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Other Modification Factors

Service Condition Factors KS

In Sizer, SCL is required to be used in dry service conditions, the Service Conditions input is disabled and the service condition factor KS = 1.0 for all design criteria.

Treatment Factor KT

Sizer has not implemented any proprietary treatment specifications, the Treatment input is disabled and the treatment factor KT = 1.0 for all design criteria.

System Factor KH

The KH system factor for SCL used in a load sharing system as defined for other materials is 1.04. This applies to SCL members used as joists and spaced within 610 mm, and built-up beams with 3 or more members. Note that many SCL materials do not allow this factor for field-assembled built-up members, so the default is not to apply the factor, and a cautionary note appears in the output if it is applied.

Length of bearing factor, KB

The length of bearing factor KB is implemented for SCL using Clause as for all other materials.

Lateral stability factor KL

The lateral stability factor KL is implemented for SCL, as per O86 Clause

Slenderness factor Kc

The equation for computing the slenderness factor used in the calculation of KL is identical to that for sawn lumber and glulam, except that the value of E05 is taken as .87.

See Also

SCL Design

Allowable Configurations

Strength and Resistance

Size Factors