In beam view, and in the Concept mode groups dialogs, the program allows you to input live, permanent, and total deflection limits based on ratio of span length, and optionally a single absolute limit in inches or mm, for each project. These limits apply to the current project only.
In addition, there is a Default Values Setting that allows you to specify the default limits that appear for new files, or upon change in member type, for each deflection criterion and each type of member.
"Factory" Defaults
The default limits when the program is shipped or the limits are reset are as follows
The sources for these recommended deflection limits are:
Absolute Deflection
Sizer allows you to enter an absolute limit for the amount the member can deflect, that is independent of the span length, for those situations in which movement of cladding or other non-structural elements must be confined to a certain value. If this is limitproves to be more less than the live, permanent or total deflection limit based on span length, the program checks the deflection criteria based on it and output shows this limit rather than the one based on span length in the output.