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Program Operation

Important Note – These are descriptions to changes implemented in WoodWorks Sizer for version 10.1 and may not reflect current program behaviour.

  1. Update of Default Deflection Limits (Bug 3331)

    Starting with version 10, changing the Deflection Limits in the Default settings with the Save as default box checked had no effect - when a new file is created it did not have the updated deflection limits. This has been corrected.

  2. Beam View Bearing Length Input

    The following problems affecting the operation beam view bearing length input in conjunction with the minimum bearing length design setting have been corrected:

    1. Default Minimum Bearing Length after Change in Unit System (Bug 3343)

      The program sometimes opened with the minimum bearing length for both interior and end supports set to an unreasonably high value.

      This happened if you had switched unit systems then accessed the Default setting pages when Save as Default was set, which it is by default.

      It could also happen when a member was imported from Concept mode with different units than the beam file.

    2. Minimum Bearing Length for Floor or Roof Panels (Changes 1,1b,1c)

      For floor or roof panels, when the default minimum bearing length is changed in the Default settings to a value greater than the bearing length in Beam view, the program, updated the minimum bearing length in beam view to 1.5" and 3" for exterior and interior supports, respectively, The warning message saying the input value had changed also displayed the incorrect value. The program now updates the bearing length input and the warning message as per default settings input.

    3. Bearing Length Update on Change of Member Type (Change 1a)

      Upon changing member type in beam mode, the program modified the bearing length as follows:

      If using millimetres, the internal bearing length value would be divided by 1000 as if it were converting to metres.

      If using inches, the bearing length would be divided by 12 as if converting to feet.

      This only happened when changing the member type to and from beam, joist and panel types not when changing type between floor and roof panels or joists.

      Sizer no longer modifies bearing length in this way when the member type is changed

  3. Support for Bearing Design in Column Mode (Change 97)

    Starting with version 10, in Column mode, the program reset all the inputs in the Support for Bearing Design data group to default values upon changing the main member Grade or Depth. This no longer happens.

  4. Reversal of Unknown Bearing Length Buttons (Bug 3349)

    The functionality of the 2nd and 3rd radio buttons under For unknown bearing length… in the Supports for bearing and notch design of Beam view were reversed. Selecting Round minimum to closest invoked the functionality for From list of bearing length choices and vice-versa.

    Also, when a saved file was opened the selected button was from the other of the two choices than that saved.

  5. Default KB Factor Design Setting (Change 16)

    The Design Setting Apply KB … if Mf/Mr is less than… is now retained when you save your project file. Previously the program assumed a default value when file was re-opened.

  6. 20% CLT Vibration Span Increase for Roof Panels (Change 20)

    The Beam view input for selecting the 20% non-structural element vibration span increase (O86 A.8.5.3) for multi-span CLT members is now disabled for roof panels as it applies only to floor panels.

  7. Layers Input for CLT Wall Panels (Change 24a)

    In Column mode, for CLT wall panels, the data group containing the layers input is renamed CLT layup instead of Built-up members, and the label Layers has been repositioned. The Connection input has been removed as it is not relevant to CLT.

  8. Steel Beam Mass Unit Conversion Upon Reopening File (Bug 3371)

    The Mass input in Beam View for steel beams changed from Imperial units to the metric equivalent when the file was closed then reopened within a Sizer session. The program was then unable to design the beam, showing a failure warning message. This did not occur when the project file is first opened. It has been corrected.

  9. Steel Mass Input Operation (Change 34)

    For steel beams, the program occasionally displayed the depth of the beam instead of the mass of the beam in the Mass to dropdown box in the Beam input view. This has been corrected.

  10. Steel Mass Unit Label in Input (Change 26)

    For steel beams, the units shown beside the Mass input in Beam view were truncated, e.g. kg/ appeared instead of kg/m. This happened for both metric and imperial units and has been corrected.

  11. Update of Hanger Resistance on Change of Unit System (Change 69)

    The resistance shown under Hanger options for Simpson hangers now updates immediately when the unit system is changed; previously it updated when another input operation was made.

  12. Addition of b and d Symbols to Width and Depth Input (Change 28)

    In Beam and Column views, the symbols b and d have been added to the Width and Depth inputs so they are now Width (b) and Depth (d).

  13. Glulam Lamination Width Input (Change 64)

    The data group title for glulam lamination width input has been changed from


    In beam mode to,

    Glulam lamination width for Kzbg and Notch Ff,

    and in column mode,

    Glulam lamination width for Kzbg

    and the check box has been changed from

    Use member width for Kzbg and notch Ff (beam mode) or Use member width for Kzbg (column mode)


    Always use member width.
    This is because both inputs are used for the size factor Kzbg from O86 and fracture shear strength Ff. from

  14. Lateral Support Image in Beam View Input (Change 2b)

    The small image in the Beam view input showing lateral support has been changed. It now shows the lateral supports as pieces of strapping rather than red lines.

  15. Link to Video Tutorials in Help Menu (Change 12)

    An item Video Tutorials has been added to the Help menu for the link  which goes to the WoodWorks video tutorials on the CWC website, where you will find numerous Sizer tutorials.

  16. Logo Instructions in Company Settings (Bug 3374)

    The instructions regarding entering a logo in the Company settings input now say …enhanced Design Check output instead of …enhanced text output, as “text output” could refer to other output reports.

  17. Deflection Limit Title in Default Values (Change 37)

    In the Default Settings the data box title Default deflection limits has been changed to Default deflection limits = L/ .

  18. Capitalization of Unknown Bearing Length Input (Change 51)

    The Beam view input choices under For unknown bearing length… now capitalize only the first word in each option, in accordance with all other Sizer input.

  19. Capitalization of Preference Setting (Change 50)

    In Settings, under Preferences the checkbox named Show Loads view in a pop-up window now reads Show Loads View in a pop-up window. The change is from the lower-case v to upper case V in View.

See Also

Sizer 10.1

Engineering Design

Materials and Database

Loads and Load Analysis


Text Output

WoodWorks Database Editor