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Design Menu

Level… (Concept Mode only)

Design Groups…(Concept Mode only)


Performs a structural analysis and design and displays the results. Corresponds to the Design button on the Tool Bar

Open as Text File

Program opens and displays in Notepad the output file that is showing in the currently active Sizer window. This file can then be saved to any location on the computer, and can also be converted to other formats such as Word documents or .rtf . The output files that can be opened in this way are

.wd Concept Mode design summary by group

.wdm Concept Mode design summary by member

.wml Concept Mode materials list

.wbd Beam Mode design summary

.wbc Beam Mode code check

.wba Beam Mode analysis output

.wcd Column Mode design summary

.wcc Column Mode code check

.wca Column Mode analysis output

See Also

Menus and Commands

File Menu

Mode Menu

Menu: Settings Menu

Edit Menu

View Menu

Context Menus