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Bending Moment Resistance for FIre Reduced Sections

From CLT Handbook 8,, the bending moment calculation for for fire-reduced sections is modified as follows:

Final charred layer

The depth used in the calculation of effective section modulus Seff does not include the final partially charred layer on the exposed side if is transverse to the axis of loading.

Calculation of Seff

The calculation of Seff considers the change in the location of the neutral axis as follows, from CLT Handbook, chapter 8, section, equation 13:

Seff = (EI)eff / E ( hf – ỹ)


Adjustment Factor

The fire adjustment factor of 2.85 from NDS Table 16.2.2 is applied.

See Also

PRG 320 Table A-2 and O86 - Bending Moment Resistance