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View Menu

The contents of this menu are mode dependent. Most items can be accessed directly by a Tool Bar button. The Status Bar displays an appropriate description when you click and hold the mouse button down over a menu item.

Concept Mode

Elevation View

View a cross-sectional view of the building structure at a particular gridline. If one gridline is selected in the Grid View, then that will be the gridline, otherwise Sizer will display the first N-S gridline. You can then view other gridlines by selecting them in Grid View, or by using the right mouse button context menu in Elevation View. Building members that are on the selected gridlines are shown in red, others are shown in light gray.

Reactions at Base

When selected, the program replaces the view for the currently selected input action with one that graphically displays all walls and columns that start at ground level, and shows the unfactored reactions at base for each load type separately. If there are uplift reactions, it also shows the largest combined factored uplift reaction for all load combinations.

Results by Group

These design results show the suggested sections for each design group for a given structure after Sizer has designed them, and the design performance for the critical members in each group with respect to its critical design criterion. These are always generated, and displayed immediately after a design run is made.

Results by Member

Each member is listed in a table that displays how it performed with respect to various design criteria (bending, shear, deflection, axial, and fire endurance). You can view the performance of each member sized individually, or a design check on each member having the size designed for the group. You can enable or disable these features in the Settings Preferences tab.

Materials List

All the materials used in the structure are listed in a table, organized by group. The table includes the number of pieces for each length of the material, area of floors, roofs and walls, total length of joist trimmers and wall plates.

Grid, Column, Wall, Beam, Joist, and Load View

These items, and their associated Tool Bar buttons, allow you to switch views to display and input the various building elements described in How To Create a Structure.

Beam and Column Modes

Beam or Column

If you are in Load View or viewing Design Results, this menu item and Tool Bar button returns you to the work area for input of beam or column data.


If you are in Beam View or Column View, or viewing Design Results, this menu item and Tool Bar button sends you to the work area for input of loads on the beam or column

Points of Interest

This menu item returns you to the Points of Interest work area.

Design Results

These results display a table showing all the suggested sections that meet the design criteria, and their design responses with respect to the Axial, Bending, Shear, Displacement and Fire Endurance criteria.

Analysis Results

These results are presented in tables showing such things as the maximum shears and bending moments, and the reactions at supports for each load combination.

Design Check

These results are presented when a specific section has been selected for a design check and provides more detailed design results for that section. It includes such things as the resistive shear and bending moment for the selected section.

Enhanced Output

If you set this menu item, the design check results are presented in attractive graphical format with a picture of a beam, bearing information directly below the supports, a WoodWorks logo and your company logo, formatted tables.


This menu item displays reactions, bending moments, shear and deflection diagrams based on the current analysis results.

All Modes

Data Bar, Tool Bar, and Status Bar

These items allow you to show or hide these screen elements. They can be useful to retrieve a free-floating Tool Bar or Data Bar that you have inadvertently closed by clicking the x in the corner.

See Also

Menus and Commands

File Menu

Mode Menu

Menu: Settings Menu

Edit Menu

Design Menu

Context Menus