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PRG 320 Table A-2 and O86 - Bending Moment Resistance

The factored bending moment resistance for the major axis strength direction is

M’ = 0.85 CD Ct (FbS)eff,f,0

and for the minor axis direction is

M’ = CD Ct (FbS)eff,f,90,

where the values of (FbS)eff are those listed in table A-2 of the PRG 320. For custom CLT materials, and for fire design, (FbS) eff is calculated using O86

(FbS) eff = α Fb Seff


Seff = 2 (EI)eff / E h


Note that the CLT Handbook Chapter 3, Section 2.1, Equations 1 and 2 for transverse loading uses the full panel loading depth rather then the reduced depth, and the Fb of the outermost layer rather than the transverse layers. The CSA method was used because that is the approach used to generate (FbS)eff in the current PRG 320.

For fire reduced sections, refer to CLT Handbook 8, - Bending Moment for FIre Reduced Sections

In This Section

Bending Moment Resistance for FIre Reduced Sections

See Also

CLT Design

PRG 320 Table A-1 - Strength Properties

Effective Stiffness EIeff

PRG 320 Table A-2 and O86 - Shear Resistance

CLT Handbook 8, - Axial Design for Wall Panels

Effective Shear Modulus GAeff

Floor Vibration