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Settings: Company information

Choose Settings… then the Company tab to enter a company logo and/or four lines of data about your company, for example the name, address, phone and e-mail address.


The logo appears in the enhanced Design Check output. The four line company information input appear in all text output files other than the enhanced design check, and in the enhanced design check if a logo is not found.

The image file types that you are able to enter for a logo are a JPEG, GIF, BMP, or PNG files

Save as Default

To save this information as a default to be used every time you open a new Sizer project file, check the Save as Default check box before exiting the Settings dialog box.

See Also

Menu: Settings Menu

Settings: Project Information

Settings: Preferences

Settings: Design

Settings: Default Values

Settings: Format

Settings: View

Settings: Design Notes

Save Default Settings

Reset Original Settings

Save to Project File