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Save to Project File

Certain settings pertain to individual projects. When you open an existing file the settings in the opened file will become the current settings. Other settings are not dependent on the particular project, and will not be saved along with the data file.

Note that some settings are not in the Settings dialog box, the are in Beam View, Load View, or Column View because they are frequently used or they naturally group with other inputs in those views. For settings, an asterisk appears beside the inputs indicating a note which states that whether they are saved along with the project files. In general, all other inputs are saved to the project file, with the exceptions noted below.

The following lists all the Settings and settings-type data in terms of whether they can be saved are saved with the project file.

Saved along with Project File:

Project Information - All

Additional Design Notes - Does not save actual notes; saves which notes are active for that project.

Preferences Settings - None

Format Settings - Unit system, Allow input in ft, in, 16

View Options - All (View Area, Snap Increment, Display Option )

Design Settings - Ignore cantilever deflection, Lateral stability factor options, Options for bearing factor, Fire rating

Default Settings - Minimum bearing length options, Auto-eccentricity percentage

Beam and Column View - Span Type, Deflection limits, Load sharing/repetitive member, Service conditions, Treatment/Fire retardant, Lateral support conditions, All Support for bearing design info, Notch info, Built-up connection, Maximum lamination width, Fire endurance and no. of exposed sides, Floor vibration info, Use member width for Kzbg factor

Load View - Beam supports area loads from continuous joists, Point load as UDL (on a load-by-load basis), Concentrated live load, Self-weight (automatic or manual), Line loads applied over design span only, Column load face, Apply Auto-eccentricity, Live and snow loads on exterior surface, Importance category, Sustained live load type

Not Saved in with Project File:

Company Information - All

Preferences Settings - All

Format Settings - Imperial formatting, Font size, Print to fit

Default Settings - Default deflection limits

Design Settings - Report cantilever deflections separately

Beam and Column View - Default fire rating (the rating entered in beam view is saved)

Load View - Combine loads of same type in drawing

See Also

Menu: Settings Menu

Settings: Project Information

Settings: Company information

Settings: Preferences

Settings: Design

Settings: Default Values

Settings: Format

Settings: View

Settings: Design Notes

Save Default Settings

Reset Original Settings