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NBC Provisions

The program uses the Equivalent Static Force Procedure from NBC to generate seismic loads.

Information about the following aspects of this procedure is found under Site Information;

Full lists of the following are found in the Seismic Load Generation Details program output:

The symbols and equations are shown below:


V     - lateral seismic design force at base        W      - total seismic dead load
Fx    - lateral force applied to level analysed     Wi     - weight of level in sum
Wx    - portion of W assigned to level analysed     hx     - height of level analysed
Ta    - fundamental period of vibration in s        hi     - height of level in sum
F(T)  - site coefficient for spectral acceleration  hn     - height of top level
Fa    = F(0.2); used in IeFaSa(0.2) limit           Ft     - top floor force
S(T)  - design spectral response acceleration       Mv     - higher mode factor
Sa(T) - 5% damped spectral response acceleration    Ie     - importance factor
Rd    - ductility force modification factor         PGA    - peak ground acceleration
Ro    - overstrength force modification factor      PGAref - PGA used for F(T)
J     - overturning reduction coefficient at base   Jx     - J at level analysed


V = S(Ta) Mv Ie W / (Rd Ro)          
V max = max(2/3 S(0.2),S(0.5)) Ie W / (Rd Ro)
S(T) = Sa(T) F(T, PGAref, Site Class),(9)
Mv = Mv(Ta, SFRS, S(0.2)/S(5.0))     
Rd,Ro = Rd,Ro(Type of SFRS)          
Ta = 0.05 hn^(3/4), unless over-ridden
Ta max = 2.0 Ta calculated above     
PGAref = 0.8 PGA if Sa(0.2)/PGA < 2.0
Ft = 0.07 Ta V; Ft max = 0.25 V      
Fx = (V - Ft) Wx hx / SUM(Wi hi)     
J = J(Ta, SFRS, S(0.2)/S(5.0))       
Jx = J + (1 - J)(hx / 0.6 hn) if hx < 0.6 hn

In This Section

Base Shear V

HIgher Mode Factor Mv

Overturning Reduction Factor J

Base Shear Increase for 5- and 6-Storey Buildings

System Restrictions

Irregularity Analysis

Other Provisions

See Also

Seismic Load Generation

Building Masses

Seismic Site Information

Detailed Seismic Load Generation Output