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Settings: View

for Concept mode only, choose this menu item to set your preferences for:

Viewing Area

Set the extent of the visible viewing area with the North-South and East West fields. A zoomed-in effect is achieved with small extents and a zoomed-out effect is produced for large extents. The program automatically adjusts your extents to fit the aspect ratio of the monitor.

Snap Increment

Sizer will convert mouse input to the nearest value of the snap increment. For example, a snap increment of 50 cm will only produce gridlines at 50 cm intervals when you click in the work area.


Use the following check boxes to add more information to the work area display:

Snapped Coordinate

X, Y coordinates in Status Bar are rounded to nearest snap setting

Member Names

Display the name of each member

Group Names

Display the design group for each member

Gridpoint Elevations

Display +ve and -ve elevation offsets at gridpoints.

Save As Default

To save this information as a default to be used every time you open a new Sizer project file, check the Save as Default check box before exiting the Settings dialog box.

See Also

Menu: Settings Menu

Settings: Project Information

Settings: Company information

Settings: Preferences

Settings: Design

Settings: Default Values

Settings: Format

Settings: Design Notes

Save Default Settings

Reset Original Settings

Save to Project File