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Edit Menu

Generate Grid

Choose this option to automatically generate gridlines at the current snap increment. For example, if the snap increment is 2 feet then a gridline will be created every 2 feet over the North-South and East-West viewing area. Existing gridlines will not be affected.


Choose Delete (or the keyboard Del key) to delete one or more selected items. Multiple items may be selected if, after selecting the first item, you keep the Ctrl key depressed while selecting other items.

Sizer will normally prevent you from deleting a member that supports another portion of the structure. You may override this feature with the Allow supporting members to be deleted option under the Preferences sheet of the Settings menu.

Select All

Use Select All to choose every item in the workspace. Any action you perform, such as Delete, will affect all the items on the screen.

See Also

Menus and Commands

File Menu

Mode Menu

Menu: Settings Menu

Design Menu

View Menu

Context Menus