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Settings: Format

Choose Settings|Change… then the Format tab to set your preferences for:

Unit System

Select either Metric or Imperial (English) units.

Imperial (English) Formatting

Distances such as elevations, member lengths and positions can be displayed in decimal feet, feet and decimal inches or feet and fractional inches.

Section bxd: (section width and depth) may be displayed in decimal or fractional inches.

Force: Point loads and axial loads on columns can be input in lbs or kips. Note that text output is in kips regardless of the input format. Also, line loads and area loads are always in plf and psf, respectively.

Print to Fit on One Page

This option automatically reduces the printing font until the output fits on a single page. Note that this feature is bypassed if the font size required is less than 4 pt.

Font Size

The font size can be set independently for printing or displaying on the screen, and for results text output or diagram text.

You may want to reduce clutter on diagrams by specifying a small font, while maintaining a larger font for viewing text results. However, a smaller font on printed text results sometimes enhances readability by making the results more compact.

Note that the printed results font size setting can be overridden by the Print to Fit option described above.

Allow span, load input in 16ths

Allows you to input spans and load start and end locations in the 6 digit format with the first two digits representing feet, the second two representing inches, and the third two representing 16ths of an inch, eg 120608 for 12' 6-1/2".

Save as Default

To save this information as a default to be used every time you open a new Sizer project file, check the Save as Default check box before exiting the Settings dialog box.

See Also

Menu: Settings Menu

Settings: Project Information

Settings: Company information

Settings: Preferences

Settings: Design

Settings: Default Values

Settings: View

Settings: Design Notes

Save Default Settings

Reset Original Settings

Save to Project File