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Important Note – These are descriptions to changes implemented in WoodWorks Sizer for version 10.1 and may not reflect current program behaviour.

  1. Missing Concentrated Live Loads in Load Drawing (Bug 3403)

    Starting with version 10, concentrated loads no longer appeared in the load diagram.

    In the drawing the other loads they were adjusted to accommodate the greater magnitude of the concentrated load, however. 

    This has been corrected.

  2. Critical Shear Diagram for 90-degree Oblique Angle (Bug 3410)

    For beams loaded at an oblique angle of 90 degrees, in the Analysis Diagram, for Critical Results, the shear diagram was blank and did not show a shear graph. The 90-degree graphs appear for other load combinations, the critical results appear for all other angles. The critical results now appear for 90 degrees.

  3. Lateral Support Symbols

    The following changes were made to the drawing of lateral supports in the beam drawing that appears in beam view and in the output reports.

    1. Bottom Lateral Supports for Multi-Span Beams. (Change 62)

      The first bottom lateral support symbol was not being drawn for interior spans of multi-span members. This symbol now appears.

    2. Lateral Support at Supports (Change 2c)

      In the Beam view drawing, when there is no lateral support other than at end supports, the program did not show the lateral support symbols at supports, even though these symbols are shown at supports when there is intermediate lateral support. The program now shows lateral support at supports in all circumstances.

  4. Analysis Diagram Improvements (Change 9)

    The following improvements were made in Analysis diagrams.

  5. Unit Label in Column Drawing (Change 10)

    In the drawing of negatively side-loaded columns, the unit label (kN/m or plf) for applied load was overwritten over the left end of the scale line near 0. Sizer now clearly prints it to the right of the negative scale line.

  6. Lateral Supports for Long Beams in Drawing (Change 63)

    For beams longer than 30 feet, lateral support symbols were drawn past the end of the beam. This has been corrected.

See Also

Sizer 10.1

Engineering Design

Materials and Database

Loads and Load Analysis

Program Operation

Text Output

WoodWorks Database Editor