can be used to reduce the output to a single page for a subset of the design results.
You must go to Loads and Forces Settings for loads tables, drag strut force and hold-down design tables, and to limit design results to rigid or flexible diaphragm and/or seismic or wind design.