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CSA O86 Provision Options

Use O86 (b) for glulam shear design

This setting allows you to use CSA O86 (b) for instead of (a) for shear design of beams less than 2 m3 in volume as per the note to (a). It also allows you to use whichever of these provides an advantage.

Apply KB factor if Mr/Mf is less than...

The program allows you to quantify the application of the bearing area factor KB to areas of high bending stress according to CSA O86, by specifying the ratio of bending stress to bending resistance Mf/Mr that the cannot be exceeded if the factor is applied.

This setting applies to all materials except I joists. For interior supports with bearing lengths less than 150 mm and without high bending stresses, the bearing capacity can be multiplied by a factor KB which depends on the bearing length (O86

The design setting indicates the value of bending stress at an interior support below which the length of bearing factor will be applied. The program will determine the maximum stress the load combination being design for bearing length, and will apply the length of bearing factor only if the bending stress is below this value.

You can set the maximum bending stress to 0 to disable the application of the KB factor. You can set it to 1 to apply the factor in all circumstances (not recommended).

Use beam and stringer grades for post and timber sizes

This setting allows you to override the post and timber grade values in Table 6.7 with the beam and stringer values in Table 6.6, as the note 2 in table 6.7 allows, based on the posts having been graded to beam and stringer rules.

Include secondary moment 1 / (1 - Pf/PE) ...

By unchecking this, Sizer does not include the effects of the secondary moment 1 / (1 - Pf/PE) in the combined axial and bending interaction equation in CSA 086 6.5.9. Since this is mandated by the design code, it is not recommended to turn it off and Sizer issues a warning in the output if design is performed with the secondary moment excluded. This setting has been retained in the program for those users who wish to see the effect of the secondary moment.

See Also

Settings: Design

Design Codes and Standards

Deflection Options

Beam Stability Factor

Fire Design


SCL Shear Deflection