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NDS Provisions

Construction Loads

All live Loads are Construction Loads

To allow for construction loads (duration factor 1.25) which are a variety of live loads (duration factor 1.0) in terms of load combinations in ASCE 7 2.4, a checkbox indicates all live loads are construction loads. It is it impossible to model construction loads and occupancy live loads simultaneously, except for roof live loads.

This setting can be saved as default for new member files and saved for each member file. The default value is that it is not checked.

All Roof live Loads are Construction Loads

NDS Commentary C2.3.2 indicates that it is conventional practice to consider a roof live load as a construction load for which the 1.25 load duration factor applies, so it is in fact necessary to allow both construction roof live loads and occupancy live loads on the structure at the same time.

Sizer therefore has a check box "All roof live loads are construction loads" which allows roof live loads to be treated as construction loads even when live loads on other parts of the structure are not.

This setting can be saved as default for new member files and saved for each member file. The default value is that it is not checked.

Long Term Factor from NDS 3.5.2

This setting allows you to apply a creep factor according to NDS 3.5.2 to the dead load component of total deflection. It applies to all load combinations except the counteracting uplift combination .6D + W.

This setting can be saved as default for new member files, and is saved for each member file. The default value depends on the service conditions set in Beam view -the user default for dry conditions, 2.0 for wet conditions. The factory default is to apply a 1.5 factor for dry conditions.

Load Duration factors

Set the load factors for each type that apply to your jurisdiction. The default values are those recommended in NDS Table 2.3.2.

This setting can be saved as default for new member files, and is saved for each member file.

See Also

Application of Design Code Provisions

IBC Provisions

ASCE 7 Provisions