The executable installation file, WoodWorksCanada2020.exe, checks for needed components on the computer, then calls the installation file, with extension .msi, that is contained within WoodWorksCanada2020.exe. If you are a system administrator and want to install WoodWorks on multiple computers at once, you will ordinarily need to invoke only the .msi file.
Regarding needed components, if the users’ computers do not already have the 2015 or later version of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.dll files in the Windows System folder, either from a previous installation or installation of other programs, then install WoodWorks on one computer then copy the file vcredist.x86.exe from the WoodWorks installation folder file to any location on the client computers, then run it.
The command line options when running the .msi file, such as the Quiet or Silent options, that suppress the user interface of a manual installation do not suppress the dialog box that appears asking you whether you want to retain your settings and database files. To ensure that this dialog box doesn’t appear, you must first install Woodworks on one computer, and when the Installation Options dialog comes up, set the options you want on all the computers and check Save selection for future installations. This will create a file called WoodWorksInstallationConfiguration.txt in the ProgramData folder of that computer, or
Then, if WoodWorks has never been installed on the users’ computers, create the same folder on their computers. In any case, copy the WoodWorksInstallationConfiguration file to the folder on the users’ computers. The installations on the users’ computers will find the file and apply the options without displaying the dialog box.
Finally, there are two options for running the installation via the .msi file on the users’ computers to install WoodWorks:
1. On the command line, run the Woodworks installation file as follows
WoodWorksUSA2023.exe /c:"cmd.exe /c WoodWorksUSA2023.msi"
The command line options for running .msi files with the "msiexec" command, such as the Quiet or Silent options, can be placed after the call to WoodWorksCanada2020.msi.
2. Contact for the .msi file and invoke it from the command line using msiexec.
In the future, when upgrading to version 14 or later, it will not be necessary to recreate this file unless you want to change the options. The program will look in the version 13 folder if it doesn’t find it in the version 13 folder.
If you wish to distribute License Server IDs and/or set the License Management settings for each computer automatically, refer to License Deployment.