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Tool Bar

Tool bar buttons are shortcuts for the most commonly used Menu Bar. There is a different Tool Bar for each of the design Modes. The Status Bar displays a brief description of each button as the mouse pointer passes over it.

Some buttons are grayed-out (not accessible) until enough data has been entered. For example, you cannot draw a beam until there are at least two columns to support it. Some buttons remain depressed to indicate what view you are currently in.

Moving the Tool Bar

Note that the Tool Bar can be moved from its normal docked position at the top of the main window. Place the mouse pointer in an area of the Tool Bar where there is no button. Now click and drag the mouse and the Tool Bar will move with the mouse. If you release the mouse button, the Tool Bar will be dropped at the current mouse position. If you drop it in the main window, the Tool Bar will become a floating window with a small title bar. Double-click the title bar and the Tool Bar will return to its previous docked position. You may dock the Tool Bar at window edge by dragging it to an edge and dropping it. The Tool Bar will align itself to the window edge - a horizontal bar will become a vertical bar at the left and right edges of the window. You may also drag a docked Tool Bar left-right or up-down along its window edge.