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Settings: Project Information

Choose Settings then the Project tab to enter four lines of data about the current project, for example the name, location, client, and job number.

This information is saved along with your project data file.

Member Description

All member files in a Project to share the same project description. The Member Description input in the Beam Input View provides a means to distinguishes individual beams or columns from the rest of the project. It appears in the output immediately before the Project Information.

Project Management

These settings also allow you to manage an open Project file as follows

Maximum number of files to open when opening project

When a project is opened through Open or Open Project it also opens up files in the project. The number of files that a project can open is set in the Maximum number of files to open when opening project spin control. The upper limit of the maximum number of files to open is 30.

Project List

This multi-select list box that allows you view files in the project, as well as files that do not have a file location and are unsaved.

First listed are files that have been previously saved to disk and have a file location. The rules of how this file is displayed are as follows:

Next listed are files that are new files that have not been saved to disk (and thus do not have a file location). These files are displayed with the title of the document, e.g. Beam 1, enclosed in square brackets [].

Since this list box allows the selection of multiple items, operations related to managing a project can be applied to multiple files at a time.

Remove from Project

This button is enabled only when there is an item selected in the Project Description list box. For each file that is selected in the list box it will:

Close each file, prompting only if it has been modified, the same as Close File behavior as in g)ii.

For each file closed this way, the file will also be removed from the project. Note that new files that have not yet been saved will simply be closed (since they were never part of the project).

If the you click ‘Cancel’ in any of the prompts, the process of removing from the project will halt.


This button is enabled only when there is an item selected in the Project Description list box. For each file that is selected in the list box it will open each file if the file has not yet already been opened.

The first file that is selected in the list box (that is, the topmost file), regardless of whether or not it was opened prior to the user clicking on the open button, will be activated.


This button is enabled only when there is an item selected in the Project Description list box and that is also open (this can either be a file marked with a * or a file enclosed in square brackets []).

For each file that is selected in the list box, it will close each file, prompting only if it has been modified, the same as Close File behavior as described in the File Menu.

If you click ‘Cancel’ in any of the prompts, the process of closing files from the project will halt.

See Also

Menu: Settings Menu

Settings: Company information

Settings: Preferences

Settings: Design

Settings: Default Values

Settings: Format

Settings: View

Settings: Design Notes

Save Default Settings

Reset Original Settings

Save to Project File