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License Deployment

If your license is to be used by several users on multiple computers who are in a license pool, you can distribute the License Server ID to each computer, so that each user does not have to enter it upon running the program. You can also set the license options for each user and specify whether users can change them.

The first step is to create a License.xml file that contains the License Server ID and License Management settings. An example of this file contains


<Field value="999ZZZ99ZZ99" name="CLSID"/>

<Field name="BorrowInterval" DisplayUnits="DAYS" VALUE="259200"/>

<Field name="ReleaseOnExit" VALUE="Always"/>


The number after "Field value" is the License Server ID. The borrow interval display units indicate how the time interval is measured on the users computer, and can be DAYS or HOURS. The borrow interval VALUE is always measured in seconds, so the 259200 shown here is 3 days. 1 hour would be 3600. The release on exit VALUE is either Always, Never, or Prompt, indicating that the program always releases the license on exit, never does, or asks you every time.

Once this file is created, it is distributed to all the computers that will be running WoodWorks® under that License Server ID. If you want users to be able to change their License Management settings or their License Server ID, then the License.xml file should be placed in the Program Data folder:


If you do not want users to be able to change their License Management Settings and their Licenses Server ID, then the License.xml file should be placed in the WoodWorks installation folder. The default installation folder is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Woodworks\USA 2023\[Program name]

Program name is Sizer, Shearwalls, or Connections.

See Also

For Systems Administrators

Network Installations

Deployment on Multiple Computers