When a concept mode file from a certain older version of Sizer, we are not sure which, was opened with version 9.x, a dead load factor of zero was registered so that all dead loads were ignored. This has been corrected.
Triangular joist areas in concept mode without any dead loads, and for which self-weight is set to Manual input , were causing Sizer to crash when designing or exporting a member that is below the triangular joist area in the building.
When a member supports a joist area such that one end of the transferred reaction is positive (gravity) and the other end of the load is negative (uplift), and the reaction load does not start at the beginning of the supporting member, the two triangular loads created (positive and negative) were not positioned correctly. This has been corrected.
When a column is close to the intersection of two beams, one of which supports the column, sometimes the program identified the other beam as the support. This has been corrected.