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Fire Resistance Parameters

Under the specification of the beam or column materials, the program shows the user input fire endurance, the no. of exposed sides, and fire protection, if applicable.

Design Results

In the table showing the design results for the various criteria, the program repeats the lines for shear, bending, axial, and axial + bending design under a subtitle "Fire", giving the analysis value using fire loads analysis, resistance using reduced cross section, and the ratio between them.

Modification Factors

The FACTORS table of the Design Results has lines for Fv, Fb, Fc and Ft with the word (fire) beside them.

Critical Load Combinations

The load combinations used for fire design appear in the CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS section if the Design Results, with the word (fire). These show 1.0 for all load factors.


The CALCULATIONS section of the Design Results shows residual section size, char rate, Kfi factor, resistance factor φ, fire protection duration.

Analysis Results

In the list of load combinations in the Analysis Results, the symbol (f) is placed beside fire load combinations.

See Also

CSA O86 Annex B for Beams and Columns


Loads Analysis
