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Menu: Settings Menu

Use these menu items to change default settings for Sizer. You can save your changes for future sessions or use them just for the current session.


Save as default

Restore 'factory'

To view or edit Sizer's settings (preferences, options, and default values) , press Change... in the Settings menu, and a tabbed dialog box with the following tabs will appear :

Company Information

Project Information


Design Notes



View (Concept mode only)

Changing any of the settings works for the current session only. If you want the new settings to be active for new files that you subsequently open, you must press Settings|Save as default.

Certain of the settings pertain to individual projects and are saved along with the project file, and will be active the next time you open that project . See Settings|Save as default for more information.

In This Section

Settings: Project Information

Settings: Company information

Settings: Preferences

Settings: Design

Settings: Default Values

Settings: Format

Settings: View

Settings: Design Notes

Save Default Settings

Reset Original Settings

Save to Project File

See Also

Menus and Commands

File Menu

Mode Menu

Edit Menu

Design Menu

View Menu

Context Menus