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Error Messages

WoodWorks Sizer provides a large number of error, warning, and informational messages while you are defining the structure and running a design. These messages have been expanded and improved upon for Sizer, and should be self explanatory in most cases. The following messages, however, require some additional explanation.

Cannot use a beam with identical load transfer number as support

This error will occur in Concept Mode when you are attempting to frame one beam into another and both have been assigned the same Design Group. What you must do is assign the supported beam a higher load transfer number so that Sizer will understand that the load is transferred from that beam to the beam supporting it.

To assign a different Design Group, click the Group button. Proceed to add a new a new Design Group, making sure that this group has a higher load transfer number than the previous one. Click Save. Specify the supported beam to belong to this new Design Group. You should now be able to frame the supported beam into the supporting beam.

Member x acts as an obstruction below wall y that cannot be used as a support.

Sizer no longer allows a wall to slice down through beams, other walls, and joist areas that do not meet the support conditions for walls. If you get this error and don't know why the member is obstructing the wall, view the structure in Elevation View to see the member in question, and refer to Wall SupportsWallSupports to find out why it cannot be a support for the wall.

Errors when trying to create a joist area

Sizer now gives you the reason that a joist area cannot be created, rather than the generic message Not enough - too many supports. Complete explanations of the criteria that need to be met to create and support joist areas are found in Create Joist Areas and Joist Supports

Members no longer properly supported

When you press the Design button or try to transfer members from Concept Mode to Beam or Column Mode, you may be told that a design cannot be performed because a member is not properly supported. This can occur when you add an additional support to a member after it has been created, you have temporarily deleted a support, or you have added a member between the top of a wall and its previous support that obstructs it. You must take the appropriate action to support the member properly before proceeding with your design or transfer.

Database file for selected material was not found

Sizer was not able to open a database file for a material that was referenced in a WoodWorks Sizer data file. The file may have been deleted from your system, or moved to another directory..You must reinstall WoodWorks Sizer to get the database file if you cannot find it.

It may not be immediately apparent which database that this message is referring to. Look in the WOODWORK.INI file in the same directory as Sizer.EXE for a list of material databases, and make sure that you have all these database files in the same directory

Database file x for selected material y was not found

Sizer was not able to open a database file for a material that was referenced in a WoodWorks Sizer data file. The file may have been deleted from your system, or moved to another directory. You must reinstall WoodWorks Sizer to get the database file if you cannot find it.

Database file x for material y is not available

A material that was referenced in WoodWorks Sizer data file is no longer listed in the WOODWORK.INI file as an active database. You close WoodWorks Sizer, then open WoodWorks Database Editor, then reactivate the file in question.