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Context Menus

Small popup menus appear next to the cursor when the right mouse button is clicked in any graphical or text view. These menus contain some useful Menu Bar items for which there are no Tool Bar buttons. In addition, these menus contain several new features designed to speed up your work.

Concept Mode

Up or a level:

Moves you from a lower level to one level higher. Repeated selections allow you to move up the entire building.

Down or a level:

Moves you from a upper level to one level lower. Repeated selections allow you to move down the entire building.

Next, Previous Gridline:

In Elevation View the cross section at the adjacent gridline to the one you are currently seeing, in the same grid direction.

First N-S Gridline, First E-W Gridline:

In Elevation View, this feature allows you to change the grid direction of the cross sections you are viewing. You can then use Next or Previous Gridline to go to the one you want.

Tile With Elevation View, Tile With Grid View:

Tiles the Plan View window (with the Grid button pressed) and the Elevation View window, so that you can see both views simultaneously. You can select new Plan View gridlines and see the cross section in Elevation View or add new building members and see their profile.

View Options

Equivalent to Settings | Change | View Tab, allows you to quickly change your viewing area or snap increments.

Menu Bar Items

File Save, File Print, File Print Preview, View Design Results, View Reactions at Base, View Materials List.

Beam and Column Modes

When the right mouse button is clicked on any of the diagrams, text output, or graphics, a context menu appears with the File Save, File Print, and File Print Preview menu items.