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Menus and Commands

The Menu Bar is directly below the WoodWorks Sizer title bar and contains the main command structure of Sizer. The Menu Bar content is dependent on which design Mode you are in. When you click on a Menu Bar command a drop down menu of additional items appears. Many menu items can be accessed directly by a Tool Bar button.

Many of the menu items will be grayed out and disabled until you have performed certain operations. For example, you cannot view Design Results unless you have used the Design Run command.

The Status Bar at the bottom of the window displays a brief description of each menu item if you hold the mouse button down over a menu item.

Hot Keys

All menu items have mnemonic keyboard shortcuts associated with them to speed up your work. For example, in Concept Mode you can create a gridpoint in Grid View then, without moving the cursor from the gridpoint, press Control-C to move to Column View and create a column at that point.

A more detailed description is provided for the following Menu Bar commands:




Edit (Concept Mode only)





In This Section

File Menu

Mode Menu

Menu: Settings Menu

Edit Menu

Design Menu

View Menu

Context Menus

See Also

Program Operation

File Extensions

Control Bars