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Weak Axis Glulam Design

For oblique angle beams and columns loaded on the d-face, the program performs y-axis (parallel to laminations) glulam bending design according to O86 7.5.3, which states that the member should be designed as a built-up beam of No 2. grade sawn lumber members.

The thickness of these members for computation of the size factor Kzb is assumed to be 38 mm; the depth of the member is the glulam member width. In computing the size factor from O86 Table 6.4.5 the program interpolates between the depths shown in the Larger Dimension column, as these are based on standard timber depths, not standard glulam widths. According to the Commentary to O86 7.5. this method of glulam design is already conservative due to the assumption of #2 grade lumber and the effect of the glue bond, and we did not want to introduce further conservatism in the determination of the size factor.

The program assumes full composite action for calculation of the lateral stability factor KL , in other words, the Design setting indicating whether single-ply or full member width is used is not applied and the full depth of the glulam member is always used as the b value for KL calculations in O86

The system factor KH of 1.1 is applied to y-axis bending strength for glulam members 76 mm deep or greater, as per O86 for built-up beams.

Weak axis deflection is determined by the vector sum of deflections in the two directions.

See Also

Glulam Design

Shear Design

Bending Moment Design

Fire Design