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Rolling Shear Resistance

For CLT design, rolling shear in the transverse layers is assumed to govern over longitudinal shear. Refer to O86 Figure 8.1 for a depiction of rolling shear.

From O86, rolling shear resistance Vr is

Vr = 2 f Fs Ag/3


Note that for simplicity, the subscripts "f" for flatwise and 0 or 90 indicating panel direction that are used in the O86 have been dropped here.

This method conservatively assumes that the maximum shear in the member cross section occurs in a transverse layer, where rolling shear governs, as rolling shear strength Fs is typically much lower than shear strength Fv. For custom CLT materials with higher Fs than Fv, it is recommended to enter the Fv value in the database as Fs.

This method yields the same shear resistance values Vr given in APA PRG 320 Table A-2.

Fire Design

The full residual section is used in the calculation of the gross cross-sectional area, except that it does not include final partially charred layer if is transverse to the axis of loading.

See Also

CLT Design

Strength Properties

Effective Stiffness EIeff

Bending Moment Resistance

Axial Design for Wall Panels

Effective Shear Modulus GAeff

Floor Vibration